Once upon a time … a story that did not answer the old, yet tried and tested adage that is “If it sounds too good to be true, it is”.
This story is that of colloidal silver. Unparalleled bactericide, germicide par excellence, natural antibiotic, colloidal silver is the source of several “miraculous” cures that skeptics are not ready to accept. And yet the facts speak for themselves. To be cured of hepatitis, cancer, a bad flu or a skin condition? The answer lies under the lid of a small opaque bottle whose aqueous solution contains silver ions and tiny particles of silver called colloidal, that is to say in suspension. Colloidal silver kills over 650 species of microbes , viruses, bacteria, parasites, molds, fungi and mycoplasmas, some in just minutes. All without any known harmful side effects? Let’s goso ! It would be too good to be true.
I warned you.
And that’s not all.
The preparation of this substance does not require a laboratory, nor extensive knowledge of chemistry or pharmacology. Everything can be prepared with instruments and a technique whose simplicity is disconcerting. No wonder the pharmaceutical cartel prohibits its sale in several countries and that no “official” research has been funded by the said group. It is far better for their profits that this information is as little known as possible. So it’s up to us to play.
The use of money to treat illnesses, burns, wounds and other joys of bodily life is not recent. Colloidal silver is not a new treatment or a recent discovery, it is rather a “grandmother’s remedy”, provided that this grandmother lived in a very distant time. Since ancient times, and perhaps even before, silver was already known for its germicidal and bactericidal properties. Here’s what Frank Goldman says in his book A Secret Weapon Against Disease: Colloidal Silver:
It was used in utensils intended for children in order toprotect them against diseases whose origin was not known at that time. The expression “Being born with a silver spoon in your mouth” comes from this phenomenon, its recent use as an indication of wealth is only a consequence. The Venetians carried water, wine and vinegar in silver tanks to preserve them; During the conquest of the American West, the pioneers protected their reserves of water, milk and food by placing silver coins in their bottles, barrels or containers to preserve their freshness. Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) carried his water in silver containers. Food for the aristocrats was served on platters of pure silver; they ate with silver utensils and drank their drinks fromsilver cups .
The medical use of silver has a long tradition, the Macedonians placed silver plaques on wounds to aid in their healing. Ancient Greece knows the height of phytotherapy in the time of Hippocrates (460-370 BC), who described more than 230 medicinal plants in his work “Corpus Hippocraticum”, a science to which he had been initiated by his father, Heraclides . He developed and practiced it as a traveling physician during his travels in Asia Minor and Greece, and at this time he taught his disciples that silver flower (extra fine powder) healed ulcerated wounds. .
Many physicians, alchemists, as Pliny (78 after JC), Gerber (702-765), Avicenna (980-1037, Paracelsus (1493-1541) advised the medical use of money.
In the Middle Ages, Arab doctors used money to treat palpitations and fluid retention. For the alchemists, money corresponded to the moon (macrocosm) and the head (microcosm), so it was administered to madmen and epileptics. This is the eighteenth th century silver nitrate became a therapy of choice for the treatment of wounds, ulcers and most skin conditions.
There were more than 60 preparations based on silver in the pharmacopoeia of the XIX th century.
In 1869 the scientist Ravelin indicated that silver in minute doses displayed antimicrobial effects.
In 1881 the Leipzig gynecologist, Carl Sigmund Franz Crède (1819-1882), recommended preventing inflammation of the eye of the newborn by the treatment of a 1% solution of silver nitrate. The results were so impressive that this treatment, called “Prophylaxis Crède”, was ordered for newborns! With the introduction of this practice, the rate of ophthalmia in newborns rapidly fell from 10% to 0.2%. As a result, this practice became compulsory in the USA and in most European countries.
In 1893, the Swiss botanist Von Nägeli (1871-1938) discovered that the concentration of only 0.000.000 1% of the silver ions is enough to kill the spiroratory germ (a green alga of fresh water, in the form of filaments) which is in cool water.
The anti-infective properties of colloidal silver were set out at the beginning of XX th century.
The Chinese have used acupuncture for about 7,000 years. They quickly discovered the antimicrobial effect of silver needles. One might think that thousands of acupuncturists around the world today use silver needles for acupuncture.
The silver is still used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurvedic), among others to treat chronic fevers, intestinal inflammation, overactive gall bladder and menorrhagia.
In 1928, Krause came up with the idea of placing a silver coating in domestic water filtration systems. Currently, more than half of the world’s airlines use the money to treat aircraft water for users. The Americans and Russians have chosen a silver-based water treatment system for their space shuttles.
In the US, cities have chosen silver for wastewater treatment, and some hospitals have installed silver / copper ionization systems that have eradicated Legionella Pneumophila from their hot water systems.
Although still used, colloidal silver has disappeared from doctors’ offices during the advent of antibiotics in the late years 30. Yet he was considered the “ultimate” treatments for an impressive number
of ailments, but the pharmaceutical cartel and propensity for profit oblige, colloidal silver quickly fell into oblivion.
The magic of colloidal silver
Colloidal silver in external use can be used to accelerate the healing of burns and various wounds or to treat a variety of conditions of the skin, eyes, ears, etc. It is commonly drunk in order to effectively and quickly fight any viral or bacterial infection. Even that several people (me included) take it daily preventively and / or as a dietary supplement. It can also be sprayed into the airways using a nebulizer or even used intravenously in more severe cases. In short, the sauce of the day, according to your ailments. Treating these types of conditions is one thing, but what about more serious illnesses such as cancer ?
Colloidal silver has more than one trick up its sleeve. It wasn’t enough for him to be an extraordinary antibiotic, germicide and bactericide, he needed more. And more, there is. Dr Becker, author of The electric body (1985), studied the mechanism by which silver ions regenerate tissue and here is one of his conclusions:
The silver ions form a complex with the living cells around the wound to produce immediately convertible stem cells . The net result of this conversion is that stem cells provide all of the building blocks necessary for the complete restoration of any atomic structure. [2]
So we are talking here about tissue regeneration, nothing less! A sci-fi delirium? A decoy? I almost hear you say: “If it’s too good to be true…”. But when we grasp the profit mechanics of the world we live in, we quickly understand that such a panacea is by no means profitable. Indeed, if all the “common people” manage to cure themselves of the majority of the ailments they suffer, the pharmacomedical cartel would take it for its cold. And that’s exactly why no serious (official) study of the benefits of colloidal silver has been undertaken by the medical establishment. A lot of information on the subject is still available and AC can be done with a simple electrolysis.
Here is a non-exhaustive list (collected on the Internet) of pathologies for which colloidal silver has been shown to be effective:
Abscesses, Acne, Allergies, Tonsils, Sore throat, Canker sores, Arthritis, Asthma, Injuries, Wounds, Bronchitis, Burns, Sunburns, Cancer, Candida albicans, Cellulitis, Colitis, Conjunctivitis, Crohn’s disease, Scalp care, Teeth ( carries), Diarrhea, Eczema, Chronic fatigue, Stomach infection, Fibromyalgia, Scabies, Hepatitis C, Herpes, Hidradenitis, Stomach ulcers, Diabetes, Cholera, Malaria, Bubonic plague and Leprosy, HIV / AIDS, Lung infections , Skin infections, Liver problems, Eyes, Ears, Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary tract, Food poisoning, Cysts, Yeasts, Lyme disease, Molds, Mycoses, Pancreatitis, Dandruff, Bad breath, Pneumonia, Colds and flu, Bleeding, Sclerosis in plaques, Sinusitis, Infertility, Ringworm, Chickenpox, Warts, Shingles …
Other examples of pathologies can be found in Frank Goldman’s book.
Side effects and argyrosis
I mentioned at the beginning of the article that there were no side effects from using the colloidal agent. It is true and it is false at the same time. This is true as long as there are no negative side effects, that is to say harmful to health. But this is not true with regard to certain symptoms.
“The Jarisch-Herxheimer effect” or what is called a “healing crisis” will be the main side effect of anyone treating a serious ailment (same for users of the “Rife” frequency generators). The rapid elimination of a very large number of pathogens causes a completely natural bodily reaction by rejection of inert bodies by natural means. In short, the symptoms of a “healing crisis” translate into more or less those of a cold or the flu: sore throat, headache, runny nose, etc. This condition is only temporary and can be tempered by stopping or reducing the doses ingested.
Argyrosis, on the other hand, is a gray or brownish coloration of the skin or mucous membranes, due to poisoning by silver salts. Although argyrosis is not an aesthetically desirable condition, it is in no way harmful to health. And although it is directly related to silver, it is not created by ingestion or surface use of silver colloids. Indeed, colloids are extremely small particles and therefore have the particularity of not accumulating in the body as would the ingestion of larger particles such as silver salts. Although CNN has carried out fear propaganda relating to colloidal silver, argyrosis does not concern consumers of colloidal silver besides if they consume poor quality products in which there is too large a quantity of silver salts. This is why it is important to know exactly what to eat.
The manufacture of colloidal silver
Why create your own colloidal silver? Mainly for two reasons: autonomy and quality control. The question of costs should also be mentioned since there are many AC solutions on the market (the prices and quality of which vary greatly) as well as a whole panoply of AC generators retailing at several hundred dollars. dollars, while the cost of basic materials for home making is less. Admittedly, it takes more time and energy to do it yourself, but I think it’s worth the effort.
Although the construction of the AC is disconcertingly simple, it is important to understand the principle. A successful pure colloidal silver solution will be clear and transparent. This is important, because when we glean information from the Internet, we come up against very different versions. Some claim that a pale yellow or hazy white solution is a sign of a good result, others claim that it is possible to make AC with tap water or plain water. source. This is all wrong. The use of water containing minerals will invariably give a solution in which we will find silver salts, principle of electrolysis requires. It is therefore imperative to make its colloidal silver with distilled or demineralized water. Furthermore, a whitish coloration indicates the presence of salts and a strong yellowish coloration indicates that the particles are too large. Some AC preparations will take on different shades: reddish, brownish, bluish, etc. All of these colors indicate that the suspended silver particles (colloids) are not small enough and therefore the solution is of poor quality. Granted, it will still be a colloidal silver solution, but it is not advisable to use it that way. In case of survival, without drugs available, All of these colors indicate that the suspended silver particles (colloids) are not small enough and therefore the solution is of poor quality. Granted, it will still be a colloidal silver solution, but it is not advisable to use it that way. In case of survival, without drugs available, All of these colors indicate that the suspended silver particles (colloids) are not small enough and therefore the solution is of poor quality. Granted, it will still be a colloidal silver solution, but it is not advisable to use it that way. In case of survival, without drugs available,However, doing CA in a rush is still a great way to eradicate the pathogens affecting us. But in the material comfort of our present lives, a little time, patience and reading allow the creation of a “clean” product.
NOTE: The yellowish coloration is subject to much debate. For my part, after checking, I conclude that it is acceptable for a solution to have a slight (very slight) yellowish coloration if it is clear. The reason being that the particle size in this case remains acceptable (between 1 and 10 nanometers), but this is only my personal conclusion and also I strongly recommend that the final solution be clear and clear.
The basic equipment consists of 4 9 volt batteries, two rods (or other pieces) of pure .999 or .9999 silver, distilled or deionized water, two “alligator” clips and a density tester.
In addition, a voltmeter, a timer, two connectors for 9 volts batteries as well as a mixer will help to hone the art of creating ACs, but are not required.
The principle in itself is simple: it is electrolysis . The two silver pieces serve as electrodes, the alligator clips are connected to the batteries (which are nested in series) as well as to the silver pieces which bathe in distilled or demineralized water.
The length of time that the silver pieces must remain under tension depends on the concentration of colloidal silver that we want to obtain. This concentration, calculated in ppm (particles per million), will in turn depend on a large number of factors. Indeed, such electrolysis is precision electrolysis and the smallest factor, such as the temperature of the water and ambient air, the phase of the moon, the earth’s magnetic field, atmospheric pressure, etc. , will play a role in the process. All this without counting other obvious parameters such as the distance between the electrodes, the quality of the starting water, the accessible silver surface, etc. For these reasons, there is no “miracle recipe” which guarantees a particular concentration with given and fixed parameters. Do not rely too much on what is said on the Net because many people will give precise indications by advancing that you will obtain a concentration of X ppm. Take these indications only as a starting guide because without a density tester, the operation is done blindly and each of you will have different results, without even knowing them!
Gradual decrease in the number of batteries used
From experience, if one wants to obtain a concentration of at least 10 ppm, it is necessary to proceed either by gradually decreasing the intensity of the applied current by removing one battery at a time, or by using a mixer. In fact, when the silver ions and colloids detach from the electrodes and begin to travel between the two, the more particles there are between them, the more the current passes easily and the more particles detaching themselves from the parts of the electrode. money are big. It follows a “runaway” of the process which will soon have produced too large particles which will give an amber, brown or black color to the solution. We must therefore be vigilant in this regard and carry out several tests. Trial and error is the technique to use here. We plug everything in, we minute, we check the concentration, we reconnect, we reminute, etc. Also note that the results obtained the day before will not necessarily be those obtained the next day! Is it 5 degrees higher? Are the electrodes a few millimeters closer or further away from each other? The batteries have lost their intensity? All this plays on the final result. Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes and I get a 14 ppm solution, while other times it will take me over 35 to get 10 ppm. Rigor is required and experience allows you to gauge the times under tension and the method to be used. Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes and I get a 14 ppm solution, while other times it will take me over 35 to get 10 ppm. Rigor is required and experience allows you to gauge the times under tension and the method to be used. Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes and I get a 14 ppm solution, while other times it will take me over 35 to get 10 ppm. Rigor is required and experience allows you to gauge the times under tension and the method to be used.
When removing silver coins, whether to take a tester reading or otherwise, always clean them well before putting them back in the water, as a thin layer of residue forms.
In addition, always make sure that the “alligator” clips do not touch the water in the solution, otherwise they will also be part of the electrolysis and there will be, in addition to silver colloids, clip colloids. crocodile !
Once the solution is ready, disconnect and then remove the electrodes gently. Store in a clear glass jar (plastic jars will tend to lose charge of silver ions) in a dark place for about 12 hours. When the solution is stable (all the ions will be positioned and distanced as well), check that it is still clear. Yellowish coloration may appear within hours of production. Once assured that the solution is “clean”, that is to say that it remains limpid, it is advisable to put it in a glass jar as opaque as possible and to store it in a dark place, because the daylight would cause it to lose its properties.
Moreover, it is the experimentation which will guide you.
Where can I get the parts and documentation?
It is possible to buy silver wire from various traders on the Net. A simple search will allow you to find several. For my part, I opted to buy two “bars” of .999 silver from the local coin dealer. There are two main reasons for this: it gives me the flexibility to buy some anywhere without paying extra shipping costs; moreover, in this type of trade, silver is sold at market price and not with a certain profit in mind for the small market of “colloidal silver manufacturers”, which is therefore less expensive.
As for the density tester, go to the distilled water vendors who bottle themselves (and sometimes do the delivery). These will recommend you to their hardware supplier, as this is not the kind of device that sells anywhere.
Batteries, crocodile clips and connectors are easily found in any electronics store. A voltmeter can come in handy in order to check the condition of batteries from time to time and it is found in the same place. Regarding the mixer (if you decide to use one), for my part I opted for the artisanal manufacture, because it allows me to adapt it to my own needs. A little DIY and just $ 3 worth of materials allowed me to assemble a small electric train motor on a mini tripod. In this way, the water constantly swirls and delays the “runaway” effect. Some people (who use much larger containers) use an aquarium motor. You are free to use what you want and which will be adapted to your needs.
As for a good documentation on colloidal silver, I strongly recommend the book A Secret Weapon Against Disease: Colloidal Silver by Frank Goldman available in the electronic library under “Health – Alternative Medicine”.
Making money in your spare time pays off!
While it’s an easy pun, colloidal “making money” in our spare time really pays off in more than one way. We gain a lot of freedom against the pharmaceutical cartel, both financially and in terms of health, because we thus avoid the harmful effects of the majority of drugs. We reappropriate an effective healing power making us autonomous in the face of the current “health” system, for a large number of ailments.
It is therefore in the name of medical autarky that I raise my glass (of AC) and that I take a sip to your health!
[1] and [2]: A secret weapon against disease: colloidal silver , Frank Goldman, Éditions Le Lotus d’Or
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