The Danone International Food Prize

Danone Institute International opens the 2  e  edition of the International Prize for Danone Food (DIPA). The prestigious Food Award for mid-career researchers opens the call for applications until October 16, 2020.

The Danone International Food Prize (DIPA)

Since the last edition in 2017, the Danone International Food Prize (DIPA) has emerged from the former Danone International Nutrition Prize. The change is in recognition of  the need for innovative and collaborative approaches that take into account the various influences on people’s food choices and eating habits  – including economic, social, psychological, environmental and cultural factors – collectively called “Food “

The DIPA is open to emerging mid-career leaders in the field, rewarding pioneering research that covers several disciplines and represents a major breakthrough in food.

The DIPA is jointly awarded by the Danone International Institute (DII) and the French research organization, the  Foundation for Medical Research  (FRM).

DIPA objective

The purpose of DIPA is  to encourage and support cutting-edge, innovative and multidisciplinary scientific research in food, the generic term for sustainable eating and consumption practices that contribute to the health of individuals,  including the choice, purchase, preparation, cooking and organization of meals. and their determinants.

The award aims  to raise the profile of a mid-career researcher  and accelerate his career, as well as to help develop knowledge on the subject and inspire beginning researchers and will recognize the work of a single researcher or d ” a representative of a research. , which leads a pioneering and collaborative approach to Food.

The award is open to mid-career researchers from a variety of scientific disciplines within Food, including behavioral sciences, sociology, anthropology, psychology, environmental sciences, economics and cultural studies.

DIPA aims to:

  •  advance understanding of food through cutting-edge research;
  • encourage and inspire pioneering advances that integrate lifestyle, cultural, socio-economic and environmental approaches into research on sustainable diets;
  • strengthen collaboration between the various disciplines affecting nutrition, from anthropology to economics;
  • support talented and highly motivated mid-career researchers whose work contributes to scientific excellence in the field of food.

Associated key words:   food, healthy eating behavior, public health, societal, behavioral and sustainable diets, socio-anthropological approaches to food and nutrition, innovative and multidisciplinary collaboration, practices related to food and its determinants .

The 2020 call for candidates

The application process is a two-step process.

The deadline for applications is October 16, 2020.

All requests must be in English and research-related publications must be published in the public domain, in English.

Applicants must first submit a “short first application” comprising:

  • Cover page downloaded below
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) of their scientific career (maximum four pages in pdf format, describing the main achievements in education, appointments, membership of committees and associations, doctoral tutoring, ID of self-financing and scientific management and a 10-year review )
  • An overview of their research work (maximum three pages in pdf format), accompanied by:
    • a summary of work in progress
    • a brief description of future planned projects
    • a proposal of associated keywords for the submitted work
    • a paragraph describing the scientific justification for the request
  • A one-page letter explaining how their current research work and future research plans align with the objective of DIPA, including a description of how the work represents a major advance in the subject and highlighting the multidisciplinary and collaborative aspects of the approach used and its potential impact
  • A list of ten to fifteen publications documenting the applicant’s previous research, including the most recent publications.

After preselection by the awards committee, 10 selected candidates will be contacted again and invited to submit a full proposal by the end of 2020.

Download below:

DIPA 2020 rules and regulations

DIPA 2020 application form

  • DIPA 2020: call for applications - Press release

Reminder: the application deadline is October 16, 2020.

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