postodoctoral position in random geometry at the Institut de Mathématiques d’Orsay (IMO)

Applications are invited for a postodoctoral position in random geometry at the Institut de Mathématiques d’Orsay (IMO) beginning September 2019 (dates are flexible). This postdoctoral position is funded by the ERC project GeoBrown (principal investigator: J.-F. Le Gall, senior researcher: Nicolas Curien). This project studies various aspects of random geometry. It focusses in particular on

– discrete and continuous models of planar random geometry

– random walks and stochastic processes on random graphs

– statistical physics models in random geometry

Applicants shoud send an e-mail to with subject [Postdoc GeoBrown] before January 15, 2019. This e-mail should include a CV (with a list of publications) and a short description of the research.

What is funded

The postdoc will receive a salary of 2100 Euros per month (or more according to the past experience of the postdoc). Participation to conferences and short visits in other institutions abroad may also be funded by the project.


24 months


The applicant should have a recent PhD in probability theory, and his/her research should be related to the area of the project.

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