Doctoral positions in mathematics and computer science CIMI of Toulouse, France

The Labex CIMI puts in competition between  2 and 5 doctoral contracts ((co-) funding of 3 years) with rider  for the start of the 2020 academic year.

These supports are in addition to those of the Toulouse School of Mathematics Computer Science Telecommunications  (EDMITT).


The CIMI doctoral scholarships are open to all French and foreign students holding an M2. The research themes will be in line with those of the Toulouse Mathematics Institute (IMT) , the Toulouse IT Research Institute (IRIT)  and the ROC, SARA, MAC, TSF and VERTICS teams of the  Laboratory. systems analysis and architecture (LAAS) .

The main evaluation criterion will be the quality of the applicants’ academic record. In addition, the Labex CIMI encourages thesis subjects at the interface between mathematics and computer science. Co-financing is possible.

Application file:

Applications are made electronically via the online form available below until  Sunday, March 29, 2020   (10 p.m. Paris time).

Access to the application form

List of documents to provide:

  1. A CV of the candidate
  2. Transcripts from L to M2
  3. A motivation letter from the candidate
  4. A description of the thesis subject  signed by the candidate and his supervisor
  5. If applicable, a co-financing proposal

IMPORTANT: The team would like to draw your attention to the fact that the candidate is responsible for ensuring that their application file is complete on the closing date. Incomplete applications beyond the closing date will not be examined.

Selection process:

  • Pre-selection by the thematic commissions of the Toulouse School of Mathematics Computer Science Telecommunications (EDMITT)
  • Final choice of laureates by the LabEx CIMI Executive Committee

Access to the application form 

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