Postdoc positions in multifunctional oxide materials – Jozef Stefan Institute (IJS) Ljubljana, Slovenia

We are searching for postdoctoral researchers to conduct experimental studies in the field of multifunctional oxide materials (ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, calorics).

The research topic is related to lead-based and lead-free relaxor-ferroelectric ceramics for piezoelectric and related applications. The research work will be conducted as part of running national projects. It will be experimental and will consist of synthesis and sintering of bulk ceramic samples, cantilever structures, (micro)structural analysis and characterization of functional properties (dielectric, piezoelectric, ferroelectric, electrocaloric). Knowledge in analytical and numerical model is appreciated, but not compulsory.

The candidate is expected to be familiar with ceramic processing, basic (micro)structural characterization methods (XRDSEM, (S)TEMAFM/PFM and similar) and macroscopic thermo-electro-mechanical measurement techniques. Knowledge of English should be at least B2 (according to CEFR). We expect from the candidate a high-level of communication skills and experiences of working in research groups. The candidate should also present a rich bibliography and advanced skills in scientific writing and publication.

The candidate will be offered a dynamic, exciting and multidisciplinary professional environment, which will make it possible to enrich the candidates research experiences and provide priceless academic references. The candidate will have access to all instrumental facilities to perform the work independently but will also be given a full supervision support from a senior researchers. Collaborations with international research groups is an essential part of the project so that the candidate will have the possibility to establish new contacts with researchers from around the globe.

Application Materials Required:

Cover letter

Curriculum Vitae

Publication list

Further info:

Hana Ursic (

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