MESHS Junior and Senior Valorization Prize

The Valuation Strategy Council is pleased to announce, respectively, the fifth edition of the MESHS Junior Valorization Prize and the renewal for its third edition of the MESHS Senior Valorization Prize .

The MESHS Junior Valorisation Prize , endowed with 3,000 euros, aims to support the promotion of the work carried out by young researchers and aims at a better appropriation of this work by non-academic actors (private companies, public institutions, associations) . Particular attention will be paid to ambition, originality, the results of the work and the valuation actions envisaged. The framing file can be downloaded here .

The MESHS Senior Valorization Prize , endowed with 4,000 euros, aims to reward new and original research in Human and Social Sciences which, beyond its own academic interest, also presents a valuation dimension, understood here in its most extensive extension. broad: patent, business creation, software development, intervention / training module for the professional world, exhibition, performance, events, development of methodological tools, mediation supports, dissemination of knowledge, assistance to decision. The framing file can be downloaded here .

The schedule is as follows:

September 28, 2020 | Deadline for submitting application files

October 2020 | Final evaluation and announcement of the winner

December 2020 | Prize giving to the winners during the Research and Innovation Meetings

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