Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Obstetrics-gynecology
Campus de la santé
Offre 04094
L’Université de Sherbrooke and the Department of Obstetrics-gynecology of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences invites application for a full-time position as a Research professor. This is a full-time professor tenure track position.
The sought candidates must have a training in physiology, pharmacology and/or biochemistry. Their research expertise must complement the Department skills and current research themes. Hence, special consideration will be given to candidates with a focus of investigation in the physiology and pathophysiology of membrane interface or lipid signaling related to perinatology.
The basic, applied and clinical research is a strength of the institution. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Université de Sherbrooke has a first-class reputation for its constant adaptation to the changing needs of the society and the success of its world-class research teams. It internationally shines as the only Faculty in Canada, and the only francophone Faculty in the world, to be designated as a collaborating center of the World Health Organization for health training.
The Department of Obstetrics-gynecology was created in 1968 and is composed of about twenty full-time professors, two fundamentalist researchers and support staff.
The Department is structured into 4 divisions: Fertility and endocrinology of reproduction, Fetal-maternal medicine, Obstetrics-gynecology and Gynecological oncology.
For several years, its Research subdivision has been improved by the recruitment of clinician researchers. The Department believes in the importance of a diverse team, that includes scientists, to improve the supervision and training of medical students and residents.
The University is committed to making a priority of these values as strategic factors of excellence. This commitment is stated in the University’s Plan d’action d’équité pour les programmes interorganismes (2017–2022). The University invites all qualified individuals to apply, in particular, women, members of visible and ethnic minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities under the Programme d’accès à l’égalité en emploi (PAEE).
Moreover, the selection tools can be adapted, with an assurance of complete confidentiality, to the needs of persons with disabilities who so request. The University also encourages individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities to apply. Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Teach in French in the Faculty’s programs, from the first to the third cycle, and actively participate in the supervision of residents and postdoctoral fellows.
Supervise graduate students.
Participate in university life and contribute to the community.
Establish an independent research program including obtaining peer-reviewed external grant funding (e.g., CIHR, NSERC), as well as a personal support award (e.g., FRQ-S).
Develop his/her own scientific niche in collaboration with the clinician-researchers of the institution and lead an independent research program in the area of gravid uterine sphere, placenta and fetal membranes.
A PhD in life sciences (e.g., Physiology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry).
Postdoctoral training for a minimum of 3 years in related life science fields.
A track record of productivity, i.e., high quality scientific publications.
Experience in teaching and training undergraduate and graduate students.
Ability to lead graduate students.
A marked interest and good aptitudes in teaching and pedagogy, as well as in research, development and innovation.
A leadership, enterprise and excellent ability to communicate efficiently with internal and external partners.
Strong interpersonal skills, collegiality and ability to lead and motivate teams.
The ability to teach in core French, or the capability to reach it within 2 years.
Start date: September 1st 2021.
Check our website for the full description of all our job opportunities, then submit your application online. For this opportunity, see 04094 .
Application deadline is Friday October 30th, 2020, at 5:00 PM
Examination of applications will begin on November 1st, 2020 and will continue until the application is filled.
Candidates must submit their complete curriculum vitae and a statement of research (2 pages maximum).
3 reference letters, coming directly from the signatories, must also be sent to:
Dre Sophie Desindes
Directrice du département d’obstétrique-gynécologie
Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé
Professeure titulaire
Offre d’emploi no 04094
Université de Sherbrooke
3001, 12e Avenue Nord
Sherbrooke, Québec, J1H 5N4
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