Tag Archives: Santé

More than 15,000 cases of corona in one day in China

Some 15,000 additional contaminations to the coronavirus, now called Covid-19, were announced by China on Thursday, which justifies this record leap by a new method of calculating cases of infection. The main culprits of the cradle province of the epidemic have been sacked. A figure largely revised upwards, which resulted in …

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H5N1 avian flu virus re-emerges in China, in addition to coronavirus

On Saturday, February 1, China announced the re-emergence of a highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus in Hunan Province, bordering Hubei Province, the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic. As China faces an epidemic of coronavirus, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture announced that H5N1 bird flu has resurfaced in Hunan Province. …

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Chemical castration: a “miracle cure” for pedophilia?

On the pedophilia process in Dendermonde, the term “chemical castration” has fallen. This means that with medication, you lower a person’s testosterone level to decrease or even eliminate their sexual appetite. One of the defendants indicated that he was ready to submit to this procedure, to prevent him from falling back into …

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7 foods that accelerate skin aging and 7 protect it

In her report published by the Russian site “FBI Re”, the author Julia Lubach presented a list of the 10 worst foods that negatively affect our skin and cause us to age quickly, so we must be careful when consuming it: 1- Sugar The author said that sugar is responsible …

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Can we really treat depression with aspirin?

“Chinese researchers have come up with an important discovery: to cure depression, aspirin and ibuprofen would be more effective than antidepressants.”  The publication in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry  , in late October, of observations by scientists from the Department of Neurology, University of Science and Technology, Huazhong, China, was widely reported …

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AIDS: researchers have first achieved HIV elimination

Researchers in the United States have successfully eradicated HIV, the virus that causes AIDS , in some infected mice. Scientists from the University of Nebraska and Temple University of Philadelphia behind this feat revealed their findings in a study published in the journal Nature  . For this study, the researchers combined two advanced technologies. They first …

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Berberine, a formidable and natural weapon against type 2 diabetes

The number of people with   type  2 diabetes is steadily increasing and the  International Diabetes Federation  predicts that the number of people with diabetes could increase from 285 million in 2010 to 438 million in 2030. This global increase is mainly due to the aging of the population as well as the growing evolution of obesity, …

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