1- EDX site
A pioneer in the field of education with the support of many prestigious scientific and educational institutions around the world such as Harvard, Massachusetts, Berkeley, Texas, Boston and other prestigious universities. The courses are free of charge, and the site offers accredited certificates upon your request for an additional fee.
2- Udemy
One of the most important educational sites contains many courses in various fields by professional lecturers or amateurs. Udemy gives you a certificate of attending any course on the site. Personally, I tried it and obtained several certificates through it
3- Udacity Opportunity
Similar to Udemy, although it excels in some points such as exercises and the organization of the site itself
4- Khan Academy
Perhaps thanks to the MOOC revolution of this academy, Khan Academy is one of the oldest and most important sites that have adopted the idea of distance education and still offers countless lessons and many students join it
Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that aims to spread knowledge Academic for all, using the most advanced educational methods. The Academy provides free theoretical resources that have been prepared on an international educational level, and thus it is considered a pioneer in this field.
The good news is that the Academy is now offering Arabic materials through the Khan Academy Arabic section
This wonderful site includes lectures in PDF format as well as lectures and tests in many different disciplines offered by Matsuchits University of Technology
A group of distinguished academic lectures provided by a group of professors around the world and from major universities in the world, all gathered on the Earth Academy website
7- Open Education Consortium
was established in cooperation with higher education institutions and associated organizations from different parts of the world, providing rich and open educational content …
8- Coursera
He is interested in making the best education in the world freely available to anyone. Coursera is interested in delivering education to people all over the world, both in developed and developing countries, using an advanced platform …
9-When Linda Lynda
Linda offers some free courses at the beginning of the subscription to the site during the trial period, and it is one of the most famous and strongest sites in the field of distance education.
A site that contains a collection of many resources that help you in the field of education you want
16- Open2study is
a distinguished site that offers many free lectures in a variety of disciplines
17- Iversity
A free German educational site with English language courses
18- Class centeral
Discover free online lessons (MOOCs) from universities like Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, etc.
19- wikiBooks
It is a free library of educational books that anyone can read for free and without restrictions.
– Apple’s free app “gives students access to many courses in one place in the form of video, audio lectures, books, or presentations.”
24- CK12
25- The Learnia
Novoed -26
27 – Carnegie University Open Education website
28 – Tufts University Open Education Website
29- University of Utah Open Education Website – United States of America
30 – University of California website
31- University of Southern Queensland, Australia website.
32 – University of Michigan
34- Utah State University
35 Yale University
36- W3Schools
. Includes lessons, references and examples.
37- Livemocha
Code .org is a non – profit organization aimed at exposing all students to computer programming. We believe computer programming is a free art. This is something every student in the world should experience …
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