1000 Girls 1000 Futures is a revolutionary initiative designed to involve young women interested in science, technology, engineering and math, and advance their careers in STEM through mentoring and skills development in the 21st century.
To whom is this program?
- Girls from around the world, aged 13 to 17 currently enrolled in high school or equivalent, passionate about science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM)
- Women working in STEM, in all disciplines and all sectors, who are willing to act as mentors, coaches and role models
WHAT – EC which is included in the program?
- Mentorship of real scientists and engineers from the 1000 Girls, 1000 Futures network.
- Classes, completed at your own pace, emphasizing university readiness, leadership, communication and critical thinking.
- The opportunity to network with an impressive group of STEM peers and professionals through social interactions, message boards, online events and activities such as an optional book club. This is a safe and fun place to be a smart girl!
WHEN can I make this part of my schedule?
- Get help when you need it! You can connect with mentors at any time via our online platform.
- The course is independent and asynchronous, which means that you complete certain modules at your own pace
- You can interact with the network as often as you like – it’s a great way to make friends and gather resources!
Where does the program take place ?
- All discussions, courses and networking take place on schoology.
WHY should I participate?
- Students and mentors not only have access to an exclusive STEM network – they also receive a FREE one-year subscription to the New York Academy of Sciences!
HOW can you offer this program for free to all participants?
- This program is free because the New York Academy of Sciences believes in the increased participation of girls and women in STEM. We believe that layered mentorship from peers and relevant role models will bring important future scientists, mathematicians, technologists, engineers, innovators and leaders to the career pipeline. We believe that you cannot be what you cannot see, and we want to show you a wide variety of girls and women who are already leaders in the spectrum of STEM specialties!
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