It is now open a call for applications for a post-doctoral research fellowship in the framework of the project “GreenShoes 4.0 – Calçado, Marroquinaria e Tecnologias Avançadas de Materiais, Equipamentos e Software” – POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046082, co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) in the framework of the Programme “Portugal 2020”, under the following conditions:

1.Scientific field: Science and Engineering of Polymers and Composites

2.Applicants: The post-doctoral research fellowships are intended for individuals holding a PhD degree in the areas of Polymer Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or in related fields, which cumulatively meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a PhD degree obtained in the three years prior to the date of submission of the scholarship application (**);
  • Have carried out the research work that led to the attribution of a doctoral degree in an entity other than the host unit, the Institute for Polymers and Composites (***);
  • Do not exceed, with the conclusion of the present contract, including possible renewals, a cumulative period of three years in this type of scholarship, consecutive or interpolated.

Candidates who do not cumulatively meet the requirements described will be excluded.

Other requirements: expertise in rheology, computational rheology, additive manufacturing, and programming skills in the OpenFOAM computational library.

(**) Documents proving the ownership of academic degrees and diplomas, or their respective recognition when they have been awarded by foreign higher education institutions, may be dispensed at the application stage, being replaced by a declaration of honor by the candidate, with the verification of this condition occurring only in phase of contracting the scholarship. This statement must attest facts that occurred on a date prior to the application. In situations of divergence between the information contained in the declaration and the documentation submitted for the purpose of contracting a scholarship, only the information contained in the latter will be considered. If it is verified that the documents proving the ownership of the academic degree and diploma, or the respective recognition under the terms of Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16, do not correspond to the classifications awarded in the evaluation of the academic path and may, consequently, change the candidate’s ranking, the scholarship contracting will not be effected.

(***) Different R&D Units are included, even if located in the same Organic Unit of UMinho (nº 4 and 5 of article 7 of the current FCT I.P Research Grant Regulation)

3. Candidate Eligibility: Applicants must meet the eligibility conditions provided in article 9 of the Research Fellowships and Grants Regulation of FCT I.P (2019).

4.Work plan: The work plan to be developed is part of the PPS 3 of the project “Tech – Digitization and Advanced Technologies for Manufacturing and Marketing”, in the activity “Modeling, simulation and additive manufacturing tools”, which integrates the development and testing of computational codes to model the manufacture and structural behavior of components produced in plastic materials.

5. Applicable legislation and regulation: Research Fellowship Holder Statute, approved by the Law No. 40/2004 of August 18th, in the version published by Decree-Law No. 123/2019 of August 28th; Regulation of Research Fellowships and Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. – in force, and Regulation of Scientific Research Scholarships of the University of Minho.

6. Workplace and Scientific Orientation: The activities will be developed at the Polymers and Composites Institute of the University of Minho, under the scientific supervision of Professor João Miguel Nóbrega.

7. Duration of scholarship(s): The scholarship will last for 3 months, planned to begin on October 2021. The scholarship contract may eventually be renewed up to the project execution limit.

8.Value of the Monthly Maintenance Subsidy: The scholarship amount corresponds to 1 646,00 euros, according to the table of scholarship values of the FCT, I.P. in the Country (Annex I – Table of Monthly Maintenance Subsidy of the Regulation for Research Fellowships of the FCT I.P. Other benefits: Voluntary Social Insurance reimbursement, corresponding to the 1st scale of earnings of the contributory base (for scholarships lasting 6 months or more) and Personal Accident Insurance.

9. Composition of the Selection Jury: The jury is composed by the president, Professor João Miguel Nóbrega, by the effective members Professors António Gaspar Cunha and Ana Vera Machado and by the alternate members Professor Olga Sousa Carneiro and Fernando Moura Duarte.

In case of impediment of the President of the Jury, he will be substituted by the first effective member, being appointed the alternate member to replace the effective member.

10. Evaluation and selection criteria and procedures: The evaluation of the applications will focus on the candidate’s Merit, applying the following evaluation criteria, valued on a scale of 1 to 5 values:

Candidate’s Merit – MC (100%):

  1. Academic path (which reflects the scored of academic degrees), with a weighting of 30%
  2. Proven experience in the indicated areas, with a weighting of 40%
  3. Interview, with a weighting of 30%.

The final classification of the candidate’s merit is calculated according to the following formula:


11. Disclosure of results: The results of the evaluation, substantiated in a minute, will be sent to the candidates by email, within 90 working days after the deadline for submission of applications.

If the result is unfavorable to the granting of the requested scholarship, the candidates have a period of 10 working days to comment, if desired, in the context of a prior hearing to the interested parties, pursuant to articles 121 and 122 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (DL nº 4 /2015 of January 7th).

12. Complaint and Appeal Procedures: The final results of the evaluation will be publicized through a sorted list (alphabetically, by the final grade obtained), posted in a visible and public place of the Host Institution, as well as by email to all candidates, attaching, for this purpose, the minutes with the deliberations of the jury.

The selected candidate must state in writing their intention to accept the scholarship. In case of non-acceptance, the scholarship will be awarded to the candidate in order of final ranking.

A complaint may be filed against the final decision, within 15 working days, addressed to the President of the Jury. Interested parties may also present an optional hierarchical appeal, addressed to the Pro-Rector for Research and Projects, Professor Dr. Filipe Vaz.

13. Application deadline and form of submission of applications: The call for applications is open from July 13th to September 15th, 2021.

Opening notice in portuguese language:!AorY4KEHg3PnfsfLWWad-HJkO9k

Applications must be formalized, obligatorily, by sending an application letter accompanied by the following documents: curriculum vitae; certificate of qualifications or declaration of the candidate; motivation letter, other documents considered relevant for the assessment of the scientific and professional career).

The Applications must be sent by email to, indicating the application/fellowship reference in the e-mail Subject, or sent by regular mail to the following address:

Universidade do Minho

Departamento de Engenharia de Polímeros

Instituto de Polímeros e Compósitos

A/C Prof. João Miguel Nóbrega

Campus de Azurém

4804-533 Guimarães

Telefone: 253 510 337

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