منحة الحكومة الأسترالية RTP (دولية)

بتمويل من الحكومة الأسترالية وبقيمة تصل إلى 124000 دولار ، توفر المنح الدراسية لبرنامج التدريب البحثي (RTP) تعويضًا للرسوم الدراسية وراتب تكاليف المعيشة لطلاب الدراسات العليا الدوليين ذوي الجودة العالية.

يسلط الضوء

قيمة جدارة – أهلية تاريخ مفتوح تاريخ قريب
37207 دولارًا في السنة
  • طالب دراسات عليا دولي
غير متاح غير متاح

كيفية التقديم

تطبيق في المواعيد النهائية الرئيسية.

تُمنح منح رواتب RTP في فبراير ونوفمبر. لذلك ، يجب عليك تقديم جميع الوثائق المطلوبة لطلب القبول الخاص بك ، وأدلة الخبرة البحثية (إن وجدت) للنظر فيها في الجدول الزمني للجائزة ذات الصلة. يرجى ملاحظة أنه قد يتم إخطارك بنتيجة منحة RTP في وقت مختلف لتلقي عرض الدراسة الخاص بك.

الرجوع إلى الجدول الزمني للتطبيق والجائزة أدناه للحصول على التفاصيل.

تعتمد منح RTP على الجدارة الأكاديمية وهي تنافسية للغاية. ستحتاج عمومًا إلى أن يكون لديك سجل أكاديمي متميز ، كما ستحظى أي منشورات بحثية بتقدير كبير.

يجب على طلاب HDR المسجلين حاليًا التقديم هنا .

يجب على الطلاب المبتدئين تحديد خانة الاختيار التي يجب أخذها في الاعتبار بالنسبة للمنح البحثية عند استكمال طلب القبول للحصول على درجة البحث بعد التخرج. لا يلزم تقديم طلب منفصل.

الرجوع إلى وثائق المتقدمين للحصول على تفاصيل معايير الاختيار والعملية والوثائق الإضافية المطلوبة إن وجدت.


تقدر قيمة رواتب RTP بـ 37 دولارًا و 207 دولارًا سنويًا (معدل 2023). تقدم منحة RTP الدولية راتباً للمساعدة في تكاليف المعيشة والتغطية الصحية في الخارج بالإضافة إلى تعويضات الرسوم الدراسية (أي لا توجد رسوم دراسية قابلة للتطبيق).

من هو المؤهل

يجب عليك أن:

  • أن يكون طالبًا باحثًا دوليًا مبتدئًا أو مسجلًا
  • لديهم سجل حافل من التحصيل الأكاديمي وإمكانات البحث
  • لديك عرض غير مشروط للقبول أو أن تكون مسجلاً حاليًا في درجة الماجستير عن طريق البحث أو الدكتوراه في جامعة سيدني.

الأحكام والشروط


1. يجب أن يكون المتقدمون طالبًا دوليًا وقت تقديم الجائزة.

2. من المتوقع أن يلتحق حاملو برنامج التدريب على البحث (RTP) بمنحة Stipend الدولية (“المنحة”) في درجة بحثية للدراسات العليا بدوام كامل. قد يوافق العميد المشارك (التعليم البحثي) على منحة RTP بدوام جزئي * حيث تكون الجامعة مقتنعة بوجود ظروف خاصة خارجة عن إرادة الطالب (على سبيل المثال الحالات الطبية ، والمشقة المالية ، ومسؤوليات مقدم الرعاية).

* قد يكون للمنحة الدراسية بدوام جزئي آثار ضريبية ويجب على الطالب طلب المشورة الضريبية من وكلاء الضرائب المسجلين.

3. يجب على المتقدمين التقدم للنظر في منح RTP الدراسية في وقت تقديم طلبهم للقبول في دورة HDR الخاصة بهم ويجب عليهم تقديم المواد الداعمة المطلوبة بالطريقة المحددة على موقع مكتب المنح الدراسية. يجب على المتقدمين الذين بدأوا بالفعل ترشيحهم للحصول على تقرير التنمية البشرية التقديم من خلال استكمال نموذج الطلب المتاح على موقع مكتب المنح الدراسية.


4. يمكن أن تعقد المنحة الدراسية لمدة تصل إلى 14 فترة بحث (بدوام كامل) لدراسات الدكتوراه البحثية ، أو لمدة تصل إلى 7 فترات بحث لدراسات الماجستير البحثية. سيتم خصم فترات الدراسة التي تم إجراؤها بالفعل نحو الدرجة قبل بدء الجائزة من أقصى مدة للجائزة.

5. لا توجد ملحقات ممكنة.

6. A student is expected to commence the Scholarship by the census date of their commencing intake, and during the year the Scholarship is awarded. If a student has commenced their studies, the scholarship may commence immediately.

7. A recipient may defer their RTP Scholarship for up to one research period with the approval of:

a. their supervisor; and
b. the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education).

8. RTP Stipends may be provided for the duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity (as stated in clause 32 of this document) if:

a. the recipient already holds, and remains eligible for, a RTP Stipend;
b. no other income is received from these activities; and
c. the maximum duration of the RTP Stipend has not been reached.

Stipend and Allowances

9. Holders of the Scholarship who enrol full time will receive a stipend of $37, 207 per annum (2023 rate), indexed annually on 1 January.
10. A student who relocates from countries outside Australia to take up the Scholarship may claim a relocation allowance. The value of the allowance is up to $1,250 travel from their home country to Sydney at the commencement of studies and up to $1,250 for travel to return to their home country after successful completion of studies.

11. Students who had commenced their postgraduate research degree studies in Australia prior to the scholarship being awarded are not entitled to claim relocation allowance for travel to Australia. Students who become a permanent resident of Australia are not entitled to claim travel allowance to return to their home country.

12. Reimbursement of up to $420 for Masters candidates and up to $840 for Doctoral candidates will be made for eligible claims for direct costs of producing a thesis in accordance with the University’s thesis allowance claim information. The claim must be lodged with the Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC – hdrac.scholarships@sydney.edu.au) within one year of submission of the thesis and no more than two years after termination of the award. Costs associated with printing a thesis are not eligible as printed thesis is no longer required for submission and examination.

13. Holders of the Scholarship may receive a concurrent award, scholarship or salary to undertake their research degree provided such award, scholarship or salary provides a benefit less than 75% of the Scholarship. The Scholarship will be terminated if this limit is exceeded. Salary for work unrelated to the student’s research is not subject to this limit.

Selection Criteria

14. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship on the basis of:

a. academic merit,
b. research experience,
c. availability of a high quality research environment and resources to support the candidature, and
d. availability of high quality supervisory arrangements to support the candidature

15. Preference may be given to applicants who:

a. identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person as per University of Sydney policy,
b. have not previously received an Australian Government or University Scholarship to complete an HDR course at the same level,
c. have not previously completed an HDR course at the same level of study.

16. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship by the Higher Degrees by Research Scholarships Sub-Committee (HDRSSC) on the recommendation of the Faculty.

The University of Sydney will notify applicants of the outcome of their RTP Scholarship application by email to the student’s University email address (for current students), or the preferred email address contained in the student’s application for admission.

Leave Arrangements

17. Holders of the Scholarship receive up to 20 working days recreation leave every 12 months of the Scholarship and this may be accrued. Any unused leave when the Scholarship is terminated or completed will be forfeited. Recreation leave does not attract a leave loading. The supervisor’s agreement must be obtained before leave is taken.

18. Holders of the Scholarship may take up to 10 working days sick leave every 12 months of the Scholarship and this may be accrued over the tenure of the Scholarship. Students with carer responsibility may convert up to five days of their annual sick leave entitlement to carers leave on presentation of medical certificate/s. Students taking sick leave must inform their supervisor as soon as practicable.

19. Holders of the Scholarship may receive additional paid sick leave of up to a total of twelve weeks during their scholarship for medically substantiated periods of illness where the student has insufficient sick leave entitlements available under Clause 18 above. Students applying for additional paid sick leave must do so at the start of absence or as soon as practicable. Periods of additional paid sick leave are added to the duration of the Scholarship.

20. Subject to relevant visa conditions, once holders of the Scholarship have completed twelve months of their award, they are entitled to a maximum of twelve weeks paid parental leave during the tenure of the Scholarship. Students applying for paid parental leave should do so at least four weeks prior leave commencement date. Periods of paid parental leave are added to the duration of the Scholarship. Holders of the Scholarship who have not completed twelve months of their award may access unpaid parental leave through the suspension provisions. When applying for parental leave, applicant should include at least one of the following documents:

a. letter from medical professional related to pregnancy,
b. a surrogacy agreement,
c. birth certificate of the child,
d. adoption documents, or
e. documentation that substantiates the application.

Research Overseas

21. Holders of the Scholarship may not normally conduct research overseas within the first 6 months of an award.

22. Holders of the Scholarship may conduct up to 12 months (18 months for students of Anthropology and other special cases) of their research outside Australia. Approval must be sought from the student’s supervisor, and Head of department/School, and will only be granted if the research is essential for completion of the degree. All periods of overseas research are cumulative and will be counted towards a student’s candidature. Students must remain enrolled at the University and receive approval to Count Time Away.

Conversion between Research Masters and Research Doctorate degrees

23. Holders of the Scholarship may convert from a Research Masters degree to a Research Doctorate degree or vice-versa provided such change in candidature is approved by the Faculty/University School. The conversion from Research Doctorate to Research Masters degree may result in termination of the scholarship. Should the Scholarship holder be approved to retain the scholarship, the maximum duration of a converted Scholarship becomes that for the new candidature.


24. The Scholarships are not transferrable to another university. Should the holder of the scholarship transfer to another faculty, school, or supervisor within the University of Sydney, the duration of the scholarship will not be extended.


25. Holders of the Scholarship may not apply to suspend their award within the first six months unless
a. permitted by a legislative provision; or
b. approved by the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education) on the basis of special circumstances^
^Special circumstances include carer responsibilities or medical conditions and will generally be out of the recipient’s control. International students should check the terms and restrictions applicable to their visas before applying.

26. Subject to relevant visa conditions, after the first six months, holders of the Scholarship may apply for up to 12 months suspension for any reason during the tenure of their award. Periods of suspension are cumulative and failure to resume study after suspension will result in the award being terminated. Approval to suspend must be given by the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education). Periods of study towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the Scholarship.

27. A RTP Scholarship will be suspended during any period of suspension of studies. International students should check the terms and restrictions applicable to their visas before suspending.

28. Subject to relevant visa conditions, holders of the Scholarship are entitled up to an additional 12 months suspension (less any period of paid parental leave) following holders becoming a parent. The Scholarship holder should apply for suspension within four weeks of the expected date of becoming a parent.

29. Whenever a student suspends his/her studies the university must report the suspension to immigration authorities and the student may be obliged to return to their home country for the duration of the suspension. Therefore, if a student wishes to remain in Australia during a period of suspension of studies, they must contact the closest Australian immigration office within 28 days of the approval notice to seek approval to remain in Australia during the suspension.

Changes in Enrolment

30. Holders of the Scholarship must notify the supervisor and Higher Degree by Research Administration (HDRAC) within 10 business days of any planned changes to their enrolment including but not limited to: attendance pattern, suspension, leave of absence, withdrawal, course transfer, and candidature upgrade or downgrade by written notice. If the award holder does not provide notice of the changes identified above, the University may require repayment of any overpaid stipend.

31. Students who obtain Australian Permanent Residence status during the course of their enrolment at the University of Sydney (or prior to enrolment at the University) must notify Student Fees, Student Administration Services Office, and HDRAC immediately when their Australian Permanent Resident visa is issued. In this case, students must bring their passport to the Student Centre as soon as possible so that the University can adjust their residency status. Subject to satisfactory progress, students will be eligible to continue with the Scholarship.

Industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities

32. Holders of the Scholarship may undertake industry placements, research internships, and professional practice activities of up to six months’ duration that are approved as part of their HDR course by:

a. their supervisor;
b. the relevant Associate Dean (Research Education).


33. The Australian Government’s contribution must be formally acknowledged when, at any time during or after completion of a relevant HDR course:

a. the recipient;
b. the recipient’s supervisor; or
c. any other party publishes or produces material (such as books, articles, newsletters or other literary or artistic works) relating to the recipient’s research project.

34. This requirement is met by including the following statement in any materials: “This research is supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship”.


35. The Scholarships (RTP Tuition Fee Offset and RTP Stipend) will be terminated on resignation or withdrawal of the student, upon failure to enrol in the course without approved leave or suspension, upon submission of the thesis or at the end of the award, whichever occurs first. The Scholarships will be terminated before this time if after due enquiry the University concludes that a student has not carried out the course of study with competence and diligence or in accordance with the offer of the Scholarship, or fails to maintain satisfactory progress, or has committed serious misconduct. Stipend payment will be suspended throughout the duration of the enquiry/appeal process.

False or Misleading Information

36. تحتفظ جامعة سيدني بالحق في إعادة تقييم استحقاقات المنحة الدراسية للطالب إذا اعتقدت أن الطالب قدم معلومات خاطئة أو مضللة للجامعة فيما يتعلق بطلبه للقبول أو المنحة الدراسية.


37. تقر الجامعة بحق أي طالب في الاستئناف أمام نائب رئيس الجامعة (التعليم) ضد أي قرار يؤثر على منح أو مدة المنحة الدراسية.

أسئلة وأجوبة

الأسئلة المتداولة حول RTP

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