Job Archives

Offer Description

Mission: Provide support in research tasks in epidemiology and management of phytoparasitic nematodes. Functions:
  • Determine and quantify phytoparasitic nematodes of soil and plant material.
  • Study the plant-nematode interaction and multitrophic relationships.
  • Analyze the diversity and microbial activity of the soil.
  • Carry out gene expression dynamics related to plant defense mechanisms.
  • Design the in vitro test experiments.
  • Crop management.
  • Process data and make reports.


Research Field
Agricultural sciences » Agronomics
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Engineering » Agricultural engineering
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Biological sciences » Botany
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Technical Competencies:
  • Work in laboratories and fields.
  • Writing test reports.
  • Management of statistical programs.
Organizational Skills:
  • Teamwork.
Functional Competencies:
  • Communication skills.
Specific Requirements
Educational requirements:
  • Molecular biology.
  • microbiology.
  • Nematology.
  • Parasitology.
  • Plant production.
  • Protection of crops.
Professional experience:
  • Experience in functions similar to those described, specifically in the development of research activities, both in the university and industrial environment, will be valued.
Research Field
Agricultural sciences » AgronomicsEngineering » Agricultural engineeringBiological sciences » Botany
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4

Additional Information

€35,925.08 gross/year (per full day)
Eligibility criteria
All the candidates who cannot prove the required academic degree will be immediately withdrawn from the selection process. The CVs will be assessed according the following general criteria:
  • The maximum score for the candidates who accomplish all the eligibility criteria stated in the job offer will be 10 points.
  • Threshold: 5 points.
  • The maximum score (10 points) will be distributed as follows:
    • 1 point for required speciality.
    • 2 points for required academic training.
    • 2 points for technic competences.
    • 1 point for organisational competences.
    • 3 points for professional experience.
    • 1 point for any aspect of the candidate’s professional profile to be determined as specially relevant by the Selection committee.
If the selection committee decide to include a personal interview as additional step of the selection process, only the candidates scored 5 or above for their CV will be retained for the interview step. The interview will be assessed according the following criteria:
  • Maximum scoring: 5 points.
  • Threshold: 3 points.
  • The maximum score will be distributed according the following criteria:
    • 2 points for adequacy to functional competences of the job.
    • 2 points for adequacy of professional experience.
    • 1 point for any aspect of the candidate’s professional profile to be determined as especially relevant by the Selection committee.
The eligible candidates will be ranked from highest to lowest score, being this the selection criteria.
Selection process

The planned selection process is as follows:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Offer Description Mission: Provide support in research tasks in epidemiology and management of phytoparasitic nematodes. Functions: Determine and quantify phytoparasitic nematodes of soil and plant ma...View more

Entreprise : FIT SA (Experts du marché des ingrédients laitiers pour les professionnels - Fit (

Laboratoire : UMR1302 SMART, Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches en Economie sur les Structures et Marchés Agricoles, Ressources et Territoires, INRAe (Internet SMART - (

L’entreprise FIT SA est spécialisée dans la distribution d’ingrédients laitiers pour l’industrie agro-alimentaire (beurres industriels en cube, crèmes pasteurisées pour l’industrie, ingrédients laitiers en poudre, fromages ingrédients, préparations laitières…) et ce, à travers le monde entier. Elle propose une gamme complète aux conditionnements et spécificités adaptés aux contraintes industrielles de plusieurs métiers (BVP, biscuiterie, chocolaterie, confiserie, plats préparés…) répondant aux cahiers des charges les plus stricts.

Présente dans les principaux pays exportateurs et importateurs, et partenaire de nombreuses laiteries en France et en Europe, FIT possède une vision globale et exhaustive du marché. Grâce à l’engagement et à la rigueur de toute son équipe au service des intérêts de ses partenaires, ce réseau de compétences humaines et logistiques lui permet d’intégrer parfaitement les exigences du marché laitier.

Objet de la thèse :

L’entreprise FIT SA en collaboration avec le laboratoire SMART de l’INRAE et l’INSTITUT AGRO ainsi que le centre de recherche en Agribusiness de Rennes SB vous offrent l’opportunité d’effectuer une thèse en entreprise (convention CIFRE) sur les marchés de matières premières.

Les études réalisées porteront principalement sur la mesure et la modélisation des risques de marché associés aux fluctuations de prix des produits laitiers tels que la poudre de lait écrémé, le beurre ou encore le lait entier. Comprendre les dynamiques passées des prix contractés sur les marchés physiques et sur les marchés financiers pour les différents produits laitiers en fonction notamment de leur maturité permettra d’anticiper la dynamique future de la base (différence de prix entre une matière première donnée et son contrat à terme).

Cet effort de recherche dans la gestion du risque de base est déterminant pour cette industrie exposée à des prix de marché et des marges de plus en plus volatiles depuis la fin des quotas laitiers. Dans le cadre de cette thèse en entreprise, le doctorant aura en charge la modélisation statistique des facteurs de risques (macroéconomique, politique, climatique, volatilité croisée…) étant à l’origine de ces fluctuations de prix et leur simulation afin de quantifier leur impact potentiel à différents horizons. Ces modèles auront pour finalité la mise en place de stratégies de couverture efficientes sur des produits dérivés adaptés (contrats à terme et options) mais souvent illiquides pour des groupes industriels de dimension locale et internationale collaborant avec l’entreprise FIT SA.

Descriptif du poste :

Pour cela, vous aurez pour missions de :

  • Prendre connaissance des éléments de solution disponibles : état de l’art concernant la modélisation du risque de marché et la valorisation de produits dérivés (futures et options).
  • Définir et implémenter une modélisation du risque de base faisant intervenir les données spatio-temporelles relatives à différentes variables explicatives. Ce modèle permettra de représenter la dynamique des prix de manière univariée pour chaque composante de la marge laitière ainsi que de manière multivariée en prenant en compte les dépendances temporelles.
  • Collecter les prix OTC afin d’enrichir la base de données unique de l’entreprise FIT SA.
  • Développer une plateforme de simulation associée à un générateur de scénario reposant sur ce nouveau modèle de la courbe à terme afin de déterminer l’exposition au risque d’un ensemble de positions données.
  • Proposer une méthode statistique permettant de tester la validité des hypothèses statistiques retenues.
  • Développer une stratégie de couverture afin de piloter l’exposition au risque du groupe FIT SA.


Research Field
Agricultural sciences » Agronomics
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
La.le candidat.e sélectionné.e devra avoir une formation initiale en économie, en finance ou en actuariat, des compétences en probabilités et statistiques ainsi qu'en programmation (Matlab, R ou Python de préférence). Elle/Il devra avoir également un bon relationnel, être communicant.e, et de très bonnes aptitudes pour travailler en autonomie et organiser son travail au quotidien. Langue francaise obligatoire, une bonne connaissance de l’anglais est indispensable.
Specific Requirements

L'annonce est en ligne sur le site de l'ANRT (Agence Nationale Recherche Technologie)

Offres et candidatures Cifre (

La.le candidat.e doit envoyer son dossier de candidature à :

Le poste est à pourvoir pour le 1er Avril 2024. Il débutera par un stage.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Entreprise : FIT SA (Experts du marché des ingrédients laitiers pour les professionnels – Fit ( Laboratoire : UMR1302 SMART, Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherches en E...View more

Offer Description

Mission: Research tasks in the project “Development of tailored 3D printed permanent and resorbable metallic scaffolds with biofunctionalized hydrogel for bone regeneration (TaperMesh)”. Functions:
  • Develop biofunctionalized hydrogels with cell loading capabilities.
  • Carry out functionalized hygrogels with specific rheological and mechanical properties that allow cellular incorporation.
  • Injecting hydrogel into a biodegradable scaffold for bone tissue engineering.


Research Field
Engineering » Biomaterial engineering
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Technology » Biotechnology
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
Technical Competencies:
  • Development and characterization of biomaterials and hydrogels.
  • Mechanical, physical and chemical characterization of hydrogels.
  • Cell cultures.
  • 3D biofabrication techniques.
Organizational Skills:
  • Autonomous organization of work.
  • Ability to prioritize and distribute tasks.
  • In Writing scientific documents.
Functional Competencies:
  • Communication skills.
Specific Requirements
Educational requirements:
  • Tissue engineering.
  • Synthesis of polymers.
  • Cell biology.
Professional experience:
  • Experience in functions similar to those described, specifically in the development of research activities, both in the university and industrial environment, will be valued.
Research Field
Engineering » Biomaterial engineeringTechnology » Biotechnology
Years of Research Experience
1 - 4

Additional Information

€31,459.76 gross/year (for full time)
Eligibility criteria
All the candidates who cannot prove the required academic degree will be immediately withdrawn from the selection process. The CVs will be assessed according the following general criteria:
  • The maximum score for the candidates who accomplish all the eligibility criteria stated in the job offer will be 10 points.
  • Threshold: 5 points.
  • The maximum score (10 points) will be distributed as follows:
    • 1 point for required speciality.
    • 2 points for required academic training.
    • 2 points for technic competences.
    • 1 point for organisational competences.
    • 3 points for professional experience.
    • 1 point for any aspect of the candidate’s professional profile to be determined as specially relevant by the Selection committee.
If the selection committee decide to include a personal interview as additional step of the selection process, only the candidates scored 5 or above for their CV will be retained for the interview step. The interview will be assessed according the following criteria:
  • Maximum scoring: 5 points.
  • Threshold: 3 points.
  • The maximum score will be distributed according the following criteria:
    • 2 points for adequacy to functional competences of the job.
    • 2 points for adequacy of professional experience.
    • 1 point for any aspect of the candidate’s professional profile to be determined as especially relevant by the Selection committee.
The eligible candidates will be ranked from highest to lowest score, being this the selection criteria.
Selection process
The planned selection process is as follows:
Website for additional job details

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Offer Description Mission: Research tasks in the project “Development of tailored 3D printed permanent and resorbable metallic scaffolds with biofunctionalized hydrogel for bone regeneration (TaperM...View more

Offer Description

The Medical University of Warsaw announces an open competition for the post of Assistant Professor in the Chair and Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine ref. no AO/1220 – 98/2023


Research Field
Medical sciences » Medicine
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Required qualifications:
  1. professional title of a medical doctor,
  2. PhD in medical sciences or medical and health sciences,
  3. specialty in neurology,
  4. experience in teaching University courses,
  5. academic research with at least 5 published articles in scientific journals included in the list indicated in the Law on Higher Education and Science (art. 267 par. 2 p. 2, l. a & b), - the candidate should be the primary contributor of at least two,
  6. fluency in Polish and a working command of English.
The following will be an adventage:
  1. experience in teaching courses at the Faculty of Medicine,
  2. documented research in the field of neuromuscular diseases.
Specific Requirements
Required documents:
  1. CV with a description of scientific, teaching, and organizational experience,
  2. copies of documents confirming professional qualifications and education, in particular diplomas of: completion of higher education studies; conferring the doctoral / postdoctoral degree / title of Professor, specialist title; recognition of a foreign diploma as equivalent to the relevant Polish diploma,
  3. copy of a document confirming the right to practice medicine in Poland,
  4. copy of documents confirming the Candidate's scientific and teaching achievements, including a list of publications complete with ranking scores such as the Impact Factor, the place on the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education ranking list, the number of citations (MUW employees should provide their lists of publications confirmed by the MUW Library) - if applicable.
PLEASE NOTE: MUW employees are requested to send only the documents listed in points 1 and 4 above. Required statements and declarations:
  1. declaration of having full legal capacity,
  2. declaration of enjoying full civil rights,
  3. statement of no prior conviction for intentional offence or intentional tax offence,
  4. statement of no disciplinary penalty referred to in Article 276, Section 1, Items 7 and 8 of the Law on Higher Education and Science,
  5. declaration that MUW will be the Candidate’s primary workplace in case of winning the competition, as defined in Article 120 of the Law on Higher Education and Science,
  6. statement reading as follows: "I hereby declare that I have read the information on the processing of personal data provided in the documents and statements submitted by me for the purpose of recruitment for the post of Assistant Professor in the Chair and Department of Neurology”
  7. declaration on submitting a statement authorizing MUW to include the Candidate in the group of employees conducting scientific activity in a given discipline (Declaration on disciplines / Declaration on qualification for the N number as per Appendix 4  to the Recruitment Policy of the employees of the Medical University of Warsaw).

Additional Information

Additional comments

The rules for the protection of personal data used by the Medical University of Warsaw:

  1. The Administrator of the Candidate’s personal data is the Medical University of Warsaw located in Warsaw at the following address: ul. Żwirki i Wigury 61, 02-091 Warszawa.
  2. The Data Protection Officer may be contacted at telephone number +48-22-5720240, email address, or the address of the Administrator's headquarters.
  3. Personal data will be processed in order to implement the recruitment process pursuant to Article 22[1] § 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the Labor Code and Article 32, Section 2 (on managerial position appointments) and Section 113 of the Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] 2022.574 of 11 March 2022, consolidated text as amended), i.e. pursuant to Article 6, Section 1, Paragraphs b and c of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the European Union, L 119, 4 May 2016, page 1), hereinafter referred to as "GDPR". Providing other data in the scope not specified by law shall be treated as the Candidate’s consent to their processing. For the execution of the legitimate interests of the Administrator, i.e. pursuing claims or defending against claims, the Candidate’s personal data will be processed on the legal basis of Article 6, Section 1, Paragraph f of the GDPR.
  4. Access to personal data within the Administrator's organizational structure shall be granted only to the employees authorized by the Administrator in the necessary scope.
  5. Personal data will not be disclosed to other entities, except to entities authorized by law or cooperating with the Administrator.
  6. Personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in accordance with the archival category assigned by the Administrator (permanently), whereas the applications of unsuccessful Candidates will be kept on file for 3 years and subsequently disposed of.
  7. The Candidate has the right to:
  • access their personal data (in accordance with Article 15 of the GDPR);
  • rectify their personal data (in accordance with Article 16 of the GDPR);
  • obtain restriction on processing of their personal data from the Administrator (in accordance with Article 18 of the GDPR) with the exception of situations mentioned in Article 18, Section 2 of the GDPR;
  • transmit their personal data to a third party (in accordance with Article 20 of the GDPR);
  • object to data processing – only if it takes place pursuant to Article 6, Section 1, Paragraph f of the GDPR (in accordance with Article 21 of the GDPR).
  1. The Candidate has the right to obtain the erasure of personal data unless Article 17, Section 3 of the GDPR applies.
  2. The Candidate has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of voluntarily submitted personal data at any time, which will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the consent withdrawal.
  3. The Candidate has the right to lodge a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection when this is justified by personal data being processed by the Administrator in breach of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data of 27 April 2016.
  4. While providing personal data is voluntary, it is necessary in order to participate in the recruitment process to the extent specified in the regulations listed in point 3 above, and voluntary in the remaining scope.
  5. Decisions will not be taken in an automated manner, and personal data will not be subject to profiling.

The deadline for applications is October 30th 2023 by 3:00 p.m.

Applications should be submitted:

  1. in Polish,
  2. by email to the address: with the Reference Number in the email title; paper-based documents will not be accepted.

Please refer to the Recruitment Policy of the employees of the Medical University of Warsaw, available at:

By submitting the application, the Candidate accepts the recruitment rules and conditions specified in the above-mentioned Recruitment Policy.

Results of the competition will be announced on the MUW website at

Please be advised that we do not return documents.

MUW reserves the right to cancel the competition at any time without stating any reasons.

To protect classified information that constitutes a trade secret, an employed person may be subject to standard screening in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Classified Information (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] 2023.756 of 21 April 2023, consolidated text).

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Offer Description The Medical University of Warsaw announces an open competition for the post of Assistant Professor in the Chair and Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine ref. no AO/1220 – 98...View more

NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim.

At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world.

You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.

About the job

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD position at the Department of Electric Energy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. The candidate will be a part of the Power System Operation and Analysis (PSOA) Research Group.

This is an academic position that will provide the opportunity for professional development through studies towards a PhD degree. The Department of Electric Energy, NTNU, is a research partner in the Knowledge-building Project for Industry, titled ‘Development of Coupled Offshore and Onshore Power Grids’. The research project is led by SINTEF Energy Research, and the industry partners include Statnett, Aker Solutions, and GE Grid Solutions. The PhD Candidate will be employed at NTNU, and the workplace will be in Trondheim, in connection with this research project. The selected candidate will take part in advancing the state-of-art research on the knowledge basis to support the coordinated development of power grids offshore as well as onshore, against a backdrop of large-scale offshore wind development and a changing onshore energy system.

Your immediate leader is the Head of Department.

Duties of the position

  • The candidate will develop models, methods and tools that enable sound grid infrastructure investment decisions and contribute to the development of robust coupled offshore and onshore power grids that are socio-economically profitable. The broader research questions that the research project deals with are as follows:
  • The broader research questions that the to the research project deals with are as follows:
    • How to generate models and datasets that are computationally efficient and representative for a large range of future scenarios and operating conditions?
    • How to take into account the coupling, interdependencies, and synergies between offshore and onshore grids in grid development?
    • How to assess risk and resilience with respect to security of supply in coupled offshore-onshore grids?
    • How to assess the socioeconomic impacts of grid developments?
  • Examples of relevant PhD topics within these research questions include: a) Offshore grid reliability analysis considering flexibility through interactions with other energy carriers, b) robust and distributionally robust optimization applied to offshore grid development, c) simplified representations of stability constraints in grid development and reliability analysis, d) novel techniques for understanding and communicating socio-economic analysis results.
  • The candidate will disseminate scientific findings via conference presentations and journal publications.
  • The candidate will complete academic training consisting of course work corresponding to minimum 30 ECTS.

Required selection criteria

  • You must have a professionally relevant background in Electric Power Engineering, with specialisation in electric power and/or energy systems; your Master’s thesis must be of relevance to the project description. Applicants with a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Engineering Physics with a Master’s thesis relevant to the project are also eligible to apply.
  • Your education must correspond to a five-year Norwegian degree program, where 120 credits are obtained at Master's level.
  • You must have a strong academic background from your previous studies and an average grade from the Master's degree program, or equivalent education, which is equal to B or better compared with NTNU's grading scale. If you do not have letter grades from previous studies, you must have an equally good academic basis. If you have a weaker grade background, you may be assessed if you can document that you are particularly suitable for a PhD education.
  • You must meet the requirements for admission to the Faculty's doctoral program.
  • You must have excellent programming skills (e.g., Python, C/C++, Matlab).
  • You must have very good English language skills, both written and spoken. Further assessment of both written and oral English language skills, and the ability to communicate fluently, will be conducted in the continued selection process and during any interviews for the shortlisted applicants.

The appointment is to be made in accordance with Regulations on terms of employment for positions such as postdoctoral fellow, Phd candidate, research assistant and specialist candidate and Regulations concerning the degrees of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) and Philosodophiae Doctor (PhD) in artistic research national guidelines for appointment as PhD, post doctor and research assistant 

Preferred selection criteria

  • Work experience in a field related to the project description
  • Excellent written and spoken English language skills, beyond the requirement of minimum scores for the documentation of proficiency
  • Proficiency in Norwegian language skills

Personal characteristics

The candidate should:

  • be curious, passionate, and creative
  • be structured, targeted, and solution-oriented
  • be self-driven with a strong ability to work independently as required
  • be a team player with the ability to collaborate with an interdisciplinary team
  • have good communication and dissemination skills

Emphasis will be placed on personal and interpersonal qualities.

We offer

Salary and conditions

As a PhD candidate (code 1017) you are normally paid from gross NOK 532 200 per annum, depending on qualifications and seniority. From the salary, 2% is deducted as a contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

The period of employment is 3 years. The desired starting date for the position is February 2024.

Appointment to a PhD position requires that you are admitted to the PhD programme in PhD programme in Electric Power Engineering within three months of employment, and that you participate in an organized PhD programme during the employment period.

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to NTNU. After the appointment you must assume that there may be changes in the area of work.

The position is subject to external funding.

It is a prerequisite you can be present at and accessible to the institution at Campus Trondheim on a daily basis.

About the application

The application and supporting documentation to be used as the basis for the assessment must be in English.

Publications and other scientific work must be attached to the application. Please note that your application will be considered based solely on information submitted by the application deadline. You must therefore ensure that your application clearly demonstrates how your skills and experience fulfil the criteria specified above.

The application must include:

  • A cover letter where the applicant describes personal motivation, summarising scientific work, and explains how the applicant sees her/his background as suitable for the advertised position.
  • CV (summarising education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience and other qualifying activity) and relevant certificates.
  • Transcripts and diplomas for Bachelor's and Master's degrees. If you have not completed the Master's degree, you must submit a confirmation that the Master's thesis has been submitted.
  • A copy of the Master's thesis. If you recently have submitted your master's thesis, you can attach a draft of the thesis. Documentation of a completed master's degree must be presented before taking up the position.
  • A draft research proposal (2-3 pages) for the PhD study, where the candidate presents her/his own ideas for the PhD-work and how it can be applied, based on the project description given in this advertisement.
  • Names and contact information of three referees.
  • Copies of any publications or other relevant research work.
  • The required documentation of English language proficiency (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, CPE).

Incomplete application will not be taken into consideration.

If all, or parts, of your education has been taken abroad, we also ask you to attach documentation of the scope and quality of your entire education, both bachelor's and master's education, in addition to other higher education. Description of the documentation required can be found here. If you already have a statement from NOKUT, please attach this as well.

We will take joint work into account. If it is difficult to identify your efforts in the joint work, you must enclose a short description of your participation.

In the evaluation of which candidate is best qualified, emphasis will be placed on education, experience and personal and interpersonal qualities. Motivation, ambitions, and potential will also count in the assessment of the candidates.

NTNU is committed to following evaluation criteria for research quality according to The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment - DORA.

General information

Working at NTNU

NTNU believes that inclusion and diversity is our strength. We want to recruit people with different competencies, educational backgrounds, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to solving our social responsibilities within education and research. We will facilitate for our employees’ needs.

NTNU is working actively to increase the number of women employed in scientific positions and has a number of resources to promote equality.


The city of Trondheim is a modern European city with a rich cultural scene. Trondheim is the innovation capital of Norway with a population of 200,000. The Norwegian welfare state, including healthcare, schools, kindergartens and overall equality, is probably the best of its kind in the world. Professional subsidized day-care for children is easily available. Furthermore, Trondheim offers great opportunities for education (including international schools) and possibilities to enjoy nature, culture and family life and has low crime rates and clean air quality.


As an employee at NTNU, you must at all times adhere to the changes that the development in the subject entails and the organizational changes that are adopted.

A public list of applicants with name, age, job title and municipality of residence is prepared after the application deadline. If you want to reserve yourself from entry on the public applicant list, this must be justified. Assessment will be made in accordance with current legislation. You will be notified if the reservation is not accepted.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Associate Professor Vijay Venu Vadlamudi, e-mail If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR consultant Sven Robert Storø, e-mail

If you think this looks interesting and in line with your qualifications, please submit your application electronically via with your CV, diplomas and certificates attached. Applications submitted elsewhere will not be considered. Upon request, you must be able to obtain certified copies of your documentation.

Application deadline: 31.10.2023.

NTNU - knowledge for a better world

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) creates knowledge for a better world and solutions that can change everyday life.

Department of Electric Energy

The Department of Electric Energy is one of the seven departments at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Our department is Norway’s leading in the field, and our vision is to be at the centre of the digital, green shift. We have excellent collaboration with business and industry as well as other universities and research organizations internationally. This gives us outstanding opportunities for interdisciplinary research with high relevance for the society, addressing industrial needs and global challenges.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim. At NTNU, 9,000 e...View more

According to the Article 119.1 and 3-4 of the Parliament Act of July 20, 2018 – Higher Education and Science Law (Journal of Laws  2018, Section 1668 as amended) and § 135. 1 of  the Statute of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź


ANNOUNCES A COMPETITION for the position of an assistant in the Intaglio Techniques Studio in the Institute of Printmaking of the Faculty of Fine Arts, in the group of didactic employees, for a specified period, full-time, primary employment.

The competition may be entered by candidates who fulfil conditions specified in Article 113 of the Parliament Act of July 20, 2018 – Higher Education and Science Law (Journal of Laws 2018, Section 1668 as amended) and § 143 section 3 of the Statute of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź and who fulfil the following requirements:

  1. have at least an MA degree (magister, magister inżynier or an equivalent title) in the field of art;
  2. have a documented artistic activity and output in visual arts, specifically in the field of printmaking;
  3. have advanced knowledge of printmaking techniques, especially intaglio techniques;
  4. be well acquainted with issues of composition and be able to use them in creative work;
  5. have teaching skills;
  6. have experience in organizing exhibitions, workshops etc.;
  7. be communicative, well-organized and well-mannered;
  8. know Polish;
  9. know English on a communicative level.

Range of basic tasks to be performed on the position:

Basic obligations of an academic teacher are defined in Article 115 of the Parliament Act of July 18, 2018 – Higher Education and Science Law (Journal of Laws 2018, Section 1668 as amended) and § 4 of the Work Rules of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź published on the Public Information Bulletin website of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź.

Required documents:

  1. A formal application and motivation letter;
  2. Completed personal data form and a consent for personal data processing – Appendix no 3;
  3. CV including information about the Candidate’s artistic/research and teaching work;
  4. Consent for processing personal data included in the CV for the recruitment process purposes - Appendix 4;
  5. Copies of documents confirming the Candidate’s education and qualifications, including: university graduation diploma and documents confirming language level;
  6. Documentation of artistic, research and teaching achievements and output  (porfolio);
  7. Declaration that the Candidate fulfils requirements resulting from Art. 113 of the Parliament Act of July 20, 2018 – Higher Education and Science Law (Journal of Laws 2018, Section 1668 as amended) – Appendix 1;
  8. Declaration stating that the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź will be the Candidate’s primary place of employment – Appendix 2.

Candidates are requested to submit the above mentioned documents in an electronic form (only pdf files – maximal file size: 20 MB) until the 05.11.2023 to, with e-mail subject containing: name and surname -  konkurs na stanowisko asystenta w Pracowni Technik Wklęsłodrukowych

The Competition Committee will be interviewing selected candidates face-to-face on the 08.11.2023. An e-mail message will be sent to selected candidates to inform them about the meeting time a day before the meeting.

The competition results will be published on the 09.11.2023 on the website of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

According to the Article 119.1 and 3-4 of the Parliament Act of July 20, 2018 – Higher Education and Science Law (Journal of Laws  2018, Section 1668 as amended) and § 135. 1 of  the Statute of t...View more

Name and description of the research project:

The role of agency and morality in dehumanization - an integrative approach

In this project, we undertake to study the predictors of dehumanization (Aim 1) and interventions to reduce dehumanization (Aim 2). We propose a systematic research program in cooperation with partners from Israel, Spain and Great Britain. To explore the causes of the dehumanization of others (Aim 1), we will examine whether the two most basic dimensions by which we judge other people, i.e. agency and morality, contribute to dehumanization. To explore interventions that reduce dehumanization (Aim 2), we will focus on disadvantaged groups as they are the most likely victims of dehumanization. We will investigate whether increasing the agency of these groups - by describing them as successful in their actions (compared to failures) - will reduce their dehumanization.

Grant awarded by the National Science Center to dr hab. Magdalena Formanowicz.


Institute of Psychology


  • Exploring the literature of the subject,
  • Developing research materials and procedures (pilots and relevant research) in cooperation with the project manager or post-doc
  • Recruiting participants for research,
  • Training researchers' associates,
  • Supervising and/or conducting research,
  • Performing data analysis and interpretation in cooperation with the PI or post-doc
  • Participating in research team meetings,
  • Cooperating with the project manager or post-doc in the preparation of articles presenting partial research results,
  • Participating in international conferences,
  • Presenting partial research results at conferences.


Research Field
Psychological sciences
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
  • Master's degree in social sciences (psychology, sociology, economic sciences, etc.),
  • Readiness to complete a doctoral thesis under the supervision of dr hab. Magdalena Formanowicz  in the USWPS Doctoral School (without additional scholarship),
  • Ability to think analytically,
  • Research interests related to dehumanization, relations between groups, conflict resolution, collective action, agency;
  • Minimum half-year experience in participating in a research project,
  • Good knowledge of statistics and willingness to learn advanced statistical methods,
  • Fluent knowledge of English in speech and writing - at least at C1 level (preferably C2),
  • High conscientiousness, accuracy and perseverance,
  • Excellent organizational skills, knowledge of Jira and Miro programs,
  • Availability of about 7 - 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday for scientific work,
  • Available to work in Warsaw.
Research Field
Psychological sciences

Additional Information

We offer:
  • Fellowship contract for a period of 48 months,
  • Scholarship in the amount of PLN 5,000 gross per month (ZUS insurance is deducted, the scholarship is not taxed),
  • Laptop, access to literature, statistical licenses and research software,
  • Possibility of professional development through participation in workshops and trainings,
  • Gaining experience in a scientifically active research center (Center for Research on Social Relations),
  • Co-authorship of scientific publications and participation in scientific conferences.
Eligibility criteria
Formal criteria:
  • the candidate’s scientific achievements, including publications in renowned scientific journals (50% of the final score);
  • distinctions for scientific research, scholarships, awards and scientific experience gained at  the home research institution or abroad, scientific workshops and training, participation in research projects (20% of the final score);
  • skills related to the ability to perform tasks planned in the research project (30% of the final score).
Selection process
  The application should be sent electronically via the recruitment form:…   Required documents:
  •  Scientific CV in English containing in particular:
    • description of scientific achievements,
    • list of publications or conference presentations,
    • list of awards and achievements for scientific work,
    • description of competencies to perform the tasks specified in the "Job responsibilities" section;
  • At least one opinion on the candidate issued by the supervisor or other researcher with whom the applicant cooperates or has cooperated;
  • Cover letter justifying the willingness to participate in the project and relating the candidate's skills and interests to the description of tasks in the project.
  Application deadline: October 28, 2023 Competition results announced: November 8, 2023 Date of commencement of work: November 20, 2023  
Additional comments
  Competition Committee:
  • Magdalena Formanowicz, PhD, Associate Professor at the SWPS University – Chair of the Committee;
  • Marta Witkowska, PhD– Committee Member;
  • Aleksandra Cisłak-Wójcik, PhD, Associate Professor at the SWPS University - Committee Member;
  • Wojciech Kulesza, PhD, Associate Professor at the SWPS University - Committee Member;
  • Paulina Kolańczyk-Zwierz – Member of HR staff;
  • Anna Zając – Committee Secretary.
  Additional information: Link to the NCN Regulations  Before the interview, which will be held in English, candidates may be asked to perform a task to check their research competences. The Competition Committee reserves the right to contact only selected candidates. If necessary, additional information about the competition can be obtained at the following email address:  
Website for additional job details

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

Name and description of the research project: The role of agency and morality in dehumanization – an integrative approach In this project, we undertake to study the predictors of dehumanization ...View more

La conception de moteurs aéronautiques de nouvelle génération nécessite l'intégration de simulations à résolution d'échelle d'ordre élevé (SRS) et de méthodologies d'optimisation dans les flux de travail industriels standards. Les futurs concepts de moteurs nécessitent d'ouvrir l'espace de conception et de résoudre des problèmes de conception complexes hors de portée des processus de conception industrielle standard d'aujourd'hui dans les délais requis. Dans le cadre du projet collaboratif Horizon cluster 5 Sci-Fi-Turbo, nous cherchons à répondre à ce besoin urgent en exploitant les opportunités de trois technologies fondamentales : le calcul haute performance, les méthodes numériques d'ordre élevé et l'IA/ML. Cette combinaison est utilisée pour mettre en œuvre et démontrer des avancées clés dans la conception de turbomachines.

Participants : Sci-Fi-Turbo est dirigé par le Centre allemand de recherche aérospatiale DLR (Cologne) et comprend des partenaires tels que GE-Allemagne, ANSYS, Sorbonne Université, Imperial College, Université de Melbourne, CINECA, Université de Braunshweig, Chalmers.

Objectif : Modèles de turbulence à la volée basés sur des données pour une conception aérodynamique haute fidélité Les processus de conception de turbomachines industrielles s'appuient sur des solveurs (U)RANS à volumes finis du second ordre. Le changement radical requis dans la capacité prédictive a toutefois nécessité l'introduction d'approches précises de haut niveau et SRS dans le processus de conception. Néanmoins, la maturité actuelle des solveurs SRS d’ordre élevé compatibles HPC pour les applications de turbomachines n’est pas suffisante pour être utilisée dans les flux de travail de conception industrielle standard. Seul un très petit nombre de SRS peuvent être réalisés lors d’une optimisation, en raison de leur coût de calcul élevé. Pour atténuer cela, nous prévoyons d'exploiter les données SRS haute fidélité pour former et Des modèles RANS augmentés par apprentissage automatique, et plus particulièrement des modèles basés sur des données en boîte ouverte basés sur des algorithmes d'identification symbolique [1,2], pour fournir des niveaux de précision proches de SRS, au moins à proximité de l'ensemble d'entraînement. Les objectifs des travaux de thèse sont les suivants : parvenir à une formation de modèle informatiquement efficace et automatisée, pour permettre un recyclage « à la volée » lors de l'optimisation, si nécessaire ; assurer la robustesse numérique des modèles basés sur les données, qui doivent répondre à des critères de convergence stricts pour éviter les incertitudes associées aux erreurs de solution ; développer des modèles basés sur des données qui soient généralisables sur une sous-région suffisamment grande de l'espace des paramètres, et pour éviter des erreurs d'extrapolation catastrophiques ou la nécessité d'un recyclage trop fréquent. Pour relever ces défis, les approches basées sur les données sera contraint de garantir le bon comportement des modèles (invariance, symétries, réalisabilité). De plus, nous étudierons les critères de généralisation, par exemple basés sur la distance de Malahanobis ou les limites PAC-Bayes [3,4]. Ces critères seront utilisés pour mesurer la fiabilité prédictive du modèle et déclencher un recyclage si nécessaire.

Plan de travail : Les travaux de thèse seront répartis sur trois ans. Il/elle devra travailler en étroite interaction avec les autres membres de l'équipe (personnel permanent, doctorant et postoc impliqués dans Sci-Fi-Turbo) et participer aux activités du projet : interactions avec d'autres partenaires, participation aux réunions d'avancement, rédaction de rapports. Elle/Il devra également participer aux activités de diffusion en participant à des conférences internationales et en rédigeant des articles.

Le programme provisoire est le suivant : • Bibliographie sur les modèles de turbulence augmentés par apprentissage automatique et les critères de généralisation. Collecte de données de formation et de validation (y compris les données générées au sein du consortium Sci-Fi-Turbo) et génération de bases de données SRS supplémentaires si nécessaire. Enquête sur des techniques de formation informatiques efficaces et entièrement automatiques. • Enquête sur les critères d'optimalité des données d'entraînement. Formation du modèle RANS basé sur les données et évaluation sur une variété de cas de test. Enquête sur les capacités de généralisation et estimation des incertitudes prédictives. Définition de mesures d'extrapolation adaptées et de critères de reconversion. Définition d'un workflow automatique. • Application du workflow aux configurations de compresseurs Sci-Fi-Turbo et validation approfondie. Intégration au sein d'algorithmes d'optimisation multi-fidélité développés par PhD2 et application à la conception d'une aube de compresseur.

Références : [1] Schmelzer, M., Dwight, RP et Cinnella, P. (2020). Découverte de modèles algébriques de contrainte de Reynolds utilisant la régression symbolique clairsemée. Écoulement, turbulence et combustion, 104, 579-603. [2] Cherroud, S., Merle, X., Cinnella, P. et Gloerfelt, X. (2022). Apprentissage bayésien clairsemé de modèles algébriques explicites de contraintes de Reynolds pour les écoulements séparés turbulents. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 98, 109047. [3] Wu, JL, Wang, JX, Xiao, H. et Ling, J. (2017). Évaluation a priori de la confiance des prédictions pour la modélisation de la turbulence basée sur les données. Écoulement, turbulence et combustion, 99, 25-46 [4] Alquier, P. (2021). Introduction conviviale aux limites PAC-Bayes. Préimpression arXiv arXiv:2110.11216.


Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Mathématiques » Mathématiques appliquées
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Profil du candidat retenu : Docteur en Mécanique des Fluides ou Mathématiques Appliquées, goût pour la recherche multidisciplinaire, compétences avérées en calcul scientifique. (python, Fortran ou C++, MPI serait apprécié).
Domaine de recherche
Mathématiques » Mathématiques appliquéesTous

Informations Complémentaires

Processus de sélection
Comment postuler : merci d'envoyer les informations suivantes à P. Cinnella : CV, lettre de motivation, références.
Commentaires supplémentaires
  • Lieu : Sorbonne Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005, PARIS, France
  • Durée : trois ans
  • Date de début : janvier/février 2024.
  • Salaire : postes entièrement financés, remboursement partiel des frais de mobilité locale.

Lieu(x) de travail

Nombre d'offres disponibles
Sorbonne Université

Où postuler


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

La conception de moteurs aéronautiques de nouvelle génération nécessite l’intégration de simulations à résolution d’échelle d’ordre élevé (SRS) et de méthodologies d’...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ

The National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) are inviting applications in the field of "Non-power nuclear and radiological technologies" for a Ph.D. position through the Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships (CDP) scheme (Agreement n. 36149).

Place of work:

The Ph.D. research will be carried out jointly at the National Center of Nuclear Research Nomaten Center of Excellence 7 Andrzeja Sołtana str. 05-400 Otwock-Świerk, Poland


The European Commission – Joint Research Centre Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate Westerduinweg 3 1755 LE Petten, The Netherlands.

Research topic description: 

The person hired will carry out the research topic related to the project entitled "Mechanical and structural properties of RAFM steels - impact of radiation damage.", which is funded by the National Science Center under the POLONEZ BIS competition – project number 2022/47/P/ST5/01169 (project leader Dr. Tymofii Khvan).

Materials under neutron irradiation are subject to irradiation damage and degradation of their mechanical properties. However, neutron irradiation studies for research purposes are complicated, time-consuming, and expensive, so emulating neutron irradiation damage by much faster and cost-effective ion irradiation is of high interest. At the same time, ion irradiation avoids activation of the irradiated material. However, the emulation of neutron irradiation by ion irradiation damage is limited by transferability issues and experimental uncertainties linked to the limited penetration of the energetic ions. The goal of the work is to improve our understanding of the phenomena associated with the formation and evolution of ion irradiation-induced defects and their role in the deformation behavior in ferritic/martensitic (f/m) steels, incl. pure Fe, Fe9%Cr, Fe9%Cr-NiSiP and Eurofer 97. Nanoindentation will be carried out using different indenter shapes to study irradiation hardening. Radiation-induced defects will be identified by TEM. Complementary analyses will be carried out, including plasma-focused ion beam tomography of indents. The project aims at establishing and validating a comprehensive testing protocol with complementary investigations to support the experimental activities. An experimental/computational procedure is targeted for effectively characterizing ion irradiation as a surrogate for neutron irradiation. The project will also contribute to developing and validating models for size effects during nanoindentation in irradiated steels through a statistical sampling approach across a specimen surface. It is well known that size effects are influenced by irradiation; however, the origin has been debated. Micromechanical models and validation experiments will be performed that will account for geometrically necessary dislocations generated at the indent. Based on dislocation dynamics formulations in samples with various defects/defect clusters, a machine-learning approach will be developed to evaluate nanoindentation responses in irradiated metals. The Ph.D. project is expected to effectively improve experimental/computational protocols for the fast, safe, and reliable assessment of the irradiation impact on the mechanical properties of structural steels. The topic is in line with the research carried out by the NCBJ and in line with the mission of the JRC. Therefore, the Ph.D. candidate will conduct his/her research for up to 24 months at the Joint Research Centre in Petten underemployment as a grant holder through the Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships (CDP) scheme (Agreement n. 36149). The candidate will be enrolled in NCBJ Ph.D. school and awarded a Ph.D. Degree in Physics at the end of the three to four-year Programme after successfully completing the entire Ph.D. requirements, including the successful defense of the Thesis as provided by the NCBJ Ph.D. school Regulations on Ph.D. Programmes.

PhD programme: 

The duration of the Doctoral Programme is expected to be from three to four years (maximum). The planned start of the project is January 1st, 2024. It is expected that the Ph.D. candidate will join JRC in Petten (The Netherlands) during the third/fourth quarter of 2024 for up to 24 months. Afterwards, the Ph.D. candidate will return to NCBJ to continue the research and finally obtain a Ph.D. in Physics awarded by NCBJ.

We offer: 

  • full-time employment paid from the project 5000 PLN/month (gross) while staying at NCBJ, during research stay at JRC potential candidate will be offered a Grant holder (cat.20) contract ( and will receive 39,240 Euros per year (gross), correction factor may apply + family & mobility allowance (if applicable).
  • work in the only research institute in Poland with a nuclear reactor
  • the opportunity to participate in the creation of a new international unit, the chance for personal success related to the development of MAB NOMATEN;
  • the opportunity for personal growth through a diverse range of tasks and challenges in the study of materials dedicated to nuclear technologies;
  • the opportunity to participate in international and national scientific conferences;
  • additional annual salary and a package of benefits from the Company's Social Benefits Fund (among other things, holiday subsidies)
  • company transportation providing access to Świerk from many places in Warsaw and the surrounding area (detailed schedule in the "contact" tab at

Candidates should, prior to the start of the employment contract with the JRC:

  • have the nationality of a Member State of the EU or a country associated to the Research Framework Programmes or being resident in EU Member State since at least five years.
  • be enrolled in a PhD programme with the HEI.

Candidates who are already enrolled in the doctoral study program with the HEI for fewer than 12 months can also be considered eligible. The selected candidate will have not more than 6 months from the request for confirmation of interest in the position, to produce proof of enrolment in the doctoral study program.

The hired person will be responsible for: 

  • preparation of samples for the experiments (cutting, polishing, encapsulating)
  • preparing specimens for testing in a scanning and transmission electron microscopes (SEM/TEM);
  • conducting studies at room and elevated temperatures (e.g., nanoindentation)
  • conducting mechanical tests (mini-tensile with DIC, microhardness)
  • development of micromechanical models and validation experiments to account for geometrically necessary dislocations generated under the indent
  • developing a machine-learning approach to evaluate nanoindentation responses in irradiated metals (based on dislocation dynamics formulations in samples with various defects/defect clusters)
  • reporting results on a regular basis;
  • cooperating with all members of the CoE;
  • preparation of scientific publications.


  • MSc degree (or equivalent) within a relevant scientific area of the Doctoral Programme (e.g., physics, material science, nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, or equivalent) giving access to doctoral studies;
  • scientific experience documented by scientific publications;
  • knowledge of the physical fundamentals of TEM methods (good understanding of the basics of crystallography);
  • understanding of experimental methods of solid-state physics (e.g., nanoindentation and/or tensile testing);
  • Theoretical background in physics-based modelling, including numerical methods, is an advantage;
  • experience in examining radiation-damaged materials or mechanical testing at high temperatures would be a plus;
  • willingness to continuously acquire knowledge and improve qualifications, creativity, responsibility, good organization, ability to work in a team, and communication skills;
  • excellent oral and written English language skills.

Required documents:

  • a resume containing the clause "I agree to process my personal data contained in the job offer for the purposes necessary for the recruitment process (in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection Dz. 2002 No. 101 item 926 as amended)".
  • a cover letter;
  • letters of recommendation
  • a copy of the diploma confirming obtaining an MSc. Degree (or equivalent)
  • list of scientific publications
  • self-presentation, containing a description of the candidate's scientific achievements, along with a list of publications, patents, and implementations, description of other achievements (conference presentations, internships, etc.)
  • any other possible documents that may affect the assessment


Research Field
Physics » Other
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Physics » Other
Years of Research Experience

Additional Information

Selection process

All applications should be sent by e-mail before October 31st to: (NCBJ HR manager).

Each applicant will be evaluated by the commission composed of at least three NCBJ members, including the Polonez Bis Project Coordinator, HR specialists, and a professor specializing in a given research discipline. Preselected candidates will be invited for an interview and an oral examination of physics in Graduate School of Physics and Chemistry of NCBJ (, organized in October/November 2023. Only those who pass the exam will be taken into account in the final selection.

The applications of the shortlisted candidates will be shared with the JRC for confirmation and final selection. The JRC may contact pre-selected candidates for a further interview. Interviews will be held in English and may be carried out remotely by video call.

At the end of the selection procedure, the JRC will contact each pre-selected candidate to inform about the outcome of their application, the successful candidate will then be contacted by NCBJ for the enrolment procedure.


All applications should be sent by e-mail to:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

The National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) are inviting applications in the field of “Non-power nuclear and radiological techn...View more

Offer Description

CeMM - Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Pre-ERC Postdoc Program in Cellular, Molecular and Digital Medicine (m/f/d)

CeMM - Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Vienna, Austria

We are recruiting a group of postdocs who are eager to pursue ground-breaking biomedical research, and we will help them to establish themselves as future scientific leaders. This postdoc program is designed to prepare postdoctoral researchers for a successful ERC Starting Grant application or equivalent and for an independent research career in top research organisations in Europe and around the world. The postdoc program is based at the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, one of Europe’s leading centres for basic biomedical research – with clinical translation in mind. Our partners are the Medical University of Vienna and the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI). Selected candidates will join one of CeMM’s research groups for 3 to 6 years, addressing ambitious research questions in areas such as cancer, immunology, chemical biology, epigenetics, metabolism, genomic medicine, and ageing research. Research projects will focus on medically relevant problems, including disease mechanisms, modern therapeutics, and diagnostic strategies. On top of this, postdocs will receive extensive career development and leadership training from the entire CeMM Faculty and additional experts in a highly collaborative and supportive environment.

What we offer:

  • A unique blend of a frontier research environment at top level with a strong medical and translational focus through the hospital setting and the connections to biotech and pharma;
  • An international group of highly collaborative colleagues that will help you achieve your scientific and career goals;
  • Top-notch environment with the ideas, projects, resources, infrastructure, collaborations, and mindset for ground-breaking research;
  • Excellent track record of past postdocs who have become internationally successful principal investigators, professors, entrepreneurs;
  • Strong focus on disease biology and translational research: cancer, metabolic disorders, inflammation/infection, aging, drug discovery;
  • Interdisciplinary projects connecting biology with medicine, experiments with computation, and discovery with translation;
  • Unique opportunity to engage in close interactions with physicians and clinical researchers at the Medical University of Vienna on one of Europe’s largest medical campuses;
  • Opportunities to collaborate with industry (biotech/pharma) and to get involved in academic start-up/spin-off companies;
  • Training program in project management, scientific writing, visual communication, entrepreneurship, leadership, and data science;
  • Special training for writing successful ERC Starting Grants as a ‘ticket’ to an outstanding academic career;
  • Being part of a thriving academic and social community in Vienna, one of the cities with the best quality of life in the world;
  • A competitive postdoc salary of EUR 4,351.90 gross monthly (following the recommendations of FWF), paid 14 times yearly;
  • The CeMM employment contract includes full insurance (health, accident, pension) and a oneoff payment for moving from abroad;
  • CeMM’s HR department and administrative team offer support with relocation, visa applications, onboarding, family support, etc.

Whom we are looking for:

  • Candidates who want to pursue innovative biomedical research and substantially advance their scientific career;
  • Candidates with international professional experience and enhanced potential to receive an ERC Starting Grant in the future;
  • Open to both PhD (natural sciences) and MD (medical sciences) holders;
  • From a variety of academic backgrounds: molecular biology, biomedical research, bioinformatics, biochemistry, bioengineering, etc.;
  • With the motivation, skills, experiences, and initial achievements (subject to academic age) to qualify for a competitive postdoc program;
  • Required are scientific quality and originality, as well as a collaborative and interdisciplinary mindset.

Potential Projects:

We are open to ideas that fit into the broader scope and mission of the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine and expressions of interest in the research of all groups, but concrete projects and groups offering positions are:
  • Bioinformatics for precision medicine (Bock Lab). Integrative analysis of single-cell multi-omics and spatial imaging for cancer, immunology, and epigenetic ageing clocks. Get involved in the Human Cell Atlas (single-cell analytics) and/or the European Lab for Learning & Intelligent Systems (ML/AI);
  • Technology Development for Molecular Biomedicine (Bock Lab). “Progress in science depends on new techniques, new discoveries and new ideas, probably in that order” - Sydney Brenner;
  • We are open to ideas for exciting new technologies in single-cell & spatial profiling, genome engineering, synthetic biology, organoids, and cell-based therapy;
  • Discovery of novel bacterial immunoregulatory metabolites (Campbell Lab);
  • Bioinformatics in chronic (vascular) liver disease (de Rooij Lab and Reiberger Lab). Integrative analysis of transcriptomics, metabolomics, and radiomics data to unravel novel liver disease and angiogenesis mechanisms;
  • Metabolic landscapes in the tumour microenvironment controlling anti-tumour immunity (Maier Lab). We will employ an in vivo CRISPR screen to modulate metabolite availability at the tumor site and assess resulting immune cell infiltration and polarization by highdimensional imaging;
  • Premetastatic niches in tumor-draining lymph nodes (Maier Lab). We are investigating how the tumor reprograms the draining lymph node, and how altered lymph node niches translate into suppressed anti-tumor immunity. Areas of interest include proteomics of tumor-derived factors, high-dimensional imaging, mouse models, and patient derived material including primary lymph node cell culture;
  • Chromatin modifiers in haematopoiesis and leukaemia (Seruggia Lab). We use in vitro and in vivo genome editing to identify and characterize new cancer vulnerabilities. We are interested in cancer dependencies, in non-mutational cancer evolution and in the role of enhancers in disease;
  • Exploiting membrane transporters to target manganese neurotoxicity (Superti-Furga Lab);
  • Molecular glues to target gene control (Winter Lab). We are interested in the synthesis, identification, and characterization of small-molecules that functionally rewire transcriptional circuits in cancer. To this goal, we leverage various functional genomics and proteomics tools, aiming to holistically address molecular mechanisms of drug action at high resolution and precision.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Offer Description Pre-ERC Postdoc Program in Cellular, Molecular and Digital Medicine (m/f/d) CeMM – Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna, Austria We...View more

We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers. Students who provide hope for the future. Co-workers who contribute to Linköping University meeting the challenges of the day. Our fundamental values rest on credibility, trust and security. By having the courage to think freely and innovate, our actions together, large and small, contribute to a better world. We look forward to receiving your application!

We are looking for 1–2 PhD students in AI and machine learning with a focus on large language models. The positions are funded by WASP and the students will participate in the WASP Graduate School.

Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The program addresses research on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems-of-systems.

The vision of WASP is excellent research and competence in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and software for the benefit of Swedish industry.

Read more:

Your work assignments

As a PhD student, you devote most of your time to doctoral studies and the research projects of which you are part. Your work may also include teaching or other departmental duties, up to a maximum of 20% of full-time.

The research for this position will develop methods for making large language models more efficient by dividing them into modules that can be trained and updated independently of other model parts. Such methods are especially interesting when building models for lower-resourced languages with little training data.

Read more:

Your workplace

You will work in the Natural Language Processing Group within the Division for Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems (AIICS).

Read more:

The Department of Computer and Information Science was founded in 1983, but its roots go back to the early 1970s. It is one of the largest computer science departments in northern Europe. Our research covers a broad spectrum of fields, from core to applied computer sciences. Its vast scope also benefits our undergraduate and graduate programmes, and we now teach courses in several engineering programmes at Bachelor’s and Master’s levels, as well as programmes in statistics, cognitive science and innovative programming.

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Linköping University is an AI research excellence centre with strong and broad research and education in AI from a technical and interdisciplinary perspective. LiU is the coordinator of one of the four EU-funded networks of AI research excellence centres (TAILOR) and the host of the largest basic research programme in Sweden (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program, WASP) as well as the Wallenberg AI and Transformative Technologies Education Development Program (WASP-ED). LiU also hosts the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS), which includes an NVIDIA SuperPOD (Berzelius).

The graduate school within WASP is dedicated to provide the skills needed to analyze, develop, and contribute to the interdisciplinary area of artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and software. Through an ambitious program with research visits, partner universities, and visiting lecturers, the graduate school actively supports forming a strong multi-disciplinary and international professional network between PhD-students, researchers and industry. The graduate school offers a unique opportunity for students who are interested in world-class international research with industrial relevance.

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Your qualifications

We are looking for a goal-oriented person who can work with complex issues, independently pursue their work, and collaborate with others.

You should have a Master’s degree in computer science or have completed coursework amounting to at least 240 ECTS, including 60 ECTS from second-cycle courses in computer science. Alternatively, you have gained essentially corresponding knowledge in another way. You should also have high proficiency in written and oral English communication.

You should have very good knowledge of and practical experience with machine learning and programming. Experience with large language models and research experience from undergraduate education are meritorious.

In your personal letter, we expect you to explain why you are interested in this position and consider yourself a good fit for it.

The employment

When taking up the post, you will be admitted to the program for doctoral studies. More information about the doctoral studies at each faculty is available at Doctoral studies at Linköping University

The employment has a duration of four years’ full-time equivalent. You will initially be employed for a period of one year. The employment will subsequently be renewed for periods of maximum duration two years, depending on your progress through the study plan. The employment may be extended up to a maximum of five years, based on the amount of teaching and departmental duties you have carried out. Further extensions can be granted in special circumstances.

Starting date by agreement.

Salary and employment benefits

The salary of PhD students is determined according to a locally negotiated salary progression.

More information about employment benefits at Linköping University is available here.

Union representatives

Information about union representatives, see Help for applicants.

Application procedure

Apply for the position by clicking the “Apply” button below. Your application must reach Linköping University no later than October 19, 2023.

Applications and documents received after the date above will not be considered.

We welcome applicants with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives - diversity enriches our work and helps us grow. Preserving everybody's equal value, rights and opportunities is a natural part of who we are. Read more about our work with: Equal opportunities.

We look forward to receiving your application! Linköping university has framework agreements and wishes to decline direct contacts from staffing- and recruitment companies as well as vendors of job advertisements.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers. Students who provide hope for the future. Co-workers who contribute to Linköping University meeting the challenges of the day. Our fundamenta...View more

The Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology (Göteborg, Sweden) invites applications for a two year postdoctoral position in theoretical nuclear physics to begin in the spring 2024 (starting date flexible). We take a leading role in our field, in particular by developing advanced computational methods. The successful candidate can therefore expect to contribute at the international forefront of theoretical physics research. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until an outstanding candidate is selected.

Information about the division and the department The theoretical subatomic physics group performs theoretical research on nuclear, elementary particle, and astroparticle physics. The focus of the current search is low-energy nuclear theory (arXiv category: nucl-th). Organizationally we are part of the division of Subatomic, High-Energy and Plasma Physics within the Department of Physics. Moreover, we have a strong international position within our research area and benefit from many collaborations world wide. We strive for providing a stimulating and collaborative research environment with high scientific standards.

Information about the project The postdoctoral project will focus on fundamental science questions in theoretical nuclear physics. Research topics that are currently studied in our group include: the applicability of ab initio approaches based on chiral effective field theory for describing few- and many-nucleon systems, low-energy precision tests of fundamental interactions and physics beyond the standard model, quantification of theoretical uncertainties through development of advanced statistical methods and emulator technology. This setting gives an excellent opportunity for the successful candidate to both develop new theoretical skills and learn new computational techniques and statistical approaches.

Major responsibilities Your major responsibility as a postdoctoral researcher is to carry out research aimed at a better understanding of low-energy nuclear physics. You are also expected to develop own ideas and find your own ways in tackling research challenges. The position may include some supervision of student projects. Your research will likely be integrated within international research collaborations where you are expected to take an active role. You will contribute to the continued development of computer codes and employ them in your own research and in collaborative projects. You will communicate research results at international conferences as well as in scientific journals.

Qualifications A PhD in Physics is required. A strong educational background in advanced theoretical physics (quantum many-body theory, effective field theory, computational physics), good programming skills and experience with computer codes for solving the nuclear many-body problem are considered meritorious.

To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses.

You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education.

Contract terms This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years. We offer Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure The application should be marked with Ref 20230561 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.

CV:(Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including: • CV, include complete list of publications • Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences • Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number) 1-3 pages where you: • Introduce yourself • Describe your previous research fields and main research results • Describe your future goals and future research focus

Other documents: • Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

Application deadline: 2023-11-06 For questions, please contact: Prof. Christian Forssén, SHP,, +46 31 772 3261

Prof. Andreas Ekström, SHP,, +46 31 772 6307

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***

Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and education in engineering sciences, architecture, technology-related mathematical sciences, natural and nautical sciences, working in close collaboration with industry and society. The strategy for scientific excellence focuses on our six Areas of Advance; Energy, Health Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Materials Science, Production and Transport. The aim is to make an active contribution to a sustainable future using the basic sciences as a foundation and innovation and entrepreneurship as the central driving forces. Chalmers has around 11,000 students and 3,000 employees. New knowledge and improved technology have characterised Chalmers since its foundation in 1829, completely in accordance with the will of William Chalmers and his motto: Avancez!

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

The Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology (Göteborg, Sweden) invites applications for a two year postdoctoral position in theoretical nuclear physics to begin in the spring 2024 ...View more

For this post, you will join and actively participate in the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC). The ACLC is one of the five research schools of the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR). We are seeking a talented researcher and teacher who can liaise between different ACLC research groups, develop interdisciplinary projects, and research-based teaching.The ACLC prioritises diversity (taken in a holistic sense, e.g., ethnicity, social background, gender, sexuality) and is committed to creating an inclusive environment for everyone.

You will be asked to teach German and comparative language and linguistics courses in the Languages, Culture, and Region BA programmes of the department of Modern and Foreign Languages, in the BA Linguistics, in relevant programmes in the History and European Studies department, and in relevant (r)MA programmes of the faculty. These programmes adopt an interdisciplinary, research-led approach and you are expected to be open to fields that might not be directly related to your research focus (e.g., historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and second language acquisition).

The department of German Languages & Cultures is part of the department of Modern and Foreign Languages (MVTC) in the Faculty of Humanities. It is located in the historical centre of Amsterdam and home to scholars with a diverse range of research and teaching interests. Students of the three-year BA programme gain specialised topical and historical literary, cultural, and linguistic knowledge as well as broader comprehension of the region. The department also participates in various graduate programmes in the faculty, including the research MA Linguistics and Communication and the MAs Language, Literature and EducationLanguage & Society, and in various national programmes, such as Masterlanguage and Alfa4all.

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Designing and conducting independent research in one or more of the domains of interest of the ACLC, such as psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics, general linguistics, discourse analysis, argumentation and rhetoric, corpus study, and computational linguistics, with a special focus on German in postcolonial ecologies. Expertise in one, or a combination, of the following domains is required: minority and majority languages, language acquisition and variation in a multilingual context, language and translocalisation in diasporic settings, heritage languages, language change, language policy, language and the media. The conducted research will result in academic publications in peer-reviewed international journals and/or books.
  • Actively pursuing external funding for research, notably funding from research councils, national as well as European.
  • Actively contributing to and developing national and international research networks and other forms of cooperation.
  • Actively contributing to the research activities of the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication and to the school’s European research priority areas as outlined here.
  • Developing, co-coordinating and teaching the BA programme in German languages and cultures and relevant (r)MA programmes across the faculty.
  • Supervising Bachelor and Master theses and tutoring students; co-supervising PhD theses.
  • Actively contributing to the development and improvement of the broader teaching programmes in the department.
  • Taking part in committees and working groups, and carrying out departmental administrative tasks.


Specific Requirements
Alongside an excellent research profile (see below), you are able to provide, participate, and develop analogous programming for the following range of possible allocated BA and/or (R)MA courses: German language and linguistics courses; De wereld van taal en spraak; Language in Use: Acquisition and Variation (German); Forschungskolloquium Duitse media en cultuur; Masterlanguage courses in Linguistics; and/or Contact, Conflict, and the Media (this link and this link give you access to a number of relevant course descriptions)You will offer research-led core and elective courses that contribute to the existing BA in German and other relevant BA and (R)MA programmes, and attract students from other disciplines. At the same time, you are flexible in teaching on topics beyond your own research focus, willing to work in interdisciplinary teams of teachers, and able to offer lectures and classes that appeal to a wide range of students. Your experience and profile:
  • You hold a PhD in linguistics, with special attention for the study of German in postcolonial ecologies. Expertise in one or a combination of the following areas of study is a requirement: minority and majority languages, language acquisition and variation in a multilingual context, heritage languages, language change, language policy, language and the media.
  • Your research aligns with one or more of ACLC’s research priority areas named above.
  • You participate in international academic networks.
  • You have a strong publication record in the scholarly fields that are relevant to this position and will produce research output of international standing, including peer-reviewed articles, books, chapters etc., as well as work of broader public interest.
  • You demonstrate the ability and ambition to obtain external research grants.
  • You have broad and relevant teaching experience in German and comparative linguistics at BA and (r)MA level.
  • You are open to and interested in interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • You are able to independently design and work with innovative teaching methods, including project-based learning and integral digital and on-site teaching.
  • You are familiar with placement tests and procedures to determine the language proficiency of student cohorts.
  • You have an excellent command of German and of Dutch and English, and preferably knowledge of another Germanic language in postcolonial settings. If you do not speak Dutch, an active and passive command must be acquired within two years of the employment contract and the state examination for Dutch as a Second Language programme II must be passed.
  • You have experience with digital and audiovisual teaching facilities and IT in university teaching.
  • You are experienced in valorisation and able to communicate with wider audiences.
  • You are a good team player and versatile at all levels, capable of multidisciplinary co-operation.
  • You have excellent organisational experience and skills.
  • You are experienced in academic administration and management tasks.
  • You hold the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) or are willing to acquire this within the first two years of the employment contract.

Additional Information

We offer a permanent contract with a probationary period of 18 months. The employment contract is for 38 hours a week. The preferred starting date is 01 February 2024. The gross monthly salary, based on 38 hours per week and relevant experience, ranges between € 4,332 to € 6,737. This sum does not include the 8% holiday allowance and the 8,3% year-end allowance. A favourable tax agreement, the ‘30% ruling’, may apply to non-Dutch applicants. The Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities is applicable. What else do we offer?
  • The opportunity to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams.
  • Good opportunities for study and personal development.
  • An inspiring academic and international working environment in the heart of Amsterdam.
Selection process
If you feel the profile fits you, and you are interested in the job, we look forward to receiving your application. You can apply online via the link below. We will accept applications until 20 October 2023. Applications should include the following information (submitted in one .pdf by uploading in the required field ‘CV’):
  • a letter of motivation;
  • a detailed CV;
  • a list of publications;
  • the names and email addresses of two references who can provide letters of recommendation.
Only complete applications received within the response period via the link below will be considered. Interviews will be held in November 2023. A trial lecture may be part of the application procedure.
Additional comments

Do you have any questions or do you require additional information? Please contact Ellen Rutten, chair of the department of Modern Foreign Languages and Cultures.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

For this post, you will join and actively participate in the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC). The ACLC is one of the five research schools of the Amsterdam Institute for Huma...View more

We are looking for a doctoral candidate for a fully funded position (0.8 – 1.0 FTE) to conduct individual research focused on understanding new meanings of value in the built environment.

In commercial property markets the focus is placed on assessing real estate as an investment asset. This type of thinking leads to discussions in industry and studies in academia centered around the identification of market and investment values, return and risk assessments, or financial portfolio management. Research demonstrates that this type of thinking limits investments that could yield in energy efficiency in buildings or broader sustainable and circular actions in real estate. Expenditures supporting these actions are often seen as affecting investment returns, creating tangible and hidden costs and risks to the investor and therefore lacking a compelling business case.

Traditional appraisal methods are too focused on determining property values based on physical building-specific features (e.g., size of the building, energy consumption, or number of rooms), taking a perspective of an exchange value of a building but ignoring intangible aspects that can create a different value for the customer. As value is traditionally understood as a monetary expression of customers’ willingness to pay, those intangible aspects of a tangible asset (building) should also be included in pricing and appraisal.

Therefore, a value-based pricing approach could be a potential way to encourage commercial real estate markets to move away from cost and competition to more value-based logics. A value-based approach is common for service and customer-experience driven economies where value is understood as subjective (and changing) to the user/buyer. However, this type of approach requires a different view to what we define as value and/or different approach to the overall valuation process. With this research, we aim at creating a framework that could serve as a tool for further development of new valuation/appraisal approaches for commercial real estate. To reach this, multiple steps need to be taken:

  • Untangling value understanding of commercial buildings to different stakeholders and trade-offs they are willing to make
  • Identifying the potential and limitations of value-based approach in comparison to traditional appraisal methods
  • Defining metrics that could capture previously identified value properties/attributes
  • Formulating suitable measures for improved commercial real estate value appraisal

This research would require knowledge and understanding of economic and business administration perspective, knowledge on commercial property markets and systems thinking in order to understand the complexity of the built environment and take a holistic approach towards it.

As part of the TU Delft, faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, department of Management in the Built Environment, we focus on rethinking, developing and applying new economic and financial value concepts for a future-proof built environment. We are constantly searching for adjustments in the system to enable flexibility and resilience of the built environment, creating benefits for people, industry and the society as a whole. As a PhD candidate, you will join our competent team with different backgrounds in economics, financial and civil engineering, management and architecture.


Specific Requirements
We are looking for a candidate with:
  • Graduated or expect to graduate within 3 months with an MSc in Management (in the Built Environment), Architecture, Real Estate Management, (Real Estate) Economics, Finance, Business Administration, or other related field;
  • Excellent English language skills;
  • Dutch is a plus because we will conduct case studies and interviews with the Dutch practice;
  • Theoretical and practical skills in various research methodologies, preferably in qualitative research (e.g., interviews, focus groups and content, thematic, interpretative analysis) and soft systems modelling (e.g., agent-based modelling, scenario planning) and motivation to conduct academic research and obtain a PhD degree
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills;
  • Good academic writing skills, strong communication abilities, independent attitude paired with an ability to work in an interdisciplinary research team;
  • Being able to organise your work independently;
  • Curious and critical mind
Doing a PhD at TU Delft requires English proficiency at a certain level to ensure that the candidate is able to communicate and interact well, participate in English-taught Doctoral Education courses, and write scientific articles and a final thesis. For more details please check the Graduate Schools Admission Requirements.

Additional Information

Doctoral candidates will be offered a 4-year period of employment in principle, but in the form of 2 employment contracts. An initial 1,5 year contract with an official go/no go progress assessment within 15 months. Followed by an additional contract for the remaining 2,5 years assuming everything goes well and performance requirements are met. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2770 per month in the first year to € 3539 in the fourth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment with an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor. The Doctoral Education Programme is aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills. The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, discounts on health insurance, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. For international applicants, TU Delft has the Coming to Delft Service. This service provides information for new international employees to help you prepare the relocation and to settle in the Netherlands. The Coming to Delft Service offers a Dual Career Programme for partners and they organise events to expand your (social) network.
Selection process
Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before 29 October 2023 via the application button, your application should include:
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Description of your scientific interests and plans (1-2 pages).
Please note:
  • You can apply online. We will not process applications sent by email and/or post.
  • A pre-Employment screening can be part of the selection procedure.
  • Please do not contact us for unsolicited services.
Additional comments

For more information about this vacancy, please contact Vitalija Danivska ( For information about the application procedure, please contact Julia Kreuwel, HR advisor, via

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

We are looking for a doctoral candidate for a fully funded position (0.8 – 1.0 FTE) to conduct individual research focused on understanding new meanings of value in the built environment. In commerc...View more

Surgical operating rooms contribute considerably to the emission of greenhouse gases, pollution and waste. Clinicians, hospitals and patients, however, have to weigh the benefits of reducing the environmental impacts of medical treatments against many other considerations such as costs and health benefits. Which moral principles can guide us on how to include environmental considerations in these decisions?

After thoroughly investigating the state of the art at the crossroads of environmental and medical ethics, you will perform moral analysis to find answers to the following kind of questions. What are the respective responsibilities of hospitals, individual medical professionals, governments or patients, given the fact that environmental problems are social dilemmas? To what extent is a health professional in position to balance the common good against the wellbeing of patients? How does green decision-making fit the four principles of ethics in healthcare that are commonly distinguished since Beauchamp and Childress's seminal analysis, i.e. autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice? The objective is to formulate practical guidelines.

This project is part of a larger NWO-funded research project called CAREFREE (Creating A healthieR Environment for FutuRE patiEnts)) led by Maastricht University. The overall objective of the CAREFREE project is to increase the sense of urgency among stakeholders to behave more sustainably. The project has a multidisciplinary approach, combining methods from social psychology, ethics and philosophy, sustainability, surgery, anaesthesiology, pharmacology and toxicology, health economics and operations research. Therefore, you will collaborate in a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary setting, obtaining insights from and offering insights to researchers and actors in other fields than your own, such as psychologists, economists and clinicians.

This position is free of teaching duties.


Specific Requirements
  • You hold a Master's degree in ethics or political philosophy.
  • You have a demonstrable interest in environmental and/or medical ethics.
  • You have a demonstrable interest and experience in academic research (e.g. through good thesis research).
  • You are highly motivated to conduct interdisciplinary research and interested in collaborating with scholars and practitioners in other fields.
  • You possess good collaborative and communication skills.

Additional Information

  • It concerns an employment for 1.0 FTE.
  • The gross starting salary amounts to €2,541 per month based on a 38-hour working week, and will increase to €3,247 in the fourth year (salary scale P).
  • You will receive 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus.
  • You will be employed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years (4 year contract).
  • You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Care Services. Our Dual Career and Family Care Officer can assist you with family-related support, help your partner or spouse prepare for the local labour market, provide customized support in their search for employment and help your family settle in Nijmegen.
  • Working for us means getting extra days off. In case of full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the legally allotted 20.
Work and science require good employment practices. This is reflected in Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself, for example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports subscription. And of course, we offer a good pension plan. You are given plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.
Selection process
You can apply until 26 November 2023, exclusively using the button below. Kindly address your application to Prof. Marc Davidson. Please fill in the application form and attach the following documents:
  • A letter of motivation.
  • Your CV.
You would preferably begin employment as soon as possible. We can imagine you're curious about our application procedure. It offers a rough outline of what you can expect during the application process, how we handle your personal data and how we deal with internal and external candidates.
Additional comments

For questions about the position, please contact Prof. Marc Davidson, Promotor, at +31 24 361 29 53 or

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Surgical operating rooms contribute considerably to the emission of greenhouse gases, pollution and waste. Clinicians, hospitals and patients, however, have to weigh the benefits of reducing the envir...View more