Lauréats INSPIRE 2017

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Les futur-e-s doctorant-e-s INSPIRE ont été sélectioné-e-s par quatre jury indépendants – dans les pôles disciplinaires HALL, SDVS, SET et SS – lors de l’étape finale de sélection.

La répartition par pôles disciplinaires :

Candidatures retenues

Candidatures totales étape 3

















HALL : Humanities, Arts, Letters and Literature / Humanités, Arts, Lettres et Langues

SDVS : Life and Health Sciences / Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé

SET : Exact Sciences and Technology / Sciences Exactes et Technologie

SS : Social Sciences / Sciences Sociales


Candidat.e Titre de la thèse Directeur de thèse
Mme Salam ABUKHADRAH Can ELR contribute to Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Sustainability? M. Dany LANG
Mme Hazal ATAY Representation and Participation: An Analysis of Co-Presidency System and Women’s Political Engagements as Co-Chairs in the Kurdish Case of Turkey Mme Réjane SÉNAC
Mme Lakshmi BALASUBRAMANIAM Modeling Epithelial Gap Closure Mechanisms: role of cell junctions M. Benoit LADOUX
Mme Barbara Julieta BELLINI Le roman français et allemand en Italie de 1990 à 2015 : une étude de réception comparée et d’histoire culturelle Mme Svetla MOUSSAKOVA
M. Enrico BISCEGLIA Atomic species production via electronically excited states in high energy density plasmas M. Guillaume LOMBARDI
Mme Babette CHABOUT-COMBAZ La théorie de la connaissance historique de G.W. Leibniz : autour des Nouveaux essais sur l’entendement humain M. Justin SMITH
Mme Shruti CHATTERJEE Restoration of endothelial autophagy flux to prevent atherosclerosis lesion development Mme Chantal BOULANGER
Mme Hai-Doan DO Thermosensitive ferromagnetic liposome for nucleic acid delivery Mme Nathalie MIGNET
M. Francesco SAVERIO On-chip generation of high dimensional entangled states of light Mme Sara DUCCI
Mme Anna FRIEDLER Exploring socioeconomic and cultural correlates of Zika infection through examination of the role of women within Latin American populations M. Jocelyn RAUDE
Mme Sarah HAMDAD Synthesis and study of functionalized metallic nanoparticles to enhance the electroluminescence of OLEDs M. Azzedine BOUDRIOUA
M. Cédric HO THANH Opetopes, rewriting, and koszulity M. Pierre-Louis CURIEN
Mme Inaya KHAN A transnational history of decolonisation and the settler question: the pied-noir and anglo-indian communities M. Jakob VOGEL
M. Antonino MADONIA Polyoxometalate clusters photosensitized with carbon-dots: a new generation of anode material for light assisted water-splitting Mme Souad AMMAR
Mme Matilde MANARA La tentation de la pensée: poésie et essai chez Paul Valéry, Rainer Maria Rilke et Wallace Stevens Mme Tiphaine SAMOYAULT
Mme Heba MUHAMMAD ABDELMONEIM MUHAMMAD ABDELAZEEM Role of ATP-AMPK pathway in vasorelaxation and remodeling of human pulmonary vessels in pulmonary hypertension M. Xavier NOREL
Mme Domiziana ORTOLANI Impact of the activity of different subtypes of interneurons on oligodendrocyte development and myelination Mme Maria Cecilia ANGULO
M. Julián Enrique PÁEZ VALDEZ Le rôle des médias en ligne dans la construction d’un imaginaire de paix ou de violence. Etude comparative entre le processus de paix en Colombie et les problèmes de terrorisme en France. M. Franck REBILLARD
Mme Edna Mayela PEZA RAMÍREZ City of fear: urbanism, society, and violence in Monterrey, Mexico M. Laurent FARET
M. Vo Hong Minh PHAN CRIME: Cosmic Ray Interactions in Molecular Environments M. Stefano GABICI
M. Robert REED Predicting the risk of 30-day readmission to hospital amongst preterm infants in France via predictive risk modelling M. Pierre-Yves ANCEL
Mme Bruna RUBINO Role of astrocytic signaling in excitatory synapse formation, maturation, and function during cortical development: implications for neurodevelopmental disorders Mme Cendra AGULHON
Mme Maximiliène SAAGUE TENEFO Sustainable organometallic catalysis in water involving oxygen-based electrophiles Mme Janick ARDISSON
Mme Cecilia SAITA La représentation des gestes dans la Jérusalem délivrée du Tasse : langage du corps et éloquence des passions au croisement des codes et des savoirs M. Matteo RESIDORI
M. João Pedro SCALCO MACALOS An integrated approach to monetary policy implementation in emerging economies: the case of Brazil M. Marc LAVOIE
M. Tobias SCHWAIGER Geodynamo simulations in the Earth’s core dynamical regime: a systematic study M. Julien AUBERT
Mme Tara SHREVE Monitoring remote equatorial and tropical volcanoes using multi-sensor spaceborne imagery and in situ geophysical data M. Raphaël GRANDIN
M. Abhishek SONI Unravelling the fundamental concepts and mechanisms of ligand gated ion channels through simulations in complex membrane environment M. Marc BAADEN
Mme Linda TIPPKAEMPER China opening up? Human mobility prospects in the Asia-Pacific region M. Antoine PÉCOUD
Mme Anamarija VARGOVIĆ David Franco Mendes et la transcription artistique d’épisodes bibliques : Etude d’une réappropriation M. Alessandro GUETTA
Mme Alina ZENYCH Ultrasound molecular diagnosis and targeted treatment of thrombotic diseases M. Cédric CHAUVIERRE


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