Postdoctoral and staff positions are available immediately in the Angiogenesis & Brain Development Laboratory at Huntington Medical Research Institutes (HMRI), Pasadena, CA to investigate novel mechanisms in CNS angiogenesis from developmental and disease perspectives. Three key projects are available for study: 1) to explore how Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs) can be used in endothelial cell therapy, for repair and regeneration in the diseased brain; 2) to study the fundamental mechanisms underlying cell-autonomous programs that regulate endothelial cell development in the forebrain and, 3) to selectively impair endothelial cell development and study the consequences on brain development, blood flow and behavior.
Candidates should have expertise in either Stem Cell Biology and/or Neuroscience/Developmental Biology. Candidates, with permanent US residency status, and a good track record of publications, will be given priority. The initial appointment will be for two years with the possibility of extension. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications, laboratory experience, and institutional guidelines.
TO APPLY: Please send application materials (CV, a brief summary of career goals and objectives) and a list of three professional references to No phone calls, please.
Anju Vasudevan, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Scientific Director Angiogenesis & Brain Development Laboratory
Huntington Medical Research Institutes (HMRI)
Lab website: