Gerda Henkel Foundation Doctoral Fellowships (Humanities in the World), Germany




The PhD Scholarships from the Gerda Henkel Foundation provide research funding for humanities researchers worldwide with a particular focus on the following subject areas:

  • Archaeology
  • History of Art
  • Historical Islamic Studies
  • History
  • History of Science
  • History of Law
  • Prehistory and Early History

Each year around 50 applicants are awarded a scholarship. Applicants may apply at any time.

What is funded

The grant provides PhD and/or research scholarships + additional benefits.


2 years with the possibility of 12 months extension.


Humanities scholars worldwide.

Form and letters of recommendation

Electronic Application Form for the Foundation

1. Please complete the application form in full.

2. The application form can be saved at any time. Using your own personal link, you can return to and edit the form for a period of ten days. However, after this period (10 Days), your data will be deleted from the server.

3. Once you have completed the form, you will receive a short summary, which needs to be confirmed in order to be sent to the Foundation electronically.

4. During the transmission process your data will be sent to the Foundation in electronic form. Confirmation of receipt will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application.

Please follow these rules when uploading your application files:

  • All documents need to be uploaded as pdf-files.
  • Please do not upload protected PDF documents.
  • Please do not upload secured PDF documents.
  • A single file may not exceed a file size of 6 MB each.
  • You cannot upload more than one document per upload field.
  • The application can only be sent, if all necessary documents are included.

Please note the following additional information:

  • Your data will be stored by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for the purpose of processing your application and will not be passed on to third parties.
  • The Gerda Henkel Foundation will be happy to provide you with information about the data that we have stored on your person at any time. If so required, personal data can be changed or deleted.
  • This form may only be used to make an application to the Gerda Henkel Foundation. The Foundation reserves the right to delete application data without prior notification, if necessary.


Online recommendation form:

Letters of recommendation must be uploaded via the online recommendation form by their authors with a personal signature. Please do not additionally send the documents by email and/or postal mail.

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