Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions in Cancer Nanomedicine and Neuro-Engineering, United States

The Translational Therapeutics Research Group (TTRG), a multi-disciplinary research team of engineers, cancer biologists, and clinician-scientists, is seeking highly-motivated early-career scientists interested in advanced post-doctoral research training in cancer nanomedicine (polymeric drug formulations, disease targeted nano-therapeutics, non-viral gene delivery) and neuro-engineering (blood brain barrier penetration, interstitial delivery and focused ultrasound applications) [].

Job Description

The TTRG is centrally located within the University of Maryland Health Sciences research complex and the Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center in downtown Baltimore, which is well situated within the Baltimore-DC research corridor. This laboratory-based training environment provides exposure to bench-to-bedside research, advanced pre-clinical models, cutting edge chemical and biomolecular formulation technologies, and novel ultrasound-based therapeutic delivery devices. Training opportunities will also include structured grant writing, journal review, and early commercialization projects.

Current active and extramurally-funded projects include:

1.   Development of ‘DART’ (decreased non-specific adhesivity, receptor-targeted) nanoparticle platform for enhanced delivery of therapeutic agents to cancer cells

2.   Studying the impact of nanoparticle binding affinity on macro- and micro-scale biodistributions and cellular trafficking in primary and metastatic brain tumor models.

3.   Examining the role of acoustic (ultrasound-mediated) priming of tumor and brain tissues for enhanced delivery of nano-therapeutics.

The ideal candidate will have demonstrated strong laboratory leadership and team-building skills, and have a track record of sound experimental design, scientific writing, high-impact publication, and independent learning. Prior experience in nanoparticle formulation, advanced microscopy, cancer biology techniques, and animal handling is desirable. This position is available beginning on February 1, 2022 and includes a competitive salary and yearly appointment renewal based on performance reviews.

Applicants are encouraged to send a (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) a list of references, and (3) a short cover letter with a brief description of research experience, interests, and career goals to Anthony Kim, Ph.D. (Co-director of TTRG) at

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