Collaboration challenge on coronavirus news

The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a non-profit organization that supports independent global journalism, is seeking proposals that develop innovative approaches to reporting on the new coronavirus crisis using collaboration between journalists and newsrooms at – beyond national or national borders. This opportunity is open to all newsrooms and freelance journalists in the United States and abroad. 

At a time when media resources are scarce, the history of the coronavirus challenges newsrooms to find creative ways to deliver accurate, compelling and timely information to their readers. We look forward to proposals that break traditional notions of scooping and competition and instead use the power of sharing and collaboration to increase reporting capacity and expand the reach and impact of stories.

We are looking for solid proposals that involve a strategic and concerted effort by several journalists and / or editors to jointly pursue a reporting project, taking advantage of resources, expertise and publication platforms. 

In addition to a strong collaborative component for reporting and publication, we encourage proposals that:

  • Focus on the underreported systemic problems underlying the coronavirus crisis 
  • Use data-based and / or interdisciplinary approaches to reporting coronaviruses 
  • Hold the mighty responsible 

To inspire you, here are examples of local, national and global collaboration projects: 

To apply, you will be asked to provide the following:

  • A description of the proposed project, including the distribution / publication plan. No more than 250 words.
  • Methodology: Please describe your approach to working with other journalists / editorial staff on coronavirus reports. Include: who agreed to participate in the collaboration; who will coordinate the effort; what resources will be shared between editorial teams / rooms; what results are expected; chronology. 
  • A preliminary budget estimate, including a basic breakdown of costs. Include travel, software, coordination, data work Please do not include allowances for journalists / team members who are employed by newsrooms or paid by a publisher. If you are a journalist working with a data analyst and / or a data visualization specialist, you can include consultant fees in your budget.
  • Three examples (links) of work published by you (or someone on your project team). For example: journalistic collaborations in which you, your press room or partners in this project participated. 
  • Three professional references. These can be contact details or letters of recommendation.
  • A copy of your resume or curriculum vitae.

Applications can also include a more detailed description of the project, which can be downloaded as additional material. 

We will select several project proposals to support in 2020. We will examine projects of all sizes and sizes. Please choose a team leader to submit the proposal. Submit only one project proposal per team. 

This grant opportunity is now open and applications will be screened on a first-come-first-served basis on an ongoing basis. 


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