Savvy entrepreneurship Online Fellowship

Posted 6 months ago
Field of Study Entrepreneurship
Level Fellowship
Country Online
  • Savvy is a virtual Fellowship program for passionate and brilliant young professionals seeking to be part of the new generation of impact entrepreneurs.
  • No ethnic restriction.
  • Ages 18 – 40.
  • It’s a rolling program (no application deadline), so new applications are accepted year-round.
  1. Fill in the online application: here.
Organization Savvy Business Incubation and Acceleration
How to Apply Official Link
  • Practical Learning: For 12 weeks, you’ll learn how to start, build, and scale an impact venture. Using visual presentations, we’ll help you answer all the relevant questions you need to kickstart that amazing impact venture, gain early traction, achieve product-market fit, and scale into newer markets.
  • Simultaneous Mentorship: While learning, you’re offered mentorship as well, which is a great way to have a better understanding of your industry. Mentorship comes in two ways: peer-to-peer and expert.
  • Life-long Community: “Once a Savvy Fellow, always a Savvy Fellow.” Savvy isn’t just a 12-week learning, assessment, and mentorship program, it’s a lifelong entrepreneurial learning process. Post Fellowship, you can constantly access your Savvy Fellowship account and have access to our weekly updated resources, in the form of entrepreneurial tips, nuggets, and opportunities.

Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training, entreprenariat

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