Tag Archives: Bourse d’étude

Call for Applications 2023: AGNES-BAYER Science Foundation Research Fellowship

We are pleased to announce this call for applications for the AGNES-BAYER Fellowship for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. This grant is financed by the BAYER Foundation with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) and the Federal Republic of Germany. The grant is intended for …

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GDF Conservation and Communities Fellowship

An online and in-person Fellowship for leaders of Global South grassroots organisations working at the intersection of biodiversity and livelihoods Contact Us Apply Now OVERVIEW We are delighted to be launching our new Conservation and Communities Fellowship (CCF) which will start in November 2023 in collaboration with Common Purpose and Mowgli Mentoring. The Fellowship is …

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Study In America | Tulane University Scholarships 2024 Is For 4 Years

Tulane offers variety of generous need- and merit-based scholarship opportunities for international students. Tulane offers up to $25,000 in need-based financial aid to international students who qualify and who have not already been awarded that amount or more in merit scholarships. Students must reapply for need based aid every year. To apply, …

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With the generous support of the Mellon Foundation, Dartmouth will be accepting applications for two postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities from Fall 2024 to the end of Spring 2026. These fellowships foster the academic careers of scholars who have recently received their Ph.D. degrees by permitting them to pursue their research while …

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Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 (Italy | oncology | chronic diseases)

Sequencing of the human genome marked the beginning of a new era in biomedicine that is rapidly transforming our understanding of human diseases and, consequently, our ability to prevent and treat them. The availability of tools for quantitative analysis might translate the evaluation of disease risk from the population to …

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Jockey Club Global STEM Post-doctoral Fellowship for Translational Research and Application

The Education University of Hong Kong, Knowledge Transfer Sub-office Hong Kong JOB DESCRIPTION The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has set up the Jockey Club Global STEM Post-doctoral Fellowship for Translational Research and Application as a strategic initiative to support long- term innovation and technology development in Hong Kong. …

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INSPIRE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships

Deadline 22 November 2023 Research Field Formal sciences Funding Type Funding Career Stage Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent) Established Researcher (R3) (Researchers who have developed a level of independence) European Research Programme H2020 / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND About Outline INSPIRE (INnovative …

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Dalhousie graduate program scholarships

Apply for several scholarships at once The Harmonized Scholarship Process allows for incoming and current students to apply for several Faculty of Graduate Studies-managed scholarships using a single online application, the complete list of which can be found on our funding application process page. If you are a new applicant, you are …

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Up to $100,000 available under Amahoro Fellowship Program (Africa)

Amahoro’s program is tailored to reflect Africa’s socio-economic context to cultivate the acumen in entrepreneurship and leadership needed for success. The program offers bespoke courses that enable fellows to acquire invaluable erudition, hone their distinct aptitudes, and conceive pioneering strategies to flourish. Fellows will also have the opportunity to participate …

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Rotary Yoneyama Scholarship for Overseas Candidate

ROTARY YONEYAMA SCHOLARSHIP To apply for this scholarship, the applicant must apply to both APU and directly to the scholarship organization. About the Scholarship Rotary Yoneyama Scholarship for Overseas Candidate is for international students located outside Japan that are scheduled to enroll in APU’s Graduate School. Both master’s and doctoral …

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MEXT Scholarship (Embassy Recommendation) 2024

MEXT SCHOLARSHIP (EMBASSY RECOMMENDATION) To be considered for this scholarship, applicants must first apply through the Japanese embassy. After receiving the primary screening results from the embassy, applicants will then submit certain documents to APU. Most embassies accept applications around April each year, but please contact the embassy in your …

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The Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) is dedicated to research in the Humanities and Social Sciences, with ‘Sustainable Governance’ as its central topic. Our main thematic corridors are conflict and sustainable peace, democracy and environmental transformation. We are also interested in a wide range of …

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Bourses Alfried Krupp Senior et Alfried Krupp Junior 2024-25

L’Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald vise à nommer jusqu’à 6 Alfried Krupp Senior Fellows et jusqu’à 8 Alfried Krupp Junior Fellows au cours de l’année universitaire 2024/25. L’Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald est un institut indépendant d’études avancées situé dans le centre de la ville historique de Greifswald, près de la mer …

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East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship

Basic Provisions The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides the following funding: Full-time graduate tuition and fees up to the equivalent of the general tuition charged for post-baccalaureate students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa toward master’s or doctoral studies; Housing in an East-West Center residence hall, based on single occupancy; …

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​SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships from the Swiss National Science Foundation

The ​SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) support international researchers’ postdoctoral training in Switzerland. Applicants must have defended their PhD and must not have more than 8 years of postdoctoral experience. Postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines are welcome to apply. Applicants must not have resided or carried …

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