Job Archives

Clear Results

L'ASCL dispose d'un programme actif de bourses de visite. Les boursiers sélectionnés pourront utiliser notre excellente bibliothèque, collaborer et réseauter avec des collègues et participer à nos séminaires réguliers.

Exigences Afin d'être éligible à une bourse de recherche invitée, le candidat doit répondre à tous les critères suivants. Il ou elle doit :

  • Être titulaire d'un doctorat, au moment de la candidature ;
  • Avoir mené des recherches, dans le cadre du doctorat et/ou dans des projets ultérieurs ; avec un accent sur l'Afrique;
  • Poursuivre activement une carrière universitaire/de recherche ;
  • Avoir publié des livres, des chapitres de livres et/ou des articles de revues au cours des dernières années qui répondent aux normes internationales ;
  • Conformément à la réglementation en matière de visa, soyez prêt à retourner dans le pays dont il est citoyen et/ou résident actuel à la fin de la bourse.

Lors de l'évaluation des candidatures qui répondent à ces exigences,

  • La préférence sera accordée aux candidats basés en Afrique. « Afrique » fait ici référence aux États membres de l'Union africaine. « Basé en » Afrique signifie avoir vécu en Afrique pendant au moins deux des quatre dernières années ; et
  • L'accent sera mis sur la qualité et la faisabilité des travaux et résultats prévus de la bourse (étiquetés «proposition de recherche» dans le formulaire de candidature).

Comment postuler Il existe un appel ouvert à bourses pour 2025. Le texte de l'appel et le formulaire de candidature peuvent être trouvés ici (document Word).

Si vous souhaitez être ajouté à la liste de diffusion des appels, veuillez vous inscrire ici .

Procédure d'examen Chaque candidat doit indiquer le CRG auquel il souhaite être associé et le sujet de recherche doit s'inscrire dans la recherche du CRG. Chaque CRG nomme son candidat préféré. Le comité des bourses de visite vérifie la sélection finale afin de préserver les objectifs du programme (par exemple en gardant un œil sur l'équilibre hommes-femmes et géographique).

Questions pratiques Une bourse de recherche comprend :

  • Un billet aller-retour (classe économique).
  • Prise en charge des frais de subsistance (montant forfaitaire).
  • Hébergement à Leiden : un boursier dispose de son propre lit simple/salon. La cuisine et la salle de bain doivent être partagées avec un maximum de deux autres boursiers (homme/femme). Les chambres sont au premier étage, le propriétaire et la logeuse vivant au rez-de-chaussée. Si le logement proposé est inacceptable pour le boursier (par exemple, un boursier souhaitant voyager avec un partenaire ou un enfant), il devra chercher lui-même un autre logement à Leiden ou dans ses environs. L’hébergement alternatif ne sera pas payé par la bourse/l’institut. L'institut ne peut pas aider le boursier dans sa recherche d'un logement alternatif.
  • Une assurance médicale/responsabilité civile (veuillez noter que cette assurance ne couvre pas les frais de traitement d'une condition médicale préexistante).
  • L’utilisation des bureaux (partagés) et des bibliothèques.

Visiteurs autofinancés Les visiteurs autofinancés peuvent demander à passer du temps à l'ASCL à des fins de recherche. Un bureau et un ordinateur leur seront offerts (selon disponibilité) et ils pourront profiter pleinement des installations de la bibliothèque de l'ASCL. L'ASCL n'offre pas d'assistance autofinancée aux visiteurs pour les préparatifs de voyage, la demande de visa et/ou la recherche d'un logement. Si vous êtes intéressé par une visite autofinancée, veuillez envoyer votre proposition de recherche, votre CV et une preuve de moyens financiers à : lien envoie un e-mail), et veuillez indiquer les dates de votre visite prévue.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiStage et Formation

L’ASCL dispose d’un programme actif de bourses de visite. Les boursiers sélectionnés pourront utiliser notre excellente bibliothèque, collaborer et réseauter avec des collègues et par...View more


The Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) performs leading fundamental research on materials, processes, and systems for a global sustainable energy infrastructure. We work in close partnership with (inter)national academia and industry. Our user facilities are open to industry and university researchers. As an institute of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) DIFFER plays a key role in fundamental research for the energy transition.

We use a multidisciplinary approach applicable on two key areas, solar fuels for the conversion and storage of renewable energy and nuclear fusion – as a clean source of energy.


High-fidelity gyrokinetic modeling of the scrape-off layer is essential in predicting and understanding confinement physics in fusion devices. By contributing to the further development of the Gkeyll code - through the implementation of finite-Larmor-radius effects or improvement of the solver for magnetic fluctuations - the candidate will lay the groundwork for and then conduct state-of-the-art studies, advancing our understanding of a crucial plasma region. This work will be performed in close collaboration with the Gkeyll Team at PPPL and experimentalists at DIFFER and/or WEST.



- improve and extend the gyrokinetic code Gkeyll

- test the new code against known solutions and other codes

- perform simulations in different geometries to assess impurity dynamics and transport in the scrape-off layer

- compare simulation results to experimental measurements on WEST Required background:

- experience in using the gyrokinetic framework

- knowledge of plasma edge/SOL physics

Optional background:

- knowledge of how heavy impurities impact turbulence and transport

- experience with edge gyrokinetic codes (e.g., Gkeyll or GENE-X)

- experience with edge fluid codes


This position is for 1 FTE, will be for a period of 2 years and is graded in pay scale 10. The position will be based at DIFFER ( and the working location will be at TU Eindhoven. When fulfilling a position at DIFFER, you will have an employee status at NWO. You can participate in all the employee benefits NWO offers. We have a number of regulations that support employees in finding a good work-life balance. At DIFFER we believe that a workforce diverse in gender, age and cultural background is key to performing excellent research. We therefore strongly encourage everyone to apply. More information on working at NWO can be found at the NWO website (


For more information concerning the position please contact  M.J. Pueschel via To apply for this position, please click the button underneath:

Closing date

June 30, 2024

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral

DIFFER The Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) performs leading fundamental research on materials, processes, and systems for a global sustainable energy infrastructure. We work i...View more

Publié il y a 1 mois

L'Afrique vous intéresse et votre mémoire de maîtrise porte sur un sujet connexe ? Si tel est le cas, le Centre d'études africaines de Leiden vous offre la chance de gagner 500 €. De plus, votre thèse sera publiée dans la Collection d'études africaines de l'ASCL .  

Lire la version anglaise .

La récompense

Le prix vise à encourager les recherches et les écrits des étudiants sur des sujets africains et à promouvoir l'étude des cultures et des sociétés africaines. Il est remis annuellement à un étudiant dont le mémoire de maîtrise a été réalisé sur la base de recherches menées sur une thématique africaine. Le prix consiste en un prix de 500 € et la publication de la thèse gagnante dans la Collection d'études africaines de l'ASCL. Toutes les thèses soumises seront mises en ligne en texte intégral via le catalogue de la bibliothèque de l'ASCL.

Pour qui

Les étudiants en master qui ont terminé leur thèse dans une université du continent africain ou aux Pays-Bas entre le 31 août 2023 et le 31 août 2024  peuvent postuler pour l'Africa Thesis Award 2024. Les étudiants aux Pays-Bas doivent avoir obtenu une note de 8 sur 10 ou plus. Les étudiants d'universités non néerlandaises ayant obtenu une note A (ou équivalent) peuvent postuler si la lettre d'accompagnement du directeur de thèse confirme l'excellence de la thèse et justifie la note.

Conditions et qualité

La thèse doit être basée sur une recherche empirique indépendante axée géographiquement sur un pays, une région africaine ou ses communautés de migrants ailleurs dans le monde. Les thèses dans les domaines des sciences sociales ou humaines peuvent être soumises (géographie, sciences politiques, anthropologie, études du développement, économie, histoire, religion, littérature) en anglais, français ou néerlandais. Si la thèse est en néerlandais, un résumé en anglais de cinq pages doit être joint.
L'ASCL invite des thèses qui se démarquent en termes de sujet, de théorie et de méthodologie. Le jury valorise une approche originale, de nouvelles perspectives et une combinaison de pertinence scientifique et sociétale. En outre, le jury considère l'importance de la thèse par rapport aux questions liées au développement, son style, sa lisibilité et son intérêt pour le grand public.


Si un étudiant ou un superviseur considère que la thèse remplit les critères ci-dessus et mérite un prix, la thèse peut être soumise. Chaque soumission doit inclure :
•  une version numérique de la thèse en PDF
•  un résumé (max. 300 mots)
•  une lettre de recommandation signée du superviseur de l'étudiant, détaillant la qualité de la thèse et une explication de la note, ainsi que les coordonnées de l'établissement d'enseignement dont l'étudiant est diplômé.
Seules les candidatures complètes seront traitées. Tous les documents peuvent être envoyés à lien envoie un e-mail)

Date limite

La date limite de candidature est  le samedi 31 août 2024 . Le prix sera remis au lauréat lors d'une cérémonie spéciale de remise des prix de thèse en Afrique, au cours de laquelle le lauréat présentera sa thèse.


Les experts suivants font partie du jury du Prix de thèse Afrique :

  1. Prof. Dr Margriet van der Waal  (présidente, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen et Université d'Amsterdam)
  2. Marnix de Bruyne  (journaliste affaires internationales)
  3. Dr Tanja Hendriks  (KU Leuven)
  4. Dr Agnieszka Kazimierczuk  (chercheuse et penseuse indépendante)
  5. Mandipa Ndlovu (doctorante, Centre d'études africaines de Leiden)

Pour plus d'informations ou des questions concernant le dépôt d'une thèse, contactez le comité des prix ASCL via lien envoie un e-mail). La décision du jury est définitive et aucune correspondance ne sera échangée.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPrix, Concours et offres

L’Afrique vous intéresse et votre mémoire de maîtrise porte sur un sujet connexe ? Si tel est le cas, le Centre d’études africaines de Leiden vous offre la chance de gagner 500 €. De...View more

Utrecht University
Research Field
Juridical sciences
Researcher Profile
Leading Researcher (R4)
Established Researcher (R3)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Not Applicable
Hours Per Week
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Are you a legal scholar specialised in international law of the sea and international environmental law and sustainability issues? Then the UU School of Law may be the place for you to be! Your job As an Assistant Professor in the International and European Law department (part of the Utrecht School of Law), your activities will include both education and research. You will teach both Bachelor’s and Master’s students. The department of International and European Law offers Bachelor’s courses such as Inleiding Europees Recht, European Law, International Law and the Master’s programmes Public International Law and Law & Sustainability in Europe. We also participate in courses of the Master’s progamme Marine Sciences at the Faculty of Geosciences. The courses you teach will be determined in consultation with you. You will work in education teams, where colleagues support and learn from one another. This means that you will contribute to the improvement of our curriculum in areas such as: content development, didactics, teaching formats or professional skills. You will also build on your own education skills by completing the internal training course for the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ/BKO). You will also eventually be assigned coordinating tasks pertaining to education. You will devote 40% of your working hours to research in your field of expertise, as part of one of the research programmes of the Utrecht School of Law. These programmes are: the Montaigne Centre for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice, the Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE), the Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL), the Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (UCERF) and the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law (UCWOSL). In your first year of appointment, you are welcome to explore the activities of these programmes and meet their experts. After that, you will discuss your affiliation and research contribution with at least one of these programmes.


Specific Requirements
  • You have a PhD or will complete your dissertation within the near future.
  • You have preferably expertise and/or affinity with EU law, the interplay between law & sustainability, sustainable finance and business, and supervision of law
  • You enjoy being part of a team, and express that by being open to various types of collaboration, sharing knowledge and experiences, and contributing to a collegial, open and inclusive work environment.
  • You can communicate clearly and know how to make people want to listen to you.
  • You reflect critically on your own behaviour and work methods, and take responsibility for your work and career.
  • You strive to provide inspiring education, and use a variety of teaching formats in a creative manner.
  • You approach course topics from a variety of perspectives, and take the fact that the student population is diverse into consideration when presenting the lesson materials.
  • You know how to motivate students in their development.
  • You show initiative in setting up and initiating research.
In addition to English language proficiency at the C1 level (CEFR), some proficiency in the Dutch language is also relevant. You are willing to develop your Dutch language proficiency to at least the B1 CEFR level within two years of the start of your employment contract. We offer courses to help employees achieve the necessary language proficiency level.

Additional Information

We offer:
  • an employment contract for 12 months with the prospect of a permanent employment contract;
  • a permanent employment contract;
  • a working week of 36 hours and a gross monthly salary between €4,332 and €5,929 in the case of full-time employment (salary scale 11 under the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU));
  • 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus;
  • a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU.
In addition to the terms of employment laid down in the CAO NU, Utrecht University has a number of schemes and facilities of its own for employees. This includes schemes facilitating professional development, leave schemes and schemes for sports and cultural activities, as well as discounts on software and other IT products. We also offer access to additional employee benefits through our Terms of Employment Options Model. In this way, we encourage our employees to continue to invest in their growth. For more information, please visit Working at Utrecht University.
Selection process
As Utrecht University, we want to be a home for everyone. We value staff with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and identities, including cultural, religious or ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age. We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment in which everyone can flourish and contribute. To apply, please send your curriculum vitae, including a letter of motivation, via the ‘apply now’ button. The preferred starting date is 1 September 2024.
Additional comments

For more information, please contact Miranda Walraven at Candidates for this vacancy will be recruited by Utrecht University.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Organisation/Company Utrecht University Research Field Economics Juridical sciences Researcher Profile Leading Researcher (R4) Established Researcher (R3) Country Netherlands Application Deadline 2 Ju...View more

Position PhD-student

Irène Curie Fellowship No

Department(s) Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences

FTE 1,0

Date off 09/06/2024

Reference number V39.7474

Job description

Today, many companies in various industries need to manage highly complex stochastic systems where uncertainties are inherent and data is ubiquitous. These systems span various domains, from manufacturing equipment, to rental systems, to production systems and beyond. In such environments, decisions must be made repeatedly to maximize profits while balancing conflicting outcomes and exploiting real-time data. For instance, in manufacturing operations, decisions regarding production speeds directly impact production outputs on the one hand, and factors such as equipment deterioration and energy consumption on the other hand. Similarly, in rental systems, optimizing pricing strategies to match real-time demand with supply is crucial for revenue maximization.

Given these complexities, there's a growing demand for advanced methodologies and algorithms aimed at devising revenue management strategies for complex stochastic systems. Leveraging the increasing availability of data and the seamless connectivity facilitated by the Internet of Things, these methodologies and algorithms capitalize on real-time data accumulation for instant decision-making. This PhD position presents an exciting opportunity to study revenue optimization problems for complex stochastic systems in various industries. This could involve everything from tractably modeling new revenue management problems to devising provably (near-)optimal algorithms to solve the established ones.

In this position you will work in the team of Zumbul Atan and be co-supervised by Collin Drent and Melvin Drent. Collin and Melvin, both assistant professors, specialize in stochastic decision-making under uncertainty, with applications in supply chain management, manufacturing, and maintenance. Zumbul Atan, an associate professor, focuses on revenue management and retail operations, with a particular emphasis on circularity.

Job requirements

  • A master’s degree (or an equivalent university degree) with excellent grades in Operations Research, (Applied) Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, or related field. A research master’s degree (e.g., MRes, MPhil) is not required; however, graduating from a program with solid research training will be considered a plus.
  • A strong mathematical background, including expertise in stochastic optimization (e.g. Markov decision theory and dynamic programming) and applied probability (Bayesian statistics).
  • Excellent coding skills (e.g., in Java, Python, Julia, MATLAB).
  • A research-oriented attitude.
  • Ability to be self-propelling and drive your own research.
  • Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team and interested in collaborating with industrial partners.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English (C1 level).

Conditions of employment

A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful, green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you:

  • Full-time employment for four years, with an intermediate evaluation (go/no-go) after nine months. You will spend 10% of your employment on teaching tasks.
  • Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2,770 max. €3,539).
  • A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
  • High-quality training programs and other support to grow into a self-aware, autonomous scientific researcher. At TU/e we challenge you to take charge of your own learning process.
  • An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children's day care and sports facilities.
  • An allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs.
  • Staff Immigration Team and a tax compensation scheme (the 30% facility) for international candidates.

Information and application

About us Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a top-five position in collaborating with advanced industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow.

Eindhoven and its metropolitan area are the major hub of the technology sector in the Netherlands, collectively known as the Brainport region. Many global leaders in technology like ASML or Philips are based in the fastest growing region in the Netherlands. The School of Industrial Engineering and its faculty enjoys strong links with the local high-tech industry on all levels.

Information Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more? Please contact Zumbul Atan, email:, Melvin Drent, email:, or Collin Drent, email:

Visit our website for more information about the application process or the conditions of employment. You can also contact

Are you inspired and would like to know more about working at TU/e? Please visit our career page.

Application We invite you to submit a complete application by using the apply button. The application should include a:

  • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Brief research statement (max. 1.5 page) explaining your envisioned research direction related to the position in more detail, including a brief review of the literature you find relevant, the contributions you would like to make to this literature, and the research methods you would like to use.
  • Curriculum vitae (including the contact details of two academics from a relevant field which we may contact as a reference).
  • An academic paper (e.g., master thesis or article) that showcases your academic writing.
  • Complete list of courses taken within your educational programs and grades obtained.

We look forward to receiving your application and will screen it as soon as possible. The vacancy will remain open until the position is filled.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiDoctorat, Ingénierie et technologie

Position PhD-student Irène Curie Fellowship No Department(s) Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences FTE 1,0 Date off 09/06/2024 Reference number V39.7474 Job description Today, many com...View more

Employment 0.8 - 1.0 FTE

Gross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539

Required background Research University Degree

Organizational unit Faculty of Arts

Application deadline 16 June 2024

Are you intrigued by the world of early modern merchants? And are you wondering how they made and justified business decisions? Do you want to delve into preserved 'letter books' and uncover the norms and customs guiding their decisions? Apply now as a PhD candidate at the Radboud Institute for Culture & History (RICH)!

We offer you the opportunity to develop and carry out your own PhD project within the areas of expertise of your supervisors: Dr Joris van den Tol, Dr Sanne Muurling and Prof. Jan Kok. The project will be funded by a Starters Grant from the Faculty of Arts awarded to Dr Joris van den Tol.

‘Institutions,’ Nobel laureate Douglas North wrote, ‘are the humanly devised constraints that structure political, economic, and social interaction’ (North 1991). Institutions can be formal (e.g. laws, constitutions, property rights) or informal (e.g. taboos, traditions, norms, or customs). To answer the questions why early modern merchants made certain choices and how they shaped, negotiated and used informal institutions, this project studies the representations of European merchants’ norms and values in their correspondence.

Traditionally, merchants’ correspondence has been used by historians to reconstruct mechanisms of trust within an economic network (Lamikiz 2017; Wubs-Mrozewicz 2020; Trivellato 2009). Moreover, there has been a tendency to focus on merchants with more or less complete archives such as Marco Datini in Italy (ca. 1335-1410) or Simon Ruiz in Spain (1558-1598), or on correspondences captured as part of prize papers. This project, instead, prefers to focus on preserved ‘letter books’ or ‘copy books’ of lesser known or sometimes even unidentified merchants. This project looks beyond mechanisms of trust and studies sets of merchants’ practices and decisions described in their correspondence to unearth their informal institutions such as norms or customs.

The research may be performed through a diachronic and/or geographical comparison, depending on your preferences and skillset. Several promising ‘letter books’ of seventeenth-century merchants have already been identified in case you can read Dutch, but you are welcome to propose your own source base for other European languages. The material from correspondences can be supplemented with other material such as legal proceedings, notarial deeds or pamphlets. You will be encouraged to draw inspiration from recent advances in digital research methods, which have allowed historians to ask new types of questions about merchants and their way of thinking using similar types of source material (Puttevils 2021; Hermans 2023).


  • You hold an MA degree in Early Modern Economic or Social History, or a closely related discipline with a solid basis in History.
  • You have demonstrable affinity with the Early Modern Period.
  • You have demonstrable experience with Early Modern archival sources.
  • You have experience with digital research methods or are willing to acquire the skills necessary to employ these digital research methods.
  • You have proven ability to conduct independent academic research as part of a team and work in an international and competitive environment.
  • You are fluent in spoken and written English and the language of your proposed sources.
  • You are willing to perform teaching and service duties.

We are

As a PhD candidate at the Radboud Institute for Culture & History (RICH), you will be part of the Graduate School for the Humanities (GSH).

RICH and Research Group

The Economic, Social and Demographic History (ESDG) research group is a dynamic and very social group with broad interests, enthusiastic researchers and lecturers with outstanding track records and successful in attracting national and international research grants. ESDG is part of the Radboud Institute for Culture and History (RICH) which is dedicated to understanding the dynamics of an interconnected world and how they evolve and interact at the regional, national, international, and transnational levels. The candidate will find an additional welcoming and interdisciplinary home in the research group TEMPUS, which focuses on the Early Modern Period.

Radboud University

At Radboud University, we aim to make an impact through our work. We achieve this by conducting groundbreaking research, providing high-quality education, offering excellent support, and fostering collaborations within and outside the university. In doing so, we contribute indispensably to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. To accomplish this, we need even more colleagues who, based on their expertise, are willing to search for answers. We advocate for an inclusive community and welcome employees with diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Will you also contribute to making the world a little better? You have a part to play.

If you want to learn more about working at Radboud University, follow our Instagram account and read stories from our colleagues.

Faculty of Arts The Faculty of Arts is committed to the development of knowledge with a strong scientific and social impact. With over 500 academic and support staff, we teach and conduct research in the fields of art, history, language, culture and communication, using innovative methodologies and collaborating closely across disciplines. Our research is embedded in two research institutes: the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) and the Radboud Institute for Culture & History (RICH). Approximately 2,500 students are currently enrolled with us across our three departments: the Department of History, Art History and Classics, the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures and the Department of Language and Communication. The faculty is characterised by a pleasant and open culture with various opportunities for the professional development of our staff.

We offer

  • We will give you a temporary employment contract (0.8 FTE 5- year contract - 1.0 FTE 4- year contract) of 1,5 years, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, your contract will be extended by 2.5 years (4-year contract) or 3.5 years (5-year contract).
  • You will receive a starting salary of €2,770 gross per month based on a 38-hour working week, which will increase to €3,539 from the fourth year onwards (salary scale P).
  • You will receive an 8% holiday allowance and an 8,3% end-of-year bonus.
  • You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Support Service. The Dual Career Programme assists your partner via support, tools, and resources to improve their chances of independently finding employment in the Netherlands. Our Family Support Service helps you and your partner feel welcome and at home by providing customised assistance in navigating local facilities, schools, and amenities. Also take a look at our support for international staff page to discover all our services for international employees.
  • You will receive extra days off. With full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the statutory 20.

Additional employment conditions

Work and science require good employment practices. Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions reflect this. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself. For example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports membership. And, of course, we offer a good pension plan. We also give you plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.

Practical information and applying

You can apply only via the button below. Address your letter of application to Prof. Jan Kok. In the application form, you will find which documents you need to include with your application.

The first interviews will take place on 11 July.  Any second interview will take place on 18 July.  You will preferably start your employment on 1 September 2024.

We can imagine you're curious about our application procedure. It describes what you can expect during the application procedure and how we handle your personal data and internal and external candidates.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiSciences sociales, Doctorat

Employment 0.8 – 1.0 FTE Gross monthly salary € 2,770 – € 3,539 Required background Research University Degree Organizational unit Faculty of Arts Application deadline 16 June 202...View more

Employment 1.0 FTE

Gross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539

Required background Research University Degree

Organizational unit Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies

Application deadline 31 May 2024

Are you a highly motivated aspiring junior researcher? Would you like to work on the history of philosophy in the Islamic world? Do you want to develop your own innovative research ideas as a key member of a research team? The Center for the History of Philosophy and Science (CHPS) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies at Radboud University is looking to appoint two PhD candidates for the duration of four years. One postholder will conduct research on Avicenna’s engagement with the generation of his teachers (PhD project 1) and the other on Avicenna’s engagement with the generation of his own students (PhD project 2).

You will join the research team of Dr Andreas Lammer and work closely with him, with another PhD Candidate, and with a postdoctoral researcher, contributing to the ERC Starting Grant project “Avicenna Live: The Immediate Context of Avicenna’s Intellectual Formation” (ALIVE).

You will produce original research either on the contents of a unique manuscript containing the philosophical works of one of Avicenna’s teachers and investigate whether and how the views of his teacher differed from and/or influenced the formation of Avicenna’s own philosophy (PhD project 1) or on a collection of ’Discussions’ which Avicenna had with his own students and study whether and how these discussions may have contributed to reformulations and/or revisions in Avicenna’s later works (PhD project 2).

Both PhD-projects, as well as the ERC project as a whole, aim at recalibrating our perception of Avicenna’s intellectual development through the examination of widely neglected or indeed entirely unknown source texts. Together we will revise the common understanding of Avicenna’s philosophy as the monolithic outcome of a steadfast genius and probe the possibility that Avicenna was integrated in a rich and dynamic culture of debate such that his philosophy, in light of the discussions he had with his teachers and students, bears the marks of development.

As part of your individual project, you will independently read and investigate source texts in their original Arabic language, investigate them in terms of their relation to Avicenna’s main works, and also provide English translations of sections of your source texts as part of your analysis. It is essential that you are able to read Classical Arabic texts and have a good active command of the English language in speech and writing. Knowledge of the history of (late) ancient philosophy, especially the Aristotelian tradition, or medieval philosophy is highly recommended. Knowledge of Avicenna’s philosophy is not immediately required but would obviously be particularly helpful.

As part of the position, which also comes with a yearly travel allowance to participate in academic events and disseminate the results of your own research, you will closely collaborate with the other members of the team in various research, dissemination and outreach activities, as well as organise an academic event yourself in collaboration with the team. This research position carries no teaching obligations.

Other than that, your research will be embedded within the Center for the History of Philosophy and Science (CHPS), an internationally recognised research unit at Radboud University. You will therefore also actively take part in CHPS’s analogous initiatives. CHPS is a particularly cohesive research group. Its members gather daily in a friendly, informal and intellectually lively environment. They share their research in work-in-progress meetings, and they co-teach, co-publish, and co-organise conferences and workshops. PhD supervision within the centre is of high quality, not in the least because of the close and friendly interaction between supervisors and supervisees.


  • You hold a Master’s degree in the History of Philosophy, the History of Science, Islamic Studies, Arabic Studies, or a related discipline. (If the degree has not yet been obtained at the time of application, an additional statement by your current supervisor should confirm that it will be obtained by the time of appointment).
  • You have good or very good skills in reading and translating Classical Arabic texts.
  • You have a very good command of English, both spoken and written.
  • You have a background in the history of ancient, late ancient, and/or medieval philosophy, and ideally also of Avicenna’s philosophy in particular.
  • You have philosophical acumen, solid analytical skills, strong historical interests, and philological sensitivity.
  • You are an autonomous researcher with excellent communication and organisational skills, who also likes to work in a team.
  • You are active, ambitious and eager to help provide a new paradigm for all future studies of Avicenna.

We are

ALIVE is a new research project within the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious studies funded by a starting grant from the European Research Council (ERC). It seeks to explore a unique set of essential yet hitherto widely neglected source texts for the immediate context of the intellectual development of Muslim polymath Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā, d. 428/1037) and to offer a new digital approach to the study of diverse and difficult textual corpora.

The Center for the History of Philosophy and Science (CHPS) brings together historians of philosophy and historians of science in a single teaching and research unit. CHPS’s core research interests focus on the interplay between philosophical and scientific thought from Antiquity to the 21st century, also addressing the important questions that these themes raise for contemporary philosophers.

Radboud University

At Radboud University, we aim to make an impact through our work. We achieve this by conducting groundbreaking research, providing high-quality education, offering excellent support, and fostering collaborations within and outside the university. In doing so, we contribute indispensably to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. To accomplish this, we need even more colleagues who, based on their expertise, are willing to search for answers. We advocate for an inclusive community and welcome employees with diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Will you also contribute to making the world a little better? You have a part to play.

If you want to learn more about working at Radboud University, follow our Instagram account and read stories from our colleagues.

Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Staff and students in the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies reflect on the great challenges of our time, exploring concepts, belief systems and worldviews. In this way they provide philosophical and religious context to the societal debate and contribute to the analysis and solution of major societal challenges. The faculty has over 180 staff, organized in eight academic departments and four support departments. Our academics collaborate in six research centres and teach more than 1,000 students.

Our staff and students are committed. The lines of communication are short and each individual student and staff member is given ample attention. You can find more about our mission and vision on the 'About PTRS' page.

We offer

  • We will give you a temporary employment contract (1.0 FTE) of 1,5 years, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, your contract will be extended by 2.5 years (4-year contract).
  • You will receive a starting salary of €2,770 gross per month based on a 38-hour working week, which will increase to €3,539 in the fourth year (salary scale P).
  • You will receive an 8% holiday allowance and an 8,3% end-of-year bonus.
  • You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Support Service. The Dual Career Programme assists your partner via support, tools, and resources to improve their chances of independently finding employment in the Netherlands. Our Family Support Service helps you and your partner feel welcome and at home by providing customised assistance in navigating local facilities, schools, and amenities. Also take a look at our support for international staff page to discover all our services for international employees.
  • You will receive extra days off. With full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the statutory 20.

Additional employment conditions

Work and science require good employment practices. Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions reflect this. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself. For example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports membership. And, of course, we offer a good pension plan. We also give you plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.

Practical information and applying

Address your letter of application to Andreas Lammer. In the application form, you will find which documents you need to include with your application. All documents need to be in English.

The first interviews will take place on 14 June. Any second interview will take place on 24 June. You will preferably start your employment on 1 September 2024.

We can imagine you’re curious about our application procedure. It describes what you can expect during the application procedure and how we handle your personal data and internal and external candidates.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiLangues, Littérature & Culture, Doctorat

Employment 1.0 FTE Gross monthly salary € 2,770 – € 3,539 Required background Research University Degree Organizational unit Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Applica...View more

Publié il y a 4 mois
Leiden University
Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Not Applicable
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

JOB DESCRIPTION The Mathematical Institute of Leiden University invites applicants for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship with Dalia Terhesiu in ergodic theory/probability theory, on the topic Stochastic properties for group extensions of dynamical systems. You will be joining an active and growing group, situated within an even larger research group in Leiden specialising in ergodic theory and probability theory. The position comes with some light teaching duties.


Specific Requirements

Additional Information

LEIDEN UNIVERSITY The Faculty of Science is a world-class faculty where staff and students work together in a dynamic international environment. It is a faculty where personal and academic development are top priorities. Our people are committed to expand fundamental knowledge by curiosity and to look beyond the borders of their own discipline; their aim is to benefit science, and to make a contribution to addressing the major societal challenges of the future. The research carried out at the Faculty of Science is very diverse, ranging from mathematics, information science, astronomy, physics, chemistry and bio-pharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences. The research activities are organised in eight institutes. These institutes offer eight bachelor’s and twelve master’s programmes. The faculty has grown strongly in recent years and now has more than 2,800 staff and over 6,000 students. We are located at the heart of Leiden’s Bio Science Park, one of Europe’s biggest science parks, where university and business life come together. Mathematical Institute The Mathematical Institute (MI) is one of the eight institutes within the Faculty of Science and has a strong international orientation. Its mission is to push the frontiers of scientific knowledge by developing and applying high quality mathematics, while offering a wide range of mathematical training in a friendly but challenging environment. We are dedicated to push the boundaries of mathematical knowledge and to contribute our experience towards solving problems faced in other sciences, society and industry. In addition, many of our staff members work hard to promote mathematical literacy in society at large through a multitude of outreach activities. For more information, see: CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT
  • The position is initially offered for a duration of two years. The starting date is on 1 October 2024, but is flexible.
  • The gross monthly salary is between € 3,226 and € 5,090 depending on your qualifications and experience.
  • Additional funding is available to support travel to conferences and workshops abroad.
  • Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package including pension build-up, paid parental leave and additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3%). Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break. For more information, see our website.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Starting date Around October 2024, flexible. Applications In order to be eligible, make sure you send your complete application before the deadline of the call. Please respond via the blue button on this page enclosing the following documents (in pdf format), in English:
  • Motivation letter
  • Curriculum vitae
Additional comments

Information Enquiries can be made to Dalia Terhesiu ( ,

Details on Dalia’s research can be found on her webpage ( )

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiDoctorat

Organisation/Company Leiden University Research Field Physics Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Country Netherlands Application Deadline 30 Apr 2024 – 21:59 (UTC) Type of Contract Te...View more

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
Research Field
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Not Applicable
Hours Per Week
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

This project seeks to investigate structural, spectral and geometric properties of a certain graph classes, like Neumaier graphs, Deza graphs or more generally, edge-regular graphs. In this project we will tackle this goal by using spectral methods and combining them with tools from other fields like combinatorial optimization and finite geometry. The successful candidate for this PhD position will work under the supervision of Bart de Bruyn and Aida Abiad in the a dynamic group in geometry and discrete mathematics ( of the Department of Mathematics: Algebra and Geometry at Ghent University. Your responsibilities include to perform scientific research on the topic of the above-mentioned project and to publish your results at international conferences and in international journals. For a small percentage of your time, you will be asked to assist with educational tasks at Ghent University (course support).


Specific Requirements
  • You have a bachelor and master degree in Mathematics.
  • You have a strong background in Graph Theory, Finite Geometry and/or Combinatorics.
  • You are enthusiastic about programming, preferably in Sage/Python.
  • You have good communication skills.
  • You are creative, ambitious, as well as self-motivated, proactive, and goal-oriented.
  • You have a good command of the English language (knowledge of Dutch is not required).

Additional Information

For more information about the project or about the working conditions, please contact Bart de Bruyn ( or Aida Abiad (
  • We offer a full-time position as a doctoral fellow, consisting of an initial period of 12 months, which - after a positive evaluation, will be extended to a total maximum of 48 months at the Ghent University. The position will be in close cooperation with Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e). Below you will find some employment details of Ghent University.
  • The fellowship amount is 100% of the net salary of an AAP member in equal family circumstances. The individual fellowship amount is determined by the Department of Personnel and Organization based on family status and seniority. A grant that meets the conditions and criteria of the regulations for doctoral fellowships is considered free of personal income tax. Click here for more information about our salary scales.
  • All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, bicycle allowance and eco vouchers. Click here for a complete overview of all the staff benefits (in Dutch).
Additional comments

About us Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a top-five position in collaborating with advanced industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow.

Curious to hear more about what it's like as a PhD candidate at TU/e? Please view the video.

Information Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more?

For more information about the project or about the working conditions, please contact Bart de Bruyn ( or Aida Abiad (


We invite you to submit a complete application by using the 'apply now'-button on this page.

The application should include the following documents as one single PDFs:

  • A cover letter in which you describe your motivation, research experience, interests, and qualifications for the position.
  • A curriculum vitae, including a list of publications (if existing) and two academic references. We do not need reference letters at this stage.
  • BSc and MSc transcripts

Please do not attach any other documents.

We look forward to your application and will screen your application as soon as possible. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered. We will review applications as they arrive. The position will stay open until it has been filled (possibly before the deadline).

We do not respond to applications that are sent to us in a different way.

Please keep in mind you can upload only 5 documents up to 2 MB each. If necessary, please combine files.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiDoctorat

Organisation/Company Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) Research Field Technology Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1) Country Netherlands Application Deadline 28 Apr 2024 – 22:...View more

Si vous êtes un citoyen d'un pays non membre de l'UE/EEE titulaire d'un baccalauréat, d'une maîtrise ou d'un doctorat, ou si vous avez mené des recherches scientifiques et que vous aspirez à lancer votre carrière aux Pays-Bas, le permis de séjour pour l'année d'orientation, également connu sous le nom de le visa de demandeur d'emploi des Pays-Bas 2024 est votre clé d'opportunité. Ce visa vous donne la liberté d'explorer des perspectives d'emploi ou même de démarrer votre propre entreprise aux Pays-Bas.

Conditions d'éligibilité au visa de demandeur d'emploi des Pays-Bas :

Pour être éligible au visa de demandeur d'emploi des Pays-Bas, vous devez répondre à l'un des critères suivants :

  1. Vous n'avez jamais détenu de permis de séjour pour recherche d'emploi aux Pays-Bas après avoir terminé les mêmes études, programme de doctorat ou recherche scientifique.
  2. Vous avez suivi un programme de licence ou de maîtrise accrédité aux Pays-Bas au cours des trois dernières années.
  3. Vous avez obtenu une maîtrise, un post-master ou un doctorat d'un établissement d'enseignement étranger désigné au cours des trois dernières années.
  4. Vous avez déjà détenu un permis de séjour aux Pays-Bas à des fins de recherche scientifique ou en tant que migrant de connaissances à des fins de recherche scientifique au cours des trois dernières années.
  5. Vous avez obtenu un master dans le cadre d'un master Erasmus Mundus au cours des trois dernières années.
  6. Vous avez effectué une étude liée à la loi sur la politique culturelle ou à la politique de coopération au développement du ministère néerlandais des Affaires étrangères au cours des trois dernières années.
  7. Vous avez suivi au cours des trois dernières années une formation supérieure désignée par arrêté ministériel.


Votre année d'orientation aux Pays-Bas 12 mois, ce qui vous laisse suffisamment de temps pour explorer les opportunités de carrière, créer votre propre entreprise ou vous engager dans des activités de recherche d'emploi.

Documents requis:

  1. Copie de votre passeport, comprenant les pages avec les données d'identité et les cachets de voyage (hors pages vides).
  2. Annexe 'Certificat d'Antécédents' complétée et signée.
  3. Annexe « Déclaration d'intention de subir un test de dépistage de la tuberculose » complétée et signée (le cas échéant).
  4. Documents démontrant votre éligibilité à l'année d'orientation, y compris les détails des cours suivis au cours des trois dernières années et vos résultats.

Coût de la vie aux Pays-Bas :

Frais d'épicerie :

Article d'épicerie Fourchette de prix aux Pays-Bas Comparaison
Pommes (1KG) 1,41 € – 3,27 € 47% de moins que les prix américains
Fromage (1KG) 6,1 € – 14,38 € 12% de moins que les prix américains
Pain (500g) 0,93 € – 2,18 € 38% de moins que les prix américains
Bananes (1KG) 1,09 € – 2,18 € 1% de moins que les prix américains
Paquet de Marlboro 6,53 € – 7,62 € Les prix sont comparables à ceux des États-Unis

Coûts du restaurant :

Article de restaurant Fourchette de prix aux Pays-Bas Comparaison
Bière importée (0,33 L) 2,94 € – 4,9 € 29% de moins que les prix américains
Bière Locale (0,5L) 3,27 € – 5,45 € 9% de plus que les prix américains
Cappuccino 2,18 € – 3,27 € 32% de moins que les prix américains
Repas pour 2 (mi-repos.) 43,57 € – 76,24 € 14 % de plus que les prix américains

Les coûts de transport:

Article de transport Fourchette de prix aux Pays-Bas Comparaison
Billet aller simple (public) 2,18 € – 3,81 € 40 % de plus que les prix américains
Essence (1LTR) 1,52 € – 1,8 € 157 % de plus que les prix américains
Taxis (1KM) 2,12 € – 2,72 € 29 % de plus que les prix américains

Coûts du loyer :

Article à louer Fourchette de prix aux Pays-Bas Comparaison
1 Chambre Centre Ville 653,49 € – 1524,81 € 18% de moins que les prix américains
1 chambre hors ville 490,12 € – 1089,15 € 23% de moins que les prix américains

Frais de loisirs et de shopping :

Article de loisirs/shopping Fourchette de prix aux Pays-Bas Comparaison
Robe d'été (Zara, H&M) 27,23 € – 54,46 € 16 % de plus que les prix américains
Billet de cinéma (un) 9,8 € – 13,61 € 4% de plus que les prix américains

Processus de demande de visa de demandeur d'emploi aux Pays-Bas 2024

  1. Soumettez votre candidature : Pour commencer votre voyage, soumettez votre candidature accompagnée des frais requis. Veuillez noter que vous aurez besoin d'un permis de séjour provisoire (MVV) pour entrer aux Pays-Bas. Le MVV est un autocollant apposé sur votre passeport par le représentant néerlandais.
  2. Instructions de paiement : Après avoir soumis votre demande, vous recevrez des instructions sur la manière d'effectuer les paiements des frais nécessaires.
  3. Décision dans les 90 jours : Les autorités néerlandaises traitent généralement les demandes dans un délai de 90 jours.
  4. Récupérez votre MVV : Une fois votre demande approuvée, vous recevrez votre MVV. Ceci est votre billet pour entrer aux Pays-Bas.
  5. À votre arrivée : une fois votre candidature retenue, votre voyage ne s'arrête pas là. Tu devrais:
    • Récupérez votre titre de séjour.
    • Inscrivez-vous auprès de la municipalité.
    • Effectuez un test de tuberculose.
    • Assurance maladie sécurisée.

Pour des informations plus détaillées sur le processus de demande, visitez le site Web officiel du visa de recherche d'emploi pour les Pays-Bas : Visa de demandeur d'emploi pour les Pays-Bas.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiLa main d'oeuvre

Si vous êtes un citoyen d’un pays non membre de l’UE/EEE titulaire d’un baccalauréat, d’une maîtrise ou d’un doctorat, ou si vous avez mené des recherches scientifiqu...View more


Do you have great passion for advances in Integrated Photonics? Do you enjoy working in collaborations between businesses and universities and creating value for our society? The University of Twente can offer you that opportunity!

The largest concentration of scientists and engineers in the Photonics research area you will find at the University of Twente. Different expertise’s work together in research and development of photonic chips, development of microscopic techniques and application of nano-photonics in sensing, manufacturing, and imaging. To give you a flavor of what we are doing, in this cluster, researchers are for example engaged in research into photonic crystals in which light can be trapped, unbreakable security solutions based on quantum physics, advanced mirrors for the chip industry and extremely precise, miniscule lasers that can be used on chip. Moreover, our researchers in this domain work on cheap, light-based sensors that can be used to screen traces of cancer or to check water pollution levels on a large scale.

The research on photonics and integrated photonics is in full speed and is of great importance for future innovations. Therefore, the University of Twente is looking for talent! Join us in one of the open positions as PhD or Post-Doc and help us shape the future of pioneering research and innovation on Integrated Photonics at the University of Twente!

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiDoctorat

KICK-START YOUR CAREER IN INTEGRATED PHOTONICS Do you have great passion for advances in Integrated Photonics? Do you enjoy working in collaborations between businesses and universities and creating ...View more

Vacancy number 14484

Job type PhD positions

Hours (in fte) 1,0

External/ internal External

Location Leiden

Placed on 23 January 2024

Closing date 28 February 2024 35 more days to apply

The Faculty of Science and the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) are looking for a:

PhD candidate in synthetic polymer chemistry

Vacancy number: 14484

Key responsibilities

The group of Dr. Joachim Van Guyse at the Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (LACDR) has an opening for 1 PhD position in synthetic polymer chemistry. The PhD student will participate in a project focused on engineering polymers for the delivery of nucleic acids, messenger (m)RNA in particular. The overall aim of the research is to develop novel poly(2-oxazoline)-polypeptide block-copolymers, lipid-polymer conjugates, and nucleic acid formulations thereof by employing new synthetic methodologies and state-of-the-art techniques.

The research topic in this position involves the development of structure-activity relationships of the synthesized block-copolymers and lipid-polymer conjugates in the development of nucleic acid formulations to facilitate systemic circulation and improve the biodistribution of nucleic acid therapeutics.

Objectives: 1) Synthesis and characterization of poly(2-oxazline)-polypeptide block copolymers and poly(2-oxazline)-lipid conjugates, bioconjugation of targeting ligands and conjugation of imaging moieties 2) formulation development using state-of-art techniques, e.g. microfluidics; 3) in-depth physicochemical characterization of the formulations, followed by in vitro and in vivo evaluation of selected systems with respect to gene expression, cellular uptake, mRNA stability, biodistribution and circulation.

Selection criteria

  • A Master’s degree in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical sciences, or Biomedical sciences, or a related field;
  • Expertise in chemical synthesis, ideally in polymer synthesis and/or material science
  • Interest in formulation development; in vitro and in vivo assays, and biotherapeutic delivery
  • Strong communication skills in the group and with collaborators;
  • Proficiency in English;
  • Excellent organisational and planning skills (efficient time management).

Our organization Working at the Faculty of Science means being part of an exciting, dynamic scientific environment which sets high standards for its students and staff. The research carried out at the Faculty of Science is diverse, ranging from computer science, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and bio-pharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences.

The faculty has grown strongly in recent years and now has more than 2,300 staff and over 5,000 students. We are located at the heart of Leiden’s Bio Science Park, one of Europe’s biggest science parks, where university and business life come together. For more information, see

Terms and conditions We offer a full-time appointment of initially one year. After a positive evaluation of the progress of the research, teaching evaluations, personal capabilities and compatibility, the appointment will be extended for another three years. You will be appointed in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. The salary ranges from € 2.770,- per month in the first year to € 3.539,- gross per month in the fourth year based on a full-time position (pay scale P).

Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3 %), training and career development. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. For international spouses we have set up a dual career program. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break. For more information, see the website:

All our PhD students are embedded in the Leiden University Graduate School of Science. Our graduate school offers several PhD training courses at three levels: professional courses, skills training and personal effectiveness. In addition, advanced courses to deepen scientific knowledge are offered by the research school.

Diversity and work-life balance Leiden University is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from members of underrepresented groups. LACDR is a highly diverse institute, in culture, background, and gender. We stand for excellence in a caring Institute. We wish to reflect society in all aspects, as we believe that this improves the dynamics in our organization. Therefore, we support and understand the need for a work/life/family balance and consequent varying working hours and places. We believe that doing good science is fun, and goes hand in hand with a friendly culture.

Information Enquiries can be made to Joachim Van Guyse ( If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact Joachim Van Guyse (

Applications To apply for this vacancy, please submit your application online via the blue button below. Please ensure that you upload the following additional documents quoting the vacancy number:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Research Interests Statement (max an A4 page)
  • Transcripts of bachelor and master curriculum courses, including grades

Only applications received before February 28th, 2024 can be considered.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiDoctorat

Vacancy number 14484 Job type PhD positions Hours (in fte) 1,0 External/ internal External Location Leiden Placed on 23 January 2024 Closing date 28 February 2024 35 more days to apply The Facu...View more

Vacancy number 14490

Job type Academic staff

Hours (in fte) 0,8-1,0

External/ internal External

Location Leiden

Placed on 23 January 2024

Closing date 29 February 2024 36 more days to apply

The Faculty of Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), is looking for:

2 Assistant/Associate Professors in Artificial Intelligence(0.8-1.0 FTE)

The rapid evolution and expansion of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and the increasing integration with other disciplines creates new challenges in developing and understanding modern computation in its foundations, applications, and societal consequences. Our institute is at the center of this transformation, and we aim to strengthen our research and education in artificial intelligence. We are looking for candidates with expertise complementary to the one that is already present at LIACS and related to generative AI, human centered AI, interactive machine learning, and computational creativity.

There are more opportunities than boundaries at LIACS; you will be a member of existing or new research groups and are expected to work well in our culture of cross-group collaboration. Assistant and associate professors teach courses about their research topics, supervise students, and are expected to develop connections inside and outside our institute, with other stakeholders inside and outside Leiden University. The social values of LIACS are fun, inclusivity, openness, and teamwork.

Positions at LIACS have a good balance between teaching and research, giving the candidates time to write research proposals and further build their research lines and their careers. The level of the position will be commensurate with your level of experience.


  • Conducting independent research in your field;
  • Teaching relevant courses at BSc and MSc level;
  • Willing to get the University Teaching Qualification (BKO) within 2 years;
  • Supervising BSc and MSc students;
  • (Co-)supervising PhD students;
  • Securing external funding for research;
  • Engaging in committees and organizing activities in your research group, the institute, and in the relevant initiatives in Leiden and the Netherlands.

Selection criteria

  • PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence or Computer Science;
  • Proven independence in doing research at the postdoc level or beyond;
  • Good publication record and experience in raising research funds;
  • Proven track record in teaching;
  • Able to work independently, in a team, and in a student (co-)supervisory role;
  • An academic, creative, and open mindset;
  • Good to excellent proficiency in English.
  • Depending on the level at which applicants decide to apply, criteria such as leadership, scientific vision, national and international recognition, and visibility, are also important criteria.

Research at our Faculty/Institute The Leiden Faculty of Science is a world-class faculty where staff and students work together in a dynamic international environment. Our people are driven by curiosity to expand fundamental knowledge and to look beyond the borders of their own discipline.

The research carried out at the Faculty of Science is diverse, ranging from artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, and bio-pharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences. The faculty has grown strongly in recent years and now has more than 1,300 staff and almost 4,000 students. We are located at the heart of one of Europe’s biggest science parks, where university and business life come together.

The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is the Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Institute of the Faculty of Science of Leiden University. We offer courses at the Bachelor and Master of Science level in the core areas of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, and Data Science, and in the interdisciplinary areas of ICT in Business, Media Technology and Creative Science, and Bioinformatics. We are a highly international place to do research, and we strive for excellence in a caring institute, where excellence, fun, and inclusiveness go hand in hand. We offer a clear and inviting career path to young and talented scientists with the ambition to grow.

Terms and conditions We offer a position commensurate with your level of experience, initially for one year. After a positive evaluation of the progress of the research and personal compatibility, the appointment can be extended further to a permanent one. The salary ranges, depending on qualifications and experience, from € 4.332,- to € 8.025,- gross per month, following the pay scales 11 - 14 in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.

Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3 %), training and career development, and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. For international spouses, we have set up a dual career program. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.

Diversity and inclusivity Fostering an inclusive community is a central element of the values and vision of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to becoming an inclusive community that enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High-quality teaching and research is inclusive.

Information Enquiries can be made to prof. dr. Marcello Bonsangue, scientific director, email: If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact

Application Please submit online your application no later than Feb 29, 2024 via the blue button in our application system. Please ensure that you attach the following additional documents, quoting the vacancy number:

  • A short cover letter (1 page) detailing your motivation to apply for the position;
  • A brief description of your research plan;
  • A brief description of your teaching experience;
  • A full CV including a list of publications, grant acquisition, community service, and a link to your Google Scholar page;
  • Links to key publications and PhD thesis when appropriate;
  • The names and addresses of at least two persons who can be contacted for reference (who have agreed to be contacted).

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Vacancy number 14490 Job type Academic staff Hours (in fte) 0,8-1,0 External/ internal External Location Leiden Placed on 23 January 2024 Closing date 29 February 2024 36 more days to apply The...View more

The Faculty of Science and Institute of Environmental Sciences are looking for:

1 PhD candidate on developing biodiversity-inclusive strategies for the energy transition.

Vacancy number: 14334

We are excited to invite applications for a PhD candidate position within our interdisciplinary research team at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML). The focus of this opportunity is to contribute to deepening our understanding of the impact of mining activities on freshwater ecosystems.

Position Overview The selected candidate will lead the development of large-scale models (continental to global) to predict the impact of current and future mining activities on freshwater resources and biodiversity. There exists compelling evidence on the disruptive effects of mining activities on freshwater ecosystems, extending several kilometers downstream from mining sites. However, global assessments inadequately quantify these impacts due to a lack of knowledge regarding biodiversity responses to the many ways in which mining affects freshwater ecosystems. This knowledge gap is particularly critical in the context of the transition to a carbon-neutral society. The anticipated surge in metals demand needed for renewable technologies, is set to escalate conflicts between raw material extraction and conservation, emphasizing the need to disentangle these conflicts for a sustainable and biodiversity-inclusive energy transition.

We seek candidates with a strong quantitative background (programming, GIS) and familiarity with hydrological and ecological processes, but also someone who is keen to learn and develop these skills. The candidate will operate at the intersection of ecology and hydrology, focusing on developing predictive models. These models will not only be employed to carry out global impact assessments but also to enhance the characterization of mining impacts on biodiversity within sustainability assessment tools such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output (EE-MRIO).

The Ph.D. candidate will be supervised by Dr. Valerio Barbarossa and Prof. René Kleijn, who are dedicated to fostering a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive research environment. The candidate will also engage with the larger “resources and energy”, “biodiversity” as well as “industrial ecology” research groups at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, providing ample opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Key responsibilities As a PhD candidate, you will:

  • Develop numerical models to predict the impacts of mining on freshwater ecosystems.
  • Use the developed models to characterize impacts of mining in sustainability assessment tools such as LCA and EE-MRIO.
  • Assess mining impacts on freshwater ecosystems under various energy transition scenarios.
  • Work independently with confidence while maintaining a collegial and proactive attitude.
  • Communicate findings through scientific publications and presentations at national and international conferences.
  • Help with supervision of MSc students for thesis projects.
  • Work on cutting-edge research ideas and proposals together with the supervisors.

Selection Criteria

  • You hold an MSc degree, ideally in Environmental Science, Biology, Industrial Ecology, Sustainability, or a related discipline.
  • You have experience in spatial data analyses using GIS software and/or programming environments such as R or Python. Experience with "big data" is a plus.
  • You have experience in mechanistic and/or statistical modeling. Familiarity with (mixed effect) regression modeling is an advantage.
  • Previous knowledge of conducting systematic reviews/meta-analyses is an advantage.
  • You exhibit a proactive and flexible attitude, along with excellent communication skills.
  • You are a team player capable of effectively communicating work to researchers from various disciplines.
  • You have very good written and spoken communication skills in English.

Research at our Institute/Faculty Leiden University is situated between Amsterdam (36 km) and Den Haag (15 km) and was founded in 1575, making it the oldest university in the Netherlands. It houses around 35,000 students originating from 112 nationalities, facilitated by approximately 8,000 staff. The Faculty of Science is a world-class faculty where staff and students work together in a dynamic international environment. It is a faculty where personal and academic development are top priorities. Our people are driven by curiosity to expand fundamental knowledge and to look beyond the borders of their own discipline; their aim is to benefit science, and to make a contribution to addressing the major societal challenges of the future.

The research carried out at the Faculty is very diverse, ranging from mathematics, information science, astronomy, physics, chemistry and bio-pharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences. The research activities are organized in eight institutes. These institutes offer eight bachelor’s and twelve master’s programmes. The faculty has grown strongly in recent years and now has more than 2,800 staff and almost 6,000 students. We are located at the heart of Leiden’s Bio Science Park, one of Europe’s biggest science parks, where university and business life come together.

The environmental science research in CML is organized around two major research areas: ‘Industrial Ecology’ and ‘Environmental Biology’. This makes CML one of the few institutes covering both the circular, sustainable economic use of natural resources and natural capital, as well as assessing the environmental impacts of economic activities on natural resources, biodiversity and natural capital. Presently, over 130 FTE (including postdocs and PhDs) are employed at CML. CML collaborates with the TU Delft and Erasmus University (Rotterdam) in the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability (LDE-CfS).

Terms and conditions At Leiden University, a PhD candidate is seen as an employee rather than a student. As such, we offer a 1-year position with the possibility of extension to 4 years based on performance and following the pay scale P in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Salary ranges from € 2.770.- gross per month in the first year to € 3.539 gross per month in the fourth year based on a full-time position. Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3 %), training and career development. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. For international spouses, we have set up a dual career programme. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break (“30% rule”).

Diversity At the Faculty of Science we value inclusiveness and strive for a diverse community with equal opportunities for all. We give full support to our staff in achieving their potential to become independent academic researchers and teachers. For more information about our policy on diversity and equality please go to the diversity page on our website. Female researchers are also welcomed to join the Researchers In

Science for Equality network of the Faculty if Science (

Information For inquiries, please contact Dr. Valerio Barbarossa at or for general questions.

Applications Please submit your application via the online recruitment system, via the blue button at the top or bottom of this page. Applications received via e-mail will not be taken into consideration. Please ensure that you upload the following additional documents quoting the vacancy number:

  • CV (max 2 pages)
  • A motivation letter (max 2 pages)
  • The names and contact information of two referees

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, with the final deadline for submissions being February 7, 2024. Interviews will take place online or in-person (depending on the current location of residence) within two weeks after the closing date.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiDoctorat

The Faculty of Science and Institute of Environmental Sciences are looking for: 1 PhD candidate on developing biodiversity-inclusive strategies for the energy transition. Vacancy number: 14334 We are ...View more

The Faculty of Science / the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) invite applications for the position of

Assistant Professor in Immune-Stress Interactions Vacancy number: 14441

Key responsibilities The successful candidate will be a researcher with a background in cell biology and/or immunology who focuses on studying the immune system in response to stressors, such as challenging environmental conditions or exposure to pathogens. The candidate will establish and lead a new independent research group within the IBL Animal Sciences cluster. We are looking for candidates who can expand and strengthen IBL’s ongoing research programme on modelling human disease. We especially welcome candidates possessing expertise in gene editing techniques. Additionally, we encourage translational approaches combining animal models with human cell culture and organoid systems. The candidate will actively participate in the BSc and MSc Biology education programs.

Selection criteria

  • A research profile aligning with existing research at the IBL Animal Sciences cluster, possibly bridging gaps between individual research lines, and bringing complementary interests and expertise
  • experience with the zebrafish model system is preferred
  • potential or proven track record to lead a research group
  • willingness and proven ability to raise research funds through competitive grant proposals
  • ability to foster an inspiring and collaborative working environment for a research team enabling students, PhD candidates and postdocs to thrive
  • experience with and commitment to teaching at both the BSc and MSc level
  • affinity and experience with project and management tasks
  • excellent communication skills and fluency in English and Dutch or willingness to learn Dutch

Within the field of animal biology, the IBL performs multidisciplinary research at molecular, cellular, and organismal levels to increase fundamental understanding of health and disease, animal biodiversity, and evolution. Our research environment fosters interaction between researchers with expertise in immunology, stress physiology, disease modelling, behavioural phenotyping and evolutionary development. Applicants will benefit from our state-of the-art facilities and high-quality support for molecular and genomic research, cell culture, and microscopic imaging and animal (fish and bird) facilities. Current research focuses on the animal biology at different levels: understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms of health and disease, the discovery and application of bioactive molecules, animal personalities, organisms in their environment, and animal communication and cognition.

Our organization The Faculty of Science is a world-class faculty where staff and students work together in a dynamic international environment. It is a faculty where personal and academic development are top priorities. Our people are driven by curiosity to expand fundamental knowledge and to look beyond the borders of their own discipline; their aim is to benefit science, and to make a contribution to addressing the major societal challenges of the future. The research carried out at the faculty is very diverse, ranging from mathematics, information science, astronomy, physics, chemistry and bio-pharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences. The research activities are organized in eight institutes. These institutes offer eight BSc and twelve MSc programmes. The faculty has grown in recent years and now has almost 2,800 staff and over 6,000 students. We are located at the heart of Leiden’s Bio Science Park, one of Europe’s biggest science parks, where university and business life come together.

The Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) The research within Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) aims to work on the science base of biodiversity and health, which is reflected in our leading principle Harnessing Biodiversity for Health. We perform innovative curiosity-driven research to answer fundamental questions, and solutions-driven research to help solving major societal challenges. The latter include protecting nature’s biodiversity, creating sustainable biotechnology and agriculture and increasing good health. Our research focuses on four Research Themes: Bioactive Molecules, Host-Microbe Interactions, Development & Disease and Evolution & Biodiversity. Located in a thriving scientific environment with our Faculty of Sciences, Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, the Leiden University Medical Centre, the interfaculty Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition and the Leiden Bioscience Park, IBL offers an exciting, internationally oriented and inclusive place to work and study.

Terms and conditions The successful candidate will be offered a position as principal investigator, at a level that depends on her/his track record. We offer a five- to six-year term position, with the possibility of a tenured position subsequently. The intended start date of the position is January 1, 2025. The monthly salary ranges from € 4.332,- to € 6.737,- depending on experience, corresponding to scale 11-12 for Assistant Professors. Salaries and conditions are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.

Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3 %), training and career development and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax reduction.

Leiden University is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from members of underrepresented groups.

Leiden University requires teaching staff to obtain the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ). If the successful applicant does not already possess this qualification or its equivalent, they must be willing to obtain this certificate within two years.

Information Inquiries about the position can be made to Prof. Dr. Herman Spaink ( If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact Christina Kamerman (

Applications Applications for this vacancy can be submitted via the blue button of our online system. Please ensure that you include the following documents quoting the vacancy number:

  • a motivation letter;
  • a description of research interests and experience;
  • a full CV (including a list of publications, and the names and contact details of two referees).

Only applications received on or before 31 March 2024 can be considered.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

The Faculty of Science / the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) invite applications for the position of Assistant Professor in Immune-Stress Interactions Vacancy number: 14441 Key responsibilities The ...View more