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Niger The International Rescue Committee recruits 01 M&E Advisor

The International Rescue Committee started activities in Niger in June 2013, responding to the Malian refugee crisis in the Tezalit department in Tahoua region. Since then the IRC has expanded programs to address the evolving needs of vulnerable populations first in the protection, WASH, health, nutrition, emergency and economic recovery …

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Soudan IRC recruits 01 Senior Education Technical Advisor

IRC is seeking a Senior Education Advisor for a USAID-funded five-year education project in South Sudan to support education services for conflict-affected populations, with a focus on reintegrating out-of-school adolescents and youth into formal and non-formal education and training programs. The Senior Education Advisor will provide technical oversight of all program deliverables, ensuring high …

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France terre d’asile recrute plusieurs Intervenants(es) sociaux d’accompagnement et d’insertion

Organisation laïque, exerçant des missions de service public, France terre d’asile est une association loi 1901, fondée en décembre 1970 qui assure la promotion des droits humains et la prise en charge des personnes en besoin de protection : demandeurs d’asile, réfugiés, mineurs isolés étrangers. Association leader sur le secteur de …

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