Job Archives
D-Prize soutient les nouveaux entrepreneurs qui peuvent distribuer des interventions de lutte contre la pauvreté éprouvées.
Des produits et des services ont été inventés dans le monde pour mettre fin à la pauvreté. Pourtant, des millions de personnes n’y ont toujours pas accès. Pouvez-vous créer une entreprise ou une ONG qui résout un des Challenges de distribution ci-dessous ?
Nous décernerons un prix allant jusqu’à 20 000 USD aux équipes les plus prometteuses pour qu’elles puissent lancer une version pilote de leur nouvelle organisation partout où l’extrême pauvreté est présente.
Toutes les candidatures, y compris les notes conceptuelles et les curriculum vitæ, doivent être rédigées en anglais.
Challenges du D-Prize
Sélectionnez un challenge ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.
Pouvez-vous distribuer un contraceptif auto-injectable, Sayana® Press, aux femmes mal desservies par le biais d'un réseau de santé privé ? Télécharger le challenge de la contraceptif auto-injectableLE CHALLENGE DE L'OXYGÈNE :
Pouvez-vous mettre en place une équipe de techniciens pour entretenir et réparer les concentrateurs d'oxygène existants afin d'améliorer l'accès à l'oxygène médical ? Télécharger le challenge d'oxygèneLE CHALLENGE DE L'IDENTIFICATION DES PATIENTS :
Pouvez-vous développer un moyen d'identifier les patients ayant besoin d'un traitement pour une fistule obstétrique, un cancer du col de l'utérus, un pied bot ou une cataracte, puis les mettre en relation avec les services de traitement existants dans votre région ? Télécharger le challenge de l'identification des patientsLE CHALLENGE DE LA SANTÉ MATERNELLE :
Pouvez-vous former les accoucheuses à l'administration du misoprostol afin de prévenir les décès maternels dus aux hémorragies post-partum ? Télécharger le challenge de la santé maternelleLE CHALLENGE DE LA CIRCONCISION MÉDICALE VOLONTAIRE :
Pouvez-vous identifier les candidats à la circoncision masculine médicale volontaire (CMMV) et connecter ceux qui choisissent de le faire aux établissements de santé existants afin de réduire le risque d'acquisition du VIH ? Télécharger le challenge de la circoncision médicale volontaireLE CHALLENGE DE LA PRÉVENTION DE LA TRANSMISSION MÈRE-ENFANT :
Pouvez-vous conseiller et motiver les femmes enceintes séropositives à respecter leur traitement antirétroviral, et ainsi prévenir la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant ? Télécharger le challenge de la prévention de la transmission mère-enfantLE CHALLENGE DE LA VACCINATION DES ENFANTS :
Pouvez-vous inciter les soignants à amener leurs enfants dans des établissements de santé pour des vaccinations de routine qui n'auraient pas lieu autrement ? Télécharger le challenge de la vaccination des enfantsLE CHALLENGE DE LA SENSIBILISATION AUX SUGAR DADDIES :
Pouvez-vous enseigner la "sensibilisation aux sugar daddies" à des classes de 8e année afin de réduire les grossesses non désirées chez les adolescentes et les infections au VIH ? Télécharger le challenge de la sensibilisation aux sugar daddies+ EAU PROPRE
Pouvez-vous vendre des filtres à eau en céramique à des personnes dans des zones sans accès à de l'eau potable ? Télécharger le challenge de la accès propre à l'eau+ AGRICULTURE
Pouvez-vous fournir aux petits exploitants agricoles des intrants de haute qualité et une formation dont il est prouvé qu'ils augmentent leurs récoltes ? Télécharger le challenge des intrants de qualitéLE CHALLENGE DU SOUTIEN POST-RÉCOLTE :
Pouvez-vous fournir aux petits exploitants agricoles des prêts post-récolte et des technologies de stockage dont il a été démontré qu'ils augmentent leurs revenus ? Télécharger le challenge du soutien post-récoltePROPOSEZ VOTRE PROPRE CHALLENGE AGRICOLE :
D-Prize est particulièrement intéressé par la distribution d'interventions agricoles prouvées aux petits exploitants. Si vous connaissez une intervention très efficace, appuyée par des preuves crédibles, nous voulons savoir de quoi il s'agit et voir votre plan pour augmenter sa distribution. Télécharger le challenge de l'agriculture sur mesurePROPOSEZ VOTRE PROPRE CHALLENGE EN MATIÈRE D'ÉLEVAGE :
D-Prize est intéressé par la distribution d'interventions prouvées en matière d'élevage aux petits exploitants agricoles. Si vous connaissez une intervention très efficace, appuyée par des preuves crédibles, nous voulons savoir de quoi il s'agit et voir votre plan pour augmenter sa distribution. Télécharger le challenge en matière d'élevage+ MOYENS D'EXISTENCE DURABLE
Pouvez-vous fournir un accompagnement professionnel, des capitaux et un soutien social pour sortir les gens de l'ultra-pauvreté ? Télécharger le challenge de sortie de la pauvretéPROPOSEZ VOTRE PROPRE CHALLENGE D'INCLUSION FINANCIÈRE :
D-Prize est particulièrement intéressé par la distribution d'interventions d'inclusion financière prouvées à ceux qui en ont besoin. Si vous connaissez une intervention très efficace, soutenue par des preuves crédibles, nous voulons l'entendre et voir votre plan pour augmenter sa distribution. Télécharger le challenge d'inclusion financière+ ENERGIE
Pouvez-vous vendre des lampes solaires pico à des ménages vivant en milieu rural ou dans des bidonvilles et n'ayant pas d'accès régulier à l'électricité ? Télécharger le challenge des lampes solaires+ SERVICES PUBLICS
Pouvez-vous surveiller et communiquer des données pour réduire la corruption et améliorer le service public ? Télécharger le challenge de la transparence gouvernementaleLE CHALLENGE DE LA SÉCURITÉ ROUTIÈRE :
Pouvez-vous réduire le nombre de décès sur les routes en mobilisant le public grâce à une campagne de sécurité qui a fait ses preuves dans les transports publics ? Télécharger le challenge de la sécurité routière+ CUSTOM
D-Prize est particulièrement intéressé par la distribution d'interventions prouvées contre la pauvreté à ceux qui en ont besoin. Si vous connaissez une intervention très efficace qui s'appuie sur des preuves crédibles, nous voulons savoir de quoi il s'agit et voir votre plan pour accroître sa distribution. Télécharger le challenge sur mesureProcessus de Candidature
Sélectionnez un défi ci-dessus et préparez-vous pour les délais suivants :
Date limite de soumission anticipée : 16 octobre 2023 à minuit HNP (heure normale du Pacifique)
Date limite de soumission normale : 5 novembre 2023 à minuit HNP
Date limite étendue (réservée aux personnes inscrites) : 26 novembre 2023 à minuit HNP
Inscrivez-vous pour une extension de délai sur :
Soumettez votre note de synthèse et vos curriculum vitæ. Nous recevons en général 1 700 soumissions par concours.
Nous inviterons 5 % des entrepreneurs les plus performants à soumettre une proposition complète. Vous aurez environ 2 semaines pour rédiger et soumettre cette proposition.
Les meilleurs entrepreneurs passeront un entretien par téléphone et par e-mail. Et 1 % d’entre eux recevront jusqu’à 20 000 USD pour lancer leur initiative.
Vous consacrerez les trois mois suivants à mettre votre talent au service d’une initiative amenée à grandir et aider des millions de personnes.
D-Prize s’adresse aux aspirants entrepreneurs où qu’ils soient dans le monde, quels que soient leur âge et leur parcours. La majorité de nos lauréats n’ont jamais lancé de projet ni levé de fonds.
Cependant, toutes les candidatures, y compris les notes succinctes de présentation et les curriculum vitæ, doivent être rédigées en anglais.
Nous sommes désolés, mais pour le moment, nous ne pouvons évaluer que les candidatures soumises en anglais. Cependant, il n'est pas nécessaire que votre anglais soit parfait pour postuler. Nous voulons seulement cerner votre idée, donc les erreurs de grammaire et de vocabulaire ne seront pas pénalisées.
Nous étudierons le financement d’organisations existantes uniquement si vous testez une nouvelle initiative axée sur la distribution et que vous avez besoin de capital à haut risque qui ne peut pas être financé par vos recettes ou vos donateurs actuels.
Les organisations existantes qui posent leur candidature à D-Prize doivent exister depuis 18 mois maximum et avoir levé moins de 30 000 USD de financement externe.
Job Features
Job Category | Prix, Concours et offres |
D-Prize soutient les nouveaux entrepreneurs qui peuvent distribuer des interventions de lutte contre la pauvreté éprouvées. Des produits et des services ont été inventés dans le monde pour mettr...View more
Processus et critères de sélection de la cohorte 46 (sur place)
La sélection pour la participation à la cohorte 46 (sur site) du Centre régional de leadership YALI en Afrique de l'Ouest, à Accra, se déroulera sous la forme d'un concours ouvert basé sur le mérite. Toutes les candidatures éligibles seront examinées par un jury de sélection et présélectionnées. Les candidats présélectionnés seront ensuite interviewés avant qu'une sélection finale ne soit faite et qu'une invitation à rejoindre le programme soit émise.
Les jurys de sélection utiliseront les critères suivants pour évaluer les candidatures :
- Leadership démontré dans la fonction publique, les affaires et l’entrepreneuriat, ou l’engagement civique.
- Engagement actif dans le service public ou communautaire, le bénévolat ou le mentorat.
- La capacité de travailler en coopération dans divers groupes et de respecter les opinions des autres.
- Solides compétences sociales et de communication.
- Une attitude énergique et positive.
- Une connaissance, un intérêt et une expérience professionnelle démontrés dans le secteur/piste sélectionné, et
- Un engagement à appliquer les compétences et la formation en leadership au profit de votre pays et/ou de votre communauté après le programme.
Les candidats ne seront pas victimes de discrimination fondée sur la race, l'origine ethnique, la couleur, le sexe, la religion, le statut socio-économique, le handicap, l'orientation sexuelle ou l'identité de genre.
Candidature pour la cohorte 46 (sur place)
Raisons de postuler au YALI Accra RLC
- À la fin du programme, les participants recevront des certificats et deviendront membres du YALI Alumni.
- Les participants suivront diverses formes de formation en leadership pour les préparer à des rôles de leadership dans leurs diverses activités.
Les candidats ne seront pas victimes de discrimination fondée sur la race, l'origine ethnique, la couleur, le sexe, la religion, le statut socio-économique, le handicap, l'orientation sexuelle ou l'identité de genre. La direction du YALI Regional Leadership Center, Afrique de l’Ouest – Accra se réserve le droit de vérifier toutes les informations fournies dans la candidature.
Ce que nous offrons
Affaires et entrepreneuriat
Cette filière s'adresse à un large éventail d'entrepreneurs émergents ou en herbe qui envisagent d'assumer des rôles de leadership au sein du secteur privé ou de créer leur propre entreprise sur le continent.Gestion de la société civile
Cette filière s'adresse à ceux qui sont ou aspirent à s'engager civiquement et à servir le public par le biais d'organisations non gouvernementales, d'organisations communautaires ou de volontariat.Politique publique et gestion
Cette filière est adaptée à ceux qui travaillent ou aspirent à travailler à n'importe quel niveau de gouvernement (y compris à des postes élus), des organisations régionales telles que l'Union africaine ou la Communauté de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, des organisations internationales telles que les Nations Unies ou d'autres organisations ou organisations à vocation publique. Groupes de réflexion
Selection for participation in Cohort 46 (Onsite) of the YALI Regional Leadership Center West Africa, Accra will be conducted as a merit-based, open competition. All eligible applications will be reviewed by a selection panel and shortlisted. Shortlisted applicants will then be interviewed before a final selection is made and an invitation to join the program issued.
Selection panels will use the following criteria to evaluate applications:
- Demonstrated leadership in public service, business and entrepreneurship, or civic engagement.
- Active engagement in public or community service, volunteerism, or mentorship.
- The ability to work cooperatively in diverse groups and respect the opinions of others.
- Strong social and communication skills.
- An energetic, positive attitude.
- A demonstrated knowledge, interest, and professional experience in the sector/track selected, and
- A commitment to apply leadership skills and training to benefit your country and/or community after the program.
Applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, gender, religion, socio-economic status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Cohort 46 (Onsite) Application
Reasons to Apply to the YALI Accra RLC
- At the end of the program participants will be awarded with certificates and become members of the YALI Alumni
- Participants will be taken through various forms of leadership training to prepare them for leadership roles in their various endeavors.
Applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, gender, religion, socio-economic status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The management of the YALI Regional Leadership Center, West Africa – Accra reserves the right to verify all information provided in the application.
What We Offer
Business and Entrepreneurship
This track caters to the range of emerging or aspiring entrepreneurs who expect to take on leadership roles within the private sector or build their own business ventures on the continent.Civil Society Management
This track is oriented to those who are or aspire to be civically engaged and serve the public through non-governmental organizations, community based organizations, or volunteerism.Public Policy and Management
This track is tailored to those who work or aspire to work in any level of government (including elected positions), regional organizations such as the African Union or the West Africa Community, international organizations such as the United Nations, or other publicly minded organizations or think tanks
Job Features
Job Category | Prix, Concours et offres |
Processus et critères de sélection de la cohorte 46 (sur place) La sélection pour la participation à la cohorte 46 (sur site) du Centre régional de leadership YALI en Afrique de l’Ouest, à...View more
The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly qualified applicants for an Assistant, Associate or Full Professor position in Financial Cryptography. This is a tenure-track appointment to the Professorial Stream to commence January 1, 2024.
The successful applicant will join the first cohort of faculty members based at York’s new Markham Campus. Until the opening of the campus, the appointee will carry some teaching responsibilities at York’s Keele campus while contributing to the development of academic and research programming planned Markham.
The BSc in Financial Technologies for the Markham campus, one of its kind in Canada, is the latest curricular initiative of the School of Information Technology, aimed at offering highly technical training on the application of computational technologies in the finance area. The program is aimed at preparing students to assume critical tech positions in the Canadian and international financial industry and building the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs in the broad financial technologies area.
The School of Information Technology at York University is unique in its interdisciplinary and applied approach to Information Technology research and education. Situated among some of the top Liberal Arts, Business and Engineering programs in the country, the School offers an ideal environment for developing research and educational initiatives that cross disciplinary boundaries. Home to some of the best reputed scholars in their field, the School features a strong tradition of externally funded research and industrial collaborations.
York University’s Markham Campus offers state-of-the-art facilities to provide innovative job-ready academic programming and research focusing on core themes of technology and entrepreneurship as applied in different contexts, disciplines and professional fields. Building on York University’s academic presence in the City of Markham, the new campus will help fulfil future labour market and civic leadership needs by providing transferable 21st century skills that are at the core of future economic competitiveness and community development in Markham, York Region and across Ontario. Collaboration with York University’s existing research strengths in the core areas of the new campus and dynamic engagement with the area’s businesses, industries, and communities will create an innovative, cross-disciplinary, and social justice-oriented research culture for solving complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines.
Candidate Qualifications:
Degree: PhD in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Applied Mathematics, or a closely related field is required.
- A coherent and well-articulated program of research and specialization in Financial Cryptography. The ideal candidate has a strong grasp of applied cryptographic, data, and information security techniques as they applied to the financial domain, ideally combined with a broad understanding and awareness of the current cryptographic trends in digital payments/protocols, digital currencies, and decentralized finance. While knowledge and record in applied cryptography is very strongly desired, exceptional candidates with a strong record in other technical aspects of digital payments, blockchain, and decentralized finance are welcome to apply .
- A record or evident promise of generating innovative, substantive, rigorous, and as appropriate, externally funded at the highest level.
- A record or evident promise of making influential contributions and demonstrating excellence in the field (e.g., publications (or forthcoming publications) with significant journals and major conferences; awards, grants and accolades; the research statement; and strong recommendations from referees of high standing).
- A record or evident promise of excellence in teaching and dedication to students (e.g., teaching and supervision record; teaching statement; teaching accomplishments and pedagogical innovations (e.g., in high priority areas such as experiential education and technology enhanced learning).
- Suitability for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, given that the position willl involve graduate teaching and supervision.
Hiring Policies:
- Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
- All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
- York is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, in its community. Details of the AA Program, which applies to women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, can be found here or by contacting Christal Chapman, EDI Program Manager (; 416-736-5713).
- York welcomes and employs scholars from all over the world. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples of Canada will be given priority.
- York has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Applicants who require accommodation are invited to contact Prof. Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at
Application Process:
- Due date for completed applications: extended to October 1, 2023
- Required materials: 1) current CV; 2) cover letter; 3) statement of research; 4) a statement of teaching (optionally including teaching evaluations or a teaching dossier); 5) up to three representative publications; 6) the names and contact information of three referees who can comment on research record, ability, and promise.
- Provide required information regarding your Canadian work status and optional self-identification for Affirmative Action purposes as part of the online application.
- Direct questions about the position to Prof. Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at
Submit materials: at.
Learn More About York:
- York University generates and shares knowledge through our research, teaching and engagement with communities around the world. The 2023-2028 Strategic Research Plan showcases the depth, breadth and ambition of research at York.
- York’s commitments to social justice are laid out in our Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, the Framework & Action Plan on Black Inclusion and the Indigenous Framework for York University.
- Follow the activities and accomplishments of York’s faculty, students and staff on YFile.
York University acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations. The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Huron-Wendat. It is now home to many First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.
Job Features
Job Category | Enseignement et recherche scientifique |
Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-16 Advertised until: 2023-10-01 The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly ...View more
The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly qualified applicants for an Assistant Professor position in Software Engineering. This is a tenure-track appointment to the Professorial Stream to commence January 1, 2024.
The successful applicant will join the first cohort of faculty members based at York’s new Markham Campus. Until the opening of the campus, the appointee will carry some teaching responsibilities at York’s Keele campus while contributing to the development of academic and research programming planned Markham.
The BSc in Financial Technologies for the Markham campus, one of its kind in Canada, is the latest curricular initiative of the School of Information Technology, aimed at offering highly technical training on the application of computational technologies in the finance area. The program is aimed at preparing students to assume critical tech positions in the Canadian and international financial industry and building the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs in the broad financial technologies area.
The School of Information Technology at York University is unique in its interdisciplinary and applied approach to Information Technology research and education. Situated among some of the top Liberal Arts, Business and Engineering programs in the country, the School offers an ideal environment for developing research and educational initiatives that cross disciplinary boundaries. Home to some of the best reputed scholars in their field, the School features a strong tradition of externally funded research and industrial collaborations.
York University’s Markham Campus offers state-of-the-art facilities to provide innovative job-ready academic programming and research focusing on core themes of technology and entrepreneurship as applied in different contexts, disciplines and professional fields. Building on York University’s academic presence in the City of Markham, the new campus will help fulfil future labour market and civic leadership needs by providing transferable 21st century skills that are at the core of future economic competitiveness and community development in Markham, York Region and across Ontario. Collaboration with York University’s existing research strengths in the core areas of the new campus and dynamic engagement with the area’s businesses, industries, and communities will create an innovative, cross-disciplinary, and social justice-oriented research culture for solving complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines.
Candidate Qualifications:
Degree: PhD in Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, or a closely related field is required.
- A coherent and well-articulated program of research and specialization in Software Engineering with an emphasis in software quality. Specific areas include but are not limited to: testing, formal methods, design for quality, software security and reliability, software analytics for quality, AI safety. Exceptional candidates in other areas of software engineering are also welcome to apply. The ideal candidate has applied their research in programs within the financial domain or has otherwise exposure to software engineering problems within the financial domain through research or other professional engagements.
- A record or evident promise of generating innovative, substantive, rigorous, and as appropriate, externally funded at the highest level.
- A record or evident promise of making influential contributions and demonstrating excellence in the field (e.g., publications (or forthcoming publications) with significant journals and major conferences; awards, grants and accolades; the research statement; and strong recommendations from referees of high standing).
- A record or evident promise of excellence in teaching and dedication to students (e.g., teaching and supervision record; teaching statement; teaching accomplishments and pedagogical innovations (e.g., in high priority areas such as experiential education and technology enhanced learning)).
- Suitability for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, given that the position will involve graduate teaching and supervision.
Hiring Policies:
- Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
- All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
- York is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, in its community. Details of the AA Program, which applies to women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, can be found here or by contacting Christal Chapman, EDI Program Manager (; 416-736-5713).
- York welcomes and employs scholars from all over the world. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples of Canada will be given priority.
- York has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Applicants who require accommodation are invited to contact Prof. Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at
Application Process:
- Due date for completed applications: extended to October 1, 2023
- Required materials: 1) current CV; 2) cover letter; 3) statement of research; 4) a statement of teaching (optionally including teaching evaluations or a teaching dossier); 5) up to three representative publications; 6) the names and contact information of three referees who can comment on research record, ability, and promise.
- Provide required information regarding your Canadian work status and optional self-identification for Affirmative Action purposes as part of the online application.
- Direct questions about the position to Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at
Submit materials: at.
Learn More About York:
- York University generates and shares knowledge through our research, teaching and engagement with communities around the world. The 2023-2028 Strategic Research Plan showcases the depth, breadth and ambition of research at York.
- York’s commitments to social justice are laid out in our Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, the Framework & Action Plan on Black Inclusion and the Indigenous Framework for York University.
- Follow the activities and accomplishments of York’s faculty, students and staff on YFile.
York University acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations. The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Huron-Wendat. It is now home to many First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.
Job Features
Job Category | Enseignement et recherche scientifique |
Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-16 Advertised until: 2023-10-01 The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly ...View more
The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly qualified applicants for an Assistant, Associate or Full Professor position in Financial Technologies. This is a tenure-track appointment to the Professorial Stream to commence January 1, 2024.
The successful applicant will join the first cohort of faculty members based at York’s new Markham Campus. Until the opening of the campus, the appointee will carry some teaching responsibilities at York’s Keele campus while contributing to the development of academic and research programming planned Markham.
The BSc in Financial Technologies for the Markham campus, one of its kind in Canada, is the latest curricular initiative of the School of Information Technology, aimed at offering highly technical training on the application of computational technologies in the finance area. The program is aimed at preparing students to assume critical tech positions in the Canadian and international financial industry and building the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs in the broad financial technologies area.
The School of Information Technology at York University is unique in its interdisciplinary and applied approach to Information Technology research and education. Situated among some of the top Liberal Arts, Business and Engineering programs in the country, the School offers an ideal environment for developing research and educational initiatives that cross disciplinary boundaries. Home to some of the best reputed scholars in their field, the School features a strong tradition of externally funded research and industrial collaborations.
York University’s Markham Campus offers state-of-the-art facilities to provide innovative job-ready academic programming and research focusing on core themes of technology and entrepreneurship as applied in different contexts, disciplines and professional fields. Building on York University’s academic presence in the City of Markham, the new campus will help fulfil future labour market and civic leadership needs by providing transferable 21st century skills that are at the core of future economic competitiveness and community development in Markham, York Region and across Ontario. Collaboration with York University’s existing research strengths in the core areas of the new campus and dynamic engagement with the area’s businesses, industries, and communities will create an innovative, cross-disciplinary, and social justice-oriented research culture for solving complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines.
Candidate Qualifications:
Degree: PhD in Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Science, Engineering, Finance or Business, or a closely related field is required.
- A coherent and well-articulated program of research and specialization in Financial Technologies. The ideal candidate has a broad understanding of applications of information and computational technologies within the financial domain. They combine a technical understanding of key technologies applicable to the financial domain (including but not limited to: artificial intelligence, machine learning, advanced digital payment and trading systems, financial analytics and management, high-assurance financial systems design, blockchain and digital currency technologies, decentralized finance) with knowledge of the organization and functions of the financial system and industry actors. In addition, recent industrial experience through engagement with established or emerging financial institutions in a research or other professional capacity is a strong asset.
- A record or evident promise of generating innovative, substantive, rigorous, and as appropriate, externally funded at the highest level.
- A record or evident promise of making influential contributions and demonstrating excellence in the field (e.g., publications (or forthcoming publications) with significant journals and major conferences; awards, grants and accolades; the research statement; and strong recommendations from referees of high standing).
- A record or evident promise of excellence in teaching and dedication to students (e.g., teaching and supervision record; teaching statement; teaching accomplishments and pedagogical innovations (e.g., in high priority areas such as experiential education and technology enhanced learning).
- Suitability for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, given that the position will involve graduate teaching and supervision.
Hiring Policies:
- Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
- All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
- York is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, in its community. Details of the AA Program, which applies to women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, can be found here or by contacting Christal Chapman, EDI Program Manager (; 416-736-5713).
- York welcomes and employs scholars from all over the world. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples of Canada will be given priority.
- York has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Applicants who require accommodation are invited to contact Prof. Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at
Application Process:
- Due date for completed applications: extended to October 1, 2023
- Required materials: 1) current CV; 2) cover letter; 3) statement of research; 4) a statement of teaching (optionally including teaching evaluations or a teaching dossier); 5) up to three representative publications; 6) the names and contact information of three referees who can comment on research record, ability, and promise.
- Provide required information regarding your Canadian work status and optional self-identification for Affirmative Action purposes as part of the online application.
- Direct questions about the position to Prof. Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at
Submit materials: at.
Learn More About York:
- York University generates and shares knowledge through our research, teaching and engagement with communities around the world. The 2023-2028 Strategic Research Plan showcases the depth, breadth and ambition of research at York.
- York’s commitments to social justice are laid out in our Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, the Framework & Action Plan on Black Inclusion and the Indigenous Framework for York University.
- Follow the activities and accomplishments of York’s faculty, students and staff on YFile.
York University acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations. The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Huron-Wendat. It is now home to many First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.
Job Features
Job Category | Enseignement et recherche scientifique |
Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-16 Advertised until: 2023-10-01 The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly ...View more
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine administers postdoctoral and senior fellowship awards at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), and the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) under the Air Force Science & Technology Fellowship Program (AF STFP).
We are seeking highly qualified candidates who are U.S. citizens and hold, or anticipate earning, a doctorate in a variety of fields of science or engineering.
Application deadline dates (four annual review cycles):
- February 1
- May 1
- August 1
- November 1
Awardees have the opportunity to:
- Conduct independent research in an area compatible with the interests of the Air Force laboratories
- Devote full-time effort to research and publication
- Access the excellent and often unique Air Force research facilities
- Collaborate with leading scientists and engineers
Awardee benefits include:
- Base stipend starting at $76,542; may be higher based on experience
- Health insurance (including dental and vision), relocation benefits, and a professional travel allowance
For detailed program information, to search for AFRL, AFIT, and USAFA Research Opportunities, and to contact prospective Research Adviser(s), visit
Job Features
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The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine administers postdoctoral and senior fellowship awards at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the U.S. Air Force Institute of Te...View more
Position Description The Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Michigan is now accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Japanese Studies for the 2024–2025 academic year. This Postdoctoral Fellow will be expected to teach two courses over the academic year, as well as to participate in Center events and related activities at U-M. The applicant’s research can cover any historical period of Japan—including contemporary Japan—and involve any academic discipline in the humanities and social sciences. The fellowship will cover up to a 12-month period between August 26, 2024 and August 24, 2025, and will carry a salary of approximately $60,000 plus benefits as well as $3,000 in research funds. During periods of your instructional appointment as a LEO Lecturer, your Research Fellow position will also be adjusted to ensure your total work effort does not exceed 100% effort; however, your salary for the LEO Lecturer appointment is separate and distinct from your Research Fellow salary and will be subject to the terms and conditions of the UM/LEO Collective Bargaining Agreement. The postdoctoral fellow will be provided with shared office space and access to libraries and resources at the University.
- Applicants must have received their Ph.D. degree within five years of the postdoctoral appointment year (2019 or later).
- The successful applicant must have their Ph.D. degree conferred by August 31, 2024.
- Applicants are expected to have full command of the English language as University of Michigan classes, meetings and business are conducted in English.
- Experience teaching at a U.S. institution
Application Instructions Applications must be submitted through Interfolio ( by December 6, 2023 and will require the following items (only PDF and MS Word formats will be accepted):
- Letter of Application
- CV
- Research statement outlining experience and current project(s)
- Teaching statement outlining courses taught in the past (with course evaluations)
- Title and description for two courses proposed to be taught at Michigan. Please include a full syllabus for one of these courses. Please note: Since teaching assignments are decided early in 2024, successful candidates would hold one of these courses in Fall 2024.
- Writing sample (e.g. dissertation chapter, conference paper, journal article), not to exceed 40 pages
- Two (2) letters of recommendation
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
For Inquiries, please contact the Center for Japanese Studies at
Job Features
Job Category | Stage et Formation |
Position Description The Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Michigan is now accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Japanese Studies for the 2024–2025 academic year. Th...View more
Hiring Department School of Law Job Description UMKC School of Law has an exciting opportunity to join our Tenant Assistance Initiative as a Truman Fellow. The Truman Fellowship Program (named for Harry S. Truman, 33rdPresident of the United States, who attended Kansas City School of Law and served for a time as the presiding judge in Jackson County, Missouri), provides newly licensed and experienced attorneys with an opportunity for training and public service. The Tenant Assistance Initiative provides legal counsel to tenants facing eviction in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Tenants are referred to UMKC by the Right to Counsel program for Kansas City, Missouri, by United Way, and through other outreach efforts. Fellows represent tenants with supervision and training from the UMKC initiative. The city of Kansas City, Missouri, passed the Right to Counsel ordinance in 2021, which became effective June 1, 2022. The UMKC Tenant Assistance Initiative is one of the legal services providers under contract to provide tenant representation for the Kansas City program. The Initiative also has grant funding from the Missouri Housing Development Commission. Flexible work arrangements (including telework) are available. The Fellowship program supports the option of remote work and in-person/on-site work. Minimum Qualifications Successful candidate will havepassed the bar exam. Prior experience with the clinics, externships, law and technology, strong lawyering skills, and a commitment to public service is a plus, but are not essential. Full Time/Part Time Position is temporary, full time, exempt, and non benefit eligible. In general, length of appointment is expected to be three – eight months. Truman Fellowships can vary based on the candidate’s availability and preference, the initiative’s needs, and funding availability. Opportunity for an extension will be contingent upon needs, funding availability, and the Fellow’s successful job performance. Salary Salary is commensurate with experience, education, and internal equity. Compensation is competitive with other public-interest positions. Application Deadline Open until all positions are filled. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis so long positions remain unfilled. Inquiries about the position may be directed to Associate Dean Jeffrey Thomas, , 816-235-2378. Application Instructions Candidates should apply through the UMKC Human Resources website: . In addition to completing the standard UMKC employment application, please upload a cover letter, resume, and three references (which may be included in the cover letter or the resume). Please describe your status regarding bar admission in the cover letter. Those who have taken the bar exam but do not yet have the results are eligible to apply. Equal Employment Opportunity Equal Opportunity is and shall be provided for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without unlawful discrimination on the basis of their race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable state or federal law. This policy shall not be interpreted in such a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or the recruiting rights of military organizations associated with the Armed Forces or the Department of Homeland Security of the United States of America. For more information, call the Vice Chancellor - Human Resources at 816-235-1621. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the duties and functions of this job. If you believe you may have difficulty performing any of the duties or functions of this job, please contact the Office of Affirmative Action at (816) 235-1323. EEO IS THE LAW To read more about Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) please use the following links:
- EEO is the Law English Version
- EEO is the Law Spanish Version
- EEO is the Law Chinese Version
UMKC Statement on Diversity University of Missouri System Values Commitment We value the uniqueness of every individual and strive to ensure each person’s success. Contributions from individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives promote intellectual pluralism and enable us to achieve the excellence that we seek in learning, research and engagement. This commitment makes our university a better place to work, learn and innovate. In your application materials, please discuss your experiences and expertise that support these values and enrich our missions of teaching, research and engagement.
Job Features
Job Category | Stage et Formation |
Hiring Department School of Law Job Description UMKC School of Law has an exciting opportunity to join our Tenant Assistance Initiative as a Truman Fellow. The Truman Fellowship Program (named for Har...View more
Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America's first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. Description The department of the History of Science and Technology at The Johns Hopkins University invites applications for a graduate student fellowships in the history of modern East Asian science and technology for the 2024-2025 academic year. The fellowship will include a stipend for either one or two semesters, reimbursement for the travel to Baltimore, health insurance, and a research budget. Fellows will have a “visiting student” status, and will be welcome to attend any of our graduate seminars and our weekly departmental colloquium. For inquiries please contact Prof. Lijing Jiang at or Prof. Yulia Frumer at Qualifications Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program and be working in the history of modern East Asian science or technology. Applicants must be at an advanced stage of their degree, having attained an ABD status or equivalent. Preference would be given to those who have already written several chapters of their dissertation. Foreign applicants must meet visa requirements, depending on their country of origin. All applicants must write and speak well in English. Application Instructions To apply, pleased submit the following by December 20, 2023 : 1) a cover letter 2) a research proposal that describes both the general goals and significance of the dissertation research, as well as concrete plan for the time at JHU, if accepted 3) a writing sample: either an article published on the topic of the dissertation, or a dissertation chapter 4) a transcript from the home institution. 5) two letters of recommendation, at least one of which is from a faculty member at the home institution Equal Employment Opportunity Statement The Johns Hopkins University is committed to equal opportunity for its faculty, staff, and students. To that end, the university does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status or other legally protected characteristic. The university is committed to providing qualified individuals access to all academic and employment programs, benefits and activities on the basis of demonstrated ability, performance and merit without regard to personal factors that are irrelevant to the program involved. The successful candidate(s) for this position will be subject to a pre-employment background check. If you are interested in applying for employment with The Johns Hopkins University and require special assistance or accommodation during any part of the pre-employment process, please contact the HR Business Services Office at For TTY users, call via Maryland Relay or dial 711. The following additional provisions may apply depending on which campus you will work. Your recruiter will advise accordingly. During the Influenza ("the flu") season, as a condition of employment, The Johns Hopkins Institutions require all employees who provide ongoing services to patients or work in patient care or clinical care areas to have an annual influenza vaccination or possess an approved medical or religious exception. Failure to meet this requirement may result in termination of employment. The pre-employment physical for positions in clinical areas, laboratories, working with research subjects, or involving community contact requires documentation of immune status against Rubella (German measles), Rubeola (Measles), Mumps, Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B and documentation of having received the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccination. This may include documentation of having two (2) MMR vaccines; two (2) Varicella vaccines; or antibody status to these diseases from laboratory testing. Blood tests for immunities to these diseases are ordinarily included in the pre-employment physical exam except for those employees who provide results of blood tests or immunization documentation from their own health care providers. Any vaccinations required for these diseases will be given at no cost in our Occupational Health office. Equal Opportunity Employer Note: Job Postings are updated daily and remain online until filled. EEO is the Law Learn more: Important legal information
Job Features
Job Category | Stage et Formation |
Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America’s first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. Description The department of the Histo...View more
Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America's first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. Description Founded in 1943 and a Johns Hopkins division since 1950, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University (SAIS) has been educating global leaders for nearly eight decades. As a highly selective graduate institution with a distinguished faculty, SAIS consistently ranks as one of the top schools of international relations in the world. SAIS was founded to provide a practical approach to training students in international leadership and foreign relations, and to provide mid-career educational opportunities for those already working in related fields. To learn more about SAIS, visit Qualifications Johns Hopkins University’s Korea Studies Program in the School of Advanced and International Studies (SAIS) is accepting applications for a Korea Studies Postdoctoral Fellow for the 2023 Spring Semester. While the deadline to apply is January 20, 2023, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The primary research areas focus on international relations and political economy in the Asia-Pacific region (including Northeast Asia), as well as on contemporary issues concerning the Korean Peninsula and US-ROK alliance. Appointment begins in the 2023 spring semester and could be extended to the 2023-2024 academic year based on research performance of the selected postdoctoral fellow. The fellowship is limited to recent PhDs: applicants cannot be more than five years past the awarding of their doctoral degree when the fellowship starts. The Postdoctoral fellow is required to be in residence for the duration of the appointment and to take part in the Korea Studies activities throughout the appointed term. The fellow will also be required to present his/her research findings in seminars and to actively participate in the Korea Studies’ program. The postdoctoral fellowship is a 6-month appointment with a salary of approximately $37,500, with an additional research-related travel expense support. Fellowship Requirement:
- Residence in the metropolitan D.C area during the fellowship period is required;
- Participate and engage actively in Korea Studies’ events and related academic and programming activities;
- Submit at least one working paper for publication during his/her appointment period;
- Organize at least one scholarly event to present the fellow’s research findings during the appointment term; and
- Work closely with the staff and students who are affiliated with the Korea Studies program.
Application Instructions All applications should include:
- A Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae (CV)
- A short research statement (not to exceed five typed pages, double-spaced), which describes the research and writing to be undertaken during the fellowship period, as well as the proposed publishable product.
- Statement of Teaching (Optional)
- Writing Sample (a published/publishable article or a dissertation chapter)
- a statement of contribution to diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Two (2) Letters of Recommendation submitted by your recommenders
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement The Johns Hopkins University is committed to equal opportunity for its faculty, staff, and students. To that end, the university does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status or other legally protected characteristic. The university is committed to providing qualified individuals access to all academic and employment programs, benefits and activities on the basis of demonstrated ability, performance and merit without regard to personal factors that are irrelevant to the program involved. The successful candidate(s) for this position will be subject to a pre-employment background check. If you are interested in applying for employment with The Johns Hopkins University and require special assistance or accommodation during any part of the pre-employment process, please contact the HR Business Services Office at For TTY users, call via Maryland Relay or dial 711. The following additional provisions may apply depending on which campus you will work. Your recruiter will advise accordingly. During the Influenza ("the flu") season, as a condition of employment, The Johns Hopkins Institutions require all employees who provide ongoing services to patients or work in patient care or clinical care areas to have an annual influenza vaccination or possess an approved medical or religious exception. Failure to meet this requirement may result in termination of employment. The pre-employment physical for positions in clinical areas, laboratories, working with research subjects, or involving community contact requires documentation of immune status against Rubella (German measles), Rubeola (Measles), Mumps, Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B and documentation of having received the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccination. This may include documentation of having two (2) MMR vaccines; two (2) Varicella vaccines; or antibody status to these diseases from laboratory testing. Blood tests for immunities to these diseases are ordinarily included in the pre-employment physical exam except for those employees who provide results of blood tests or immunization documentation from their own health care providers. Any vaccinations required for these diseases will be given at no cost in our Occupational Health office. Equal Opportunity Employer Note: Job Postings are updated daily and remain online until filled. EEO is the Law Learn more: Important legal information
Job Features
Job Category | Stage et Formation |
Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America’s first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. Description Founded in 1943 and a Johns...View more
The School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (SCAI) at Arizona State University (ASU) invites applications for a postdoctoral scholar position in the area of augmented intelligence. We define augmented intelligence broadly as computer science research that lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence and human reasoning. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, artificial intelligence, machine learning, human-computer interaction, visualization, database systems, and cybersecurity.
SCAI is part of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. Here at SCAI, we envision a society where secure, accurate, and current information is ubiquitously available and data is seamlessly collected, managed, and converted into information that entertains individuals, empowers businesses and guides the decisions of both in their daily affairs. We envision our school as a community recognized by its colleagues internationally as a leader in envisioning and enabling the information-driven society and by students as a preferred location for acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to this vision.
SCAI has a strong track record of fostering an inclusive environment for our faculty (including research faculty), academic professionals, staff, and students. We have had broad representation across the National Science Foundation (NSF)-defined underrepresented populations in computing, including women, African Americans, Hispanics, and persons with disabilities. Our faculty have experience in establishing training programs for multidisciplinary junior scholars. These include NSF’s IGERT/NRT Program and the T32 Program from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
We also have strong research programs with participation from both SCAI faculty and researchers from other ASU including the Biodesign Institute, the Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation, the Global Security Initiative, etc. Many of SCAI’s research programs also include partners from renowned industry partners such as the Mayo Clinic and TGen, and, according to many quantitative metrics such as funding from competitive federal sources and impact of research as measured by publications in premier venues and their citations, our faculty have built a strong reputation with global visibility.
Furthermore, as we grow our outreach efforts, we will become a hub for broadly attracting aspiring Ph.D. students from underrepresented communities who are looking for an inclusive home to advance their career. Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows will be directly integrated into SCAI where they will work directly on interdisciplinary research with a diverse group of faculty, students, and industry partners who collaborate on projects to solve real-world computing problems. We will target areas of expertise that add to SCAI’s strategic research (Computing and Augmented Intelligence) focusing at the intersection of Computer Science and Industrial Engineering and enhance the inclusive culture in SCAI.
We seek applicants who will contribute to our programs and expand collaborations with existing faculty at ASU. Located in Tempe with easy access to the outdoors and urban amenities, ASU's vibrant and innovative approaches to research and teaching are charting new paths in education and research in the public interest.
Primary job duties will include:
- Advancing research and developing a research agenda appropriate for a tenure-track academic position. This includes publishing peer-reviewed articles, presenting research at national and international conferences, and pursuing research funding.
- Pursuing teaching and/or other educational opportunities such as co-teaching, delivery of seminars, or other creative mentoring activities.
The postdoctoral scholars selected will join a cohort of 10-15 other postdoctoral scholars at ASU as part of the Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The goal of the program is to support the career development of outstanding Ph.D. recipients with great potential for advancing the ASU Charter into a future tenure track appointment at ASU.
The program seeks applicants whose professional preparedness, experience, and accomplishments are informed by experiences working with and within groups historically underrepresented in higher education in the United States. Where pools of qualified applicants are strong, priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate, through prior actions and achievements, intentional and actioned commitment to inclusiveness. Examples of such contributions are research or creative activity focused on empowering underserved populations; teaching, mentorship, and service that increases equitable access; and inclusion in fields where historically excluded populations are underrepresented.
SCAI has committed to provide individualized mentorship and career development to ensure each candidate is well prepared to succeed in a future tenure-track appointment. Career development and community building will also occur through programmatic support at the ASU Graduate College’s Postdoctoral Affairs Office.
About Arizona State University
ASU is a large, comprehensive, research university and for nearly two decades, has transformed into the “New American University,” one dedicated to the simultaneous pursuit of excellence, broad access to quality education, and meaningful societal impact. By our Charter and Design Aspirations, we center inclusion and success as values that drive the enterprise; adopt inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning as ways to address society’s greatest challenges; and develop innovative partnerships to produce master learners across the lifespan. To learn more about ASU, visit
Qualifications and Characteristics
Successful candidates will engage in scholarly research and may be asked to perform duties common to academic personnel including grant writing and teaching.
Minimum qualifications
- Earned doctorate in computer science, computer engineering or related discipline by the time of appointment
- Evidence of peer reviewed publications in computer science, computer engineering, or related fields
- Willing and able to engage in transdisciplinary research across Arizona State University
- Demonstrated ability to work and communicate effectively with diverse students, colleagues, community partners, and staff in a multicultural environment.
Desired qualifications:
- Demonstrated commitment to a collaborative, transdisciplinary approach to research
- Demonstrated potential for grant funding and high impact publications in areas related to augmented intelligence
- Evidence of excellence in mentorship, as appropriate to the candidate’s rank
This position is located at the Arizona State University at the Tempe campus. All postdoctoral fellowship positions are for one year. Options for an additional one or two years of funding or a transition to a tenure- track position may be offered, depending on each fellow’s progress and training needs. Faculty tenure track appointments will require a process of review within the designated tenure home unit.
Application deadline is October 15, 2023. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis for a reserve pool. Applications in the reserve pool may then be reviewed in the order in which they were received until the position is filled. To apply, visit and select “apply now” next to the corresponding position. Candidates will be asked to create or use an existing Interfolio Dossier to submit the following:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of interest describing how you meet the qualifications noted above
- Contact information for three references, including email addresses
Inquiries can be directed to Ross Maciejewski (
A background check is required for employment.
ASU is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor and an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. For more information on ASU’s policies, please see: and its complete non-discrimination statement at:
In compliance with federal law, ASU prepares an annual report on campus security and fire safety programs and resources. ASU’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at You may request a hard copy of the report by contacting the ASU Police Department at 480-965- 3456.
Job Features
Job Category | Stage et Formation |
The School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (SCAI) at Arizona State University (ASU) invites applications for a postdoctoral scholar position in the area of augmented intelligence. We define au...View more
Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America's first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. Description The Dean's Teaching Fellowship Program of the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences is designed to foster innovation in the undergraduate curriculum, give advanced graduate students experience teaching their own undergraduate courses, and provide funding for graduate research. This prestigious fellowship allows graduate students to grow as educators and scholars by allowing them to propose, design, and offer an undergraduate seminar course. We are pleased to introduce two new options for this year's competition to students applying for the DTF. Aiming to foster innovation and community outreach, the DTF program will reserve several fellowships for specific pedagogical experiences:
- Community-Based Learning Courses . Community-based learning (CBL) is a pedagogical model that engages students, faculty, and Baltimore City Co-Educators (Community Partners, e.g., nonprofit and civic agencies) in coursework and community engagement that supports academic learning objectives and Community Co-Educator needs. Taught under the auspices of the Center for Social Concern, these courses will follow the structure of the CSC's Engaged Scholars Program . Grad Fellows will participate in the program's training (beginning August 2024) to co-teach a course with a member of the local community in Spring 2025. For examples of syllabi for community-based learning courses, consult Syllabi Library | Campus Compact . Applicants interested in this option should contact Luisa De Guzman at CSC to discuss their plans. Their course proposals need a letter of endorsement from the CSC.
- Digital Humanities Courses : These courses are designed to allow graduate students to extend their research into their pedagogy and introduce undergraduates to the intersection of computational and humanistic scholarship. Applicants considering this option should contact Sam Backer at the Center for Digital Humanities to discuss their plans. Their course proposals need a letter of endorsement from the CDH.
Qualifications DTF courses may be offered as advanced undergraduate seminars or lower-level undergraduate seminars. Applicants who intend their course to satisfy the “writing-intensive” requirement (which will change next year to Foundational Ability #1: Writing and Communication) should make sure to meet these criteria: Before preparing an application, students should consult with their departmental Director of Graduate Studies, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Chair to assess the department's interest in the proposed course and ensure that it aligns with departmental teaching needs. Applicants must be graduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences in residence for the academic year during which they teach; they must have achieved ABD status before teaching in the program. Please note: fellowships may not be deferred, and former Dean's Teaching Fellows are ineligible. Fellows will teach a one-semester course and receive a stipend equivalent to the KSAS set fellowship amount for that semester. In addition, the Dean's Teaching Fellowship will pay 20% of the Fellow's tuition for the semester they teach. For those receiving fellowships with specific restrictions against outside money, the 20% tuition will be offered as a research fund. The Fellow must provide documentation of any restrictions on receiving outside money. The Dean's Office expects the department to ensure the student's time is spent appropriately. Application Instructions The complete application includes:
- Letter of application (addressed to the Dean's Teaching Fellowship Committee).
- Curriculum vitae.
- Course proposal, including the cost of required texts, etc. (A draft syllabus is encouraged).
- Budget proposal for excursions or labs, if applicable. (Please include funding source).
- Transcript (unofficial is accepted).
- Letter of recommendation from a faculty mentor.
- Letter of endorsement from the Department Chair.
- Letter of support from the Center for Digital Humanities or Center for Social Concern (where appropriate)
The application will open on Thursday, August 31st, 2023, and close on Friday, September 29th, 2023 . The department must approve all materials. Equal Employment Opportunity Statement Johns Hopkins University is committed to active recruitment of a diverse faculty and student body. The University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer of women, minorities, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities and encourages applications from these and other protected group members. Consistent with the University’s goals of achieving excellence in all areas, we will assess the comprehensive qualifications of each applicant. The successful candidate(s) for this position will be subject to a pre-employment background check. If you are interested in applying for employment with The Johns Hopkins University and require special assistance or accommodation during any part of the pre-employment process, please contact the HR Business Services Office at For TTY users, call via Maryland Relay or dial 711. The following additional provisions may apply depending on which campus you will work. Your recruiter will advise accordingly. During the Influenza ("the flu") season, as a condition of employment, The Johns Hopkins Institutions require all employees who provide ongoing services to patients or work in patient care or clinical care areas to have an annual influenza vaccination or possess an approved medical or religious exception. Failure to meet this requirement may result in termination of employment. The pre-employment physical for positions in clinical areas, laboratories, working with research subjects, or involving community contact requires documentation of immune status against Rubella (German measles), Rubeola (Measles), Mumps, Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B and documentation of having received the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccination. This may include documentation of having two (2) MMR vaccines; two (2) Varicella vaccines; or antibody status to these diseases from laboratory testing. Blood tests for immunities to these diseases are ordinarily included in the pre-employment physical exam except for those employees who provide results of blood tests or immunization documentation from their own health care providers. Any vaccinations required for these diseases will be given at no cost in our Occupational Health office. Equal Opportunity Employer Note: Job Postings are updated daily and remain online until filled. EEO is the Law Learn more: Important legal information
Job Features
Job Category | Stage et Formation |
Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America’s first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. Description The Dean’s Teaching F...View more
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology in the Faculty of Science at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver seeks candidates for a tenure-track Assistant Professor to start no earlier than July 1, 2024. Applicants conducting research in the areas of microbial physiology, metabolism or ecology are encouraged to apply, including research focused on the discovery, cultivation, isolation or engineering of microorganisms with diverse and important metabolic capabilities. Research with applications that strengthen Canada’s natural resource sectors or facilitate climate adaptation or mitigation will be favorably considered. The ability to teach courses in the areas of environmental microbiology, microbial physiology or microbial ecology will be considered an asset.
The position requires a PhD, postdoctoral experience, and a strong record of research achievements and publications in this field. The successful applicant will be expected to develop an innovative, externally-funded and internationally-competitive research program; supervise graduate students and postdoctoral fellows; collaborate with faculty members; teach undergraduate and graduate courses in microbiology; and participate in service to the department, university, and academic/scientific community. Candidates will have strong commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion to create a welcoming community for all, particularly those who are historically, persistently, or systemically marginalized.
The successful candidate will become a member of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology ( The Department includes 25 research faculty with strengths across the disciplines of microbiology, virology, and immunology including microbial genomics, data science, functional screening, microbial ecology, as well as bacterial metabolism and physiology. The successful applicant will establish their laboratory in the Life Sciences Institute (, which houses 85 laboratories across 10 departments, providing ample opportunity for cross-disciplinary collaborations. The new hire could be part of the multi-faculty BioProducts Institute (, which brings together interdisciplinary researchers comprised of scientists, engineers, and market and policy experts to unlock the full potential of materials, chemicals and fuels produced in Nature. The new hire will have access to outstanding core resources for acoustic liquid handling and microfluidics, high-throughput screening, cell sorting, plurality and single-cell sequencing, microscopy, metabolomics, and proteomics.
Applicants should submit as a PDF document:
- Cover letter (up to 2 pages).
- Curriculum vitae.
- Statement of teaching philosophy and accomplishments (up to 2 pages).
- Summary of research interests describing two potentially fundable projects (maximum 4 pages).
- Diversity statement describing your lived background experiences (if comfortable), and your past experience and future plans regarding working with a diverse student body, and contributing to a culture of equity and inclusion. (up to 1 page).
- Names and contact information for 3 individuals willing to serve as references.
Apply through Academic Jobs Online: The closing date for applications is October 15, 2023.
UBC is a global centre for research and teaching, consistently ranked among the top 20 public universities in the world. The UBC Vancouver campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam). Since 1915, UBC has been opening doors of opportunity for people with the curiosity, drive and vision to shape a better world. UBC is dedicated to ensuring that diversity, equity and inclusion are embedded throughout the university’s academic and work life, recognizing that significant work remains to be accomplished. For example, UBC's vision is to be a world leader in the implementation of Indigenous people's human rights and is guided in a mission of reconciliation as articulated and called for by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. It is firmly committed to recruiting Indigenous faculty, students, and staff as outlined in its Indigenous Strategic Plan. As one of the world's leading universities, UBC creates exceptional research and learning environments to foster global citizenship, advance a civil and sustainable society, to serve the people of British Columbia, Canada, and the world.
UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. Inclusion is built by individual and institutional responsibility through continuous engagement with diversity to inspire people, ideas, and actions for a better world. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. In assessing applications, UBC recognizes the legitimate impact that leaves (e.g., parental leave, leave due to illness) can have on a candidate’s record of research achievement. These leaves will be taken into careful consideration during the assessment process.
Also, within this hiring process we will make efforts to create an inclusive and equitable process for all candidates (including but not limited to people with disabilities). Confidential accommodations are available on request for applicants who are short listed by contacting Hannah Wong at
This posting is for the UBC Vancouver campus in British Columbia, Canada.
Please refer to reference number EU-57523 during correspondence about this position.
Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
About UBC The University of British Columbia is a global centre for research and teaching, consistently ranked among the top 20 public universities in the world. Since 1915, UBC's entrepreneurial spirit has embraced innovation and challenged the status quo. UBC encourages its students, staff and faculty to challenge convention, lead discovery and explore new ways of learning. At UBC, bold thinking is given a place to develop into ideas that can change the world.
About Vancouver Vancouver is a dynamic, cosmopolitan and progressive city, consistently ranked as one of the top cities to live in the world. Canada's third largest city has it all: sea, parks, mountains, beaches, and four seasons per year, including beautiful summers and mild, wet winters with snow in the mountains. It's the perfect backdrop to your academic research.
Job Features
Job Category | Enseignement et recherche scientifique |
Additional Information
- Website for additional job details
Work Location(s)
- Number of offers available
- 1
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- Country
- Ireland
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- Dublin
Where to apply
- Website
- Website
Job Features
Job Category | Enseignement et recherche scientifique |
Applications are invited for a temporary post of a Research Engineer within UCD School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Next Generation Energy Systems (NexSys) is an all-island, multidisciplinar...View more
Ref ORU 2.1.1-06009/2023
We are looking for a researcher in Robotics for a fixed-term position at the School of Natural Sciences and Technology.
Subject area
The subject area for this position is Computer Science with a specialization in robotics, with a strong connection to machine learning, physics simulation and computer vision.
The position is placed with the Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS) at the School of Natural Science and Technology, a unit comprising over 70 researchers and doctoral students working on problems in artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning and human-machine interaction. The position is tightly coupled to the ongoing Vinnova project Automation for Face Drilling, funded through the strategic innovation program “Swedish Minining Innovation.” The recruited researcher will work on industrially relevant problems in collaboration with partners in the project.
Duties and responsibilities
The researcher is expected to take a leading role in the project, communicate and engage with industrial partners, perform research, and develop software modules. They are expected to lead technical development and conduct research activities, including publication of results in conference and journal venues.
Those qualified for the appointment as a researcher are applicants who have obtained a doctoral degree or have a degree from abroad deemed to correspond to a doctoral degree.
Assessment criteria
Candidates holding a doctoral degree in Computer Science or a very closely related field are eligible for this position. The successful candidate is expected to have demonstrated abilities to conduct independent research, verified through a strong publication record at leading journals and conferences in robotics. An ability to communicate clearly in scientific English is a must. Familiarity with relevant machine learning and robotics software frameworks is another obligatory criterion for employment. Prior experience working with the AGX dynamics physics simulation engine is strongly desirable. Additional prior experience working on problems within machine learning for physics interaction is a plus, as is a track record in working with depth or laser sensors.
A general basis for assessment is that the applicant is able to demonstrate the personal qualities required to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities at hand; that they are able to cooperate with other members of staff; and contribute to the development of university operations.
The successful candidate is expected to have good communication skills and be capable of maintaining a time plan and a research direction. The candidate should be comfortable working in a team and interacting with external partners. This position is expected to focus entirely on research and no teaching assignments are foreseen.
This is a fixed-term full-time position for 9 months. At Örebro University, salary depends on the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience.
For more information about the position, contact Todor Stoyanov email:, or head of division Lars Karlsson, +46 19 30 33 55, email:
At Örebro University, we expect each member of staff to be open to development and change; take responsibility for their work and performance; demonstrate a keen interest in collaboration and contribute to development; as well as to show respect for others by adopting a constructive and professional approach.
Örebro University actively pursues equal opportunities and gender equality as well as a work environment characterised by openness, trust and respect. We value the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.
The application is made online. Click the button “Apply” to begin the application procedure.
For the application to be complete, the following electronic documents must be included:
- Covering letter, outlining how you believe you can contribute to the continued development of Örebro University
- CV with a relevant description of your overall qualifications and experience
- List of publications
- Copies of relevant course/degree certificates verifying eligibility and criteria met
Only documents written in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Danish can be reviewed. More information for applicants will be found on our career site:
The application deadline is October 16, 2023. We look forward to receiving your application!
As we have already made our choices in terms of external collaboration partners and marketing efforts for this recruitment process, we decline any contact with recruitment agencies and advertisers.
As directed by the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet), we are required to deposit one file copy of the application documents, excluding publications, for a period of two years after the appointment decision has gained legal force.
Job Features
Job Category | Enseignement et recherche scientifique |
Ref ORU 2.1.1-06009/2023 We are looking for a researcher in Robotics for a fixed-term position at the School of Natural Sciences and Technology. Subject area The subject area for this position is Comp...View more