
A potentially groundbreaking cardiac drug in the fight against pancreatic cancer

Researchers have recently achieved a significant breakthrough in pancreatic cancer research by exploring the use of a drug originally designed for specific heart conditions. According to a study published in the journal iScience, preclinical trials have shown promising results by combining perhexiline, currently used in Australia and New Zealand to …

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There’s nothing better than these foods for your brain

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is crucial for both physical and mental well-being. Certain foods also play a significant role in the proper development and functioning of the brain, particularly impacting mood, memory, and overall well-being. According to Dr. Uma Naidoo, a psychiatrist and nutritionist, and a professor at …

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Sleeping with your mouth open can provide valuable insights into your state of health

As you drift off to sleep, the muscles in your face gradually relax, allowing your mouth to open naturally. According to Dr. Christine DeMason, an associate professor of otolaryngology at the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina, as cited by Huffpost, mouth breathing can occur at any …

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Social Jetlag: How Sleeping In Can Affect Your Gut Health

During holidays, weekends, or public holidays, many of us tend to sleep a few extra hours to make up for lost rest. However, irregular sleep patterns can pose a threat to the quality of your gut microbiota, as revealed by researchers from King’s College London in a study published in …

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Should we engage in light daily exercise or intense workouts over the weekend to promote heart health?

Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week, without specifying the ideal schedule. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on July 18, 2023 shed light on this issue. It confirms that achieving 150 minutes (2 hours …

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Type 2 Diabetes: Can Drinking Kombucha Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

Kombucha is a fermented beverage primarily composed of yeast and bacteria, known for its antioxidant properties and probiotic benefits. According to Daniel Merenstein, a professor of medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine, promising research on rodents and a small cohort of non-diabetic individuals has shown that this beverage can …

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One Daily Drink of Alcohol Raises Blood Pressure Over Time, Warns the American Heart Association

A study conducted by Italian and American researchers, published in the journal Hypertension on July 31, 2023, sheds light on the effects of regular alcohol consumption on blood pressure. This increase in blood pressure persists even in individuals who consume only one glass per day and those who do not …

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Link between Constipation and Cardiovascular Risks: Study Reveals Alarming Correlations

According to a study published in Scientific Reports, constipation may be a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Researchers from La Trobe University analyzed over half a million hospital admissions in the state of Victoria, Australia, and found that patients suffering from constipation were nearly twice as likely …

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Six Questions to Ask Before Considering Cosmetic Surgery

So, you’ve made up your mind. You’re soon going to contact a cosmetic surgeon to address those minor imperfections or simply rejuvenate your face. Fair enough. However, bear in mind that cosmetic surgery is not without its risks, and it’s crucial to ask the right questions to ensure everything goes …

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Pecans: A Defense Against Obesity and Diabetes, Says Texas A&M Study

A study from Texas A&M University highlights the benefits of pecans in preventing obesity and diabetes. Published in the specialized journal MDPI, this research demonstrates that pecans offer multiple health advantages, such as reducing inflammation, maintaining body weight, and lowering the risk of diabetes. Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, a professor of …

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The Benefits of Eating Apples: 7 Compelling Reasons

It’s well known that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, as the famous English proverb goes. And it’s not without reason. According to the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, this fruit has numerous health benefits. Dietitian Amber Sommer emphasizes, “Apples are popular for a good reason. They’re …

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Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack can truly save your life

It is crucial to understand that time plays a vital role when a heart attack occurs, as more than 92% of these incidents are fatal without immediate intervention, warns the French Federation of Cardiology. An upcoming study at the European Society of Cardiology congress underscores that the ability to spot …

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Diabetes: Violence and abuse experienced in adulthood increase the risk

“Exposure to violence or interpersonal abuse throughout life has been associated with several chronic diseases, including adult-onset diabetes, but this trend has not been confirmed based on patients’ gender and ethnicity,” said researchers from Meharry Medical College (USA). In a recent study, they used data from a cohort called the …

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Potential Link Between Psoriasis Severity and Vitamin D Deficiency: New Avenues for Exploration

Psoriasis affects 2 to 3% of the global population, manifesting as red patches with white scales on the skin. While recognized as a chronic inflammatory disorder, its precise mechanisms remain partly enigmatic. The red patches result from the infiltration of the epidermis by T lymphocytes, immune cells that release inflammatory …

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Clovibactin: A New Avenue in the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance

Since the turn of the century, antibiotic resistance has posed a major challenge to public health. To address this concerning issue, researchers have delved into the bacterial dark matter in search of a molecule capable of neutralizing pathogenic bacteria. The recent discovery of Clovibactin opens the door to powerful new …

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