The Chalhoub scholarship allows students who wish to study at Sciences Po at the undergraduate level at the Sciences Po campus in Menton, Southern France, or graduate level in Paris. ELILGIBILITY Candidates must be from one of the following countries: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Koweit, Bahrein,… Read More

Post-doctoral Fellowships CIMI LabEx

CIMI LabEx offers three to six post-doctoral positions to be filled as from 1st of October 2020. The positions are funded for two years and co-financed fundings are welcome. The research areas should be developed within the activities at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT), the Institut de Recherche en Informatique… Read More

IMD Scholarships

Please don’t forget to attach your Financial Aid Form for all scholarship applications other than Merit and Co-Ro (see above). Scholarships Amount Profile & Criteria Scholarships for applicants from the February 1st deadline: Lausanne Alumni Club Merit Scholarship CHF 50K Awarded to the best all-round applicant from… Read More

Royal Thai Government Scholarships

Cette bourse est accordée aux candidats qualifiés ayant d’excellentes réalisations au premier cycle (baccalauréat) et aux cycles supérieurs (maîtrise) pour poursuivre leurs programmes de doctorat dans n’importe quel programme académique offert à l’École d’ingénierie et de technologie (SET) et à l’École de l’environnement, des ressources et du développement ( SERD) des pays prioritaires suivants, soutenus par le gouvernement de la Thaïlande.