Job Archives

Training contract in pediatric oncology for early phase clinical trials IIS La Fe has decided to publish a call for a job offer, by a competitive procedure, for a training contrat in clinical trials in pediatric oncology to perform the tasks in the framework of the Project. Service/Unit/Accredited Group: Clinical and Traslational Investigation in Cancer Candidate requeriments: (All requeriments are necessary to apply): Pediatric oncology specialist.


Research Field
Medical sciences » Medicine
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
- Clinical experience in pediatric oncohematology (0.15 points per month) up to a maximum of two points. - National and international scientific publications in pediatric oncohematology (0.5 points each) up to a maximum of one point. - Rotations in national or international reference centers in pediatric oncology (0.5 points per month) up to a maximum of one point. - Communications to congresses related to pediatric oncohematology (0.25 points per communication/poster) up to a maximum of one point. - Master's degree in the field of pediatric oncohematology or molecular biology (2 points).
Specific Requirements
- Knowledge of Valencian (minimum required level B2) (B2: 0.20 points; C1 or higher: 0.45 points). - Knowledge of English (minimum required level B2) (B2: 0.30 points; C1 or higher 0.45 points).
Research Field
Medical sciences » Medicine
Years of Research Experience
4 - 10

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Postal Code
Av. Fernando Abril Martorell 106 Torre A Planta 7


Avenida Fernando Abril Martorell, nº 106, Torre A, 7ª
Postal Code

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

Training contract in pediatric oncology for early phase clinical trials IIS La Fe has decided to publish a call for a job offer, by a competitive procedure, for a training contrat in clinical trials i...View more

NYU Abu Dhabi is pioneering a new model of higher education for a global world, dedicated to excellence in teaching and research and to advancing cooperation and progress on humanity?s shared challenges. Drawing on the strengths of the NYU global network, it offers an outstanding liberal arts and sciences education to students from the United Arab Emirates, the United States, and around the world, with a distinctive focus on intercultural understanding and leadership. It supports innovative research and graduate education programs that push forward the frontiers of knowledge and respond in powerful and interdisciplinary ways to vital global and local challenges.

Position Summary UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) seeks to appoint an Administrative Assistant reporting to the Associate Director, Humanities Research Fellowship Program. This position is needed for administrative support to the Humanities Research Fellowship program with coordinating events and communication materials, booking travel, processing reimbursements and requisitions in ePro for the researchers and any related events’ participants. Key Responsibilities:

  • Assist research fellows with booking travel, reimbursements and related policies
  • Process honorariums for external reviewers
  • Coordinate with Nirvana re: travel and booking arrangements
  • Assist with scheduling
  • Coordinate with participants and vendors (bookings, payments)
  • Submit updates to the Web team (event page, email template)
  • Advertising (website, intranet, NYUAD newsletters, HRF newsletter/email invite, social media)
  • Event assistance - Coordinate with Audio Visual team, Zoom registration, Run of show, Holding slides, Recordings (when required)

Required Education:

  • Bachelors Degree

Required Experience:

  • Five years of experience in executive and administrative services, preferably with at a higher-education institution, private organization, or governmental body operating in the U.A.E.
  • Experience working with institutions of multinational nature
  • Experience working collaboratively to establish and maintain effective working relationships with various stakeholders, including those in leadership positions

Preferred Experience:

  • Familiarity with Interfolio, Google Suite, SquareSpace, and Client Management Systems
  • Knowledge of academic practices and procedures
  • Knowledge of applicable standards, policies and procedures within specialty area
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community

Other Information About NYUAD NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

NYU Abu Dhabi is pioneering a new model of higher education for a global world, dedicated to excellence in teaching and research and to advancing cooperation and progress on humanity?s shared challeng...View more

The Rector of Medical University of Gdańsk announces an open competition for the position of


group of research-teaching employees

full - time employee (2 positions)

 fixed-term employment


  • conducting and documenting research or research and development activities, including participation in the dissemination of the results of research activities,
  • conducting and documenting didactic classes, mainly of a practical nature (seminars, exercises, laboratories, practical classes),
  • participation in organizational work for the University and the unit,
  • improving didactic or professional qualifications, including improving the use of English and completing a course in the methodology of academic didactics, as well as through documented participation in trainings and conferences.


  • have at least a master's degree or equivalent,
  • have an aptitude for research and teaching.


  • completed a single master's degree in nursing or a related field,
  • knowledge of pediatric nursing,
  • fluency in English at the level of min. B2,
  • knowledge of the Polish language to the extent that it is possible to conduct classes with students in Polish.


  • scientific output in the form of at least one full-text publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal with at least Q2* or a scientific output of at least 1.0 points IF or at least one registered patent application.


  • a fixed-term employment contract,
  • working at the best medical university in Poland with the status of a research university,
  • the possibility of professional development within the position taken,
  • attractive employee benefits.


  • Candidates who meet the requirements of an Act on Higher Education and Science (requirements referred to in art.113), including:
  • meeting the requirements specified in the above mentioned Act and the statute of MUG,
  • being not punished by any disciplinary penalty referred to in art. 276 paragraph 1 points 7 and 8 of the above mentioned Act,
  • meeting the requirements referred to in art. 20 clause 1 points 1-3 of the above mentioned Act,
  • stating that, in case of winning this competition, Medical University of Gdansk will be the  candidates’ primary place of employment as defined by the above mentioned Act may enter the competition.
  • Candidates willing to participate in the competition are asked to submit their application form (all required documents) by clicking  APPLY.
  • All documents must be submitted in the Polish language version.
  • The deadline for applying is 20.10.2023 at 23.59 - the date and time recorded by the recruitment system is applicable.
  • The result of the competition is settled based on the analysis of  the documentation submitted by the candidates.
  • The result of the competition will be announced at the University website
  • The University reserves the right to close the competition without stating any reasons.
  • The final decision about employment of a candidate recommended by Competition Committee, is made by the Rector of the Medical University of Gdańsk.


  • declaration of entering the competition with statements:
  • the candidate’s statement about meeting the requirements of the art. 113 of the Act of Law on Higher Education and Science,
  • the candidate’s statement that, in case of winning this competition, the Medical University of Gdańsk will be the candidate’s primary place of employment as defined by the Act of Law on Higher Education and Science,
  • a declaration of consent to the processing of personal data contained in the presented documents for the purposes necessary for the implementation of the competition procedure,
  • CV (information on the candidate’s previous work achievements),
  • personal questionnaire for a candidate applying for employment,
  • a university diploma stating the professional titles the candidate has earned (along with the supplement),
  • (if applicable) a bibliometric analysis list with IF score,
  • (if applicable) confirmation of the right to practice the profession and professional specialization documents,
  • copies of former employment certificates  and a confirmation of current employment,
  • other documents confirming qualifications and competencies for teaching students.

Templates of some documents that have to  be completed, scanned and attached you will find  HERE.


Prof. Marcin Gruchała, MD, PhD

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

The Rector of Medical University of Gdańsk announces an open competition for the position of ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY group of research-teaching employees full – ti...View more

Les sols constituent l’épine dorsale d’écosystèmes sains et dynamiques, fournissant les substrats et les fonctions physiques, chimiques et biologiques nécessaires à la vie. Mais les sols sont constamment menacés par la pollution, créant un risque important pour la santé humaine et les écosystèmes terrestres et aquatiques. La stratégie de l’UE sur les sols à l’horizon 2030 définit un cadre et des mesures concrètes pour protéger, restaurer et garantir une utilisation durable des sols. Il définit une vision et des objectifs pour parvenir à des sols sains d’ici 2050, avec des actions concrètes d’ici 2030.

Objectifs spécifiques

EDAPHOS est un projet de R&I qui vise à mettre en œuvre des technologies innovantes basées sur la nature pour surveiller les sols pollués et leur assainissement afin d'accélérer leur valorisation et garantir que les procédés développés puissent intégrer une offre commerciale. L'ambition du projet s'articule autour de 5 objectifs majeurs :

  1. Améliorer la surveillance des sols contaminés par télédétection en combinant des informations multi-échelles, multispectrales et multimodales
  2. Améliorer et démocratiser les méthodes d’évaluation des risques écologiques et d’analyse des services écosystémiques
  3. Mettre en œuvre et démontrer l'efficacité des solutions fondées sur la nature à travers leur déploiement sur 7 sites d'études (ES, FR, GR, IT, PO)
  4. Faire de la phytoremédiation une opportunité pour la société et une entreprise commerciale traditionnelle
  5. Faciliter l’analyse et l’intégration des données dans un modèle d’aménagement du territoire grâce à l’intelligence artificielle (IA)

Les éléments clés du poste postdoctoral proposé sont :

  1. Conception et mise en œuvre d'essais en laboratoire et sur le terrain liés à l'objectif spécifique 3 ci-dessus (WP3 du projet).
  2. Analyse des sols et des plantes, analyse statistique et interprétation des données ; contribution à la mise en place du DMP (data management plan),
  3. Co-diriger le livrable lié au WP3
  4. Co-diriger les tâches de gestion de projet (organisation des réunions, comptes rendus des réunions)
  5. Participation aux tâches de communication (participation à des événements européens, suivi des réseaux sociaux, à des conférences internationales/nationales)


Domaine de recherche
Sciences pharmacologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Diplôme : Doctorat en phytogestion Les compétences suivantes sont requises :
  1. Les candidats doivent posséder un diplôme en biologie végétale et en sciences de l'environnement, ainsi qu'au moins 3 à 4 ans d'expérience professionnelle (y compris un doctorat) en phytogestion.
  2. Les candidats doivent i) diriger et contribuer à des publications scientifiques, des notes d'orientation et des rapports techniques qui nécessitent des textes clairs et bien structurés. Dans ce cas, un niveau élevé d’anglais écrit et oral est requis ; ii) organiser, planifier et animer des réunions scientifiques avec des partenaires européens (tenues en anglais)
  3. Les candidats doivent contribuer aux tâches de gestion de projet ; certaines compétences en gestion de projet sont souhaitables
Domaine de recherche
Sciences pharmacologiques
Formulaire(s) de candidature interne requis
offreEmploi_2023.10.Postdoc_projet HORIZON EDAPHOS.pdf
(639,36 Ko - PDF)

Informations Complémentaires

Processus de sélection
Post-doctorant Merci d'envoyer les documents suivants (le tout dans un seul fichier PDF) par e-mail à  1) Pour les candidats à l'UE : Copie de votre carte d'identité nationale ou de la page de votre passeport sur laquelle est imprimée votre photo.     Pour les candidats non-UE : Copie de la page de votre passeport où est imprimée votre photo. 2) Curriculum Vitae (peut inclure des hyperliens vers vos comptes ResearchID, Research Gate Google Scholar). 3) Liste détaillée des publications (peut inclure des hyperliens vers les DOI des publications). 4) Lettre de motivation relative au poste (Lettre de motivation) dans laquelle les candidats se décrivent et décrivent leurs contributions à des projets de recherche antérieurs (maximum 2 pages) 5) Copie de votre doctorat si déjà disponible. 6) Coordonnées des personnes de référence (maximum 3, au moins votre directeur de mémoire) : Titre, Nom, organisation, e-mail. Si vous avez des questions concernant la candidature, veuillez contacter les superviseurs
Commentaires supplémentaires
Durée du contrat : 12 mois (renouvelable 2 fois) Salaire selon diplômes et expériences : Entre 2500-2900 € brut Mensuel Encadrants : CHALOT Michel / CIADAMIDARO Lisa Projet HORIZON EDAPHOS / Convention de subvention : 101112768 Mots clés : Recherche, communication, gestion de projet, phytogestion

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Les sols constituent l’épine dorsale d’écosystèmes sains et dynamiques, fournissant les substrats et les fonctions physiques, chimiques et biologiques nécessaires à la vie. Mais les sols son...View more

The main objective of the project is to identify differences in gene expression between patients with overweight/obesity and healthy controls in order to develop personalized dietary interventions aimed to obesity prevention and treatment. Responsibilities and tasks of the position:

  • Manage the planning and execution of dietary‐nutritional interventions in obese and overweight people.
  • Organization and management of the project database.
  • Maintain transparent and easy to follow documentation of the research project from start to finish, including reproducible and sharable code.
  • Write and share workflows and protocols
  • Carry out literature reviews, analysis, and interpretation of results.
  • Present research in progress at lab meetings and project meetings.
  • Submit abstracts and present results at local and (inter)national conferences
  • Write and publish manuscripts
  • Supervise and train undergraduate and graduate students

Gross salary per year: 28.800 €


Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Ideally, the candidate will hold a degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and a PhD in Nutrition. Also, the candidate will have proven experience in nutritional intervention studies. Experience in nutritional consultation will be valued, as well as in coaching abilities.
Specific Requirements
  • Excellent knowledge of statistical procedures and computer packages such as Excel, SPSS and R is required.
  • Exceptional oral and written communication skills are needed.
  • The ability to work independently to advance the project is required as is the desire and capacity to work in a team.
  • The ability to critically evaluate the current body of literature, advanced problem-solving skills, and the capability to design and execute experiments are all necessary for this position.
Mother Tongue
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
4 - 10

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria
  • Adequacy of CV: 50
  • PhD of the specialty: 20
  • Letter of motivation: 10
  • Field experience: 20
Selection process
Minimum score to pass the selection process: 80
Additional comments

Duration of the contract of employment: 12 months, renewable up to 28/02/2025.

The candidate proposed for hiring must accept the job offer within 5 working days from the date of notification of the selection.

Priority will be given to people with disabilities (Law 89/2015 of June 2, reserve of quota 2% in favour of people with disabilities in companies of 50 or more people). Be aware that the starting date sets in this offer is an estimate date. The official starting date will depend on the bureaucratic time that will take the preparation of the labour contract and presentation of the necessary documents to be hired by the selected candidate.

For additional information regards this offer, please, contact:

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

The main objective of the project is to identify differences in gene expression between patients with overweight/obesity and healthy controls in order to develop personalized dietary interventions aim...View more

We are offering a postdoctoral fellowship for a research project on metabolic pathways for methylmercury formation in anaerobe bacteria. We seek a candidate who is interested in combining analytical method development work and identifying molecular mechanisms for microbial methylmercury formation. Apply no later than 30th of October 2023.

Project description

The postdoc will study cellular processes for the methylation of inorganic mercury (Hg) to methylmercury (MeHg) in anaerobe bacteria. The research will focus on identifying metabolic pathways for the delivery of the methyl group involved in the reaction.

Neurotoxic MeHg accumulates in aquatic biota and Hg is considered one of the top ten chemicals of public health concern. Methylmercury is formed intracellular by methylation of inorganic Hg by specific anaerobe microorganisms. Our mechanistic understanding of bacterial uptake and methylation of Hg is however insufficient. In this project you will be part of a research team which combines mass spectrometry, spectroscopy and molecular biology in novel approaches to resolve these outstanding important questions.

The post doc will develop refined methodologies based on enriched isotope tracers and chromatography-mass spectrometry tailored to study intracellular formation of MeHg. Liquid chromatography coupled to both ICP-MS and ESI-MS will be used. The tracer experiments will be combined with global metabolomics studies using LC-MS techniques (in collaboration with partners). The studies will initially focus on the reductive acetyl-CoA pathway, suggested to play a central role in MeHg formation, and subsequently be expanded to studies of broader metabolic networks.

The post doc fellowship is funded by the Kempe Foundations and the project will be conducted in close collaboration with scientists specialized in analytical chemistry and biogeochemistry of trace metals (Prof. Erik Björn, and metal-microorganism interactions (Assoc. Prof. Madeleine Ramstedt, at Umeå University.

The fellowship is full-time for a period of two years and amounts to 312 000 SEK per year. Starting date will be decided in agreement betweenthe two parties.

Qualifications The required qualification is a doctoral degree, or a foreign degree that is deemed equivalent, in analytical chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, metabolomics or equivalent field. Priority should be given to candidates who have completed their doctoral degree no more than three years before the closing date of the application. A candidate who has completed their degree prior to this may be considered if special circumstances exist. Special circumstances include absence due to illness, parental leave or clinical practice, appointments of trust in trade unions or similar circumstances.

You should have experience of and a strong interest in advanced experimental work. You should have a good ability to take initiatives and collaborate and be flexible to changes within the project. In your work, you should have a focus on high quality and a good ability to solve problems analytically. A very good knowledge in written and spoken English is required. Experience of chromatography-mass spectrometry method development work, metabolomics studies or metal-microorganism interaction studies are meritorious.

Application A complete application, written in Swedish or English, should contain the following documents:

  • A cover letter including a description of your qualifications, research interests and motivation for applying, and your contact information (maximum 2 pages)
  • A curriculum vitae, including a publication list
  • An e-link to your PhD thesis and maximum 5 relevant publications
  • Copies of doctoral degree certificate or equivalent and other relevant degree certificates, including documentation of completed academic courses and obtained grades
  • Name and contact information of at least two reference persons
  • Other relevant documents you wish to claim

Your complete application, marked with reference number FS 2.1.6-1807-23 should be sent in PDF format to (with reference number on the subject line) no later than 30th of October 2023.

For more information please contact Prof. Erik Björn, phone: +4690-7865189, email: or Assoc. Prof. Madeleine Ramstedt, phone: +4690-786 6328, email:

Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry is the largest department within the Faculty of Science and Technology and has about 200 employees, of which about 40 are postdocs, and with a strong and expanding research. Three major research areas, Biological Chemistry, Environmental and Biogeochemistry and Technical Chemistry bring together the department's research and education in chemistry. We are also a strong partner within the KBC, Chemical-Biological Centre, at Umeå University. You will work in a research environment that offers a strong focus and depth in analytical chemistry, biogeochemistry, metabolomics and microbiology, but also a wide range of expertise and research infrastructure within the KBC environment. Furthermore, the postdoc communities both at Umeå University ( and internationally within mercury research ( are highly active and contribute to a vibrant research environment and network.

Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training

We are offering a postdoctoral fellowship for a research project on metabolic pathways for methylmercury formation in anaerobe bacteria. We seek a candidate who is interested in combining analytical ...View more

United Kingdom
Posted 10 months ago

The objectives of the Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships are to:

  • enable UK universities and research institutions to strategically recruit and attract outstanding research leaders to the UK from overseas by offering long-term support and flexible funding to conduct high-quality research
  • strengthen research and help build a critical mass of excellence in the UK’s best university departments and research institutions in fields considered to be strategically important by the institution

The Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships programme also now includes a new Visiting Fellowship strand.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

The Wolfson Foundation

The scheme is jointly funded by the Wolfson Foundation and the Royal Society.

Am I eligible to apply?

Research must be within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. For a full list, please see the breakdown of subject groups and areas supported by the Royal Society.

Applicants can be of any nationality and those requiring a visa are eligible to apply for a Global Talent Visa under the fast-track process of endorsement.

This scheme supports the recruitment of a researcher from overseas to hold the grant in a UK institution who will contribute to the scientific strategy of the host institution. Therefore, the scheme is open to all nationalities. Award holders are expected to hold (the equivalent of) a full-time post at a UK institution.

Nominations will not be accepted for researchers wishing to move between UK institutions.

The Royal Society recognises that equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion is essential for delivering excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The Society wants to encourage applications from the widest range of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences to maximise innovation and creativity in science for the benefit of humanity. We regularly review and revise processes to help ensure that all talented applicants have an equitable chance to succeed as per the assessment criteria. This includes ensuring all panel members are briefed on unconscious bias in decision making as part of our assessment process.

Before applying, please ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes.

What is the scheme’s value and tenure?

This scheme provides up to five years of funding.

Up to £300,000 can be requested. Funding can be used flexibly by the research fellow and as part of their start-up package to support their research programme and team.

Funding can cover:

  • Salary Enhancement – The institution may include a salary enhancement for the researcher. This will be limited to a maximum of 20% of the total salary. The Host Organisation will be responsible for meeting the full costs of the award holder’s basic salary, including the employer’s national insurance and superannuation contributions for the salary enhancement payment. The Society expects the Host Organisation to continue employing the award holder at a level equivalent to that provided with the support of the Society’s funding during the award period.
  • Research expenses (100%) – Flexible research expenses including consumables, travel, small pieces of equipment of up to £10k, access costs and undergraduate students.
  • Research assistance – 80% of the full economic cost of a postdoctoral researcher/PDRA (salary costs and associated indirect and directly allocated costs, including estate costs) and can include contribution to technical support if appropriately justified.
  • Four-year PhD studentship – The cost of PhD studentship may only be included if the host organisation will commit to underwriting the remaining cost of the studentship and appropriate alternative supervision for the student in the event that the RS Wolfson Fellow leaves the institution.
  • Other – The funding is intended to be flexible, so other appropriate and justified research costs are also eligible.

The Society can provide financial support to research fellows for any additional care costs that arise when attending conferences, collaborative research visits or invited talks directly related to their fellowship. These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.

What is the application process?

Your application will go through the process detailed on the Making a grant application page overseen by the Wolfson Fellowship Panel.

The Vice Chancellor, Institute Director (or their nominated representative) will need to contact the Royal Society Grants Office by email (, after which a weblink to a nomination form on the Royal Society’s Grants and Awards management system (Flexi-Grant®) will be provided. After the completed nomination form has been considered by the Royal Society, the nominated researcher (applicant) will be sent a link inviting them to complete and submit a full application in that current round on Flexi-Grant®.

There are normally three rounds per year.

Applications received by the application deadline will be considered at the Selection Panel meeting and the outcome is likely to be announced by the end of December 2023.

Support for applicants with disabilities

The Royal Society welcomes applications from scientists with disabilities and provides adjustments to ensure that they can participate fully in the selection process. If you need an adjustment when accessing the application form, attending interviews, or for any other part of the application process, please contact the Grants team (see below for contact details). Adjustments can include, but are not limited to:

  • extension of the deadline
  • additional support to complete the application form

For more information regarding the scheme, please contact the Grants team on or visit our contact us page.

Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training

Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships 2023 Round 3 Scheme Notes (PDF, 369.4kb) Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships/Wolfson Visiting Fellowships FAQs (PDF, 151.7kb) Royal Society Conditions of Award (PDF, 23...View more

Job Description Department: Center for Academic Success and Transformative Learning Pay Rate Type: Salary Employee Type: Job Summary:Center for Academic Success & Transformative Learning Temporary, Full-Time, Exempt, Salaried, Administrative Staff Appointment The Colby Center for Academic Success & Transformative Learning (CASTL) was established in the spring of 2023 with strong support from the Office of the Provost and the Dean of Students. CASTL strives to address teaching and learning needs at Colby and to be a leader in national conversations about innovative teaching and learning at small, liberal arts colleges. The mission of the CASTL is to enhance intellectual engagement across the liberal arts curriculum through programs and services that promote collaboration and reflective practices that support effective teaching and learning for faculty and students. The work of Center for Academic Success and Transformative Learning is grounded in the literature and scholarship on effective teaching and learning, informed by the experience of the CASTL staff, enhanced through experiences with Colby faculty and students, and enriched through collaborative relationships that support teaching and learning at Colby. The CASTL is provides programs that assist faculty in (1) developing relationships that enhance teaching, (2) expanding pedagogical awareness and appreciation, (3) incorporating feedback to inform teaching, (4) designing courses that stimulate learning, (5) integrating knowledge about how learning works to enhance teaching, and (6) deepening diversity and inclusivity at Colby through teaching. The programs offered by the CASTL represent a range of genres – workshops, roundtables, institutes, communities of practice, and consultations – each designed to engage faculty at all career stages at different levels – individually, small groups, cohorts. The CASTL’s outcomes and programming genres welcomes partnerships with other faculty development offices at Colby including Academic Information Technology Services, Research and Instruction Librarians, Colby Writing Program, Special Collections, Colby Museum of Art, and the Dean of Students office to address the teaching needs of faculty. The CASTL postdoctoral fellowship experience will include a teaching course in the area of public speaking/multimodal communication, engaging in educational development/scholarship of teaching and learning research and promoting inclusive teaching practices through work with faculty, students, and other instructional staff. More importantly, this fellowship will strengthen the impact of the CASTL on the academic culture at Colby by expanding program offerings while promoting scholarly approaches to teaching and learning. Colby College is committed to a diverse and inclusive work environment where every member of the community feels a sense of respect and belonging. This is a temporary one-year position eligible for benefits. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES :

  • Develop inclusive teaching resources for the campus community that embrace varied/innovative modalities of public speaking and communication skills (verbal, media-based, etc.)
  • Develop and offer programs to support public speaking and communication skills for students across a range of academic disciplines
  • Work with faculty to explore teaching practices that enhance public speaking and communication skills
  • Teach one course per year in public speaking
  • Engage in educational development research with CASTL Leadership
  • Participate in CASTL assessment efforts
  • Perform additional duties as assigned; duties, responsibilities, and activities may change at any time with or without notice


  • Ph.D. or terminal degree in public speaking, communications, or related fields
  • One to three years of undergraduate teaching experience
  • Educational development experience (working with faculty and/or students on teaching & learning)
  • Familiarity with a range of teaching frameworks and strategies
  • Demonstrated record of collaboration, ideally across various professional and scholarly fields
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing
  • Creative approach to problem solving
  • Excellent organizational skills, time management, and attention to detail
  • Genuine interest in engaging undergraduate students as well as scholars, curators, and artists
  • Ability to make an impact through work as a member of a team and diverse community

KEY RELATIONSHIPS : This position will work closely with the CASTL leadership and leaders of other faculty development centers/programs and will interact regularly with faculty, staff, and students. WORKING CONDITIONS/PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS : General open office and campus environment. Position involves sitting, although frequent movement is necessary. Computer usage involving repetitive hand/wrist motion is also necessary. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT : Successful and satisfactory completion of a background check (including a criminal records check). TO APPLY : Interested candidates should apply electronically by clicking the "Apply" button on the Colby Careers website. Please submit a letter of interest including salary requirements, resume, and the contact information of three professional references. Materials should be addressed to: Postdoctoral Fellowship for Public Speaking & Communication Skills - Search Committee Office of Human Resources Colby College 5500 Mayflower Hill Waterville, ME 04901-8855 A review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled

Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training

Job Description Department: Center for Academic Success and Transformative Learning Pay Rate Type: Salary Employee Type: Job Summary:Center for Academic Success & Transformative Learning Temporary...View more

The School of International Service (SIS) at American University (AU) invites applications for a full-time, one-year Center for Environment, Community, & Equity (CECE) Postdoctoral Fellowship . We especially encourage applications from individuals from sectors of the population historically underrepresented on the professorial faculties of U.S. colleges and universities. The position begins on October 1, 2023, with the possibility of renewal for a second year. We welcome applicants who possess a broad and big-picture understanding of environmental challenges and the ability to engage with research and scholarship from multiple disciplines. Preference will be given to applicants with experience working on actionable research and who possess project management and grant-writing experience, strong intrapersonal skills, and knowledge around equity, community, and social justice issues. The postdoctoral fellow should reside in the D.C. metropolitan area and be an active participant in SIS’ vibrant intellectual community. The successful candidate will work directly with Professor Dana Fisher, the Director of CECE, to expand and enhance the Center’s reputation in D.C. and globally. Areas of work will be derived from CECE focus areas: 1) Climate and Sustainability; 2) Environment, Equity, and Justice; 3) Food, Agriculture, and Land; and 4) Water, Oceans, and Fisheries. Other fellowship expectations include:

  • Working with Dr. Fisher and the CECE team to coordinate collaborative research projects in development by CECE affiliated faculty across American University,
  • Contributing to the day-to-day activities at the Center, including coordinating environmental events,hosting guests, writing for the new CECE Clearinghouse, and providing other administrative support (25% of the time); and
  • Providing support and insight to teams that are selected to be part of the Faculty Development Incubator program, which awards start-up funds to support the development of interdisciplinary research projects around the environment from across the AU campus.

Candidates should be enthusiastic about working in a multidisciplinary environment that includes both social and natural scientists. Candidates should also share a commitment to the university’s Inclusive Excellence plan. Applicants should hold a PhD or the highest equivalent degree in any discipline connected to environmental studies (social sciences, humanities, or natural sciences) by the start date. Annual salary: $65,000. Review of applications will begin in mid-August 2023 and will continue until the position is filled. American University is a private institution of higher education in the nation's capital (Please visit for more information). American University's School of International Service (SIS) is a top-ten school of international affairs with 3,000 students, 120 full-time faculty and more than 20,000 alumni worldwide. SIS faculty produce transformational research and our prime location provides opportunities for collaboration with professionals in government, the private sector, and think tanks and other non-profits. Learn more about SIS at . American University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution that operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The university does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, personal appearance, gender identity and expression, family responsibilities, political affiliation, source of income, veteran status, an individual’s genetic information or any other bases under federal or local laws (collectively “Protected Bases”) in its programs and activities. American University is a tobacco and smoke free campus. Hiring offers for this position are contingent on the successful completion of a background check. Candidates should be enthusiastic about working in a multidisciplinary environment that includes both social and natural scientists. Candidates should also share a commitment to the university’s Inclusive Excellence plan . Applicants should hold a PhD or the highest equivalent degree in any discipline connected to environmental studies (social sciences, humanities, or natural sciences) by the start date. Annual salary: $65,000. Review of applications will begin in mid-August 2023 and will continue until the position is filled. Applications must be submitted electronically via the Interfolio application system. Applications should include the following: •Cover letter detailing the applicant’s proposed research •Curriculum vitae •Sample publications •Brief research statement including research agenda • Statement describing past examples of your contributions to diversity and inclusion in your scholarship, the classroom and/or in other professional settings. • The names and email addresses of three references (the Interfolio system will contact them for a confidential letter of recommendation) and whom the committee may contact. Queries about the search may be sent to Professor Dana Fisher ( ). Queries about the online application system may be sent to SIS faculty affairs coordinator Alissa Iwaniuk ( ) and .

Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training

The School of International Service (SIS) at American University (AU) invites applications for a full-time, one-year Center for Environment, Community, & Equity (CECE) Postdoctoral Fellowship ....View more

Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America's first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. Description Hecht-Levi Fellowship Program Description: The Hecht-Levi Fellowship is a two-year program of study and experiential learning in bioethics administered by the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics. The main goal of the Fellowship is to launch the careers of the next generation of bioethics scholars, so the program offers a considerable amount of protected time for research and publication. All Hecht-Levi Fellows participate in weekly seminars or discussions, pursue their own scholarship in bioethics, collaborate with faculty on selected projects in bioethics, and engage in teaching. Each Fellow designs an individual program tailored to their particular goals, interests, and background. Hecht ‐ Levi Postdoctoral Fellows participate in a wide range of activities at Johns Hopkins, and have access to various benefits including : · Weekly seminars, presentations and discussions with leading academic and policy makers; · Individualized research program; · Bioethics coursework through the Berman Institute's Master in Bioethics program; · Postdoctoral mentoring in bioethics; · Teaching (serve as course director, co-director, or TA depending on experience and background); · Professional development training; · Berman Institute's outreach efforts via social media; · $62,500 per year, plus health and other benefits · $2,000 per year for travel/lodging and registration at relevant conferences Qualifications Call for Applications: The Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics is pleased to invite applications for the Hecht‐Levi Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Bioethics. The Program is seeking a few uniquely qualified postdoctoral applicants to begin this two-year fellowship in September 2024. Although an extensive background in bioethics is not required, priority will be given to applicants with at least some exposure to bioethics during their education. The selection process is highly competitive, with only a few Fellows accepted into the program each year. Application review will begin December 15, 2023 Application Instructions To apply for the program, please submit the following documents through Interfolio:

  • Personal Statement (2 pages) explaining your interest in bioethics, what area(s) of scholarship you would like to pursue, and how the fellowship would advance your career goals
  • CV
  • Copy of Graduate Transcript(s)
  • Writing Sample
  • Three Letters of Reference

For more information on the Hecht-Levi Fellowship, please contact the Director of Education Initiatives, Professor Gail Geller, at . Equal Employment Opportunity Statement The Johns Hopkins University is committed to equal opportunity for its faculty, staff, and students. To that end, the university does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status or other legally protected characteristic. The university is committed to providing qualified individuals access to all academic and employment programs, benefits and activities on the basis of demonstrated ability, performance and merit without regard to personal factors that are irrelevant to the program involved. The successful candidate(s) for this position will be subject to a pre-employment background check. If you are interested in applying for employment with The Johns Hopkins University and require special assistance or accommodation during any part of the pre-employment process, please contact the HR Business Services Office at For TTY users, call via Maryland Relay or dial 711. The following additional provisions may apply depending on which campus you will work. Your recruiter will advise accordingly. During the Influenza ("the flu") season, as a condition of employment, The Johns Hopkins Institutions require all employees who provide ongoing services to patients or work in patient care or clinical care areas to have an annual influenza vaccination or possess an approved medical or religious exception. Failure to meet this requirement may result in termination of employment. The pre-employment physical for positions in clinical areas, laboratories, working with research subjects, or involving community contact requires documentation of immune status against Rubella (German measles), Rubeola (Measles), Mumps, Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B and documentation of having received the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccination. This may include documentation of having two (2) MMR vaccines; two (2) Varicella vaccines; or antibody status to these diseases from laboratory testing. Blood tests for immunities to these diseases are ordinarily included in the pre-employment physical exam except for those employees who provide results of blood tests or immunization documentation from their own health care providers. Any vaccinations required for these diseases will be given at no cost in our Occupational Health office. Equal Opportunity Employer Note: Job Postings are updated daily and remain online until filled. EEO is the Law Learn more: Important legal information

Job Features

Job CategoryInternship and training

Johns Hopkins, founded in 1876, is America’s first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. Description Hecht-Levi Fellowship Progr...View more

Posted 10 months ago

L'Organisation des Nations Unies, avec des bureaux dans 193 pays et 37 000 employés, est la plus grande organisation internationale multilatérale universelle au monde. Elle inspire les gens du monde entier à se joindre à sa mission de maintien de la paix, de promotion des droits de la personne et de promotion de la justice, de l'égalité et du développement.

Obtenir un emploi au sein de l'Organisation peut sembler une tâche ardue, mais comme le champ d'action de l'Organisation est mondial et multidimensionnel, il existe de nombreux points d'entrée pour les candidats ayant des formations et des expériences professionnelles variées.

L'UNAI a conçu la série #TravaillerpourlONU pour vous aider à comprendre l'ONU, sa structure, et certaines des voies les plus courantes pour rejoindre l'organisation. L'article d'aujourd'hui est le cinquième de la série et porte sur les Volontaires des Nations Unies.

Que sont les Volontaires des Nations Unies ?

Le programme des Volontaires des Nations Unies (VNU) contribue à la paix et au développement par le biais du volontariat dans le monde entier. Ce programme, administré par le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD), intègre des professionnels qualifiés, très motivés et bien soutenus dans le travail des différents bureaux et agences des Nations unies, et promeut la valeur et la reconnaissance mondiale du volontariat.

En 2018, 7 201 volontaires des Nations Unies ont été déployés dans le monde entier et 81 % d'entre eux venaient de pays du Sud. Le programme VNU est directement responsable du recrutement et de l'affectation des volontaires, qui soutiennent le travail de l'ONU sur le terrain, dans les bureaux régionaux et au Siège avec leur talent et leurs compétences, tout en acquérant une expérience professionnelle concrète auprès des Nations unies.

Le volontariat est une façon remarquable pour les étudiants et les professionnels de s'engager dans des questions cruciales tout en cultivant leur citoyenneté mondiale et en développant des compétences utiles. Avec leurs connaissances et leur passion, les volontaires des Nations Unies contribuent à faire avancer les mandats et les principes des Nations Unies, et encouragent le multilatéralisme et la durabilité par un travail concret et pratique.

Processus de candidature

Il existe deux types de possibilités de volontariat : le volontariat à l 'étranger et le volontariat dans son propre pays. La candidature suit un processus similaire : les personnes intéressées à devenir volontaires des Nations Unies doivent d'abord s'inscrire sur le site web de gestion des applications des volontaires du programme VNU et remplir un profil pour être inclus dans le "Global Talent Pool", qui est une liste de personnes intéressées par le programme. Il convient de fournir autant de détails que possible concernant les qualifications, les compétences et l'expérience professionnelle pertinentes.

Conformément aux règles et normes du programme VNU, l'âge minimum est de 25 ans pour les affectations internationales et de 22 ans pour les affectations nationales. Les exigences de base comprennent un diplôme universitaire ou un diplôme de technicien supérieur (une maîtrise peut être nécessaire selon la nature du poste), deux ans d'expérience professionnelle pertinente et une bonne connaissance pratique d'au moins une des trois langues de travail du programme VNU - anglais, français et espagnol. Aucune preuve ou test n'est requis pour vérifier le niveau de connaissance d'une langue donnée.

Le programme des jeunes Volontaires des Nations Unies recherche également des jeunes motivés et talentueux âgés de 18 à 29 ans (les candidats doivent avoir moins de 29 ans pendant toute la durée de leur service). Les études et l'expérience requises varient selon l'affectation, mais on ne s'attend généralement pas à ce que l'expérience de travail soit de plus de deux ans.

Une fois que le candidat a complété son profil, il y a deux façons de le sélectionner. Tout d'abord, lorsque des missions sont envoyées aux VNU, une recherche est effectuée dans le vivier de candidats pour trouver des profils correspondant aux exigences de la mission ; les candidats qualifiés sont alors contactés. Dans le second scénario, la personne peut faire une demande spécifique pour un " appel spécial ", qui nécessite normalement un déploiement plus rapide du volontaire. Tous les appels spéciaux peuvent être trouvés ici. Chaque poste a une " Description de l'affectation " où les détails de l'affectation et les exigences sont détaillées.

Processus d'évaluation

Chaque fois que le programme VNU envisage une personne pour une éventuelle affectation nationale ou internationale, le candidat reçoit une "proposition d'affectation" et doit soumettre une confirmation d'intérêt par courrier électronique. Ensuite, le nom du candidat sera inclus dans une liste envoyée par le programme VNU à l'agence hôte, qui décidera, sur la base de l'examen des différents profils, quels candidats seront retenus sur la liste restreinte ou appelés à passer à l'étape suivante du processus de recrutement, qui est une évaluation complète.

L'évaluation comprend normalement une phase écrite et une phase orale. L'examen écrit n'est pas obligatoire, mais lorsqu'il y en a un, il est administré en ligne et repose sur des questions techniques de fond concernant la mission. Avec ou sans examen écrit, la partie la plus critique du processus d'évaluation est un entretien basé sur les compétences, d'une durée de 30 minutes à 1 heure, avec un panel d'enquêteurs composé de membres du personnel du programme VNU et de l'agence hôte. L'examen écrit et l'entretien se déroulent généralement dans au moins deux langues.

Recrutement et travail

Les candidats retenus resteront dans la réserve et recevront une "lettre d'offre", qui est conditionnée par des autorisations gouvernementales, médicales et de sécurité ainsi que par la vérification des informations fournies dans le profil, en particulier les références universitaires (y compris les diplômes universitaires) et professionnelles. Lorsque toutes les conditions sont remplies, l'offre doit être signée pour que la procédure d'embarquement puisse commencer. La dernière étape est la signature du contrat proprement dit.

Les volontaires sont soumis aux conditions de service des volontaires internationaux des Nations unies et des volontaires nationaux des Nations unies. Une fois déployés, ils reçoivent une formation numérique et sur place de la part du programme VNU et de l'agence hôte. Les volontaires des Nations unies ont droit à des privilèges et immunités, similaires à ceux des fonctionnaires des Nations unies, qui leur sont nécessaires pour l'exercice de leurs fonctions.

Bien qu'ils aient commencé leur processus de recrutement avec le programme VNU, pour leur travail quotidien, les volontaires des Nations Unies sont directement gérés et supervisés par l'agence ou le partenaire d'accueil.

Volontariat en ligne

Le programme VNU gère également un programme spécial pour ceux qui veulent contribuer au travail du système des Nations Unies depuis leur domicile, en utilisant leur propre PC ou ordinateur portable. Ce programme, appelé Volontariat en Ligne VNU, permet à plus de 12 000 personnes de se porter volontaires à distance chaque année, en utilisant leurs compétences dans la conduite de recherches, la conception graphique, la relecture, la traduction et d'autres travaux pour un large éventail d'entités des Nations Unies ainsi que pour des organisations non gouvernementales. Les candidats intéressés peuvent ouvrir un compte pour rejoindre la communauté mondiale des volontaires en ligne et consulter toutes les opportunités disponibles.

L'UNAI a mené une série d'entretiens avec des membres du personnel des Nations Unies afin de fournir des informations supplémentaires sur le travail pour l'ONU, et de permettre aux membres du personnel de partager leurs points de vue professionnels et personnels sur le travail pour l'Organisation. Dans cette vidéo, Fiorella Triscritti, spécialiste adjointe des affaires politiques au Département des affaires politiques et de la consolidation de la paix des Nations Unies ( DPPA), et Omar Hernández, responsable de l'information au Département des communications mondiales (DGC) des Nations Unies, décrivent leur travail en tant qu'anciens volontaires des Nations Unies et comment cette expérience a conduit à une carrière aux Nations Unies.

Ressources supplémentaires

#Work4UN: UN Volunteers


?The United Nations Volunteer (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. The programme integrates qualified, highly motivated and well supported professionals into the work of different UN offices and promotes the value and global recognition of volunteerism.

The United Nations, with offices in 193 countries and 37,000 employees, is the world’s largest universal multilateral international organization. It inspires people from around the world to join its mission of maintaining peace, advancing human rights and promoting justice, equality and development. 

Securing employment with the Organization can seem like a daunting task, but as the scope of its work is global and multidimensional, there are many different entry points for candidates of varied educational backgrounds and diverse professional experience. UNAI designed the #Work4UN series to help you understand the UN, its structure, and some of the most common avenues available to join the organization. Today’s article is the fifth in the series and focuses on UN Volunteers.

What are UN Volunteers?

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. The programme, administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), integrates qualified, highly motivated and well supported professionals into the work of different UN offices and agencies, and promotes the value and global recognition of volunteerism.

In 2018, 7,201 UN volunteers were deployed worldwide and 81% of them were from countries of the Global South. UNV is directly in charge of the actual recruitment and assignment of volunteers, who support the work of the UN in the field, regional offices, and at the Headquarters with their talent and skills, while obtaining hands-on professional experience with the UN.

Volunteerism is a remarkable way for students and professionals to engage in critical issues while nurturing their global citizenship and developing useful skills. With their knowledge and passion, UN volunteers contribute to advancing the mandates and principles of the UN, and foster multilateralism and sustainability through tangible, hands on work.

Application Process

There are two basic types of volunteer opportunities: volunteer abroad and volunteer in one’s own country. The application follows a similar process: those interested in becoming UN volunteers must first sign up at UNV’s Volunteer Management Application website and complete a profile to be included in the ‘Global Talent Pool’, which is a roster of people interested in the programme. As many details as possible should be provided regarding relevant qualifications, skills and professional experience.

As per UNV regulations and standards, the minimum age is 25 for international assignments and 22 for national assignments. Basic requirements include a university degree or higher technician diploma (a master’s degree may be needed depending on the nature of the job), two years of relevant work experience and good working knowledge of at least one of the 3 UNV working languages - English, French and Spanish. No proof or test is required to verify the level of knowledge of any given language.

The UN Youth Volunteer programme also looks for motivated and talented youth between the ages of 18 and 29 (candidates must be younger than 29 throughout the duration of their service). The educational background and experience required varies by assignment, but generally work experience over two years is not expected.

Once the candidate completes their profile, there are two ways for them to be selected. The first is when assignments are sent to UNV, a search is conducted in the applicant pool for profiles matching the requirements of the assignment; qualified candidates are then contacted. In the second scenario, the individual can apply specifically to a ‘special call’, which normally requires a faster deployment of the volunteer. All special calls can be found here. Each position has a ‘Description of Assignment’ where the assignment details and requirements are fully described.

Assessment Process

Whenever UNV is considering an individual for a potential national or international assignment, the candidate receives an ‘Assignment Proposal’ and must submit a confirmation of interest by email. Then the name of the candidate will be included in a list sent by UNV to the host agency, who will decide, based on the review of the different profiles, which candidates are short listed or called for the next step in the recruitment process, which is a comprehensive assessment.

The assessment normally consists of a written and an oral phase. The written examination is not mandatory but when there is one, it is administered online and is based on substantive technical questions regarding the assignment. With or without a written examination, the most critical part of the evaluation process is a competency-based interview, ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour, with a panel of interviewers composed of staff from UNV and the host agency. Both the written examination and the interview usually take place in at least two languages.

Recruitment and Work

Successful candidates will remain in the pool and will receive a ‘Letter of Offer’, which is conditional subject to government, medical and security clearances as well as verification of information provided in the profile, in particular academic (including university diplomas) and work references. When all the requirements are met, the offer must be signed for the onboarding process to begin. The final step is the signing of the actual contract.

Volunteers are subject to the Conditions of Service for international UN volunteers and national UN volunteers. Once deployed, they receive digital and on-site training from UNV and the host agency. UN volunteers are entitled to privileges and immunities, similar to those of UN officials as required for the exercise of their duties. Despite having started their recruitment process with UNV, for their day-to-day work UN volunteers are directly managed and supervised by the host agency or partner.

Volunteering Online

UNV also manages a special programme for those who want to contribute to the work of the UN system from their home, using their own PCs or laptops. This programme, called UNV Online Volunteering, allows more than 12,000 people to volunteer remotely every year, using their skills in conducting research, graphic design, proofreading, translating and other work for a wide range of UN entities as well as non-governmental organizations. Interested candidates can sign up for an account to join the global community of online volunteers and browse all the available opportunities.

UNAI conducted a series of interviews with United Nations staff members to provide additional information on working for the UN, and to allow staff members the opportunity to share their professional and personal insights into working for the Organization.  In this video, Fiorella Triscritti, Associate Political Affairs Officer at the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), and Omar Hernández, Public Information Officer at the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC), describe their work as former UN volunteers and how that experience led to a career at the UN.

Additional Resources

#Work4UN: UN Volunteers


Job Features

Job Categorybénévolat

?The United Nations Volunteer (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. The programme integrates qualified, highly motivated and well supported professionals...View more

Posted 10 months ago

CUBE - Católica Lisbon Research Unit in Business and Economics at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, is awarding a one Research Fellowship (BI) in the scientific field of Economics/Applied Economics, for the development of research in the frame of the project PTDC/EGE-ECO/7844/2020 entitled “Adjusting to Crisis: Impacts, Channels and Policies”, with the financial support of FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT, IP) / MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC).

WORK PLAN AND GOALS The selected candidate will conduct academic research in the field of Economics, with a strong quantitative component. The main duties of the researcher include: • Develop and carry out theoretically informed and empirically grounded research focusing on the project topics described above; • Manage large datasets, particularly for longitudinal microdata, such as “Quadros de Pessoal”; • Perform statistical analysis and econometric analysis of the data using appropriate software (Stata, R); • Carry out and develop collaborative research with other project colleagues and research groups; • Prepare academic papers and presentations; • Contribute to the organization of project events and activities (e.g. seminars, workshops) in collaboration with “PROSPER - Center of Economics for Prosperity” research center.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS • At the time of the application, candidates must be holders of an Undergraduate degree in the scientific field of Economics or related scientific fields, and be enrolled or present proof of meeting the requirements to be enrolled in a master’s program in the referred scientific areas; • In the case of candidates who are enrolled or who meet the conditions for the enrollment in a course that does not award an academic degree, only candidates who do not exceed, with the conclusion of the fellowship contract referred to in this notice, including the planned renewals, a cumulative period of two years in this type of fellowship, consecutive or interpolated, are eligible. The following skills are required: • Strong skills in Applied Economics; • Good data collection and data analysis skills and ability to work in statistical software such as Matlab, STATA, Python or R; • Ability to work in a team as well as independently; • Written and spoken proficiency in English.

FELLOWSHIP’S DURATION AND START DATE The fellowship will be awarded for a period of 03 months, in exclusive commitment. The fellowship may be renewed up to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable regulations. The renewal of the fellowship contract depends on the research fellow’s evaluation concerning the accomplishment of the work plan, the fulfillment of personal requirements for the fellowship renewal and the availability of funding in the project. The fellowship is planned to start in October or November of 2023.

MONTHLY MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE The fellowship’s maintenance allowance is 930,98 € per month, according to the table of values of the grants awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in the Country. Further information at The fellowship will be paid monthly by bank transfer.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR APPLICATION Applications are to be submitted in English. Applications shall include the following documents: 1. Cover letter; 2. Curriculum Vitae including all the elements to access the admission requirements; 3. Master’s degree Certificate/Diploma, referring the final classification; 4. Proof of the enrolment in the required program or proof of meeting the requirements for the enrollment in the required program In case of not being possible to obtain the certificate mentioned in 3. until the due date of the application, the candidate may replace them by declarations of their responsibility with the corresponding content, submitted electronically and, in case of grant of the fellowship, send the official certificates to CUBE, before the contract being handled.

DEADLINES AND SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS Required documents should be sent by e-mail to from September 19th to October 2nd, 2023 (until 5 pm Lisbon time) with the reference Subject: CUBE-7844-BI/5- #Candidate's name#.


Organisation name
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - CATÓLICA-LISBON
Organisation Country
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Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

CUBE – Católica Lisbon Research Unit in Business and Economics at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, is awarding a one Research Fellowship (...View more

Are you curious to develop smart, sustainable and secure network solutions for Internet of Things, and how this enables Digital Twining and Smart Industry? Eager to see whether we are indeed protecting the IoT devices we should care about most, such as, real-time control systems, or the ever-more-pervasive smart-home systems, and to further our understanding on the balance between controls and functionality involved? And the other way round: see what threats these ‘IoT devices‘ themselves pose to their environment?

If you see yourself making an impact in any of these areas – or you have other interesting Internet of Things topics to bring to the table –, you should consider joining our Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS) as an Assistant Professor in Internet of Things. DACS is an international community of ~100 researchers at various stages of their career, embedded in the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE). Our department has more than 30 years’ experience with research and teaching in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.

What are you going to do?

We are looking for a colleague to strengthen our research initiatives on emerging computing technologies to boost high-performance artificial intelligence and data processing in robotics, distributed, networked and embedded systems. Within that scope your focus area will be on Internet of Things for which you will bring in and develop valuable expertise. You will join our team that focusses on enabling smart cities, smart home applications, and smart industries. This team operates at Maastricht University in Maastricht and at the Brightlands Smart Service Campus in Heerlen.

As Assistant Professor, you will be active in acquiring research funding, in high-impact research, and support fellow junior researchers.

As our new colleague, you will contribute to DACS research. Our research activities span the entire spectrum from curiosity-driven research to responsible societal applications, often taking on an interdisciplinary character. Contributions to areas such as multi-agent systems, (medical) signal and image processing, FAIR principles, game theory, intelligent search techniques and affective computing are internationally recognized. What makes our research so interesting is that DACS maintains an industry network with over 80 private collaborators ranging from local SMEs to large multinationals. The department designs and develops data-driven solutions for a wide variety of business applications in sectors including transport and logistics, healthcare, and production and manufacturing. This why you can contribute to science and our society of tomorrow!

In addition to your research, you will contribute to our top-rated education. Our department offers one bachelor’s program and two master programs, all of which are nationally ranked among the top of their kind and involve Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. In September 2023, we will also launch a new bachelor in Computer Science. You will have an important voice in developing our education programs.


Specific Requirements
Who are you? We seek a colleague who is passionate about research and who enjoys teaching. You feel at home in a strongly international and diverse community like ours. Furthermore, we are looking to welcome someone who fosters collaboration at all levels. Our ideal candidate has:
  • A PhD degree in Internet of Things, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or a strongly related field;
  • Preferably 2 years working experience in an academic environment post-PhD;
  • A proven track record in research and teaching;
  • Experience with funding acquisition at national and European level;

Additional Information

As an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, you will be employed by the most international university of the Netherlands, located in the beautiful city of Maastricht. In addition, we offer you:
  • Good employment conditions. The position is in grated in scale 13-14 according to the UFO profile Assistant Professor, function level 2-1 with corresponding salary ranging from €4.332 to €6.737 gross per month (based on a full-time employment of 38 hours per week). In addition to the monthly salary, an 8.0% holiday allowance and an 8.3% year-end bonus are applicable.
  • An employment contract for a period of 18 months with a scope of 1.0 FTE. If proven suitable, the employment contract will be converted into an indefinite contract.
  • As Family-friendly University, we offer flexible working hours and the possibility to work partly from home if the nature of your position allows it. You will receive a monthly commuting and internet allowance for this. If you work full-time, you will be entitled to 29 vacation days and 4 additional public holidays per year, namely carnival Monday, carnival Tuesday, Good Friday, and Liberation Day. If you choose to accumulate compensation hours, an additional 12 days will be added. Furthermore, you can personalize your employment conditions through a collective labor agreement (CAO) choice model.
  • As Maastricht University, we offer various other excellent secondary employment conditions. These include a good pension scheme with the ABP and the opportunity for UM employees to participate in company fitness and make use of the extensive sports facilities that we also offer to our students.
  • Applicants from outside The Netherlands may be eligible for the so-called 30% ruling, a tax cut for highly skilled migrants that applies for a maximum of five years. If you are moving to Maastricht from more than 40 kilometers away, you may qualify for a one-time reimbursement of your relocation costs
  • Last but certainly not least, we provide the space and facilities for your personal and professional development. We facilitate this by offering a wide range of training programs and supporting various well-established initiatives such as 'acknowledge and appreciate'.
The terms of employment at Maastricht University are largely set out in the Collective Bargaining Agreement of Dutch Universities. In addition, local provisions specific to UM apply. For more information, Click here
Selection process
Please send in the following documents:
  • Research statement;
  • Teaching statement;
  • CV;
  • List of publications;
  • Contact information (names, e-mail addresses, and phone number) of two persons willing to provide references.
Applications received by (end of day) Sunday, October 15 2023 will receive full consideration. Maastricht University is committed to promoting and nurturing a diverse and inclusive community. We believe that diversity in our staff and student population contributes to the quality of research and education at UM, and strive to enable this through inclusive policies and innovative projects led by teams of staff and students. We encourage you to apply for this position. Please note, the system cannot upload the following attachments ( .htm .html).
Additional comments

If you have questions about this position, you can refer to:

Prof. Mark Winands (Professor in Machine Reasoning; Chair of Department of Advanced Computing Sciences)

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

Are you curious to develop smart, sustainable and secure network solutions for Internet of Things, and how this enables Digital Twining and Smart Industry? Eager to see whether we are indeed protecti...View more

Posted 10 months ago

Offer Description

Start date/duration

  • as soon as possible
  • for 4 years

Job profile:

In this position you are expected to write a dissertation (in railway superstructure topics, e.g. load distripution, stability, vibration mitigation) in a stimulating environment using the university's infrastructure. You will hold your own lectures, tutor students and participate in administration. 50% of the working time is reserved for the thesis. Very good skills of the German (technical) language (for teaching and research), both written and spoken (at least C1 desired).  


We are looking forward to receiving your online application. The full, legally binding call for application (in German) including the salary can be found here: The University of Innsbruck is committed to raising the quota of female employees and therefore explicitly welcomes applications from qualified female scientists. In the case of female underrepresentation women with equal qualifications will be given priority. In accordance with Austrian disability laws qualified people with special requirements are expressly encouraged to apply for jobs. For more information please contact the trusted representative for scientists with a disability at the University of Innsbruck, Dr. Adolf Sandbichler.


Additional Information


What the University of Innsbruck offers:

From a company pension scheme, to flexible working hours and child care facilities the University of Innsbruck offers its employees a wide range of benefits which is being continuously extended. Along with interesting oppurtunities for the participation in job-related and personal further education courses, and the succesful compatibility of career and family, employees can benefit from a large range of courses offered by the University Sports Institute (USI), the language courses offered by the ISI, the University Library and take advantage of the various canteens offering reasonably priced food. A summary of the benefits for University employees can be found here:
Additional comments

The University of Innsbruck as employer

Are you looking for a new challenge? The University of Innsbruck is a place of study, research and employment for more than 31.000 people. As one of the largest employers in Tyrol the University offers a varied and exciting field of activity for its employees from very diverse educational and professional backgrounds. The University explicitly welcomes diversity and is committed to the principle of equal opportunity. It is a certified family-friendly workplace and received the award 'Top workplace 2018' from the Austrian business magazine 'trend'.


At the University of Innsbruck researchers from all over the world come together. Depending on the individual scientific community the language used may be German, English or another (if unanimously decided). Internal communication is in German. Therefore a basic knowledge of German or the willingness to acquire such knowledge is essential.

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Intelligent Transport Systems - Planning, Construction, Operation and Management Section
Postal Code
Technikerstraße 13

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

Offer Description Start date/duration as soon as possible for 4 years   Job profile: In this position you are expected to write a dissertation (in railway superstructure topics, e.g. load distrip...View more

The CNIC is searching for a Senior Researcher who will lead and develop a research line in the field of cardiovascular research aligned with any of the main research areas of the center.

As group leader, the selected candidate will be responsible for the development of the research lines of the laboratory. Moreover, she/he will be expected to obtain extramural funding from the most competitive national and international sources to finance such projects, and to publish scientific results in international journals of the highest impact factor in the cardiovascular field, and/or general medicine field, and/or multidisciplinary sciences field. The selected candidate will supervise the work of all members of the group, including research and technical staff. Other tasks include the coordination and management work requested by CNIC leadership including participation in committees and helping in other needs that may arise.


Research Field
Biological sciences » Other
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Specific Requirements
Mandatory requirements:
  1. PhD in the field of Life Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, etc.).
  2. At least 10 years of experience as Group Leader in a research center with international recognition in the cardiovascular field.
  3. A minimum of 6 scientific publications (original articles) as corresponding author (or co-corresponding author) in journals ranked in the first decile of their field in the last 5 years (e.g., since September 2018).
  4. Experience as Principal Investigator and/or Coordinator in research grants obtained from international* funding sources in the last 5 years. (*funder based outside Spain).
  5. Main topic of research aligned with one of the research programs of the CNIC (

Additional Information

We offer:
  • A research position in a consolidated Research Centre of international scientific relevance.
  • Access to state-of-the art infrastructures and advanced technologies.
  • Integration into an excellent scientific environment.
  • Immediate incorporation adaptable to the candidate circumstances
  • Permanent position in accordance with the Spanish labour law (Contrato de duración indefinida) and according to “Tasa de Reposición: Resolución de Hacienda del 21 de agosto del 2023. N/REF. 2304381”
Eligibility criteria
Valuable requirements:
  • C1. Scientific production: publications (original articles) as corresponding author (or co-corresponding author) in journals ranked as first decile in their fields in the previous 5 years (i.e. date of publication since September 2018). Only published papers (or available online ahead of print in the journal) will be evaluated. The CV must include the complete list of authors and the journal´s impact factor and ranking in the year of publication for each publication published since September 2018.
This criterion will be valued according to the number of papers. (30%)
  • C2. Fundraising (international): Projects obtained from international* funding sources as principal investigator or coordinator in the previous 5 years (i.e. active projects in September 2018 onwards).
*funder based outside Spain This criterion will be valued according to the relevance of the funding source, the amount granted, and the number of projects. The CV must include each project, indicating the role of the candidate in the grant, amount granted, period of funding, and funding agency. (20%)
  • C3. Fundraising (national): Projects obtained from national funding sources as principal investigator or coordinator in the previous 5 years (i.e. active projects in September 2018 onwards).
This criterion will be valued according to the relevance of the funding source, the amount granted, and the number of projects. The CV must include each project, indicating the role of the candidate in the grant, amount granted, period of funding, and funding agency. (10%)
  • C4. International recognition: Participation in international committees/boards, grant evaluation panels, invited talks in major international meetings, and editorial boards in the previous 5 years.
This criterion will be valued according to the relevance of the boards, role played in these, and number of activities. (10%)
  • C5. Training and mentoring: Experience in training and mentoring of young researchers (PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, MD trainees, etc), and participation in training courses in the previous 5 years.
This criterion will be valued according to the number of PhD thesis directed (defended in the evaluation period), number of postdoctoral fellows supervised with subsequent research position in other centers and the relevance of such positions (which should be indicated in the CV), and role in training courses. (5%)
  • C6. Impact on society: Translation of research discoveries to the clinics, invention of patents, relation with industry in the previous 5 years.
This criterion will be valued according to the relevance of research for society/patients, number and relevance of patents, and research interactions with industry. (10%)
  • C7. Cardiovascular focus: Cardiovascular nature of the papers published as corresponding author (or co-corresponding author) and of the projects as principal investigator in the previous 5 years.
This criterion will be evaluated as the weight of cardiovascular research in the overall scientific production and fundraising of the candidate. (10%)
  • C8. Underrepresentation of gender by category, in accordance with Action S1 of the 2021-2024 Equality Plan, positive action in calls for posts. (5%)
Selection process

The candidate with the highest score will be hired given the total score is higher than 85 points (see below Evaluation Criteria C1-C8).

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

The CNIC is searching for a Senior Researcher who will lead and develop a research line in the field of cardiovascular research aligned with any of the main research areas of the center. As group lead...View more