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La pigmentation des biominéraux d'oursins implique l'encapsulation d'une famille de molécules de naphtoquinones polyhydroxylées (PHNQ) pendant la croissance des cristaux de carbonate de calcium. Différentes teintes sont observées chez différentes espèces, mais aussi au sein d'une même espèce, à la fois dans le squelette (Figure A) et dans certaines épines (Figure B). Ces différentes couleurs sont probablement dues à la présence de différents complexes de type PHNQs-macromolécules (thèse de C. dos Reis Ferreira). Cependant, l'origine de la distribution spatiale spécifique probablement en relation avec la microstructure (Figure D) et E) reste inconnue. Par conséquent, dans cette thèse, nous proposons 1) d'étudier la distribution spatiale des complexes PHNQ-macromolécules dans le squelette et les épines de différentes espèces en relation avec le réseau 3D trabéculaire et 2) de comprendre la formation d'une telle structure par des approches biomimétiques impliquant la synthèse de matrices 3D. Un large panel de techniques d'imagerie sera utilisé incluant les microscopies optique, multi-spectrale, à photoémission, SHG et la spectroscopie Raman dont certaines ont déjà montré leur pertinence pour la problématique soulevée dans le point 1) ci-dessus. Les propriétés d'auto-assemblage des PHNQs et des complexes PHNQ-macromolécules après extraction des biominéraux seront étudiées ainsi que celles des molécules analogues telles que la naphtazarine qui constituent de bons modèles (doctorat de V. Sardhalia). Enfin, des matrices biomimétiques seront produites sous forme d'hydrogels contenant des complexes PHNQ-macromolécules précédemment extraits et des molécules analogues afin de comprendre et de valider les mécanismes de formation de ces structures colorées.

Compétences requises

Le candidat doit avoir un Master 2 en chimie. Des connaissances dans le domaine de la biominéralisation sont grandement appréciées notamment sur les invertébrés.


PhD manuscript of V. Sardhalia

Mots clés

Biominéralisation, pigments organiques , Biomimétisme, Matrice en 3D, Oursins, couleurs

Offre financée

Type de financement
Contrat Doctoral


Date limite de candidature 15/04/24

Durée36 mois

Date de démarrage01/10/24

Date de création30/03/24


Niveau de français requisAucun

Niveau d'anglais requisAucun


Frais de scolarité annuels400 € / an


Madame Nadine NASSIF


Madame Nadine NASSIF

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Description La pigmentation des biominéraux d’oursins implique l’encapsulation d’une famille de molécules de naphtoquinones polyhydroxylées (PHNQ) pendant la croissance des crista...View more


La production de polymères à partir d’acide gras permet d’obtenir des résines polyamides performantes par exemple pour la production d’adhésifs. Patrice Castignolles a ainsi participé au développement d’un adhésif thermofusible industriel à base de résines polyamides. Les acides gras permettent de synthétiser un mélange de monomères, nommé acide dimère. La production de polyamides à partir d’acides dimères se heurte au problème, courant en biosourçage, de variabilité de la biomasse selon l’huile et acide gras de départ. Les résines polyamides sont confinées à des marchés de niches, comme polymères de spécialité. Une stratégie consiste à purifier les acides dimères avant de les polymériser. Elle a été explorée avec succès par Philippe Guégan, mais son impact est limité par les coûts, financiers et environnementaux, de la purification pour une pureté quand même inférieure à celle des équivalents pétrosourcés. Le projet ANR mono-équipe 3DBIOBASED, porté par Patrice Castignolles et avec Philippe Guégan, a commencé en décembre 2023. Il explore une voie alternative : polymériser les acides dimères sans les purifier. Le projet a notamment déjà montré que des dizaines de molécules différentes sont présentes dans ces acides dimères, avec des agents de terminaison (monoacides), des monomères difonctionnels (diacides) et des monomères trifonctionnels (triacides). Les triacides donnent naissance à un polyamide ramifié, donc une résine et non un nylon. L’objectif de ce projet est d’établir les relations entre la composition chimique des acides dimères et la structure (masses molaires, ramifications) des polyamides ainsi que leurs propriétés thermiques voire mécaniques. Ces objectifs pourront d’abord être remplis en s’appuyant sur les nouvelles méthodes de séparation et caractérisation développées dans le projet ANR 3DBIOBASED. Ces méthodes seront adaptées au suivi de la conversion des différentes molécules dans les acides dimères lors de la polymérisation. Il n’y a ensuite pas de méthode établie pour caractériser les ramifications dans les polyamides (degré de ramification, longueur des branches, répartition des branches sur le squelette, hétérogénéité des ramifications entre les macromolécules) ou même leurs masses molaires. Ceci est notamment dû à l’absence de connaissances fondamentales sur la solubilité des résines polyamides dans les solvants disponibles en analyses RMN et chromatographique. Les solubilités macroscopiques, macromoléculaire et moléculaire (solvatation) seront caractérisées dans ce travail pour permettre la détermination des méthodes de caractérisation possibles. Les masses molaires, degrés de ramification et leurs hétérogénéités (dispersités) seront déterminées ainsi que leur précision et leur justesse. Cela permettra d’établir mais aussi de valider les relations synthèse-structure-propriétés. La caractérisation sera effectuée par des méthodes conventionnelles, disponibles et maîtrisées à l’IPCM : RMN, chromatographie d’exclusion stérique, avec évaluation de leurs performances et limitations. Des méthodes nouvelles seront aussi appliquées à ces polymères : électrophorèse capillaire et spectrométrie de masse electrospray (ESI-MS) pour les monomères biosourcés, analyse de la dispersion de Taylor pour les polyamides. L’électrophorèse capillaire, méthode très utilisée en biologie et biochimie, est appliquée aux polymères biosourcés avec succès par Patrice Castignolles. La MS se fait en collaboration avec l’équipe CSOB de l’IPCM et l’analyse de la dispersion de Taylor avec le groupe du Prof. Hervé Cottet (Université de Montpellier). Les preuves de concept acquises à travers ce programme de doctorat, et la recherche fondamentale accomplie ici, permettront de continuer le projet (à l’issue du doctorat) par des collaborations non seulement avec les producteurs des monomères biosourcés français ou étrangers, mais aussi avec les utilisateurs, actuels ou potentiels, de résines polyamides.

Compétences requises

Chimie des polymères: polymérisation. Séparation et caractérisation des polymères: SEC. Caractérisation des polymères: RMN, DSC.


[1] KA Bhullar, A Meinel, K Maeder, R Wuhrer, M Gaborieau, P Castignolles, Advanced spectroscopy, microscopy, diffraction and thermal analysis of polyamide adhesives and prediction of their functional properties [...], Polymer Chemistry 12 (2021) 1487-97. [2] PJ Roumanet, N Jarroux, L Goujard, J Le Petit, Y Raoul, V Bennevault, P Guegan, Synthesis of linear polyesters from monomers based on 1,18-(Z)-octadec-9-enedioic acid and their biodegradability, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (2020) 16853-60. [3] JD Oliver, M Gaborieau, EF Hilder, P Castignolles, Simple and robust determination of monosaccharides in plant fibers in complex mixtures by capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A 1291 (2013) 179-86. [4] M Gaborieau, TJ Causon, Y Guillaneuf, EF Hilder, P Castignolles, Molecular weight and tacticity of oligoacrylates by CE-MS, Australian Journal of Chemistry 63 (2010) 1219-26. [5] JJ Thevarajah, JC Bulanadi, M Wagner, M Gaborieau, P Castignolles. Towards a less biased dissolution of chitosan. Analytica Chimica Acta, 935 (2016) 258-68. [6] M Gaborieau, P Castignolles, Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) of branched polymers and polysaccharides. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 399 (2011) 1413-23.

Mots clés

monomères biosourcés, résines polyamides, acide dimère, relations structure-synthèse, ramifications, masses molaires

Offre financée

Type de financement
Contrat Doctoral


Date limite de candidature 15/04/24

Durée36 mois

Date de démarrage01/10/24

Date de création30/03/24


Niveau de français requisAucun

Niveau d'anglais requisA2 (élémentaire)


Frais de scolarité annuels400 € / an


Monsieur Patrice CASTIGNOLLES


Monsieur Patrice CASTIGNOLLES


Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Description La production de polymères à partir d’acide gras permet d’obtenir des résines polyamides performantes par exemple pour la production d’adhésifs. Patrice Castignolles a ainsi partici...View more

Doctorat Doctorat complet
Génie Civil
Institution d'accueil
Ecole doctorale
Mécanique, énergétique, génie civil, procédés (MEGEP) - ED 468


Les objectifs de neutralité carbone d'ici à 2050 représentent un véritable défi pour le secteur de la construction, exigeant une réduction urgente de l'impact environnemental de la production de ciment. Actuellement, l'une des approches les plus prometteuses pour réduire la consommation d'énergie et les émissions de CO2 à moindre coût consiste à améliorer la durabilité du béton en optimisant les propriétés des matériaux cimentaires existants et à développer de nouveaux matériaux respectueux de l'environnement. Ces matériaux à faible émission de carbone sont principalement basés sur des liants substitués (à faible teneur en calcium), faisant usage d'additifs minéraux. Dans cette catégorie de matériaux, la phase solide prédominante est constituée de silicates de calcium hydratés (C- S-H), capables d'incorporer divers éléments mineurs (Al, Na, …), en fonction de la composition initiale des additifs utilisés. La durabilité de ces nouveaux liants dépend principalement de la stabilité et de la réactivité du C-S-H dans divers environnements chimiques. Ainsi, une meilleure connaissance fondamentale de ces matériaux ainsi que de leurs dégradations, notamment dans des conditions sévères, est essentielle pour optimiser leur performance et prolonger leur durée de vie. Différentes compositions de solutions aqueuses (concentration des éléments, pH, CO2 dissous) sont considérées comme des environnements sévères, car leur contact entraîne une dégradation naturelle des matériaux cimentaires au fil du temps. Dans de telles conditions, les phases C-S-H subissent des altérations entraînant la précipitation de nouvelles phases (M-S-H, carbonates de calcium, etc.). Pourtant, les mécanismes de cette altération, dépendant de la minéralogie initiale du C-S-H, ne sont pas complètement élucidés. Récemment, la modélisation moléculaire a émergé comme un domaine de recherche prometteur dans la science des matériaux. Elle permet de relier notre compréhension de certains mécanismes élémentaires, généralement à l'échelle microscopique, aux comportements observés à l'échelle macroscopique. Cette approche offre une opportunité unique pour faire progresser le développement de matériaux cimentaires durables, susceptibles de remplacer potentiellement les matériaux de construction conventionnels. Ainsi, l'objectif globale de ce projet de thèse est d'étudier le processus de dégradation de la structure C-S-H dans divers environnements en utilisant des méthodes de simulation atomistique et de fournir des informations détaillées sur les mécanismes microscopiques impliqués. Ce projet de thèse a pour but d’explorer l'impact des éléments sur le mécanisme microscopique de la dégradation du C-S-H et d’approfondir la compréhension des aspects encore non résolus, notamment l'incorporation de ces éléments et la dissolution des atomes de calcium. Dans cette optique, différentes structures de C-S-H, caractérisées par une stœchiométrie variable avec des rapports Ca/Si et des polymorphismes silicatés différents, seront examinées au contact de solutions aqueuses riches en divers éléments tels que Mg2+, Cl-, Na+, HCO3 , etc. De plus, les propriétés structurales seront étudiées en profondeur afin de bien comprendre l'environnement chimique des atomes, la distribution des défauts ponctuels dans le réseau tétraédrique des silicates, ainsi que la quantité de molécules d'eau et l'espace inter-couche dans chaque structure C-S-H.

Offre financée

Type de financement
Contrat Doctoral


Date limite de candidature 05/05/24

Durée36 mois

Date de démarrage01/10/24

Date de création30/03/24


Niveau de français requisAucun

Niveau d'anglais requisAucun


Frais de scolarité annuels400 € / an


Madame Laurie LACARRIERE


Madame Laurie LACARRIERE

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Doctorat Doctorat complet Sciences pour l’Ingénieur Disciplines Génie Civil Laboratoire LABORATOIRE MATERIAUX ET DURABILITE DES CONSTRUCTIONS (LMDC) – EA 3027 Institution d’accuei...View more


Les théories au-delà du Modèle Standard de la physique des particules sont caractérisées par de nouvelles échelles d’énergie. C’est intéressant d’investiguer quels états peuvent être paramétriquement légers par rapport à une telle échelle. Ce projet se propose d’étudier l’origine théorique et les effets observables des particules accidentellement légères. Dans la théorie des champs scalaires, la hiérarchie des masses est déterminée par la structure des symétries et de leur brisure. Les scalaires légers peuvent être d’intérêt en cosmologie (inflation, défauts topologiques), ainsi qu’en physique des particules (boson de Higgs, matière sombre). Par ailleurs, les champs scalaires légers peuvent apparaître comme des états composites, engendrés par une nouvelle dynamique fortement couplée. Quelques modèles-jouet de scalaires accidentellement légers sont connus, mais la construction de modèles plus réalistes reste un défi à relever pendant le doctorat. Des nouveaux fermions ou bosons vecteurs légers sont aussi un sujet d’investigation prometteur, en connexion avec le problème de la saveur, et avec les mesures de précision à la frontière d’intensité. Un autre objectif de la thèse sera d’explorer les liens entre ces nouveaux états, les neutrinos, et la matière sombre.

Compétences requises

Master en physique théorique. Théorie quantique des champs, phénoménologie du Modèle Standard, théorie des groupes, cosmologie.


Some introductory texts: • A.Zee at • Schwartz at • S.Coleman, Aspects of Symmetry • E.W.Kolb & M.S.Turner, The Early Universe • A.Zee at • S.P.Martin at • G.Panico & A.Wulzer at

Mots clés

Physique des particules, Théorie quantique des champs, Cosmologie

Offre financée

Type de financement
Contrat Doctoral


Date limite de candidature 12/05/24

Durée36 mois

Date de démarrage01/10/24

Date de création30/03/24


Niveau de français requisAucun

Niveau d'anglais requisB1 (pré-intermédiaire)


Frais de scolarité annuels400 € / an


Monsieur Michele FRIGERIO


Monsieur Michele FRIGERIO

 04 67 14 35 63

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Description Les théories au-delà du Modèle Standard de la physique des particules sont caractérisées par de nouvelles échelles d’énergie. C’est intéressant d’investiguer quels états peuven...View more


La Méditerranée occidentale s’est ouverte au détriment de la Téthys à partir de l’Oligocène. Lors de cette ouverture, les marges téthysiennes ont été en partie, inversées, perdues en subduction et incorporées dans les chaînes alpines du Tell et du Rif (Leprêtre et al., 2018 ; Gimeno-Vives et al., 2019, 2020). Là, les portions proximales de marge sont encore accessibles, mais les parties distales et la nature de la croûte téthysienne restent quasi-inconnues, à l’exception du Tell oriental algérien où a été décrit au moins un exemple de succession ophiolitique représentant la croûte téthysienne, ici clairement de nature océanique (Boukaoud et al., 2021). Ainsi, le Tell occidental, entre Oran et la frontière marocaine constitue une zone clef. Dans cette zone sous-explorée (2 thèses en 50 ans : Guardia, 1975 ; Ciszak, 1993), une particularité réside dans ce que l’on appelle les massifs à schistosité. En effet, un métamorphisme affecte ici des roches qui appartiennent au domaine externe de la chaîne de montagnes. De plus, ces massifs seraient liés à des processus de subduction (ex Rif : Negro et al., 2007, 2008) d’âge oligocène ou plus ancien. Dans le Rif, ces massifs à schistosité ne présentent que des roches d’origine continentale mais le Tell occidental dans l’Oranais présente lui, en association avec certains massifs à schistosité (Guardia, 1975), des roches ultramafiques, qui sont vraisemblablement des morceaux de croûte océanique mais dont l’étude détaillée n’a jamais été entreprise. Deuxièmement, la région oranaise offre également un échantillonnage naturel de roches de socle qui affleurent dans les diapirs de sel triasique, en dévoilant des roches d’un très haut degré métamorphique, voire même du manteau. Midoun & Perthuisot (1992) en ont fait une interprétation suggérant qu’il s’agit de vestiges de la marge téthysienne, remontés grâce aux propriétés particulières du sel. La région oranaise est donc bien une zone clef, car elle offre deux possibilités d’échantillonnages complémentaires pour comprendre et reconstituer l’évolution de la marge sud téthysienne, depuis sa formation jusqu’à sa disparition pendant l’ouverture méditerranéenne. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc d’exploiter au mieux ces deux types d’affleurements. La zone d’étude et les affleurements clefs sont localisés depuis les thèses de Guardia (1975) et Midoun (1989). Ils ont récemment fait l’objet d’une campagne de terrain (Mai 2023) pour en préciser les localisations et les potentialités, avec un échantillonnage sommaire. A la lumière de la bibliographie et de ces affleurements, le travail de décryptage sur l’évolution de la Téthys portera sur : - une caractérisation renouvelée et moderne des échantillons de socle affleurant dans le Trias salifère (pétrographie, géochimie, datations absolues du protolithe et des déformations), afin de suivre l’évolution de la marge au cours du temps depuis sa mise en place jusqu’à sa déformation cénozoïque. - une étude tectono-métamorphique des massifs à schistosité, et plus particulièrement les unités à « affinité rifaine » de Guardia (1975), dont sa carte géologique localise précisément les affleurements, souvent associés à des roches ultramafiques non étudiées, et métamorphiques. Dans ces massifs, la déformation doit faire l’objet d’un ré-examen poussée, avec une caractérisation métamorphique moderne. Les conditions (P, T) de ce métamorphisme seront évaluées avec des outils classiques (terrain, pétrographie) et modernes (spectroscopie Raman, thermométrie chlorite, pseudo-sections métamorphiques), combinés à des outils de datation absolue (U/Pb sur zircon/monazite ; Ar/Ar sur micas) pour contraindre le timing des événements. - une reconsidération de la géométrie et de la nature de cette marge téthysienne qui reste très peu connue. Le/la doctorant(e) proposera ainsi une mise au point essentielle pour compléter une lacune notable dans la compréhension de l’évolution des systèmes orogéniques péri-méditerranéens.

Compétences requises

Les étudiant·e·s intéressé·e·s par le sujet devront montrer dans leur lettre de candidature un profil en adéquation avec leur intérêt pour la pétrographie métamorphique et les travaux de terrain. Un master avec des orientations géodynamique/pétrographie/terrain sera un plus. Le bagage de pétrographie doit être conséquent, sachant que cette expertise constituera une part importante du travail. Une pré-sélection des candidatures mènera pour les quelques étudiants retenus à un entretien individuel. Dans la mesure où les campagnes de terrain prévues sont en Algérie, il est du ressort des candidat·e·s de vérifier de leur côté que leur pays d’origine autorise ses ressortissants à voyager sans aucune difficulté entre la France et l’Algérie. Cette condition est primordiale.


Boukaoud, E. H., Godard, G., Chabou, M. C., Bouftouha, Y., & Doukkari, S., 2021. Petrology and geochemistry of the Texenna ophiolites, northeastern Algeria: Implications for the Maghrebian flysch suture zone. Lithos, 390, 106019. Ciszak, R., 1993. Evolution géodynamique de la chaîne tellienne en Oranie (Algérie occidentale) pendant le Paléozoïque et le Mésozoïque, PhD, Univ. Toulouse. Gimeno‐Vives, O., Mohn, G., Bosse, V., Haissen, F., Zaghloul, M. N., Atouabat, A., & Frizon de Lamotte, D., 2019. The Mesozoic margin of the Maghrebian Tethys in the Rif belt (Morocco): Evidence for polyphase rifting and related magmatic activity, Tectonics, 38(8), 2894-2918. ttps:// Gimeno-Vives, O., Frizon de Lamotte, D., Leprêtre, R., Haissen, F., Atouabat, A., Mohn, G., 2020. The structure of the Central-Eastern External Rif (Morocco); Poly-phased deformation and role of the under-thrusting of the North-West African paleo-margin, Earth-Science Review, 205, doi : 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103198. Guardia, P., 1975. Géodynamique de la marge alpine du continent africain d'après l'étude de l'Oranie nord-occidentale : relations structurales et paléogéographiques entre le Rif externe, le Tell et l'avant-pays atlasique. PhD, Univ. Nice. Leprêtre, R., Frizon de Lamotte, D., Combier, V., Gimeno, O., Mohn, G., Eschard, R., 2018b. The Tell-Rif orogenic system (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) and the complex inheritance of the southern Tethys margin, BSGF-Earth Sci. Bull, 189(10), doi: 10.1051/bsgf/2018009. Midoun, M., 1989. Etude du trias d'Oranie (Algerie) et de ses relations avec le socle polymetamorphique : implications geodynamiques regionales, PhD, Univ. Orléans. Midoun, M. & Perthuisot, V., 1992. Les élèments de socle inclus dans les évaporites du Trias (région d'Oran, Algérie). Implications sur les caractéristiques du substratum et sur l'amincissement lithosphérique triasique, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série II. Mechanics. Physics. Chemistry. Space sciences. Earth sciences, Vol 315, Num 5, pp 571-577. Negro F., Agard, P., Goffé, B., Saddiqi, O., 2007. Tectonic and metamorphic evolution of the Temsamane units, External Rif (northern Morocco): implications for the evolution of the Rif and the Betic-Rif arc. Journal of the Geological Society 164(4): 829–842. Negro, F., De Sigoyer, J., Goffé, B., Saddiqi, O., Villa, I.M., 2008. Tectonic evolution of the Betic-Rif arc: new constraints from 40Ar/39Ar dating on white micas in the Temsamane units (External Rif, northern Morocco). Lithos 106(1): 93–109. Recanati, A., Missenard, Y., Leprêtre, R., Gautheron, C., Barbarand, J., Abbassène, F., Abdallah, N., Ouabadi, A., Derder, M., Boukari, C., Pinna-Jamme, R., Haurine, F., 2019. A Tortonian onset for the Algerian margin inversion: first evidence from low-temperature thermochronology, Terra Nova, 31(1), pp.39-48, doi: 10.1111/ter.12367.

Mots clés

Métamorphisme, Tell externe, Tethys, Marge passive, Diapir, Manteau

Offre financée

Type de financement
Contrat Doctoral


Date limite de candidature 10/05/24

Durée36 mois

Date de démarrage01/10/24

Date de création30/03/24


Niveau de français requisC1 (autonome)

Niveau d'anglais requisB2 (intermédiaire)


Frais de scolarité annuels400 € / an


Monsieur Geoffroy MOHN


Monsieur Geoffroy MOHN

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Description La Méditerranée occidentale s’est ouverte au détriment de la Téthys à partir de l’Oligocène. Lors de cette ouverture, les marges téthysiennes ont été en partie, inversées, perd...View more


Les objectifs de ce projet relèvent du thème 'Waste to Energy' et visent à réduire la quantité des déchets plastiques non recyclés en les transformant en un mélange combustible (propre) riche en hydrogène grâce à une série de procédés thermochimiques en ligne : la pyrolyse-catalytique couplée au reformage catalytique. La pyrolyse catalytique ainsi que le reformage seront évalués sur différents systèmes catalytiques nickel supportés sur des oxydes mésoporeux à base de Zircone-Alumine avec des fonctions adaptées. Les paramètres optimaux pour un meilleur rendement de conversion des plastiques en gaz de synthèse seront évalués. Des caractérisations détaillées des catalyseurs avant et après test catalytiques seront effectuées afin de comprendre et résoudre le phénomène de désactivation.

Compétences requises

Le poste sera basé sur le site UCEIV de Dunkerque (59), au sein de l’Equipe TCEP. Les candidat(e) devront être titulaire d’un MASTER 2 (ou équivalent) en chimie et posséder des compétences solides en chimie analytique, chimie du solide, catalyse hétérogène. La maitrise de l’anglais (oral et écrit) est nécessaire.


Liste des publications en lien avec le projet : S. Aouad, M. Labaki, S. Ojala, P. Seelam, E. Turpeinen, C.Gennequin, J. Estephane, E. Abi Aad A Review on the Dry Reforming Processes for Hydrogen Production: Catalytic Materials and Technologies Frontiers in Ceramic Science : 2 Pages 60-128 (2018) https://doi: 10.2174/97816810875801180201;ISBN:978-1-68108-759-7 M. Abou-Rjeily,C. Gennequin,H. Pron,E. Abi-Aad,J.H. Randrianalisoa, Pyrolysis-catalytic upgrading of bio-oil and pyrolysis-catalytic steam reforming of biogas: a Review, Environmental Chemistry Letters, Vol. 19, 2825–2872 (2021) M. Abou Rjeily, C. Gennequin, H. Pron, E. Abi-Aad, J.H. Randrianalisoa, Catalysts for steam reforming of biomass tar and their effects on the products, in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Materials and Applications, pages 249-295, M. Cesario and D. Macedo (Eds.), ISBN: 978-0-323-85612-6, Elsevier (2022). A. Younis, J. EStephane, C. Gennequin, L. Tidahy, B. EL Khoury, S. Aouad, E.Abi-Aad, Influence of promoting Ni-based catalysts with ruthenium in the dry reforming of polypropylene plastics for syngas production Int. J. Hydrogen. Eenergy, 4, 40204 - 402178 (2022) M. Abou Rjeily, M. Chaghouri, C. Gennequin, E. Abi Aad, J.H. Randrianalisoa, Investigating co-production of syngas, biochar, and bio-oil from flax shives biomass by pyrolysis and in-line catalytic hybrid reforming, Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2023). M. Abou Rjeily, M. Chaghouri, C. Gennequin, E. Abi Aad, H. Pron, J.H. Randrianalisoa, Biomass Pyrolysis Followed by Catalytic Hybrid Reforming for Syngas Production, Waste Biomass Valor 14, 2715–2743 (2023) M. Abou Rjeily, F. Cazier, C. Gennequin, J.H. Randrianalisoa, Detailed Analysis of Gas, Char and Bio-oil Products of Oak Wood Pyrolysis at Different Operating Conditions, Waste Biomass Valor 14(1), 325-343 (2023) C. Ciotonea, Y. Wei, A. Ungureanu, C. Catrinescu, O. Gardol, A.-S. Mamede, F. Dumeignil, S. Paul, L.Jalowiecki-Duhamel, S. Royer, « Ni(0) ex-phyllosilicate as efficient and stable low temperature CH4 dry reforming catalyst « , ChemCatChem, 2023, in press, M. Chaghouri, C. Ciotonea, M. Mohammad-Ali, M. Marinova, P. Simon, E. Abi-Aad, S. Royer, C. Gennequin, Deposition precipitation derived Ni-Co active sites for enhanced dry reforming of methane performances, Catalysis Today, 2024, 429,

Mots clés

pyrolyse catalytique, déchets plastique, reformage, hydrogène, gaz de synthèse

Offre boursier / non financée

Ouvert à tous les pays


Date limite de candidature 30/05/24

Durée36 mois

Date de démarrage01/10/24

Date de création30/03/24


Niveau de français requisAucun

Niveau d'anglais requisAucun


Frais de scolarité annuels400 € / an


Monsieur Cédric GENNEQUIN


Monsieur Cédric GENNEQUIN

 03 28 65 82 61

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Description Les objectifs de ce projet relèvent du thème ‘Waste to Energy’ et visent à réduire la quantité des déchets plastiques non recyclés en les transformant en un mélange com...View more


Les sources plasma haute densité – basse pression sont largement utilisées pour produire des forts courants de particules chargées pour les accélérateurs, pour le chauffage additionnel des plasmas de fusion ou encore pour les procédés plasma. Le groupe ITER Technology & Diagnostics du IPP développe depuis l’an 2000 des sources plasmas haute densité (10^18 m-3) de grande taille (~m^3) pour le chauffage et le courant de stabilisation pour les futures installations de fusion telles ITER ou DEMO. La source ELISE représente l’échelle ½ de la taille ITER et elle est exploitée de manière intense dans le cadre du programme ITER HNB R&D avec des diagnostics poussées du plasma et du faisceau [1]. Depuis quinze ans, l’équipe Théorie et Modélisation des Plasmas – Décharges et Surface (TMP-DS) du LPGP a développé plusieurs modèles pour les plasmas magnétisés basse pression-haute densité [2,3]. Ces dernières années, les deux groupes ont associé leurs efforts pour améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité du modèle 3D ONIX (Orsay Negative Ion eXtraction) développé pour simuler l’extraction d’ions négatifs (NI) de la source plasma du IPP [4]. L'ensemble des résultats précédents ont été obtenus en hydrogène. Cette source opérée de plus en plus souvent en deutérium et elle peut – sous certaines conditions – produire des plasmas ion-ion (composés majoritairement d’ions positifs et négatifs) de haute densité. Toutefois, lors de l’extraction de NI, les électrons suivent le champ électrique et ils peuvent devenir dominants dans le courant extrait. Pour éviter ce phénomène, une structure de champs magnétiques croisés est réalisée dans la zone d’extraction, proche de la grille plasma (PG) et de la grille d’extraction (EG), fait qui rend le problème anisotrope, et donc intrinsèquement 3D. Le modèle ONIX utilise l’approche Particle-in-Cell (PIC) couplée avec la technique Monte Carlo pour le traitement des collisions pour décrire les interactions en volume du plasma ou avec les surfaces [5]. Le code numérique est massivement parallèle (utilisant le protocole MPI) et peut utiliser 1000 CPU avec une très haute performance [4]. ONIX permet le traitement des surfaces complexes, telles les électrodes et permet la simulation des phénomènes au voisinage d’une aperture d’extraction, de chaque coté de la grille plasma (PG). Les effets de suppression d'électrons et de diffusions d'ions négatifs dans le volume de la source, observés expérimentalement, seront étudiés à l'aide de ce modèle afin de comprendre et d'améliorer le fonctionnement de ces sources.

Compétences requises

Physique des plasmas ; Grand Instruments ; modélisation numérique ; programmation parallèle


[1] U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, H. D. Falter, M. Berger, S. Christ-Koch, M. Fröschle, R. Gutser, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth, and D. Wünderlich, Low pressure and high power rf sources for negative hydrogen ions for fusion applications (ITER neutral beam injection) Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 02A511 (2008). [2] M. Lindqvist, N. den Harder, A. Revel, S. Mochalskyy, A. Mimo, R. Nocentini, T. Minea, U. Fantz, From meniscus formation to accelerated H- beam: coupling of 3D-PIC and ion-optics simulations Nucl. Fusion 62 (2022) 126068; [3] S. Mochalskyy, A. F. Lifschitz, T. Minea Extracted Current Saturation in Negative Ion Sources 2012 J. Appl. Physics 111(11) 113303 [4] A. Revel, S. Mochalskyy, I.M. Montellano,, D. Wuenderlich, U. Fantz, T. Minea Massive parallel 3D PIC simulation of negative ion extraction using ONIX code 2017 J Appl. Phys 122, 103302 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5001397 [5] M. Lindqvist, D. Wünderlich, A. Mimo, S. Mochalskyy, A. Revel, T. Minea, U. Fantz Sensitivity of the negative ion beam extraction to initial plasma parameters by 3D particle modeling Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 125001;

Mots clés

plasma, modélisation , ions négatifs, particle-in-cell, ITER/DEMO, déuterium

Offre boursier / non financée

Réservée aux pays suivants


Pakistan (Higher Education Commission)

Si vous êtes une institution d'accueil française, vous trouverez plus d'information sur ce programme à cette page

Chine (CSC)


Date limite de candidature 23/04/24

Durée36 mois

Date de démarrage01/10/24

Date de création30/03/24


Niveau de français requisAucun

Niveau d'anglais requisB2 (intermédiaire)


Frais de scolarité annuels400 € / an

Responsable du programme

Monsieur Tiberiu MINEA


Monsieur Tiberiu MINEA

 01 69 15 66 54

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Description Les sources plasma haute densité – basse pression sont largement utilisées pour produire des forts courants de particules chargées pour les accélérateurs, pour le chauffage additionn...View more

Position Summary

We invite talented post-doctoral candidates with an interest in cancer genomics, multi-omic data analysis, algorithm design, and/or deep learning to apply for a position in Jin Zhang, PhD, MPHS’s translational genomics lab ( at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO. This postdoc will also be co-advised by Michael Waters, MD, PhD (, who will be an Assistant Professor at WashU starting July 2024.

Since joining the WUSTL faculty in 2017, Dr. Zhang has built a lab with an ambitious interest in developing tools and applying cutting-edge bioinformatic and deep learning/AI techniques to advance our understanding of cancer biology and treatment. Our agile, growing research group has been funded by multiple grant awards from the National Cancer Institute, including 2 NCI R01s received last year. We are also extremely proud to be part of the Translational Radiation Oncology Center (TARGET) supported by an NCI U54 Specialized Center grant ( The Zhang lab currently has 10 members and is looking to expand to 14 in the next year.

The candidate will enjoy significant autonomy while playing a critical role in finding new discoveries and developing advanced genomic and/or deep learning/AI approaches in cancer biology as applied in personalized radiation therapy (RT). The candidate will also lead projects on multi-omics data integration and clinical imaging data integration. We are aware that most of the candidates won’t be immediately an expert on all the above domains in our groundbreaking multi-disciplinary research. The candidate will enjoy significant mentorship from Drs. Zhang and Waters and experienced lab members to develop their domain knowledge and ability to lead research teams, including guidance in career development and transition to an independent investigator. The position also offers an excellent opportunity to conduct research in a supportive and stimulating environment, closely collaborating with computer scientists, biologists, and clinicians within Department of Radiation Oncology and other institutes across the campus, including the McDonnell Genome Institute, Institute for Informatics, and Siteman Cancer Center.

Information on being a postdoc at Washington University in St. Louis can be found at

Department Summary

The Cancer Biology Division within the Department of Radiation Oncology consists of a core group of clinical, physics, and computational science investigators who use both archived and prospectively collected tumor samples to ask fundamental questions about radiotherapy efficacy and cancer biology. The Zhang lab and the Bioinformatics/AI Program work closely with clinicians to identify biomarkers that can be used to stratify patients and to identify patients for targeted therapies.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Trains under the supervision of a faculty mentor including (but not limited to):

  • Develop hypotheses and design novel genomics and/or data science/AI approaches in translational cancer genomics and data integration.
  • Build novel pipelines through developing advanced algorithms and integrating cutting-edge bioinformatics tools using sequencing and other omics data and/or image data.
  • Prepare and present results of research in internal seminars and external conferences and journals.
  • Assist with grant preparation and reporting.
  • Train research assistants in the lab and work with other researchers in applying the informatics tools we develop.

Required Qualifications

Applicants must have received, or will receive, a Ph.D. by May 31st, 2024, in bioinformatics, genomics, computational biology, computer science, ML/DL/AI, or a related field.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience with bioinformatic algorithm development and/or bioinformatic data analysis.
  • Proficiency in a programming language, such as Python, C++, and/or Perl.
  • Proficiency in a statistical programming language, such as R and SAS.
  • Experience with scientific computing and data visualization tools.
  • Highly motivated with excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Understanding of current next-generation sequencing technologies.
  • Understanding of statistical techniques for differential expression, gene set enrichment analysis, clustering, outcome analysis, and multivariant analysis.
  • Experience with Git, Docker, Common Workflow Language, and Cloud computing.
  • Deep understanding of concepts and techniques in machine learning/deep learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and/or TensorFlow and PyTorch, and/or other cutting-edge AI technologies, including large language model, etc.

Working Conditions

This position works in a laboratory environment with potential exposure to biological and chemical hazards. The individual must be physically able to wear protective equipment and to provide standard care to research animals.

Salary Range

Base pay is commensurate with experience.

Applicant Special Instructions

Please send a CV and optionally a cover letter stating research interest to Dr. Jin Zhang:


For frequently asked questions about the application process, please refer to our External Applicant FAQ.


If you are unable to use our online application system and would like an accommodation, please email or call the dedicated accommodation inquiry number at 314-935-1149 and leave a voicemail with the nature of your request.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Position Summary We invite talented post-doctoral candidates with an interest in cancer genomics, multi-omic data analysis, algorithm design, and/or deep learning to apply for a position in Jin Zhang,...View more

Position Summary

The Sadtler lab in the Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis is seeking to hire a Postdoctoral Research Associate to lead a project on electrolysis in seawater, starting April 2024. This project is a 6-month assignment.

In this position, you will contribute to developing and understanding new electrode materials of interest for stable electrolysis in seawater. This project will include the synthesis and structural characterization of novel electrode materials, characterization of their activity and stability for electrolysis in seawater, and analysis of corrosion mechanisms. The project will take advantage of state-of-the-art instrumentation at the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction), Chemical and Environmental Analysis Facility (mass spectrometry and porosity analysis), and the Department of Chemistry (absorption and infrared spectroscopy).

In addition to excellent research skills, we are seeking an applicant who prioritizes providing proactive mentorship to students, honing communication skills, and working in an interdisciplinary environment. Lab members will have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers in the Departments of Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Washington University.

We prioritize career and professional development for postdoctoral researchers. In addition to one-on-one mentorship, further resources and support are available through the Center for Career Engagement, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, and Center for Teaching and Learning.

Information on being a postdoc at Washington University in St. Louis can be found at

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Trains under the supervision of a faculty mentor including (but not limited to):

  • Develop synthesis and fabrication protocols for electrode materials.
  • Perform electrochemical analysis to quantify the activity and stability of electrodes for electrolysis in seawater
  • Characterize structural and physical properties of the electrode materials and develop structure/property relationships based on the observed electrochemical activity.
  • Contribute to the mentorship of graduate students in the lab, modeling ethical and safe research practices.
  • Write monthly reports of research progress.

Required Qualifications

  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, or a related field.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Proficiency with analytical electrochemistry including cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, constant-current electrolysis, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and Tafel analysis.
  • Proficiency with the design of electrochemical cells for water electrolysis.
  • Proficiency with structural characterization, such as electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
  • Strong record of peer-reviewed journal publications.

Salary Range

  • Base pay is commensurate with experience.

Applicant Special Instructions

Applicants should send their CV, a brief statement of prior research experience and research interests (1 to 2 pages), and contact information for two references to


For frequently asked questions about the application process, please refer to our External Applicant FAQ.


If you are unable to use our online application system and would like an accommodation, please email or call the dedicated accommodation inquiry number at 314-935-1149 and leave a voicemail with the nature of your request.

Pre-Employment Screening

All external candidates receiving an offer for employment will be required to submit to pre-employment screening for this position. The screenings will include criminal background check and, as applicable for the position, other background checks, drug screen, an employment and education or licensure/certification verification, physical examination, certain vaccinations and/or governmental registry checks. All offers are contingent upon successful completion of required screening.

Benefits Statement

Washington University in St. Louis is committed to providing a comprehensive and competitive benefits package to our employees. Benefits eligibility is subject to employment status, full-time equivalent (FTE) workload, and weekly standard hours. Please visit our website at to view a summary of benefits.

EEO/AA Statement

Washington University in St. Louis is committed to the principles and practices of equal employment opportunity and especially encourages applications by those from underrepresented groups. It is the University’s policy to provide equal opportunity and access to persons in all job titles without regard to race, ethnicity, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, protected veteran status, or genetic information.

Diversity Statement

Washington University is dedicated to building a diverse community of individuals who are committed to contributing to an inclusive environment – fostering respect for all and welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Individuals with a commitment to these values are encouraged to apply.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Position Summary The Sadtler lab in the Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis is seeking to hire a Postdoctoral Research Associate to lead a project on electrolysis in seawater...View more

The Carnegie Mellon Biomedical Engineering department seeks to transform healthcare worldwide through interdisciplinary engineering innovation and to train future leaders and innovators in biomedical engineering.

Carnegie Mellon University’s department of Biomedical Engineering is searching for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join their team.  This is an exciting opportunity for someone who thrives in an interesting and challenging work environment. You will contribute to the department by conducting research investigating how internal states impact neural representations, and other such tasks as assigned to you.

Your core responsibilities will include:

  • Collecting and analyzing data, including periodical/literature search and utilizing specialized skills in related field to analyze the collected data.
  • Conducting research experiments within the predetermined research scope and methodology of department and university.
  • Participating and assisting in manuscript writing for publication in scientific journals and/or presentations.
  • Lab maintenance, including equipment maintenance and ordering of supplies may be required depending on area and specialty.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Flexibility, excellence, and passion are vital qualities within Carnegie Mellon University. Inclusion, collaboration and cultural sensitivity are valued competencies at CMU. Therefore, we are in search of a team member who can effectively interact with a varied population of internal and external partners at a high level of integrity. We are looking for someone who shares our values and who will support the mission of the university through their work.

You should demonstrate:

  • Strong analytical skills
  • Excellent communication skills


  • Doctorate degree in biomedical engineering or related field required

Joining the CMU team opens the door to an array of exceptional benefits, available to all full-time Carnegie Mellon University employees. Experience the full spectrum of advantages, from comprehensive medical, prescription, dental, and vision insurance to enticing retirement savings programs. Unlock your potential with tuition benefits, and take well-deserved breaks with generous paid time off and holidays. Rest easy knowing you are covered by life and accidental death and disability insurance. For a comprehensive overview of the benefits awaiting you, explore:

At Carnegie Mellon, we value the whole package when extending offers of employment. Beyond just credentials, we consider the role & responsibilities, your invaluable work experience, and the knowledge gained through education and training. We acknowledge and appreciate your unique key skills and the diverse perspectives you bring. Our commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment means we also account for geographic differentials. Your journey with us is about more than just a job; it’s about finding the perfect fit for your professional growth and personal aspirations.

Are you interested in this exciting opportunity?! Apply today!


Pittsburgh, PA

Job Function

Pre/Post-Doctoral Associates & Fellows

Position Type

Postdoctoral Associate / Fellow (Fixed Term)

Full Time/Part time

Full time

Pay Basis


More Information: 

  • Please visit Why Carnegie Mellonto learn more about becoming part of an institution inspiring innovations that change the world.
  • Click here to view a listing of employee benefits
  • Carnegie Mellon University is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Disability/Veteran.
  • Statement of Assurance

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

The Carnegie Mellon Biomedical Engineering department seeks to transform healthcare worldwide through interdisciplinary engineering innovation and to train future leaders and innovators in biomedical ...View more

Postdoctoral Associate in Dairy Science or Veterinary Medicine

The laboratory of Dr. Wolfgang Heuwieser, in Quality Milk Production Services (QMPS) within the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences at Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine, is seeking highly motivated Postdoctoral Associate candidates. The successful candidate will work on projects focusing on the optimization of the milking process in dairy cows.

The focus of this applied program is the impact of milking technicians on udder health. We aim to support science-based development and on-farm implementation of innovative technologies and milking routines. Emphasis is given to monitoring (through traditional and AI based tools) and engaging employees. Training modules will be used to stimulate behavior changes towards best practice standards to improve udder health and animal welfare. This is a collaborative project involving the QMPS group, producers and dairy farm employees.

The successful candidate will design and implement research projects related to factors and human behaviors that might affect the milk harvesting process and udder health on dairy farms. Also, innovative online training modules for dairy employees considering diverse backgrounds will be developed and studied.

Most of the effort will be spent on developing science-based and contextual assessment and training strategies, monitoring relevant outcomes, and associated data collection and analysis. A data-driven approach will be implemented to conduct sound research on monitoring and development of dairy employees and the impact on optimizing the milking process and udder health on dairy farms.

The candidate will design, coordinate, and perform field studies and prepare manuscripts for high impact scientific journals and will have opportunities to present and publish scholarly work at local, national, and international venues. This position will work closely with faculty in the Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture (CIDA) and is available immediately.

The ideal candidate will have expertise in dairy cattle research, including milking management, milker training, data collection and analysis, and effective presentation/publication of research findings. A DVM or post-graduate degree (PhD or equivalent) in veterinary, animal, biological science or related field is required.

The College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University is recognized internationally as a leader in public health, biomedical research, animal medicine, and veterinary medical education. Ranked consistently as one of the best veterinary colleges in the nation, the College's strength is due to its strategic breadth of focus areas and its depth of expertise in each of those areas; the achievements of its faculty, staff, alumni, and students; and its commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.

Postdoctoral Associates receive competitive salaries according to the Cornell University Postdoctoral Associate stipend system which follows the National Institutes of Health Fellowship and Training Stipend Levels. Start date is negotiable; the position has an initial duration of one-year with potential extension based on performance, productivity, and funding.

The position will require some work with cattle at the dairy units of Cornell University and commercial dairy farms in upstate New York. Ideally, the candidate should feel comfortable conducting basic handling work with dairy cows in a farm setting and communicating with dairy employees. The ideal candidate will enjoy working and communicating with a multi-disciplinary team of academics, clinical experts, and students at Cornell University.

This position will require a passion for continuing education, online training and attention to detail, leadership abilities, and problem-solving skills. Strong interest in state-of-the-art technologies (AI, online training), aspects of the scientific study process is required, and possibilities exist at Cornell University to pursue further training in research, teaching, and communication skills. Previous experience with standard laboratory methods is not necessary. Candidates must possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills to work effectively in our team, as well as a willingness to learn new methods and techniques as the projects evolve. The successful candidate will work on this project together with other members of the QMPS group, the 3 regional QMPS labs as well as collaborate with personnel across Cornell University and beyond.

Pay Range:

$56,484.00 - $80,000.00

Informal inquiries regarding the position may be directed to Dr. Wolfgang Heuwieser ( ). To apply visit and submit a cover letter describing your background, interests and career goals, full curriculum vitae, and contact information of three professional references. Applications will be reviewed as received, and the position will remain open until filled.

Diversity and inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, protected Veterans, and individuals with disabilities.

Pay Range:

$56,484.00 - $80,000.00

Pay Ranges:

The hiring rate of pay for the successful candidate will be determined considering the following criteria:

  • Prior relevant work or industry experience.
  • Education level to the extent education is relevant to the position.
  • Academic Discipline (faculty pay ranges reflects 9-month annual salary)
  • Unique applicable skills.

Familiarize yourself with Cornell's COVID-19 workplace guidance as well as the university's COVID-19 services and information .

Employment Assistance:

For general questions about the position or the application process, please contact the Recruiter listed in the job posting or email .

If you require an accommodation for a disability in order to complete an employment application or to participate in the recruiting process, you are encouraged to contact Cornell University's Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX at voice (607) 255-2242, or email at .

Applicants that do not have internet access are encouraged to visit your local library, or local Department of Labor. You may also request an appointment to use a dedicated workstation in the Office of Talent Attraction and Recruitment, at the Ithaca campus, by emailing .

Notice to Applicants:

Please read the required Notice to Applicants statement by clicking here . This notice contains important information about applying for a position at Cornell as well as some of your rights and responsibilities as an applicant.

EEO Statement:

Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, and we do not tolerate discrimination based on any protected characteristic, including race, ethnic or national origin, citizenship and immigration status, color, sex/gender, pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions, age, creed, religion, actual or perceived disability (including persons associated with such a person), arrest and/or conviction record, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender expression and/or identity, an individual’s genetic information, domestic violence victim status, familial status, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state, or local law. We also recognize a lawful preference in employment practices for Native Americans living on or near Indian reservations in accordance with applicable law.

Cornell University embraces diversity and seeks candidates who will contribute to a climate that supports students, faculty, and staff to all identities and backgrounds. We encourage individuals from underrepresented and/or marginalized identities to apply.


Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Postdoctoral Associate in Dairy Science or Veterinary Medicine The laboratory of Dr. Wolfgang Heuwieser, in Quality Milk Production Services (QMPS) within the Department of Population Medicine and Dia...View more

Screen reader users may encounter difficulty with this site. For assistance with applying, please contact If you have questions while submitting an application, please review these frequently asked questions.

Current Employees and Students:

If you are currently employed or enrolled as a student at The Ohio State University, please log in to Workday to use the internal application process.

Welcome to The Ohio State University's career site.  We invite you to apply to positions of interest. In order to ensure your application is complete, you must complete the following:

  • Ensure you have all necessary documents available when starting the application process. You can review the additional job description section on postings for documents that may be required.
  • Prior to submitting your application, please review and update (if necessary) the information in your candidate profile as it will transfer to your application.

Job Title:

Post Doctoral Scholar- Catalyst Center


Medicine | Catalyst Center

Post-Doctoral Scholar to pursue independent and specialized research training and experience under the guidance of a scientific mentor in the The Center for the Advancement of Team Science, Analytics, and Systems Thinking in Health Services and Implementation Science Research (CATALYST); collaborates with Principal Investigator(PI) on research investigating topics related to information technology innovations in healthcare,  quality improvement and patient safety, and population health management; prepares oral presentations for national and international scientific conferences, workshops and seminars; writes and submits manuscripts, articles and research reports for publication in peer-reviewed journals; seeks opportunities for external funding and takes a lead in developing research proposals for submission; participates as co-investigator as appropriate in new research grant submissions;  develops projects, collects data, and conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis in new research projects designed as pilot work for new grant submissions; participates in bi-monthly research team meetings to coordinate ongoing and new research projects; participates in training and oversight of students; additional duties may be assigned based on needs of ongoing and new research projects.

Minimum Education and Experience Requirements

PhD or equivalent degree in Health Management and Policy, Health Services or related field required. Requires successful completion of a background check; Selected candidate may be requested to complete a pre-employment physical including a drug screen.

Additional Information:


Ackerman Rd, 700 (0921)

Position Type:

Term (Fixed Term)

Scheduled Hours:



First Shift

Final candidates are subject to successful completion of a background check.  A drug screen or physical may be required during the post offer process.

Thank you for your interest in positions at The Ohio State University and Wexner Medical Center. Once you have applied, the most updated information on the status of your application can be found by visiting the Candidate Home section of this site. Please view your submitted applications by logging in and reviewing your status. For answers to additional questions please review the frequently asked questions.

The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity employer.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, protected veteran status, or any other basis under the law.

Applicants are encouraged to complete and submit the Equal Employment Identification form.

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Screen reader users may encounter difficulty with this site. For assistance with applying, please contact If you have questions while submitting an application, pleas...View more


SHP Physical Therapy & Rehab Science (PTRSAT)


Physical Therapy & Rehab

Position Title:

Post Doctoral Fellow - School of Health Professions (Physical Therapy & Rehab)

Job Family Group:

Professional Staff

Job Description Summary:

Postdoctoral research scientist in the Sleep, Health, and Wellness (SleepWell) Lab within the nationally acclaimed Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science and Athletic Training at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC). Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research position to work on projects focusing on cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in persons living with Multiple Sclerosis. The position is funded by grants from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Department of Defense. The University of Kansas Medical Center is a vibrant academic medical center providing abundant opportunities for cutting-edge science and professional development. Ongoing research within the SleepWell Lab is funded by the National Institutes of Health, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and the Department of Defense. The lab is an active part of a diverse group of researchers at KUMC focusing on behavioral interventions to enhance sleep to prevent or delay the onset of chronic conditions and improve quality of life in those with sleep disturbances. The 1500 sq foot research laboratory is well equipped to address research questions related to behavioral interventions to enhance sleep and is supported by a project coordinator, research assistant, PhD students in the Rehabilitation Sciences program, and Doctor of Physical Therapy students. The relaxed, family-friendly metropolitan environment of KC metro area offers a unique combination of low-cost of living, top tier public school districts, a nationally recognized arts and music scene, pro sports teams, and much more. In short, it is a great location to take the next step in your professional journey.

Job Description:

Required Qualifications

Education: PhD or equivalent terminal degree (such as MD, DVM, PsyD, PharmD, etc.).

Work Experience:

  • Experience providing cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia or other behavioral sleep intervention.
  • Experience in executing experiments, analyzing data, writing and preparing independent grant applications and manuscripts for scientific publications, and supervise graduate students.

Preferred Qualifications

Work Experience:

  • Strong background in sleep therapy and working with human research participants, particularly those with neurologic differences.
  • Experience executing highly detailed and experimental protocols.


  • Fluent in Spanish


  • Ability to write scientific manuscripts and effective communication with a scientific audience and study participants.
  • Multi-tasking skills

Job Description

Postdoctoral scholars at the University of Kansas Medical Center are individuals who have received their terminal degree and who have opted to pursue further training in a postdoctoral appointment. Postdoctoral scholarship is a time-limited appointment, the primary purpose of which is to provide research and/or scholarly training for an academic or research career. A postdoctoral scholar at KUMC is expected to:

  • Participate in a full-time regimen of advanced training and research
  • Train under the supervision of a faculty research mentor who will provide the opportunity for collaborative and independent research, as well promote publication of findings and preparation of research grants as determined by a mutual agreement between the postdoctoral scholar and the mentor
  • Participate in relevant academic activities related to the preparation for a career in research or academia
  • Participate in the University’s Individual Development Plan policy for postdoctoral scholars
  • Providing cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia for two clinical trials in people with multiple sclerosis who have insomnia and dissemination of findings.
  • Supervise graduate students.

Postdoctoral Professional Development:

  • As part of one’s own development, regularly participate in professional development activities outside of the lab
  • Participate in the KUMC Postdoctoral Individual Development Plan process

Required Documents

  • Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Research Statement
  • Two writing samples (ideally publications in peer-reviewed journals)

Comprehensive Benefits Package:

Coverage begins on day one for health, dental, and vision insurance and includes health expense accounts with generous employer contributions if the employee participates in a qualifying health plan. Employer-paid life insurance, long-term disability insurance, and various additional voluntary insurance plans are available. Paid time off, including vacation and sick, begins accruing upon hire, plus nine paid holidays. One paid discretionary day is available after six months of employment, and paid time off for bereavement, jury duty, military service, and parental leave is available after 12 months of employment. A retirement program with a generous employer contribution and additional voluntary retirement programs (457 or 403b) are available.    

Employee Type:


Time Type:

Full time

Rate Type:


Compensation Statement:

The pay range listed for this position is determined by our compensation program using market data and salary benchmarking. A combination of factors is considered in making compensation decisions including, but not limited to, education, experience and training, qualifications relative to the requirements of the position, and funding. At the University of Kansas Medical Center, a reasonable estimate for the starting pay range will be the minimum to midpoint of the posted range, taking into account the combination of factors listed above.

Pay Range:

$47,476.00 - $80,000.00







Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Department: SHP Physical Therapy & Rehab Science (PTRSAT) —– Physical Therapy & Rehab Position Title: Post Doctoral Fellow – School of Health Professions (Physical Therapy &a...View more

Job Description What We Are Looking For: Dr. Rebecca Jones-Antwi , Professor in Public Health in the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences at Baylor University, is currently seeking applications for a postdoctoral fellowship to work on projects aimed at advancing health equity through the utilization of national datasets to evaluate chronic disease profiles. Education and Experience:
  • PhD in epidemiology, public health or a related field.
  • Experience in quantitative methods and analysis.
  • Demonstrated quantitative research skills.
  • Experience in data quantitative analysis.
  • Excellence in scientific written and oral communication skills.
  • Strong commitment and passion for advancing health equity.
  • Established track record of original, first-author publications.
Desired Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
  • Experience and training in demographic methods.
  • Proficiency in chronic disease measurement.
  • Familiarity with multilevel modeling techniques.
  • Open communication.
  • Compassion for the people served by the work.
  • Willingness to lead and learn.
  • Good time management skills.
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a team.
What You Will Do: Responsibilities:
  • Conduct research in the field of public health with a focus on advancing health equity.
  • Perform statistical analysis, including multilevel modeling, survey weights, and harmonization of national surveys.
  • Write manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Assist in the preparation of grant applications.
  • Coordinate projects and manage project teams.
  • Analyze data and prepare it for publication.
  • Prepare manuscripts and grants for submission.
  • Provide assistance with the preparation of project-related reports, manuscripts and presentations
  • Prepare and manage extensive databases
  • Develop and implement research quality control procedures
  • Analyze data and prepare reports; develop recommendations based on results
  • Verify the accuracy and validity of data
  • Perform all other duties as assigned to support Baylor’s mission
  • Ability to comply with University policies
  • Maintain regular and punctual attendance
Required Documents A complete application will include the following documents.
  • Cover letter detailing your research interests, prior experiences related to this position, and future career goals.
  • Resume or CV
  • Contact information for three people who can speak to your interests and potential contributions to this work.
  • In addition to the above  - Please upload up to two writing samples (e.g., book chapter, dissertation chapter, journal article, work under review, work in progress)
What You Can Expect: Compensation & Benefits As part of the Baylor family, eligible employees receive a comprehensive benefits package that includes medical, dental, and vision insurance, generous time off, and tuition remission. Baylor has a comprehensive benefits plan that supports you and your family’s wellbeing and allows you to be a part of the life of a vibrant and active college campus. To learn more, go to Baylor Benefits & Advantages. Explore & Engage Learn more about Baylor and our strategic vision, Illuminate . Also, explore our great hometown of Waco  and the many opportunities to engage locally .   About Us Baylor University is a private not-for-profit university affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. As an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, Baylor is committed to compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination laws, including those regarding age, race, color, sex, national origin, military service, genetic information, and disability. Baylor’s commitment to equal opportunity and respect of others does not undermine the validity and effect of the constitutional and statutory protections for its religious liberty, including, without limitation, the religious organization exemption under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the religious exemption to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, among others.  Baylor encourages women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities to apply. EEO/M/F/Vets/Disabled Job Info
  • Job Identification 16445
  • Job Category Staff
  • Posting Date 03/29/2024, 09:16 AM
  • Degree Level Doctorate
  • Job Schedule Full time
  • Locations 1312 S 5th Street, Waco, TX, 76706, US

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Job Description What We Are Looking For: Dr. Rebecca Jones-Antwi , Professor in Public Health in the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences at Baylor University, is currently seeking application...View more

Postdoctoral Research Associate I - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Tucson, AZ, United States | req19159 Apply Now Share Save Job Back to Search

Postdoctoral Research Associate I - Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
Posting Number req19159
Department Aerospace & Mechanical Engr
Department Website Link
Location Main Campus
Address 1130 N Mountain Ave, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
Position Highlights Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME) at the University of Arizona is seeking a qualified candidate with expertise in applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning for advanced materials development, ML-guided experiments, or autonomous/robotic experimentation. The candidate should have a strong background in both the computational and experimental aspects of materials science, as well as solid programming skills. Outstanding UA benefits include health, dental, vision, and life insurance; paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays; UA/ASU/NAU tuition reduction for the employee and qualified family members; access to UA recreation and cultural activities; and more! The University of Arizona has been recognized for our innovative work-life programs. For more information about working at the University of Arizona and relocations services, please click here .
Duties & Responsibilities Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Conduct research at the forefront of applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning for advanced materials development. Responsibilities will include designing and conducting ML-guided experiments for materials discovery and optimization, developing and implementing algorithms for autonomous and robotic experimentation, and analyzing complex datasets to uncover novel materials properties and synthesis routes.
  • Research article and proposal writing.
  • Training graduate and undergraduate students in electrochemical and materials characterization techniques.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
  • Proven expertise in applying machine learning techniques to materials science problems.
  • Skills with autonomous or robotic systems in experimental settings, demonstrating the ability to design, set up, and troubleshoot autonomous experiments.
  • Strong computational skills, including experience with simulation and modeling tools relevant to materials science.
  • Proficiency in programming languages commonly used in data science and machine learning, such as Python, R, MATLAB, or Julia.
  • Knowledge of and experience with AI/ML frameworks and libraries.
  • A strong track record of peer-reviewed publications in the area of AI/ML applications in materials science or a closely related field.
  • Skills with conducting ML-guided experiments or in the development and application of algorithms for materials discovery and optimization.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with a creative approach to interdisciplinary research.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to present complex technical information to both technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Ability to work in collaborative, interdisciplinary research teams, and the ability to engage with researchers from different backgrounds.
Minimum Qualifications
  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics, or a related field, with a focus on the application of AI/ML in materials science or a closely related area. Degree must be conferred prior to hire.
Preferred Qualifications
FLSA Exempt
Full Time/Part Time Full Time
Number of Hours Worked per Week 40
Job FTE 1.0
Work Calendar Fiscal
Job Category Research
Benefits Eligible Yes - Full Benefits
Rate of Pay $56,484
Compensation Type salary at 1.0 full-time equivalency (FTE)
Type of criminal background check required: Name-based criminal background check (non-security sensitive)
Number of Vacancies 1
Target Hire Date 4/10/2024
Expected End Date
Contact Information for Candidates Majid Beidaghi
Open Date 3/29/2024
Open Until Filled Yes
Documents Needed to Apply Resume and Cover Letter
Special Instructions to Applicant
Diversity Statement At the University of Arizona, we value our inclusive climate because we know that diversity in experiences and perspectives is vital to advancing innovation, critical thinking, solving complex problems, and creating an inclusive academic community. As a Hispanic-serving institution, we translate these values into action by seeking individuals who have experience and expertise working with diverse students, colleagues, and constituencies. Because we seek a workforce with a wide range of perspectives and experiences, we provide equal employment opportunities to applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. As an Employer of National Service, we also welcome alumni of AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and other national service programs and others who will help us advance our Inclusive Excellence initiative aimed at creating a university that values student, staff and faculty engagement in addressing issues of diversity and inclusiveness.
Notice of Availability of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), each year the University of Arizona releases an Annual Security Report (ASR) for each of the University’s campuses. These reports disclose information including Clery crime statistics for the previous three calendar years and policies, procedures, and programs the University uses to keep students and employees safe, including how to report crimes or other emergencies and resources for crime victims. As a campus with residential housing facilities, the Main Campus ASR also includes a combined Annual Fire Safety report with information on fire statistics and fire safety systems, policies, and procedures. Paper copies of the Reports can be obtained by contacting the University Compliance Office at

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Postdoctoral Research Associate I – Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Tucson, AZ, United States | req19159 Apply Now Share Save Job Back to Search Postdoctoral Research Associate I – ...View more