The International Space University is provided funding from space agencies, government agencies, and industry to help support its educational programs such as the new Master’s degree program: Space Studies and the Northern summer Space Studies Program (SSP). This aid is available to selected applicants on the basis of their academic and professional merit and covers a portion of their tuition fees. It is paid directly to ISU by the sponsoring organization.
This financial aid is available for applicants from all countries.
ISU is approved for US Federal Student loans from the US Department of Education (only for US citizens attending the Master of Space Studies). For more information please click here.
Students and unemployed young graduates who are members of the following organizations are entitled to at least 50% scholarships for the Master’s degree program and the Space Studies Program: Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), Women in Aerospace, Euroavia, NASA Academy, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), Brooke Owens Fellowship, and Matthew Izakowitz Fellows. Please indicate the date when your membership with the applicable organization began.
ISU also grants tuition support. Upon request and justification of a participant, part of the fee may be waived at the start of the program, subject to a promesse to pay back later when financial conditions allow this, and in accordance with a flexible payback scheme.
Job Features
Job Category | Internship and training |
Je suis motivé et passionné par les études dans le domaine de l’espace.
Ayant passé mes études supérieures en physique et ses applications, je pense avoir les compétences requises et nécessaires pour continuer à accroître mes connaissances dans le domaine spatial.
Je compte suivre avec acuité le domaine de l’exploration et le développement de l’espace afin de me préparer pour mon avenir professionnel dans ce domaine .