Posted 3 years ago

A postdoctoral position is open in the Urology Research Program at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School working with the Lee and Adam laboratories. The Lee lab is investigating the urinary proteome to identify novel and clinically relevant markers of urologic disease, in particular renal damage, urinary tract infection, and bladder dysfunction. The Adam lab focuses on molecular mechanisms that underlie tissue remodeling in the urinary tract in response to injury. Projects for this position will focus on interrogating specific urinary proteins identified as potential biomarkers of bladder deterioration and renal damage in the context of urinary tract obstruction and determining their biologic significance. Candidates will be responsible for various aspects of proteomics and biochemical experiments from sample preparation to data analysis. These projects will require experience in mass spectrometry, protein modifications and bioinformatics, including a working knowledge of LC-ESI-MS/MS and HPLC operation, as well as experience in analysis of large datasets. Additional interests in glycobiology, glycoproteomics or cell biology are preferred, but not necessary. Boston Children’s Hospital is the pediatric teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School and offers a rich environment for translational research. Individuals with appropriate experience from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Interested candidates should send their CV and a one page summary of research background and goals to:

Nicholas Fisher

Sr. Research Administrator

Department of Urology

Boston Children’s Hospital

300 Longwood Ave Boston, MA 02115

Rosalyn Adam, PhD

Associate Professor of Surgery (Urology), Harvard Medical School

Director of Basic Urologic Research

Department of Urology

Boston Children’s Hospital

Richard S. Lee, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery (Urology), Harvard Medical School

Vice Chair, Research

Department of Urology

Boston Children’s Hospital

Selected Papers of interest:

Vaezzadeh AR, Briscoe AC, Steen H, Lee RS. One-step sample concentration, purification, and albumin depletion method for urinary proteomics. J Proteome Res. 2010;9(11):6082-9

Zhou H, Briscoe AC, Froehlich JW, Lee RS. PNGase F Catalyzed De-N-glycosylation in a Domestic Microwave. Anal Biochem. 2012 Aug 1;427(1):33-5.

Froehlich JW, Dodds ED, Wilhelm M, Serang O, Steen JA, Lee RS. A Classifier Based on Accurate Mass Measurements to Aid Large-scale, Unbiased Glycoproteomics. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013 Apr;12(4):1017-25.

Zhou H, Froehlich JW, Briscoe AC, Lee RS. The GlycoFilter: a simple and comprehensive sample preparation platform for proteomics, N-glycomics and glycosylation site assignment. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013;12(10):2981-91.

Zhou H, Warren PG, Froehlich JW, Lee RS. Dual modifications strategy to quantify neutral and sialylated N-glycans simultaneously by MALDI-MS. Anal Chem.  2014;86(13):6277-84.

Zhou H, Morley S, Kostel S, Freeman MR, Joshi V, Brewster D, Lee RS. Universal solid-phase reversible sample-prep for concurrent proteome and N-glycome characterization. J Proteome Res. 2016 Mar 4;15(3):891-9.

Froehlich JW, Kostel SA, Cho PS, Briscoe AC, Steen H, Vaezzadeh AR, Lee RS. Urinary proteomics yield pathological insights for ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2016 Aug;15(8):2607-15.

Dagher A, Curatolo A, Sachdev M, Stephens AJ, Mullins C, Landis JR, van Bokhoven A, El-Hayek A, Froehlich JW, Briscoe AC, Roy R, Yang J, Pontari MA, Zurakowski D, Lee RS*, Moses MA*; MAPP Research Network. Identification of novel non-invasive biomarkers of urinary chronic pelvic pain syndrome: findings from the Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP) Research Network. BJU Int. 2017 Jul;120(1):130-142. PMID: 28263447 PMCID: PMC5951631 *equal contribution.

Woodworth DC, Dagher A, Curatolo A, Sachdev M, Ashe-McNalley C, Naliboff BD, Labus JS, Landis JR, Kutch JJ, Mullins C, Mayer EA, Moses MA*, Ellingson BM*, Lee RS. Changes in brain white matter structure are associated with urine proteins in urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome (UCPPS): A MAPP Network Study. PLoS One. 2018 Dec 5;13(12). PMID: 30517112; PMCID: PMC6281196. equal contribution.

Vitko D, Cho PS, Kostel SA, DiMartino SE, Cabour LD, Migliozzi MA, Logvinenko T, Warren PG, Froehlich JW, Lee RS. Characterizing Patients with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Vesicoureteral Reflux: A Pilot Study of the Urinary Proteome. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2020 Mar;19(3):456-466. doi: 10.1074/mcp.RA119.001873. Epub 2020 Jan 2. PMID: 31896675; PMCID: PMC7050111.

Li H, Patel V, DiMartino SE, Froehlich JW, Lee RS. An in-depth Comparison of the Pediatric and Adult Urinary N-glycomes. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2020 Nov;19(11):1767-1776. PMID: 32737218; PMCID: PMC7664126.

Roy R, Stephens AJ, Daisy C, Merritt L, Newcomb CW, Yang J, Dagher A, Curatolo A, Sachdev M, McNeish B, Landis R, van Bokhoven A, El-Hayek A, Froehlich J, Pontari MA, Zurakowski D, Lee RS, Moses MA. Association of Longitudinal Changes in Symptoms and Urinary Biomarkers in Patients with Urological Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A MAPP Research Network Study. J Urol. 2021 Feb;205(2):514-523. PMID: 33026902; PMCID: PMC8139408. *equal contribution

Li H, Kostel SA, DiMartino SE, Hashemi Gheinani A, Froehlich JW, Lee RS. Uromodulin Isolation and Its N-Glycosylation Analysis by NanoLC-MS/MS. J Proteome Res. 2021 Mar 2. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c01053. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33650863.

Vitko D, McQuaid JW, Gheinani AH, Hasegawa K, DiMartino S, Davis KH, Chung CY, Petrosino JF, Adam RM, Mansbach JM, Lee RS. Urinary Tract Infections in Children with Vesicoureteral Reflux Are Accompanied by Alterations in Urinary Microbiota and Metabolome Profiles. Eur Urol. 2021 Sep 17:S0302-2838(21)01990-4. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2021.08.022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34538688.

Yang W, Ramachandran A, You S, Jeong H-B, Morley S, Mulone MD, Logvinenko T, Kim J, Hwang D, Freeman MR and Adam RM. (2014) Integration of proteomic and transcriptomic profiles identifies a novel PDGFMYC network in human smooth muscle cells. Cell Comm Signal 12 (1): 44.

Gheinani AH, Kock I, Vasquez E, Baumgartner U, Bigger-Allen A, Sack BS, Burkhard FC, Adam RM and Monastyrskaya K (2018) Concordant miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in humans and mice with bladder outlet obstruction. Am J Clin Exp Urol 6(6): 219-233.

Hashemi Gheinani A, Bigger-Allen A, Wacker A and Adam RM. (2020) Systems analysis of benign bladder disorders: insights from omics analysis. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 318(4): F901-F910.

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Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research, Postdoctoral

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