ICGEB Arturo Falaschi Fellowship Programs in Life Sciences

The ICGEB Arturo Falaschi scholarship programs , named in memory of Professor Arturo Falaschi, the spirit and the driving force behind the creation of the Center, include five types of long and short-term programs  Doctorate and postdoctoral scholarships offered to scientists nationals of  Member States  of the  ICGEB  for research in Trieste, New Delhi and Cape Town. The ICGEB manages other joint scholarship programs with India and China.


Closing date for applications: March 31, 2020

The ICGEB offers postgraduate studies with the aim of obtaining the “Doctor Philosophiae” (PhD) diploma in life sciences. Thanks to specific agreements, the title can be awarded through a number of internationally renowned academic institutions, including the   Open University (UK)   and the   International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)   in Trieste, in Italy,   Jawaharlal Nehru University   in New Delhi and the   University of Cape Town   in South Africa.

The structure of the three-year doctoral course includes intensive laboratory research activities, participation in seminars and communication training during Journal Club sessions, symposia and international meetings.


Closing dates for applications: MARCH 31 and SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

The ICGEB offers competitive postdoctoral fellowships in the life sciences to highly motivated scientists who wish to pursue postdoctoral research in a world-class scientific environment. The scholarships consist of a very competitive package including an allowance, health insurance and additional benefits. Top performers will also be eligible to apply for   ICGEB early career research grants to support their own research programs as young PIs upon their return to an   ICGEB member state .


Closing dates for applications: MARCH 31 and SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

In the ICGEB laboratories: the  ICGEB offers short-term fellowships for pre-doctoral studies in the laboratories of the ICGEB component to  finance collaborative research in progress  between scientists from ICGEB member states and research groups from ICGEB laboratories in Trieste, Italy, New Delhi, India and Cape Town, South Africa, with the aim of facilitating access to the latest research techniques and strengthening the strengthening of capabilities.


Closing dates for applications: MARCH 31 and SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

In the ICGEB laboratories: the  ICGEB offers short-term fellowships for postdoctoral studies in the laboratories of the ICGEB component in order to  finance the collaborative research in progress  between scientists from ICGEB member states and research groups from ICGEB laboratories in Trieste, Italy, New Delhi, India and Cape Town, South Africa, with the aim of facilitating access to the latest research techniques and strengthening the strengthening of capabilities.


Closing dates for applications: MARCH 31 and SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

In member states: scientific mobility for advanced research training (SMART):  the SMART ICGEB fellowship program promotes the mobility of researchers between   ICGEB member states in  order to improve skills development, acquisition of ‘specific practical training in new technologies and the strengthening of bilateral cooperation in the field of science and technology, and should clearly demonstrate a strong collaboration between the two laboratories.


Annual call:  MARCH MAY

In New Delhi:   this program is carried out in three parts: molecular medicine, plant biology and integrative biology. Admissions are offered on the basis of performance on the written exam and interviews conducted at ICGEB New Delhi.


Application deadlines: MARCH 31 and SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

IFP offers competitive short-term grants in the life sciences to highly motivated scientists from ICGEB member states who wish to pursue postgraduate research in China.

The medjouel.com team informs you that the program supports the mobility of researchers to prestigious Chinese laboratories for a period of 6 or 12 months, in order to benefit from the expertise and technologies available in the host laboratories. The IFP call is managed by the Chinese National Center for Biotechnology Development (CNCBD), with the support of the ICGEB.

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