What is the best and worst time of day to eat fruit?

01  /8 Know the best and the worst time to eat fruit

The fruits are one of the healthiest foods for our bodies. Besides being the healthiest, they are surrounded by many myths about when and how to eat them. Doctors always recommend having seasonal fruit every day, just like your other meals.

In our previous fruit article we talked about the right way to eat fruit and today in this article we will tell you the right time when you should eat it.

There are many studies that tell us about the positive and negative effects of having fruits , and how they depend on when we consume them. And yes , it is.

02  /8 What is the best time?

The fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, which may be a better time than the morning and have to get all their nutrients.

03/8 Matin

Morning is considered to be the best time to consume fruit because the digestive system quickly breaks down the sugar in fruit and provides our body with all the nutrients.

04/8 As snacks

The fruit can be one of the best snacks.

When eaten as a snack, they keep you from eating junk food. It can help you lose weight.

05/8 Snacks before and after training

Having fruit before a workout can provide the body with instant energy to perform the workout. The central energy that are the fruit can provide healthy nutrients for a workout.

After a workout, your body loses its energy and there can be no better snack than fruit to get that instant energy. Low in calories, high in minerals and fiber, fruits help you get the nutrients your body needs .

06  /8 The worst time to eat fruit

Right Before Sleeping: Having fruit right before going to sleep is not a good idea, in fact it is the worst. It can increase blood sugar levels, which can keep you awake. It is also recommended dinner at least two hours before sleep, for eating meals near the hour of sleep can lead to indigestion, like fruit .

07  /8 Just after and before meals

It is said that a 30-minute interval should be maintained between your fruit consumption and meals. If consumed right after or right before meals, it can lead to indigestion and your body will not get all of the essential nutrients.

The patients with diabetes must wait at least one hour before and two hours after a meal to have fruit .

08  /8 With meals

Having fruit with other meals can slow down the digestion process, which means that the fruit stays in the stomach longer, which can also lead to its fermentation. The fruits are rich in fiber which anyway are digested slowly and have them with a meal slows even the process.

Author: jeunes

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