Tag Archives: Mystere

An epidemic every 100 years: Plague of 1720, cholera of 1820, Spanish flu of 1920, coronavirus of 2020

Every hundred years, there seems to be a great pandemic, plague 1720, cholera epidemic 1820 and Spanish flu 1920. The pandemics mentioned above seem to follow the same pattern as the current viral epidemic in China. But history has really repeated itself, was this virus deliberately spread by an organization? Below, …

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10 places on earth that no one is allowed to visit

1- North Sentinel Island The sentinel tribe of the northern island of Centenel would have existed for 60,000 years, and it is one of the last societies in the world still completely isolated from external societies. In 2006, a boat of two fishermen drifted into the shallow waters of the northern …

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Vivre sans dormir: mythe ou réalité future?

Methods and conditions differ, but all animal species rest in one way or another. Standing, sitting, lying, flying, even underwater. Human beings often feel the need for it and generally suffer from the slightest reduction in their sleep quota. Total deprivation can cost him his life. Strangely, some people don’t …

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Il y a des millions d’années, un homme qui porte des chaussures a marché sur un trilobite.

Dans Au-delà de la science, Epoch Times explore les recherches et les récits examinant les phénomènes et les théories qui posent un défi aux connaissances actuelles. Nous nous penchons sur les idées stimulant l’imagination et ouvrant de nouvelles possibilités. Partagez vos idées avec nous sur ces sujets, parfois controversés. Il y a …

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Mystère de la bague de Salomon, “Sulayman”

Salomon, fils de David et de Bethsabée, est un roi d’Israël selon la Bible hébraïque (de 970 à 931 av. J.-C. selon la chronologie biblique usuelle). Sa sagesse et sa justice firent de lui le roi le plus sage et juste de l’Ancien Testament. Il fait construire le premier Temple …

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