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Bénin CARE International recruits 01 Chief of Party

I. Application Context CARE International is a humanitarian organization fighting poverty and social injustice. At CARE International, we seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and where people live in dignity and security. CARE International has an excellent reputation for its seriousness and …

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France terre d’asile recrute 01 Conseiller (e) en insertion chargé(e) du FLE

Organisation laïque, exerçant des missions de service public, France terre d’asile est une association loi 1901, fondée en décembre 1970 qui assure la promotion des droits humains et la prise en charge des personnes en besoin de protection : demandeurs d’asile, réfugiés, mineurs isolés étrangers. Association leader sur le secteur de …

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COOPI Nigeria recruits 01 Coordination Assistant

COOPI started its operations in North-East Nigeria in July 2014 to carry out a rapid evaluation of the most relevant constraints suffered by the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) displaced by the food crisis and the Boko Haram insurgency in the Lake Chad Basin. COOPI’s aim is to support the most …

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