ENRICH-TOGETHER: Postdoctoral Research Opportunity in the Field of “Green and Blue Transition” at METU

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Research Field
Funding Type
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
European Research Programme


ENRICH-TOGETHER – Enriching the Green and Blue Transition Research and Training Network by Working Together through the New European Research Area” is a 5-year project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND Programme with the Grant Agreement No. 101081645 and TÜBİTAK, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye, with the Grant Agreement No. 123C213.

Who? Highly motivated and excellent post-doctoral researchers of any gender, age, ethnic group, national or social origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, language, disability, political opinion, and social or economic condition from all over the world can apply as long as they fulfill the eligibility criteria.

To be eligible: 1) Applicants must be in possession of a doctoral degree or must have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree at the deadline of the call. 2) Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Türkiye for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.

What? ENRICH-TOGETHER bridges Green Deal and Blue Growth under an all-encompassing theme of Green and Blue Transition. Drawing on the strategy of the EC to fully embed the blue economy into the Green Deal, ENRICH-TOGETHER underpins not only multiple EC priorities and Missions but also almost all of 17 SGDs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN. As such, the research theme of ENRICH-TOGETHER does not only encourage excelling socially responsible research on global urgencies but also provides researchers a complete freedom of choice with its comprehensive theme intersecting almost all disciplines.

Through ENRICH-TOGETHER, we seek to support independent post-doctoral researchers and their innovative and interdisciplinary research ideas under the umbrella theme of Green and Blue Transition. The open call invites submission of research proposals from post-doctoral researchers who are interested in a research and training experience of the highest international standards under the encompassing theme of Green and Blue Transition cross-cutting almost all disciplines, ranging from philosophy, international relations and economy to civil engineering, physics and marine sciences.

ENRICH-TOGETHER will offer researchers the opportunity to boost their career prospects by:

  • having access to scientific and infrastructural opportunities to conduct innovative and interdisciplinary research by coupling with one of 60+ highly esteemed academics from METU;
  • adding international and intersectoral dimensions to their research with the option of 1-6 month-long secondments in academic and non-academic institutions;
  • following a tailor-made training composed of advanced scientific training as well as transferrable skills.

Why? We will offer a 12-24 month full-time employment contract with full social security coverage to 10 highly-motivated and excellent post-doctoral researchers. Following MSCA standards, the monthly gross salary, which includes all mandatory tax and social security contributions, will be € 3,980. Researchers will also have access to a research allowance of € 500 per month to cover their research, travel and advanced scientific training expenses.

How? Applicants have to independently develop a project proposal, identify a supervisor and if applicable specify a secondment institution. Candidates are strongly encouraged to incorporate secondments of 1-6 months into their research proposals. Secondments are optional but considered as an asset to create additional benefits for the fellow, in terms of knowledge transfer and enhancement of research skills and professional expertise.

Application documents to be submitted: Research Proposal, CV, Ethics and Security Tables, Identity Proof, Ph.D. Diploma/Certificate (in English), Letter of Commitment from Secondment Institution (if necessary).

Only application documents filled out in English and submitted online via the application system will be accepted.

For further details please visit proje website at: https://enrichtogether.metu.edu.tr/

When? The brief timeline of the call is presented below:

               Submission Deadline                                     April 16, 2024, 13:00 GMT (UK Time)

               Notifications of Acceptance and Rejection    September 2024

               Relocation and Start of Position                    by January-February 2025

Where? Depending on the selected supervisor, researchers will be based in:

               Ankara, Türkiye: @ METU or METU-GÜNAM

               Erdemli-Mersin, Türkiye: @ METU Institute of Marine Sciences

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral

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