Job Archives

Université du Mans
Domaine de recherche
Informatique » Autre
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
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À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Emplacement. Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Mans (LIUM), 20 Avenue René Laennec, 72000 Le Mans, FRANCE Superviseurs. Emmanuel G. BLANCHARD, Sébastien GEORGE Langue. La maîtrise du français ou de l'anglais est obligatoire. Durée. 36 mois (durée typique d'un doctorat français) Financement  : Le financement de cette thèse est confirmé à 99% (soit exclusivement par Le Mans Université, soit partagé entre Le Mans Université et la région Pays de Loire).
Mots clés. Internet des objets, apprentissage amélioré par la technologie, intelligence artificielle dans l'éducation, villages intelligents, informatique cognitive, développement durable, informatique frugale.   Résumé. L'Internet des objets (IoT) génère de nouvelles opportunités sociétales, telles que les concepts évolutifs de Smart City et d'Industrie 4.0. En outre, les derniers développements en matière d’intelligence artificielle créent de nouvelles opportunités et de nouveaux défis dans de nombreux domaines.
La recherche en apprentissage amélioré par la technologie (TEL) et en intelligence artificielle dans l’éducation (AIED) commence à réfléchir aux moyens d’interfacer ces deux domaines innovants. Les exemples incluent les concepts d'Éducation 4.0 (Gueye & Expósito, 2022), d'apprentissage omniprésent (Shuib et al., 2015) ou d'apprentissage omniprésent (Cardenàs-Robledo & Peña-Ayala, 2018). Cependant, ces investigations ont principalement été menées dans des écosystèmes dotés d'infrastructures technologiques bien établies et performantes (disponibilité de réseaux et d'objets connectés dans les villes, les entreprises et les bâtiments). En conséquence, de nombreux besoins et opportunités d'enseignement et de formation ne sont pas pris en compte actuellement dans des contextes dotés d'infrastructures moins matures (par exemple, couverture réseau limitée, réseaux de capteurs limités ou inexistants). Par conséquent, cette thèse vise à (i) explorer les défis et les besoins en formation dans des contextes technologiques contraints, et (ii) développer des solutions basées sur l'IA et l'IoT pour fournir des services d'éducation et de formation pertinents dans de tels environnements. Cet effort s'appuiera sur des concepts connexes tels que la cognition distribuée, l'edge computing, l'apprentissage automatique, les ontologies formelles, l'intelligence artificielle débranchée, l'informatique frugale... Les Smart Villages (version rurale de la Smart City) et le Smart Farming (agriculture intelligente) sont les domaines d'application attendus pour cette thèse. Nous espérons que ses contributions ouvriront de nouvelles perspectives pour aborder les enjeux du développement durable en proposant des méthodes de formation innovantes et adaptées au contexte pour les professionnels ruraux et agricoles, tout en sensibilisant le public aux enjeux écologiques de ces milieux. En cas de résultats positifs dans les domaines d’application précités, les travaux de cette thèse pourraient être étendus à d’autres domaines de recherche comme les technologies éducatives culturellement sensibles (Blanchard, 2015).

Les références

Blanchard, EG (2015). Déséquilibres socioculturels dans la recherche AIED : enquêtes, implications et opportunités. Revue internationale de l'intelligence artificielle dans l'éducation, 25, pp. 204-228.

Cárdenas-Robledo, LA, Peña-Ayala, A. (2018). Apprentissage omniprésent : une revue systématique. Télématique et informatique, 35(5), pp. 1097-1132.

Gueye, ML, Expósito, E. (2022). Éducation 4.0 : Proposition d'un modèle de gestion autonome des processus d'apprentissage. Informatique orientée services – Ateliers ICSOC 2022 – AI-PA, ASOCA, FMCIoT, WESOACS et événements satellites, Séville, Espagne.

Shuib, L., Shamshirband, S., Hafiz Ismail, M. (2015). Un examen de l'apprentissage omniprésent sur mobile : applications et problèmes. Les ordinateurs dans le comportement humain, 46, pp. 239-244.

Profil du candidat.   Le candidat doit être motivé, dynamique et détenir une maîtrise en informatique (ou un domaine connexe avec des compétences démontrées en informatique). Considérant que cette thèse s'inscrit dans des domaines interdisciplinaires (TEL, AIED, Cognitive Computing), l'intérêt du candidat pour une ou plusieurs disciplines issues des Humanités sera apprécié, sans que ce critère impose une formation a priori.

Application. La candidature doit comprendre les éléments suivants : (i) un CV, (ii) une lettre de motivation, (iii) une description de votre diplôme de maîtrise et un document officiel démontrant les notes obtenues dans les cours, et (iv) une ou plusieurs lettres de motivation. recommandation. Les documents doivent être rédigés en français ou en anglais.

Il est recommandé de déposer votre candidature via le site de l'école doctorale MASTIC : . Alternativement, vous pouvez soumettre votre candidature par email à avec l'objet suivant : Candidature IOT+AIED . Les candidatures seront traitées sur une base continue. La date limite de candidature est le 15 mai 2024.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةInformatique, Doctorat

Organisation/Entreprise Université du Mans Domaine de recherche Informatique » Autre Profil de chercheur Chercheur de première étape (R1) Pays France Date limite d’inscription 15 mai 2024 &#...View more

Institut d'Electronique, Microélectronique et Nanotechnologie
Domaine de recherche
Physique » Physique appliquée
Physique » Acoustique
Physique » Electromagnétisme
Physique » Physique du solide
Physique » Optique
Technologie » Micro-technologie
Technologie » Nanotechnologie
Ingénierie » Microingénierie
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Poste de doctorat ouvert : Détection quantique utilisant des résonateurs magnétoacoustiques

Au cours de la dernière décennie, les défauts à l'état solide du diamant, tels que les centres Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV), sont devenus de sérieux concurrents dans les applications de détection quantique, en raison de leur robustesse, de leurs longs temps de cohérence et, plus particulièrement, de leur très haute sensibilité aux champs magnétiques. . D’autre part, les capteurs à ondes acoustiques de surface (SAW) ont démontré leur utilité dans un large éventail d’applications de détection, offrant une solution compacte, multiphysique (déformation, température, pression,…) et robuste, bien qu’encore loin du potentiel des capteurs quantiques. capteurs en termes de sensibilité et de résolution. Combler le fossé entre les capteurs SAW classiques actuels et les capteurs quantiques réside dans le développement d’une transduction efficace et intégrée. L'objectif de cette thèse est ainsi d'étendre l'utilisation des capacités de détection quantique des centres NV en utilisant le couplage multiphysique dans les résonateurs magnétoacoustiques .

Le premier objectif de la thèse réside dans l'intégration technologique de résonateurs magnétoacoustiques (SAW et couches minces magnétoélastiques) à structures de diamant contenant des défauts à position et densité contrôlées, réalisés et caractérisés en collaboration avec le LSPM (Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux). et l'IRCP (Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris). Les dispositifs obtenus seront ensuite caractérisés à l'aide d'un banc de mesure dédié, développé au cours de la thèse, afin de montrer le contrôle cohérent de l'état quantique de centres NV uniques. Le contrôle magnétoacoustique intégré des centres NV n'a pas encore été mis en œuvre et constitue une étape majeure vers la substitution des technologies RF, inadaptées à la miniaturisation et à la métrologie à l'échelle nanométrique.

Le deuxième objectif réside dans le développement et la caractérisation de capteurs multiphysiques basés sur cette technologie. Des études théoriques, corroborées par des résultats expérimentaux préliminaires, ont montré que les dispositifs hybrides permettent d'atteindre des sensibilités records dans la mesure des forces, de la température et du champ électrique à l'échelle nanométrique. Le sujet de thèse vise à dépasser ces propositions en utilisant des fréquences plus élevées et du feedback pour diverses applications potentielles en métrologie : mesure des forces lors du repliement des protéines ou de l'étirement de l'ADN, détection de charges électriques uniques à petite échelle, thermométrie des nanoparticules…

Cette thèse s'appuie sur les compétences de l'équipe AIMAN de l'IEMN en simulation, conception, réalisation et caractérisation de dispositifs magnétoacoustiques (double expertise en acoustique et nanostructures magnétoélastiques) et sur une collaboration avec deux laboratoires leaders dans la réalisation de diamant dopé : le LSPM ( pour la synthèse, le dopage en volume et l'intégration) et l'IRCP (pour la création de défauts uniques contrôlés en position). Par ailleurs, le LSPM héberge l'EQUIPEX+ e-DIAMANT, dédié aux technologies basées sur les centres NV.

Financement : Centrale Lille Institut / Région Hauts-de-France

Pour postuler, merci d'adresser un e-mail à en précisant :

  • Une copie de votre pièce d'identité ou de votre passeport
  • Un CV mis à jour
  • Une lettre de motivation signée et datée (min. 1 page)
  • Un relevé de notes du BAC (pour les candidats français uniquement)
  • Relevé de notes officiel des 3 dernières années d'études
  • Copie de vos diplômes (la traduction française doit être certifiée conforme par un bureau consulaire)
  • Au moins 2 lettres de recommandation
  • Copie de vos travaux personnels (rapports de stage, expériences professionnelles, contrats de travail, etc...)

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPhysique, Doctorat

Organisation/Entreprise Institut d’Electronique, Microélectronique et Nanotechnologie Domaine de recherche Physique » Physique appliquée Physique » Acoustique Physique » Electromagnétisme ...View more

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Géochimie aquatique
Domaine de recherche
Sciences de l'environnement » Sciences de la Terre
Sciences agricoles » Sciences du sol
Chimie » Chimie analytique
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Titre du sujet : Impact de la dégradation de la matière organique sur la dynamique des éléments traces dans les sols agricoles
Référent :                       MARSAC Rémi, CR CNRS HDR, Co-encadrants :      JANOT Noémie, CR INRAE,                                       SIVRY Yann, McF IPGP HDR, Laboratoire d'accueil/Equipe :           IPGP - Equipe ACE – UMR 7154                               INRAE ​​– ISPA – UMR 1391 Financement : Cofinancement ANR-INRAE   Présentation du sujet : Contexte Les terres cultivées contiennent des métaux traces (TM : Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) qui, s'ils sont trop abondants, constituent des contaminants problématiques tant pour la sécurité sanitaire des produits récoltés que pour l'écosystème environnant. L'application répétée d'amendements organiques contenant des quantités variables de TM peut conduire à une accumulation inquiétante de ces éléments dans le temps si les quantités appliquées sont supérieures aux pertes par lessivage ou absorption par les cultures. Dans un contexte où le recyclage des déchets organiques (DPO) en agriculture est fortement encouragé, il existe un fort besoin de comprendre si cette pratique vertueuse ne présente pas de risques sanitaires et environnementaux. L'ajout de matière organique fraîche (MO), à la fois en phase solide (MOS) et sous forme colloïdale et dissoute dans la solution du sol (MOD), provoque une modification de la spéciation et de la distribution en solution solide des MT, ce qui est susceptible de changent avec le temps à mesure que les amendements du sol se dégradent. Prédire l'évolution de la disponibilité des TM dans un sol est aujourd'hui un défi scientifique, notamment dans le contexte de l'épandage des PRO, notamment en raison de la difficulté d'estimer expérimentalement la spéciation des TM, tant en phase solide qu'en solution, et de prédire la dynamique de leur présence. flux entre les différentes phases du sol. La construction d'un modèle basé sur des processus physico-chimiques prenant en compte l'évolution de la réactivité des DOM/SOM envers les TM au cours du temps, permettrait de prédire la disponibilité à long terme de ces TM. Cette problématique répond à des enjeux socio-économiques majeurs, notamment les Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) 2.4 « Agriculture efficace et résiliente » et 3.9 « Santé et environnement » de l’ONU. Cependant, à l’heure actuelle, les paramètres génériques des modèles de spéciation calibrés sur des substances humiques purifiées ne fournissent pas une description précise des observations réalisées sur des échantillons naturels.   Objectifs Les travaux seront réalisés principalement sur des échantillons de sols du site QualiAgro (SOERE-PRO) de l'IR AnaEE-France ayant reçu des demandes de PTO depuis 1998 à raison d'une demande tous les 2 ans. Les TM étudiés seront le Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb et Zn, choisis en raison de leur affinité pour la MO et/ou de leur abondance dans les PRO et les sols.   La question centrale de ce projet de recherche est la suivante : Comment les modifications des propriétés physico-chimiques de la matière organique des sols agricoles amendés par des déchets organiques affectent-elles la disponibilité des MT à court et à long terme ?   L'originalité de ce projet de thèse réside dans la combinaison de méthodes spectroscopiques, isotopiques et analytiques de pointe, ainsi que de modélisation géochimique, pour étudier la dynamique de la DOM, en particulier le compartiment colloïdal, et déterminer la structure-réactivité. liens des complexes TM-DOM, par : (i) quantifier le pool de TM libres en solution, ainsi que leur spéciation rédox (pour Cu), et pas seulement la répartition en solution solide et les concentrations totales dissoutes ; (ii) utiliser les propriétés optiques du DOM pour caractériser les changements de son affinité pour les TM au cours de la dégradation (en termes de densité de sites réactifs et de constantes d'affinité) via des titrages spectrophotométriques ; (iii) sur la phase solide, en caractérisant les différentes phases portantes des TM dans les sols et les PRO, directement par spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X (XAS) mais également en caractérisant l'évolution de la fraction mobile des TM par cinétique d'échange isotopique (IEK). L'objectif est de mettre en œuvre ces observations expérimentales dans un modèle numérique. Le couplage de ces deux approches permettra de paramétrer des modèles de complexation TM-OM sur des échantillons naturels. Ainsi, une approche de modélisation sera construite basée sur des processus pour comprendre comment la spéciation des TM évolue dans le temps en relation avec la dynamique de la MO, et pour savoir lesquels des changements dans les propriétés de la MO ou dans les propriétés physico-chimiques Les conditions sont le facteur majeur de l’évolution de la disponibilité. Cette modélisation mécaniste de la spéciation des MT dans le sol est nécessaire pour caractériser et prédire le risque associé à ces pratiques agricoles.   Profil du candidat Formation scientifique de niveau Master 2 ou diplôme d'ingénieur en géosciences, (géo)chimie de l'environnement. Des compétences en chimie analytique/géochimie et/ou modélisation seraient un avantage. Le candidat rejoindra l'équipe ACE à l'IPGP (Paris) pour 18 à 24 mois, puis à l'UMR ISPA (INRAE ​​Bordeaux) pour les 12 à 18 mois suivants. Le dossier de candidature à adresser avant le 17 mai à 00h00 à l'équipe d'encadrement est constitué d'un CV détaillé et d'une lettre de motivation, à compléter des relevés de notes de licence, de master (ou diplôme équivalent), comprenant le classement et nombre de diplômés, ainsi qu'une ou deux lettres de recommandation. Les candidats présélectionnés défendront le sujet et leur profil scientifique en juin 2024 devant un jury de l'École Doctorale STEP'UP.


Domaine de recherche
Sciences de l'environnement » Sciences de la Terre
niveau d'éducation
Master ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences agricoles » Sciences du sol
niveau d'éducation
Master ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Chimie » Chimie analytique
niveau d'éducation
Master ou équivalent
Formation scientifique de niveau Master 2 ou diplôme d'ingénieur en géosciences, (géo)chimie de l'environnement. Des compétences en chimie analytique/géochimie et/ou modélisation seraient un avantage.

Informations Complémentaires

Processus de sélection
Le dossier de candidature à adresser avant le 17 mai à 00h00 à l'équipe d'encadrement est constitué d'un CV détaillé et d'une lettre de motivation, à compléter des relevés de notes de licence, de master (ou diplôme équivalent), comprenant le classement et nombre de diplômés, ainsi qu'une ou deux lettres de recommandation. Les candidats présélectionnés défendront le sujet et leur profil scientifique en juin 2024 devant un jury de l'École Doctorale STEP'UP.
Commentaires supplémentaires

Le candidat rejoindra l'équipe ACE à l'IPGP (Paris) pour 18 à 24 mois, puis à l'UMR ISPA (INRAE ​​Bordeaux) pour les 12 à 18 mois suivants.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

Organisation/Entreprise Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Département Géochimie aquatique Domaine de recherche Sciences de l’environnement » Sciences de la Terre Sciences agricoles » Sc...View more

Meet Zuckerman New Postdoctoral Scholar

Ellie is a behavioral ecologist and evolutionary biologist interested in the interaction between human-caused environmental change and wildlife response, particularly birds in the built environment. For her post-doc, Ellie is working in collaboration with Uri Roll and Prof. Oded Berger-Tal  on how the built environment is affecting species interactions and behavior, particularly between the Tristram’s starlings, hooded crows, and invasive common mynas. I will be using the ATLAS network to obtain fine-scale movement data across the Negev landscape.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Meet Zuckerman New Postdoctoral Scholar Ellie is a behavioral ecologist and evolutionary biologist interested in the interaction between human-caused environmental change and wildlife response, partic...View more

Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale
Domaine de recherche
La physique
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur de première étape (R1)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Le doctorant sera membre du laboratoire et aura accès à ses ressources. Les financements mis à disposition des deux encadrants (dont le projet ANR Verigraph) couvriront les tâches du doctorant, ainsi que tout matériel informatique nécessaire au bon déroulement de la thèse. Langages de requête pour l'analyse de graphiques. Les bases de données relationnelles sont devenues l'épine dorsale de notre infrastructure informatique quotidienne, avec SQL figurant parmi les 5 langages les plus courants et un paysage de 65 milliards de dollars par an dominé par les géants de l'industrie. Cette domination a été contestée à plusieurs reprises, notamment au cours de la dernière décennie par les bases de données graphiques. Ils gèrent les données telles qu'elles sont perçues conceptuellement, ce qui les rend faciles à utiliser par les développeurs. Le modèle de base de données graphique dominant dans l'industrie est celui des Property Graphs (PG), qui devrait connaître une croissance rapide et être utilisé dans plus de 80 % des tâches d'analyse de données. Le domaine comprend Neo4j (actuel leader du marché) avec son langage Cypher, et de nombreux noms connus (Oracle, Amazon, IBM, Redis, SAP). Le nouveau paysage a également contraint les grands acteurs industriels à normaliser un nouveau langage pour les données graphiques (connu sous le nom de GQL ; version 1 à paraître en 2024), à l'instar de SQL devenu le langage des bases de données relationnelles il y a environ 35 ans. Dans ce scénario, le plus grand débat est de savoir si des représentations graphiques natives des PG sont nécessaires ou si des bases de données relationnelles peuvent les interroger. Cette dernière approche est celle de langages tels que SQL/PGQ (version 1 publiée en 2023), ajoutant les requêtes PG à SQL, Datalog (ses implémentations de pointe telles que Soufflé [3]) et des alternatives SQL modernes et puissantes, telles que Rel. . Une grande partie de la recherche de la communauté universitaire continue de se concentrer sur les bases de données de graphes natives, laissant un énorme vide dans la recherche indispensable sur des applications pratiques déjà en cours, avec peu de bases scientifiques derrière elles. Il est donc urgent de comprendre les fondements des modèles et des langages d’interrogation relationnelle des PG, pour disposer d’une base théorique solide sur cet aspect, bientôt dominant, de la gestion des données graphiques. Cette thèse abordera en particulier la question cruciale de l’introduction de l’analyse de graphes dans les langages pour les PG. L'analyse graphique, cruciale dans de nombreuses charges de ML et applications industrielles, est centrée sur des tâches telles que la recherche de chemin, la centralité et la détection de communauté [4]. Ils ne sont pas correctement pris en charge par les langages de requête de graphes basés principalement sur la correspondance de modèles pour la recherche de chemin, obligeant les fournisseurs à fournir des extensions telles que GDS dans Neo4j et MAGE dans Memgraph pour combler le fossé. Cependant, il est bien plus intéressant de fusionner les requêtes et les analyses dans un seul langage. Une direction théorique prometteuse consiste à ajouter des points fixes à la récursivité et à la correspondance de modèles [2]. Dans l'industrie, les langages graphiques visent à atteindre le même objectif en utilisant la récursion pour différents types de représentations graphiques (le langage Rel mentionné ci-dessus), ou une puissante combinaison d'agrégation et de récursivité (SQL/PGQ [1]) pour capturer de nombreux algorithmes graphiques. Le principal défi est de trouver l’équilibre entre l’expressivité du langage, sa complexité théorique et pratique et le degré d’utilisabilité dans l’analyse graphique. Nous envisageons d'étudier cet équilibre sur différents langages (SQL, extension PGQ, Rel, etc.). Pour SQL, cela signifie étudier des éléments qui échappaient jusqu'alors à l'attention des théoriciens tout en étant largement utilisés dans la pratique (par exemple, les agrégations complexes via les fonctions de fenêtre). De même, lorsque nous traitons de langages complets de Turing, nous devons nous concentrer sur des restrictions syntaxiques à la fois correctes et expressives. Nous irons au-delà des investigations théoriques et expérimentales et rendrons nos résultats applicables à la fois aux produits industriels et aux nouvelles normes graphiques. [1] A.Deutsch et al. Correspondance de modèles de graphiques dans GQL et SQL/PGQ. Dans SIGMOD, 2022. [2] A. Hogan, JLReutter et A. Soto. Analyse graphique dans la base de données avec SPARQL récursif. Dans ISWC, novembre 2020. [3] H. Jordan, B. Scholz et P. Subotic. Soufflé : Sur la synthèse des analyseurs de programmes. Dans CAV, pages 422 à 430. Springer, 2016. [4] M. Needham et A. Hodler. Algorithmes graphiques : exemples pratiques dans Apache Spark et Neo4j. 2019.


Domaine de recherche
La physique
niveau d'éducation
Master ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
La physique
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4

Informations Complémentaires

Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPhysique, Doctorat

Organisation/Entreprise CNRS Département Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale Domaine de recherche La physique Profil de chercheur Chercheur de première étape (R1) Pays France Date li...View more

Institut de biologie de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
Profil de chercheur
Chercheur reconnu (R2)
Date limite d'inscription
Type de contrat
Statut du travail
À temps plein
Heures par semaine
Date de début de l'offre
Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
Non financé par un programme de l'UE
L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?

Description de l'offre

Étudier l'empreinte inhibitrice des interneurones du cortex cérébelleux sur le traitement de l'information sensori-motrice par la couche granulaire du cervelet et l'impact des réentrées afférentes par imagerie ultrarapide et acquisitions optiques chez des animaux comportementaux. Réaliser les expérimentations et analyses nécessaires à la réalisation du projet qui vise à évaluer le rôle des cellules de Golgi, leurs entrées et sorties lors de l'émergence et de l'apprentissage de l'adaptation posturale. Le candidat sera responsable du projet, de sa gestion et de son partage (communications intra-équipe et internationale), ainsi que de répondre aux exigences du bailleur de fonds dans les délais impartis. Il/elle effectuera les achats et installations nécessaires, participera à l'élaboration de l'analyse et transférera ces compétences aux étudiants/chercheurs/ingénieurs et techniciens si nécessaire. Réaliser le projet d'étude de l'activité des cellules de Golgi au cours du comportement afin de comprendre la fonction de la couche d'entrée cérébelleuse, à l'aide de techniques optiques, informatiques et comportementales. Le candidat aura accès à un microscope à deux photons, à une banque d'outils transgéniques et à des ordinateurs d'analyse. Le projet impliquera des expériences quotidiennes sur des périodes de 5 à 7 jours (pouvant inclure des jours de week-end).


Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4
Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
Années d'expérience en recherche
1 - 4

Informations Complémentaires

Critère d'éligibilité
Concevoir, mener, analyser et interpréter des expériences.
Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral, Sciences Biologiques

CNRS Département Institut de biologie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure Domaine de recherche Neurosciences Sciences Biologiques Profil de chercheur Chercheur reconnu (R2) Pays France Date limite d...View more

Job Description:

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

The Smith Lab in the Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology at Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa, USA) invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position to study mosquito immune cell populations to better define their contributions to host-pathogen interactions and innate immune function.

The candidate is expected to contribute to ongoing projects in the lab to develop genetic tools to examine mosquito immune cell function and their influence in arbovirus and/or malaria parasite infection. The candidate will also have freedom to develop related projects according to his/her/their research interests.

The candidate is expected to work closely with a diverse team of scientists, as well as additional collaborators, to achieve the desired project aims.

The Smith Lab ( offers a highly collaborative research environment focused on the study of mosquito-borne disease and builds on several recent publications/preprints from the laboratory:

Required Minimum Qualifications:

 PhD in molecular biology, genetics, entomology or a closely related biological discipline.

Preferred Qualifications:

  •  Demonstrated experience in molecular biology techniques and molecular cloning.
  • Experience with mosquitoes or other insect systems.
  • Previous experience in insect transgenesis, RNAi, and innate immunity will be given preference
  • Experience with insect immune cells (hemocytes)
  • Experience with arbovirus or malaria parasite infections and host-pathogen interactions.

Proposed Start Date:

July 1, 2024

Proposed End Date or Length of Term:

June 30, 2025

Number of Months Employed Per Year:

Time Type:

Full time

Application Instructions:

To apply for this position, please click on “Apply” and complete the Employment Application. Please be prepared to enter or attach the following: 1) Resume/Curriculum Vitae 2) Letter of Application/Cover Letter If you have questions regarding this application process, please email or call 515-294-4800 or Toll Free: 1-877-477-7485. Why Choose ISU? Iowa State Postdocs enjoy comprehensive health and work-life benefits, including medical and dental; as well as: • Retirement benefits including defined benefit and defined contribution plans • Generous vacation, holiday, and sick time and leave plans • Onsite childcare (Ames, Iowa) • Flexible Spending Accounts • Various voluntary benefits and discounts • Employee Assistance Program • Wellbeing Program

Original Posting Date:

April 18, 2024

Posting Close Date:

May 17, 2024

Job Requisition Number:


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral, Sciences Biologiques

Job Description: Summary of Duties and Responsibilities: The Smith Lab in the Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology at Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa, USA) invites applications...View more

About UMass Amherst

UMass Amherst, the Commonwealth's flagship campus, is a nationally ranked public research university offering a full range of undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. The University sits on nearly 1,450-acres in the scenic Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts, and offers a rich cultural environment in a bucolic setting close to major urban centers. In addition, the University is part of the Five Colleges (including Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, and Smith College), which adds to the intellectual energy of the region.

Job Summary

The postdoctoral scholar will carry out experiments to manipulate and stabilize logical qubits encoded in Josephson junction-based qubit/cavity systems under the supervision of Prof. Chen Wang.  Responsibilities include device design, micro-fabrication, microwave measurements, signal processing, and data analysis, with a division of effort tuned to the candidate’s expertise and interest.

Essential Functions

  • Design and simulate microwave circuit structures and devices.
  • Maintain and operate dilution refrigerators.
  • Write software codes to carry out quantum control experiments.
  • Assemble, calibrate, test and adjust electronic instruments.
  • Perform numerical and analytical analysis of experimental data.
  • Submit publications, present at conferences, and assist with writing grant proposals.

Other Functions

  • Work collaboratively and effectively to promote teamwork, diversity, equality and inclusiveness.
  • Work in partnership with colleagues within the CNS community and across the campus to support the Dean’s strategic priorities.
  • Perform other duties as assigned in support of the mission and goals of the College of Natural Sciences.

Minimum Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Education, Experience, Certifications, Licensure)

  • Ph.D. degree in Physics or related fields.

Preferred Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Education, Experience, Certifications, Licensure)

  • Prior experience is one or more areas related to superconducting qubits or quantum error correction, experimental or theoretical, such as quantum error correction codes, low-temperature transport, microwave electronics, nano-fabrication, and quantum control techniques.

Physical Demands/Working Conditions

  • Must be able to lift up to 40 pounds.
  • Typical laboratory and office environment.

Work Schedule

  • Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm.

Salary Information

Special Instructions to Applicants

Along with the application, please submit a CV and arrange for one (1) letter of reference to be submitted before the closing date. Applications should be submitted before May 10, 2024 (11.59pmET).

As part of a commitment to their own multicultural community, CNS seeks an individual with a demonstrated commitment to diversity and one who will understand and embrace university initiatives and aspirations. ( )

UMass Amherst is committed to a policy of equal opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, caste, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, disability, political belief or affiliation, pregnancy and pregnancy-related condition(s), veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, natural and protective hairstyle and any other class of individuals protected from discrimination in employment, admission to and participation in academic programs, activities, and services, and the selection of vendors who provide services or products to the University.  To fulfill that policy, UMass Amherst is further committed to a program of affirmative action to eliminate or mitigate artificial barriers and to increase opportunities for the recruitment and advancement of qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans.  It is the policy of UMass Amherst to comply with the applicable federal and state statutes, rules, and regulations concerning equal opportunity and affirmative action.

Advertised:Apr 19 2024 Eastern Daylight Time Applications close:Jul 21 2024 Eastern Daylight Time

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

About UMass Amherst UMass Amherst, the Commonwealth’s flagship campus, is a nationally ranked public research university offering a full range of undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees...View more

Postdoctoral Research Associate I - III (Multiple Positions) Tucson, AZ, United States |

Postdoctoral Research Associate I - III (Multiple Positions)
Posting Number req19313
Department Surgery
Department Website Link
Location University of Arizona Health Sciences
Address Tucson, AZ USA
Position Highlights The Department of Surgery at the University of Arizona is seeking highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associates. The ideal candidates will possess a doctoral degree (PhD or MD) and have experience with publications. In addition to their own project/experimental procedures, the Postdoctoral Research Associate is required to work with other lab members and assist with their own projects. The primary purpose of this appointment is to engage in advanced research training. The Postdoctoral Research Associates will focus on contributing to the research initiatives of the department under the principal investigator/mentor's mentorship and interaction with collaborators. Outstanding UA benefits include health, dental, vision, and life insurance; paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays; UA/ASU/NAU tuition reduction for the employee and qualified family members; access to UA recreation and cultural activities; and more! The University of Arizona has been recognized for our innovative work-life programs. For more information about working at the University of Arizona and relocations services, please click here .
Duties & Responsibilities
  • Develop research projects and perform experiments within the Department of Surgery.
  • Train and supervise intern, undergraduate, medical, and graduate student lab members.
  • Work as a member of the principal investigator's research team and contribute novel hypotheses, ideas, and develop novel methodologies.
  • Contribute and participate in the authorship of research publications and presentations.
  • Collect, analyze and graph data, conclude research projects in a timely manner, write reports, and manuscripts.
  • Engage in career development activities, apply for dedicated funding and contribute to lab-based grant proposals.
Minimum Qualifications
  • PhD or MD conferred by the start date and 0-3 years of experience at Postdoc rank.
Preferred Qualifications
FLSA Exempt
Full Time/Part Time Full Time
Number of Hours Worked per Week 40
Job FTE 1.0
Work Calendar Fiscal
Job Category Research
Benefits Eligible Yes - Full Benefits
Rate of Pay DOE
Compensation Type salary at 1.0 full-time equivalency (FTE)
Type of criminal background check required: Name-based criminal background check (non-security sensitive)
Number of Vacancies 2
Target Hire Date
Expected End Date
Contact Information for Candidates Jessica Holmgren |
Open Date 4/19/2024
Open Until Filled Yes
Documents Needed to Apply Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Special Instructions to Applicant
Diversity Statement At the University of Arizona, we value our inclusive climate because we know that diversity in experiences and perspectives is vital to advancing innovation, critical thinking, solving complex problems, and creating an inclusive academic community. As an Hispanic-serving institution, we translate these values into action by seeking individuals who have experience and expertise working with diverse students, colleagues, and constituencies. Because we seek a workforce with a wide range of perspectives and experiences, we provide equal employment opportunities to applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. As an Employer of National Service, we also welcome alumni of AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and other national service programs and others who will help us advance our Inclusive Excellence initiative aimed at creating a university that values student, staff and faculty engagement in addressing issues of diversity and inclusiveness.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Postdoctoral Research Associate I – III (Multiple Positions) Tucson, AZ, United States | Postdoctoral Research Associate I – III (Multiple Positions) Posting Number req19313 Department Sur...View more

CIRES/ ESIIL Post-Doctoral Research Scholar (Environmental Data Science) Requisition Number: 55862 Location: Boulder Colorado Employment Type: Research Faculty Schedule: Full Time Posting Close Date: Date Posted: Job Summary The Environmental Data Science Innovation and Inclusion Lab (ESIIL) within CIRES at the University of Colorado Boulder welcomes applications for four Post-Doctoral Research Scholars who are working in the field of environmental data science (EDS) to address pressing environmental challenges. ESIIL holds inclusion as a core principle and method for diversifying EDS at a time when society needs all perspectives, and science needs to serve all. ESIIL's vision is grounded in the conviction that innovation and breakthroughs in EDS will be precipitated by a diverse, collaborative, curious, and inclusive research community empowered by open data and infrastructure, cross-sector and community partnerships, team science, and engaged learning. ESIIL Post-Doctoral Research Scholars are expected to produce innovative and/or applied environmental biology research while also representing and encouraging a diverse community to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of EDS. The University of Colorado Boulder is committed to building a culturally diverse community of faculty, staff, and students dedicated to contributing to an inclusive campus environment. We are an Equal Opportunity employer, including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Who We Are At CIRES ( , more than 950 environmental science professionals work to understand the dynamic Earth system, including peoples relationship with the planet. CIRES has partnered with NOAA since 1967, and our areas of expertise include weather and climate, changes at Earths poles, air quality and atmospheric chemistry, water resources, solid Earth sciences, and more. Our vision is to be instrumental in ensuring a sustainable future environment by advancing scientific and societal understanding of the Earth system. The Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab (ESIIL) ( is an NSF-funded data synthesis center led by the University of Colorado Boulder in collaboration with NSFs CyVerse at the University of Arizona and the University of Oslo. ESIILs mission is to empower an inclusive and diverse community to accelerate open Environmental Data Science. ESIIL is part of CIRES and enables a global community of environmental data scientists to demonstrate the wealth of environmental data and emerging analytics to develop science-based solutions to solve pressing challenges in environmental sciences. ESIILs research community generates discoveries and novel approaches through 1) brand-new team science, 2) innovative tools and collaborative cyberinfrastructures, 3) data-science education and training, and 4) building inclusive participation and diverse groups. These activities advance the frontier of environmental data science, a rapidly evolving field bridging the computational, biological, environmental, and social sciences. What Your Key Responsibilities Will Be - Develop and implement an environmental data science project that applies open data, tools, and cyberinfrastructure to address frontier research questions in environmental biology. Examples of data-driven projects may include: cross-scale or cross-site data harmonization and analysis to explore ecosystem patterns, artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in ecology, open science ethics and data sovereignty for environmental data, data-intensive exploration of evolutionary processes, big data and environmental justice, or other topical area in environmental biology that crosses the data, natural, and social sciences. - Use open or available spatial and temporal data in creative ways to develop a data-driven research project. Examples of environmental data sources include remote sensing, observatories, biorepositories, citizen science, field-based collections, modeled and synthetic data, genetic data, social data, or other. Sovereign and protected data shall be treated with special considerations that follow the CARE data principles. - Leverage cloud, or other high-performance computing, resources to harmonize and analyze big, complex environmental data. - Work collaboratively with the ESIIL team and network, such as with working group(s), hackathon teams, or summit participants, to advance environmental data science projects. - Contribute to the open, reproducible science and education objectives of ESIIL, which include creating and publishing well-documented datasets and codes, FAIR-compliant code workflows, or other outputs that will serve the larger EDS community and other audiences. - Effectively share research results with colleagues and the broader science community through peer-reviewed publications, presentations, and other science products. - Actively participate in the ESIIL community and help to promote greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in open environmental data science. What You Should Know - This is a two-year position and the anticipated start date is as soon as August 1st, 2024, but is negotiable. - Location: The Post-Doc will work in person at ESIIL's main office on the CU Boulder campus in Boulder, CO. A hybrid work modality may be a possibility, but will follow current CIRES and university guidelines and policies. This is not a fully remote position. The in-person cohort experience and engagement with the ESIIL community is a key aspect of this position. - In the application, candidates are welcome to suggest a mentor who is affiliated with a research institution in the United States. ESIIL has funds available to support travel to Boulder for potential mentors within the U.S. What We Can Offer - CIRES offers a generous compensation and benefits package. - The annual hiring salary for this position ranges from $64,000 to $69,000. Salary is commensurate with education and experience and determined based on our CIRES internal career track classification. - Some relocation funds are available for this position following CIRES and the University of Colorados relocation processes and procedures. - CIRES and the University of Colorado Boulder offer a robust training curriculum, opportunities for professional development and a Mentorship Program. - Boulder is a vibrant community with access to mountain parks, dog parks, miles of trails, rivers, lakes, cafes, restaurants, boutiques, theaters, museums, and sports venues. Boulder was recently ranked as one of the top places to live in the U.S. by U.S. News ( . - As an employee at CU Boulder, you will have free access to the regional public transit system, ( an outstanding network of buses, and light rail systems that service Boulder and connect to Denver, the Denver airport, and surrounding communities. Benefits The University of Colorado offers excellent benefits ( , including medical, dental, retirement, paid time off, tuition benefit and ECO Pass. The University of Colorado Boulder is one of the largest employers in Boulder County and offers an inspiring higher education environment. Learn more about the University of Colorado Boulder ( . Be Statements Be groundbreaking. Be proactive. Be Boulder. What We Require Ph.D. in environmental, biological, social, computer science, or data science field (including but not limited to Biology, Ecology, Ecosystem Science, Forestry, Geography, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Geoscience, Space Engineering, Computer Engineering, Math, Indigenous Studies, Environmental Studies, Remote Sensing Science, etc.). What You Will Need - Knowledge of open-source programming languages (e.g., R, Python). - Commitment to Open Science (i.e., available and findable data, reproducible and transferable codes to run on public cyberinfrastructure and open publications) and Open Education. - Effective project management skills (e.g., self-directed, independent). - Knowledge of ethical and reciprocal research practices. - Collaborative spirit and comfort working in scientifically and culturally diverse and inclusive teams. - Willingness to collaborate and contribute within ESIIL working groups, hackathons, and/or summits. - Willingness to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the ESIIL community. Special Instructions To apply, please submit the following materials: - Resume or CV. - A Cover Letter describing your relevant experience, knowledge, skills, and any experience with innovation in open science. Please provide information in your cover letter regarding the prospective mentor's affiliation, research background, and potential contributions to the planned research project, if suggested by the candidate. Please note that an identified mentor is not necessary as part of the application. - A 2-page Research Statement that outlines your planned research project for ESIIL and how it aligns with your past research experience and ESIILs mission and goals. - A 1-page Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion that outlines your experiences and/or future plans for improving diversity, equity, inclusion and/or accessibility in or beyond your academic communities. Initiatives along these lines at CU can be read about here: CU Boulder DEI ( (university-level), Pursuing Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at CIRES ( (CIRES level). Additional statement guidance is available here ( . - No more than a 1-page Data Description that provides information on the data intended to be used for the project, including a basic description of the data, a link to any accessible data source(s), anticipated data harmonization or analysis challenges, and any limitations on the use of protected or proprietary data. Please note that ESIIL does not support the collection of new data. - List of contact information for three professional references (name, title, professional relationship, email). You do not need to include letters of recommendation with your initial application. If you are selected as a finalist for this role, the search committee will request letters of recommendation at a later time. - Please be prepared to be interviewed if you are selected as one of the finalists. Please apply by May 15th, 2024, for full consideration. This posting will remain open until finalists have been identified. Note: Application materials will not be accepted via email. For consideration, applications must be submitted through CU Boulder Jobs ( . To apply, visit ( Copyright 2024 Inc. All rights reserved. Posted by the FREE value-added recruitment advertising agency ( jeid-e2da754a4652094294edb20dfb12e9b3 The University of Colorado does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, pregnancy, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

CIRES/ ESIIL Post-Doctoral Research Scholar (Environmental Data Science) Requisition Number: 55862 Location: Boulder Colorado Employment Type: Research Faculty Schedule: Full Time Posting Close Date: ...View more

Title Post Doctoral Fellow in Clinical/Counseling Psychology
Posting Number S01267JP
Department Counseling Service
Job Summary Bowdoin College Counseling Service is seeking a post-doctoral fellow to join the Counseling team. The successful candidate will provide individual, group, psychoeducational, and consultative mental health services to a diverse and high achieving undergraduate population under the supervision of the Director of Counseling Services or their psychologist designee. The fellow will also serve as an embedded mental health provider in Bowdoin’s Health Services in support of our integrated model of student care. Counseling Services is comprised of the Director of Counseling Services, Associate Director, four licensed mental health providers, two part-time licensed mental health providers, and an administrative coordinator. Fellows with satisfactory performance will be given the opportunity to return for a second year to complete requirements for licensure in Maine and other states. We are looking for individuals who can provide short-term individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, and intake services through the lens of evidence-based practice. In addition, the ability to approach all professional duties with inclusivity, compassion, and cultural humility will be key to success in this role. Benefits and Pay:
  • The salary Range for this position is expected to be: Minimum $54,000 – Maximum $58,000.
  • A variety of health insurance plans (Medical, Vision, Dental)
  • Generous Retirement Plan – 10.12% annual compensation contribution (Eligible after 1 year of service and age 26)
  • Life and Disability Insurance
  • Paid time off – Vacation, Personal, Holidays, and Special Days Off Paid parental leave.
  • Free fitness and wellness classes!
  • And more:
Education/Skills Requirements Applicants must have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree in clinical or counseling Psychology. A sense of humor. Ability to work well with a team of clinical professionals (including consulting psychiatrists, a substance abuse therapist, and neuropsychologists) as well as with staff and faculty. A strong capacity for self-reflection and commitment to hearing and acting upon feedback from supervisors, colleagues and clients. Demonstrated understanding of how intersectionality and intersecting identities influence the psychological health and well-being of students.
Experience Requirements and/or Equivalents Applicants possessing a year or more of counseling center experience will be given the highest priority. This position requires knowledge of evidence-based practice and decision making, developmental factors germane to a college population, current trends in college student mental health, identity formation, intersectionality, and the psychology of oppression. Required skills include well developed intervention and conceptualization skills, strong verbal and written communication, and multicultural competence. Working as a member of a clinical team, integrating research and experiential data into clinical practice, and maintaining psychological flexibility in a dynamic environment are essential abilities.
Standard Work Days and Hours This is a 9-month position that will begin in August of 2024 and conclude in May of 2025, with the option of being extended for a second year. This is an exempt position requiring time commitment necessary to satisfactorily complete job requirements. Typical hours are 8:30am – 5:00pm but evening and weekend on call coverage is required.
About Bowdoin Bowdoin embraces diversity in all forms, and the College is home to talented students, faculty and staff—with a variety of racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds; religious beliefs; and gender identities, among other factors. We encourage applications from candidates committed to the support of an inclusive campus community and those who will enrich and contribute to the College’s multifaceted diversity. We value a community in which individuals of all backgrounds are warmly welcomed and encouraged to succeed. Founded in 1794, Bowdoin has maintained its commitment to the liberal arts for well over 200 years. Bowdoin’s reputation as a preeminent liberal arts college rests on the excellence of its faculty, students, and staff; intimate size; strong sense of community; and connections to the people, history, and natural beauty of Maine. Bowdoin’s campus is situated in a beautiful natural setting. Located in Brunswick, Maine, a town of approximately 20,000, the College is a short drive from the Maine coast, twenty-five miles from Portland and 120 miles from Boston.
Employment Category Full Time Academic Year
FTE 0.73
Benefits Eligible Yes
Pay Type Salaried
Background Check Package Requirements Faculty/Administrative
Is driving a vehicle (e.g. Bowdoin vehicle or off road vehicle, rental car, personal car) an essential function of this job? No
Is a pre-placement physical required for this position? No
Posting Date 04/19/2024
Applications Accepted Until
Open Until Filled No
Type of Posting Internal/External
Special Instructions to Applicants
EEO Information Bowdoin College complies with applicable provisions of federal and state laws that prohibit unlawful discrimination in employment, admission, or access to its educational or extracurricular programs, activities, or facilities based on race, color, ethnicity, ancestry and national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, age, marital status, place of birth, genetic predisposition, veteran status, or against qualified individuals with physical or mental disabilities on the basis of disability, or any other legally protected statuses.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPsychologie, Postdoctoral

Title Post Doctoral Fellow in Clinical/Counseling Psychology Posting Number S01267JP Department Counseling Service Job Summary Bowdoin College Counseling Service is seeking a post-doctoral fellow to j...View more

The High Energy Physics (HEP) Division at Argonne National Laboratory invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate position to work in the HEP Electronics Group to develop novel instrumentation and readout systems for innovative and leading-edge detectors and other scientific research. The successful candidate will work with design teams and scientific collaborations in the development of high-performance digital processors for a variety of projects, including the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments, the DUNE experiment, rare muon decay experiments (mu to e), Quantum Information Systems, and other areas. Argonne is a multidisciplinary national laboratory and offers an exciting campus atmosphere in which to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects, at both the national and international levels.  The appointment can be extended up to three years and is based at Argonne.

Position Requirements

  • The candidates must have received a PhD degree in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering, data science, high energy physics, or a related discipline with 0 to 3 years of experience or equivalent
  • Experience with designing applications that use high performance FPGAs is highly desirable
  • Experience with FPGA programming languages (vhdl or verilog) is required
  • Programming expertise in C, C++, Python, or another scientific programming language is highly desirable
  • Experience with high-performance digital or data processing systems is desirable
  • Experience with one or more of the following is desirable:  embedded processors, high-speed transceivers, and optical links
  • Ability to model Argonne’s Core Values: Impact, Safety, Respect, Integrity, and Teamwork

Openings are available immediately; there is flexibility in starting dates for highly qualified candidates.  In addition to applying online, applicants should send their curriculum vitae, a description of research interests through the application system and arrange for three letters of recommendation to For further information, contact Alexander Paramonov at  Review of applications will begin once the application is completed and will continue until the positions are filled.

As an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer, Argonne National Laboratory is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that fosters collaborative scientific discovery and innovation. In support of this commitment, Argonne encourages minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply for employment. Argonne considers all qualified applicants for employment without regard to age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

Job Family

Postdoctoral Family

Job Profile

Postdoctoral Appointee

Worker Type

Long-Term (Fixed Term)

Time Type

Full time

As an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer, and in accordance with our core values of impact, safety, respect, integrity and teamwork, Argonne National Laboratory is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that fosters collaborative scientific discovery and innovation. In support of this commitment, Argonne encourages minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply for employment. Argonne considers all qualified applicants for employment without regard to age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

Argonne employees, and certain guest researchers and contractors, are subject to particular restrictions related to participation in Foreign Government Sponsored or Affiliated Activities, as defined and detailed in United States Department of Energy Order 486.1A. You will be asked to disclose any such participation in the application phase for review by Argonne's Legal Department.  

All Argonne offers of employment are contingent upon a background check that includes an assessment of criminal conviction history conducted on an individualized and case-by-case basis.  Please be advised that Argonne positions require upon hire (or may require in the future) for the individual be to obtain a government access authorization that involves additional background check requirements.  Failure to obtain or maintain such government access authorization could result in the withdrawal of a job offer or future termination of employment.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةIngénierie et technologie, Postdoctoral

The High Energy Physics (HEP) Division at Argonne National Laboratory invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate position to work in the HEP Electronics Group to develop novel instrume...View more

The Applied Materials Division at Argonne National Laboratory accelerates the development of new materials and processes using scalable synthesis, advanced characterization, and device fabrication and testing to drive innovation from invention to commercialization.

The successful postdoctoral candidate will join a team of Argonne researchers and work closely with universities, industry partners, and other national laboratories. The successful candidate will lead experimental design, execution, analysis, and interpretation. The successful candidate is expected to publish in peer-reviewed journals, present at conferences, and establish new research areas.

The Applied Materials Division at Argonne National Laboratory is seeking a highly motivated individual to join our team in the development of a high throughput membrane test system as part of the Great Lakes Water Innovation Engine. This position offers an exciting opportunity to advance membrane technology, with a focus on accelerating the development of advanced membrane materials for selective separation of nutrients, metals, and key contaminants.

The successful candidate will

  • Lead the design, development, and implementation of a high-throughput membrane test system capable of rapidly screening and evaluating the performance of membrane materials.
  • Define system requirements based on project objectives and research goals.
  • Collaborate to identify key metrics and testing protocols for evaluating membrane performance.
  • Work in a dynamic and collaborative research environment.
  • Document progress and results in the form of reports to collaborators and sponsors, journal publications, and conference presentations.

Position Requirements

  • PhD degree in chemical engineering, environmental engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, or a related field with 0 to 2 years of experience.
  • Demonstrated experience with pressure-driven membrane separation processes.
  • Demonstrated experience in experimental system design, instrumentation, and automation.
  • Ability to develop independent research projects as demonstrated through publication of peer-reviewed literature.
  • Skilled interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills.
  • Ability to model Argonne’s Core Values: Impact, Safety, Respect, Integrity, and Teamwork.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Knowledge and experience with analytical techniques for aqueous analytes (e.g., chromatography, or spectroscopy).
  • Knowledge of programming languages (e.g., Python) for automation, data analysis, and control algorithm development.

Job Family

Postdoctoral Family

Job Profile

Postdoctoral Appointee

Worker Type

Long-Term (Fixed Term)

Time Type

Full time

As an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer, and in accordance with our core values of impact, safety, respect, integrity and teamwork, Argonne National Laboratory is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that fosters collaborative scientific discovery and innovation. In support of this commitment, Argonne encourages minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply for employment. Argonne considers all qualified applicants for employment without regard to age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

Argonne employees, and certain guest researchers and contractors, are subject to particular restrictions related to participation in Foreign Government Sponsored or Affiliated Activities, as defined and detailed in United States Department of Energy Order 486.1A. You will be asked to disclose any such participation in the application phase for review by Argonne's Legal Department.  

All Argonne offers of employment are contingent upon a background check that includes an assessment of criminal conviction history conducted on an individualized and case-by-case basis.  Please be advised that Argonne positions require upon hire (or may require in the future) for the individual be to obtain a government access authorization that involves additional background check requirements.  Failure to obtain or maintain such government access authorization could result in the withdrawal of a job offer or future termination of employment.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral, Sciences Biologiques

The Applied Materials Division at Argonne National Laboratory accelerates the development of new materials and processes using scalable synthesis, advanced characterization, and device fabrication and...View more

Emory University is a leading research university that fosters excellence and attracts world-class talent to innovate today and prepare leaders for the future. We welcome candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our academic community.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Helps design and conduct research within a specified field while receiving advanced training from a designated Principal Investigator to enhance professional skills and research independence needed for pursuit of a career. The specific area of research in which the trainee is mentored is determined by the department and laboratory of the Postdoc. Designs and evaluates experiments. Develops new ideas that promote current research. Prepares and publishes scientific manuscripts under the direction of the Principal Investigator. May be responsible for operation of specific equipment. May teach techniques to others, train, and supervise research staff. Positions are temporary appointments as a research trainee. The initial appointment is for one year, renewal expected if progress is satisfactory and funds are available. Appointments cannot exceed five years. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: A doctoral degree or equivalent (Ph.D., M.D., ScD., D.V.M., DDS etc) in an appropriate field. Excellent scientific writing ability and strong oral communication skills. The ability to work effectively and collegially with colleagues. Additional qualifications as specified by the Principal Investigator.

Employment Terms: at least 2 years, evaluation every 6 months with no commitment to extend the employment for the first 1 year. Length of Assignment: Up to 4 years, afterward, it will be depending on the funding.

Emory University is dedicated to providing equal opportunities and equal access to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, genetic information, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and veteran's status. Emory University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, or employment on the basis of any factor stated above or prohibited under applicable law. Students, faculty, and staff are assured of participation in University programs and in the use of facilities without such discrimination. Emory University complies with Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act, and applicable executive orders, federal and state regulations regarding nondiscrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action. Emory University is committed to achieving a diverse workforce through application of its affirmative action, equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policy in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training. Inquiries regarding this policy should be directed to the Emory University Department of Equity and Inclusion, 201 Dowman Drive, Administration Building, Atlanta, GA 30322. Emory University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. To request this document in an alternate format or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Department of Accessibility Services at 404-727-9877 (V) | 404-712-2049 (TDD). Please note that one week advance notice is preferred.

Not ready to apply? Connect with us for general consideration!

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةSanté et médecine, Postdoctoral

Emory University is a leading research university that fosters excellence and attracts world-class talent to innovate today and prepare leaders for the future. We welcome candidates who can contribut...View more

Position Summary

This appointment is viewed as a training or transitional period preparatory to an academic, industrial, governmental, or other full-time research or teaching career. The postdoctoral fellow will study mechanisms of kidney injury and repair with an interest in metabolism and opportunities for single cell transcriptomics. The Gewin lab uses transgenic mouse models, murine kidney injury models, and molecular biology techniques using proximal tubule cells in vitro to investigate tubular responses to injury. Experience with these techniques is not required, but highly motivated candidates with a strong work ethic will be competitive.

Information on being a postdoc at Washington University in St. Louis can be found at

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Trains under the supervision of a faculty mentor including (but not limited to):

  • Take ownership of a research project including planning experiments with proper controls, reading about the subject matter and proposing the next steps for the project with input from the PI.
  • Prepare the results for both oral presentations and research manuscripts.
  • Write postdoctoral fellowship grants. Funding may not depend upon the success of fellowship grants, but this is an important skill and expectation for postdoctoral fellows.
  • Maintain conscientious discharge of their research responsibilities including maintenance of detailed electronic research records and ethical practices in research.
  • Engage in open and timely discussion with their mentor regarding possession or distribution of material, reagents, or records belonging to their laboratory and any proposed disclosure of findings or techniques privately or in publications.
  • Maintain collegial conduct towards co-trainees, staff members and members of the research group.
  • Adhere to all applicable University policies, procedures and regulations. All data, research records and materials and other intellectual property generated in University laboratories remain the property of the University.

Required Qualifications

Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent terminal or doctoral degree.

Working Conditions

This position works in a laboratory environment with potential exposure to biological and chemical hazards. The individual must be physically able to wear protective equipment and to provide standard care to research animals.

Salary Range

Base pay is commensurate with experience.

Applicant Special Instructions 

If you are a highly motivated researcher interested in understanding mechanisms of renal injury and repair, please email a CV, a cover letter, and the names of three referees to:

Leslie Gewin

Associate Professor of Medicine

Division of Nephrology Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, MO 63110



For frequently asked questions about the application process, please refer to our External Applicant FAQ.


If you are unable to use our online application system and would like an accommodation, please email or call the dedicated accommodation inquiry number at 314-935-1149 and leave a voicemail with the nature of your request.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةSanté et médecine, Postdoctoral

Position Summary This appointment is viewed as a training or transitional period preparatory to an academic, industrial, governmental, or other full-time research or teaching career. The postdoctoral ...View more