Job Archives

Last application date Sep 15, 2023 00:00

Department TW08 - Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering

Contract Limited duration

Degree Recently graduated as a master in (Electro-)Mechanical engineering (< 5 years)

Occupancy rate 100%

Vacancy type Research staff

Job description

Our research team is looking for a PhD candidate performing experimental research on two-phase flow. The application is on a multi-port evaporator tube of a heat pump. The aim is to describe with high accuracy the heat transfer, flow distribution and pressure drop under relevant conditions and this for the natural refrigerants R290 and CO2. These natural refrigerants are the future in heat pump development due to their low environmental impact. This doctorate thus contributes by gaining crucial insights needed for the design of next generation heat pump technology. Your profile

  • Recently graduated as a master in (Electro-)Mechanical engineering (< 5 years)
  • Top student, interested in fundamental research
  • Experience in experimental research and/or refrigerant knowledge is a benefit
  • Fluent in English
  • A team player with strong communication skills

We offer :

  • A PhD scholarship for 4 years (1+3)
  • Regular supervision and feedback
  • A young and enthusiastic team

Job profile

Your profile

  • Recently graduated as a master in (Electro-)Mechanical engineering (< 5 years)
  • Top student, interested in fundamental research
  • Experience in experimental research and/or refrigerant knowledge is a benefit
  • Fluent in English
  • A team player with strong communication skills

How to apply

Interested people can send an e-mail with motivation letter and CV to or

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

Last application date Sep 15, 2023 00:00 Department TW08 – Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering Contract Limited duration Degree Recently graduated as a master in (...View more

Energy demand is growing worldwide, and global warming and climate change are challenges of our time. Therefore, we must urgently replace fossil fuels with renewable resources. Storing vast amounts of renewable energy can only be done in chemical bonds. Thus, we need efficient methods to generate reversible carriers of renewable energy. Electro- and photocatalysis for generating green H₂, chemicals, and fuels must be developed further. The rare metals currently required for green technologies are expensive, show low efficiency and stability, and can even be toxic. Tackling these challenges requires a dedicated, joint research effort – the Austrian government has therefore funded a Cluster of Excellence spanning four top universities in Austria. We aim at an atomic-level understanding of the involved processes and breakthroughs in energy materials design (abundant, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, stable). In that way, fundamental research enables sustainable technologies.

Additional information is available on the homepage of the MECS – Cluster of Excellence:

We invite interested PhD and Post-Doctoral candidates to become part of an active community of scientists at the forefront of research around new electrocatalytic strategies, photocatalysis, and computational modelling & materials simulations. You will also participate in networking events, international conferences, transferable skills and career development training.

Details of the application process and more information about the current call are available on our recruiting website:

We offer fully funded positions at TU Wien, the University of Vienna, IST Austria, and the University of Innsbruck.

Application deadline: Immediate applications are welcome. The faculty will start reviewing the first applications on the 25th of September 2023. Later applications will be reviewed periodically until all positions are filled.

Initial hearings: Autumn 2023 (Online)

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat, Postdoctoral

Energy demand is growing worldwide, and global warming and climate change are challenges of our time. Therefore, we must urgently replace fossil fuels with renewable resources. Storing vast amounts...View more

We seek applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. MCB is a tight-knit, supportive and collaborative research community with interests in a broad range of topics, including developmental biology, cell biology, computational biology, systems biology, neurobiology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics, and structural biology. Junior faculty are assigned a mentoring committee that advises them on all aspects of setting up a successful research group. They also receive grant writing and submission support, and they can recruit from a diverse pool of PhD students from various programs across the University.

The appointment provides access to state-of-the-art animal facilities and core facilities for imaging, proteomics, genomics, and bioinformatics. The Department is also closely associated with science initiatives at Harvard such as the Center for Brain Science, the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, the Broad Institute, the Kempner Institute, and the Center for Nanoscale Systems, and provides opportunities for interactions with the broader Harvard community. The tenure-track professor will be responsible for teaching at least one course per year at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels, in subject(s) to be decided based on the professor’s expertise and the department’s curricular needs. The appointment is expected to begin in the Summer of 2024 (later is possible if circumstances warrant).

MCB celebrates the multiple dimensions of diversity that each member of our community offers, including diversity of background, perspective, and lived experience. We strongly welcome applications from persons from underrepresented groups.

Basic Qualifications: Doctorate or terminal degree in relevant field or related discipline required by the time the appointment begins.

Additional Qualifications: Demonstrated strong commitment to teaching and advising is desired.

We anticipate conducting in-person interviews in January-February of 2024.

Please submit the following materials through the ARIeS portal:

Complete applications, including letters of recommendation, should be received no later than November 1, 2023.

1. Cover Letter

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Teaching/advising statement describing teaching approach and philosophy (1-2 pages)

4. Research Statement describing present and future research plans (1-3 pages)

5. A statement describing efforts to encourage diversity, inclusion, and belonging, including past, current, and anticipated future contributions in these areas (1 page)

6. Names and contact information of 3-5 references (three letters of recommendation are required, and the application is complete only when all three letters have been submitted). At least one letter must come from someone who has not served as the candidate’s undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral advisor

7. Reprints of publications

Harvard is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, protected veteran status, disability, genetic information, military service, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, or other protected status. The health of our workforce is a priority for Harvard University. With that in mind, we strongly encourage all employees to be up-to-date on CDC-recommended vaccines.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

We seek applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. MCB is a tight-knit, supportive and collaborative research community with interests in a ...View more

Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC), Osaka University in Japan offers Advanced Postdoc Positions for Immunology, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics and Bioimaging

[Advanced Postdoc Program of IFReC, Osaka University]

The Osaka University Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) is recruiting post-doctoral researchers for its Advanced Postdoc Program. This program offers three-year employment and funding (3 million yen per year) for original research to promising young researchers. Selected applicants have access to continually upgraded state-of-the-art facilities at IFReC for their research, including equipment for single-cell analysis. Furthermore, selected applicants can expect their research careers to develop immensely through invaluable guidance from their supervisor among IFReC's many distinguished Principal Investigators as well as through collaborative research with them. We look forward to receiving applications from ambitious young researchers.

1. Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow as Specially Appointed Researcher (full-time)

2. Affiliation: Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University (Japan)

3. Number of positions: Postdoctoral Researcher x3

4. Research field: Immunology, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics and Bioimaging

5. Qualifications

- Doctorate degree obtained within the last 8 years

- International experience preferred

6. Work location: Suita Campus, Osaka University in Osaka, Japan

7. Research grant: JPY 3M per year

8. Start date: After September 1, 2023 (Start date of work is negotiable.)

9. Period of employment: Up to 3 years from the date of hire (Single year contract, renewable upon annual evaluation.)

10. Insurances: Enrollment in Healthcare Insurance, Employment Insurance, Worker’s Accident Compensation Insurance

[Application and Selection]

1. Application period: Until the posts are filled

2. Application submission: Submit the required documents listed below as email attachments to the IFReC Research Planning & Management Office:, Email subject line: Application for advanced postdoc position

3. Selection process: Document screening, and interview for successful applicants of the document screening

[Required documents]

All documents should be A4 or letter size and written in English.

1. Application form (downloadable from the Advanced Postdoc Program website)

* Write the names (maximum 3) of the Principal Investigators whom you would like to work with at IFReC

2. Curriculum vitae (education and work experience)

3. List of publication

4. Summary of previous research

5. Research plan and statement of ambitions for your future research at IFReC

6. Names, affiliations, and contact information of two references (You will be asked to submit two reference letters if you are selected as a finalist.)

For more information, please visit the following URL

Advanced Postdoc Program website:

IFReC website:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC), Osaka University in Japan offers Advanced Postdoc Positions for Immunology, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics and Bioimaging [Advanced Postdoc Program of IFReC,...View more

"The Kurata Grants" is a research fund for the advancement of science and technology in Japan proposed by and established with a donation from the second President of Hitachi, Ltd., the late Chikara Kurata, in 1967. By 2022, we had presented a total of 2.5 billion JPY in grants to 1,570 researchers. Many of the recipients have made great achievements and are active at the forefront of their fields as researchers and educators. While upholding the ideals of the late Chikara Kurata, we currently offer grants to research in the natural sciences, engineering, humanities, and the social sciences related to highly technological societies carried out by the next generation of researchers working to solve global social problems. We are contributing to the realization of a future sustainable society.


  1. Researchers who belong to universities and their affiliated research facilities, research institutions, and technical colleges in Japan (excluding researchers affiliated with corporations). Graduate students are eligible to apply.
  2. A letter of recommendation from the head of the institution of affiliation (Chancellor, President, Dean of graduate school, Dean of faculty, Director, Research Institute Head, immediate superior, etc.) is required. There is no limitation on the number of recommendations.
  3. There are no restrictions regarding nationality. However, grants are limited to researchers who reside in Japan and are expected to have a research base in Japan continuously until the end of the research period.
  4. Natural Sciences and Engineering: must be 45 or younger as of April 1 in the application year. Humanities and Social Sciences: no age restrictions.

Grant Categories

Category Natural Sciences and Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences
Research Area Creative and pioneering research by young researchers (age of 45 or under) which contributes to the solution of social challenges from an international perspective. Applications can be made in the three areas below and specific examples can be found in the separate Application Guidelines. An interdisciplinary research from a natural sciences and engineering perspective in these fields is also eligible.
Energy and the Environment
Urban Development and Transportation
The following types of research are eligible that analyzing societal transformations brought about by advances in science and technology and the background of the complex and interconnected issues from the perspective of humanities and social sciences (society, literature, history, philosophy, ethics, law, economy, psychology, culture/art, and etc.) and exploring the meaning and value of the development of science and technology. The Application Guidelines provide examples of eligible research. (Research utilizing science and technology as a method is not eligible.)
Grant Amount (One Year Grants) Maximum of 1,000,000 JPY per grant (Two Year Grants) Maximum of 3,000,000 JPY per grant 800,000 to 1,000,000 JPY per grant
Number of Grants (One Year Grants) around 30 per year (Two Year Grants) around 5 per year around 10 per year
Research Period One or two years (selected during application) One year

Expenses Covered

Direct expenses for achieving a research objective. However, the following expenses are excluded.

  1. Indirect expenses for maintaining the general research environment of the affiliated institution
  2. Personnel costs corresponding to the wages of the principal and collaborating researchers


A selection committee of outside experts will conduct a review based on the submitted documents.



Application Method

Applications can be made online via an open call. Please download the application guidelines and application documents from the relevant web page and make your application using the dedicated application form. Applications sent via post will not be accepted.

[Documents Required for Application] (1) Application form (research plan) (2) Recommendation letter (3) Published articles by the applicant as a reference for the review process(maximum three)

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

“The Kurata Grants” is a research fund for the advancement of science and technology in Japan proposed by and established with a donation from the second President of Hitachi, Ltd., the la...View more



Date limite de soumission des propositions 30 septembre 2023

La Fondation Women for Africa (FMxA), conformément à sa mission de contribuer au développement de l'Afrique à travers l'impulsion de ses femmes, lance la 9ème édition du programme SCIENCE BY WOMEN, dans le but de promouvoir le leadership des femmes africaines dans la recherche scientifique. et le transfert de technologie et de renforcer la capacité des centres de recherche dans leurs pays d'origine. L’objectif principal est de permettre aux chercheuses et scientifiques africaines de relever les grands défis auxquels l’Afrique est confrontée grâce à la recherche dans les domaines de la santé et de la biomédecine, de l’agriculture durable et de la sécurité alimentaire, de l’eau, de l’énergie et du changement climatique.

La vie des femmes est considérablement affectée par les répercussions d'un développement incontrôlé ; cependant, des barrières sociales, structurelles et économiques limitent leur capacité à relever les grands défis auxquels le continent est confronté. Les disparités entre les sexes dans la science et la technologie, tant dans les sphères publiques que privées, affectent la population africaine dans son ensemble. Réduire cet écart, qui a de graves conséquences sur le développement équilibré et durable des pays africains, est essentiel pour réaliser des progrès à long terme et une croissance égale.

L'objectif ultime du programme est de permettre aux chercheuses africaines de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la transition de l'Afrique vers une économie basée sur la connaissance et axée sur l'innovation grâce à des recherches pouvant être transférées en produits, processus, services et technologies ayant un impact sur les personnes. la vie.

Pour atteindre cet objectif ambitieux, FMxA collabore avec les Centres d'excellence espagnols, dont le prestige est unanimement reconnu dans toute l'Espagne et à l'international, garantissant ainsi l'excellence de la recherche scientifique dans divers domaines. Dans cette 9ème édition nos centres de recherche associés sont :

Chacun de ces centres accueillera 1 chercheuse senior pour une bourse de six mois. vous informe que Le chercheur doit être titulaire d'un doctorat. Une expérience postdoctorale est préférable.

ISCIII et BC3 accueilleront 2 boursiers.

Les candidatures seront soumises à un processus de sélection rigoureux, évaluant les mérites académiques et le leadership des candidats ainsi que la qualité scientifique et l'impact attendu de leurs projets de recherche. Les candidats sélectionnés bénéficieront d'une formation et d'une intégration dans une équipe de travail dynamique, multidisciplinaire et hautement compétitive, où ils pourront développer leurs projets de recherche et acquérir des compétences complémentaires, leur permettant de transférer les résultats de leurs recherches en avantages économiques et sociaux tangibles.

Pour plus d'informations


9th Edition – Science by Women


Deadline for proposals submission September 30, 2023

The Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA), in line with its mission of contributing to the development of Africa through the drive of its women, is launching the 9th Edition of SCIENCE BY WOMEN programme, with the aim to promote African women’s leadership in scientific research and technology transfer and to foster the capacity of the research centres in their home countries. The main goal is to enable African women researchers and scientists to tackle the great challenges faced by Africa through research in health and biomedicine, sustainable agriculture and food security, water, energy and climate change.

Women’s lives are significantly affected by the repercussions of uncontrolled development; however, social, structural and economic barriers limit their capacity to tackle the great challenges faced by the continent. The gender disparities in science and technology in both the public and private spheres affect Africa’s population as a whole. Narrowing this gap, which has severe consequences on the balanced and sustainable development of African countries, is vital to achieve long-term progress and equal growing.

The programme´s ultimate goal is to enable African women researchers to play a leading role in the transition of Africa to a knowledge-based and innovation-led economy through research that can be transferred into products, processes, services and technologies having impact on people´s lives.

To achieve this ambitious goal, FMxA collaborates with the Spanish Centres of Excellence, whose prestige is unanimously recognized throughout Spain and internationally, thereby ensuring excellence in scientific research in various fields. In this 9th edition our associated research centres are:

Each of these centres will host 1 senior woman researcher for a six-month fellowship. The researcher must hold a PhD. Post-doctoral experience is preferred.

ISCIII and BC3 will host 2 fellows.

Applications will be subjected to a rigorous selection process, evaluating the academic merits and leadership of the applicants as well as the scientific quality and expected impact of their research projects. Selected candidates will receive training and integration in a dynamic, multidisciplinary and highly competitive working team, where they will be able to develop their research projects and acquire complementary skills, empowering them to transfer their research results into tangible economic and social benefits.

For more informations


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation, Postdoctoral


Université de Montréal

Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

Deeply rooted in Montreal and dedicated to its international mission, Université de Montréal is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers. Like the city whose name it bears, it is effervescent and multicultural. 

UdeM attracts over $500 million in research funding every year, making it one of the top three university research hubs in Canada. It also ranks among the top 100 universities wor1dwide and among the five best French language universities. 

Through the achievements of the members of its community, UdeM participates in building today's and tomorrow's world.

Job description The Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Geometric Analysis or Analysis.

Responsibilities The appointed candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise graduate students, be active in research, publishing, and the transmission of knowledge, and contribute to the activities of the University.


  • D in Mathematics. Preference will be given to candidates with an expertise in Geometric Analysis or Analysis;
  • Strong research and publication record;
  • Demonstrated ability to provide high quality university teaching;
  • An adequate knowledge of the written and spoken French language or a strong commitment to mastering the proficiency level required, in accordance to Université de Montréal’s Language Policy.

An institutional learning support program is offered to all professors wishing to learn French or improve their communication skills.

How to submit your application

The application file must contain the following documents:

  • A cover letter: Applicants must include in the cover letter one of the following statements: “I am a citizen/ permanent resident of Canada.” or “I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada.”;
  • A curriculum vitæ;
  • A presentation of your research program (suggested maximum two pages);
  • A statement of teaching philosophy (suggested maximum one page);
  • Copies of up to three recent publications or research papers;
  • At least three letters of recommendation to be sent directly by the referees.

The complete application package and letters of recommendation must be submitted to  or emailed by November  5th, 2023  to:

Marlène Frigon, Chair, Département de mathématiques et de statistique, Faculté des arts et des sciences Email : Website :

Additional information about the position Reference number - FAS 09-23 / 2 Application deadline - November 5th, 2023 inclusively Salary - Université de Montréal offers competitive salaries and a full range of benefits Starting date - As of June 1st, 2024


Université de Montréal is strongly committed to fostering diversity and inclusion. Through its Equal Access Employment Program (EAEP), UdeM invites applications from women, Aboriginal people, visible and ethnic minorities, as well as persons with disabilities. We will –confidentially – adapt our recruitment mechanisms to the specific needs of people with disabilities who request it.

UdeM embraces a broad and inclusive definition of diversity that goes beyond applicable laws, and therefore encourages all qualified individuals to apply, regardless of their characteristics. However, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadians and permanent residents.

In order to measure the impact of its equity, diversity and inclusion actions, UdeM is collecting data on applicants identifying themselves with one of the groups targeted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, namely women, Aboriginal people, visible minorities, ethnic minorities and people with limitations. To this end, we thank you for completing this self-identification questionnaire. The information you provide through this form is strictly confidential and will be shared only with those responsible for the UdeM EAEP. If you wish, you may also indicate that you belong to one of the targeted groups in your cover letter, which will be reviewed by the selection committee and the assembly of peers.

Université de Montréal’s application process allows all members of the Professor’s Assembly to review the application files submitted. If you wish to keep your application confidential until the shortlist is established, please mention it in your application.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Université de Montréal Location: Quebec Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 Deeply rooted in Montreal and dedicated to its international mission, Université de Montréal is one of...View more

McGill University

Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

The Information Systems (IS) Area of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University invites applications for a one-year Contractual Academic Staff (CAS) appointment; the contract is renewable. Candidates must have at least a Master's degree in Information Systems or a related field with at least 2 years of teaching experience. The candidate must possess strong organizational skills and expert knowledge in technical and non-technical aspects of IS and Business Analytics. The start date for the appointment will be August 1, 2024.

This CAS appointment will assume their main responsibility in teaching courses in the areas of Information Systems (core IS courses, database management, and analytics) initially to an audience of undergraduate students. This position requires teaching up to eight (8) course sections per academic year. Preference will be given to the candidates who have experience in teaching courses related to data literacy.

The successful candidate will also be expected to make substantive contributions through service to the Faculty, the University, and/or the broader community through extra­ curricular activities delivered throughout the year.

The Desautels Faculty of Management has more than 80 full-time professors and offers B.Com., MBA, and Ph.D. degrees. The Faculty offers IS and Business Analytics programs at both the undergraduate (Major in IS, Concentration in IS, Concentration in Business Analytics) and graduate levels (MBA Concentration in Analytics, Master of Management in Analytics).

McGill University is an English-language university where most teaching and research activities are conducted in the English language, thereby requiring English communication both verbally and in writing. However, knowledge of French or a willingness to learn French is desirable.

McGill University McGill is a leading research-intensive university located in the heart of Montreal. With more than 80 current tenured/tenure-track professors, the Desautels Faculty of Management is committed to continued growth. The Faculty has 2300 B.Com. students, 250 MBA/ EMBA/ MM students, 76 Ph.D. students, as well as a wide range of executive education offerings.

The IS area counts 14 professors who have diverse research interests at the cutting-edge of the discipline and have published in the highest-level outlets. The IS area offers a great diversity of courses and programs to help management students navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital world. Professors have diverse disciplinary backgrounds and enjoy a high level of independence in their research and teaching endeavors. McGill's emphasis is on research quality, innovation, and impact. Faculty members have an opportunity to contribute to the activities of several Research Institutes and Centres, including Business and Management Research Centre.

McGill is located in Montreal, a UNESCO City of Design since 2006. Montreal offers a true ioie de vivre, boasting an experience between North America and Europe. It is a bilingual city with a vibrant restaurant scene, diverse and dynamic cultural offerings, numerous leisure and recreational activities, and country getaways within a short driving distance. Housing costs, government-funded health care, subsidized day care and free public primary and secondary education help make living in Montreal more affordable. It is also family-friendly and deemed the 4th best city in North America for quality of life in the 2018 Mercer survey. More information about the Desautels Faculty of Management and the Information Systems Area can be found at:

Compensation levels, teaching load, research funding, and travel support are competitive and commensurate with experience.

Application process and deadline

All materials must be submitted should be submitted electronically.

Cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of current and prospective research interests, and a sample research paper (all in the same section as you submit your CV)

*How to Apply for a Job (for Internal Candidates)

*How to Apply for a Job (for External Candidates)

We are not requesting reference letters at this point; reference check is a secondary step which may follow.

The application deadline is December 1, 2023. Applicants should submit their cover letter, a CV, evidence of teaching effectiveness.

Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Animesh Animesh (isac@mcgil

McGill University is committed to equity and diversity within its community and values academic rigour and excellence. We welcome and encourage applications from racialized persons/visible minorities, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities.

At McGill, research that reflects diverse intellectual traditions, methodologies, and modes of dissemination and translation is valued and encouraged. Candidates are invited to demonstrate their research impact both within and across academic disciplines and in other sectors, such as government, communities, or industry.

McGill further recognizes and fairly considers the impact of leaves (e.g., family care or health­ related) that may contribute to career interruptions or slowdowns. Candidates are encouraged to signal any leave that affected productivity, or that may have had an effect on their career path. This information will be considered to ensure the equitable assessment of the candidate's record.

McGill implements an employment equity program and encourages members of designated equity groups to self-identify. It further seeks to ensure the equitable treatment and full inclusion of persons with disabilities by striving for the implementation of universal design principles transversally, across all facets of the University community, and through accommodation policies and procedures. Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations for any part of the application process may contact, in confidence,

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

McGill University Location: Quebec Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 The Information Systems (IS) Area of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University invites applicatio...View more

Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-15

McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management invites applications for Open Rank (Assistant, Associate, or Full) positions in the Information Systems Area, pending budget approval. The start date for the position is August 1st, 2024. Candidates must have (or be near completion) of a Ph.D. in Information Systems. Applicants demonstrating outstanding potential who are doctoral students and plan to have completed the requirements for their Ph.D. by December 2024 will also be considered. We have a particular interest in candidates whose research profiles align with one of four subjects - EDI, sustainability, entrepreneurship/innovation, and AI/analytics. Applicants in other sub-disciplines will also be considered.

Successful candidates will demonstrate the ability to advance a cutting-edge, compelling, and impactful research agenda. The ideal candidate will have evidence of effective teaching, an experience-appropriate record of research publications in high quality, peer-reviewed journals, and clear promise of conducting innovative and important research publishable in the top journals in information systems such as those listed on the Desautels 22. Successful candidates are also expected to work actively with doctoral students, to teach in our undergraduate and graduate programs, and contribute to the administration of the Area and Faculty. Our emerging teaching needs include, but are not limited to business analytics, core IS course, project management, as well as digital innovation, for both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Teaching duties include engagement in both of our undergraduate and graduate programs.

McGill University is an English-language university where most teaching and research activities are conducted in the English language, thereby requiring English communication both verbally and in writing; but knowledge of French or a willingness to learn French is desirable.

McGill University McGill is a leading research-intensive university located in the heart of Montreal. With more than 80 current tenured/tenure-track professors, the Desautels Faculty of Management is committed to continued growth. The Faculty has 2300 B.Com. students, 250 MBA/ EMBA/ MM students, 76 Ph.D. students, as well as a wide range of executive education offerings.

The IS area (see counts 14 professors who have diverse research interests at the cutting-edge of the discipline and have published in the highest-level outlets. The IS area offers a great diversity of courses and programs to help management students navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital world. Professors have diverse disciplinary backgrounds and enjoy a high level of independence in their research and teaching

endeavors. McGill’s emphasis is on research quality, innovation, and impact. Faculty members have an opportunity to contribute to the activities of several Research Institutes and Centres, including Business and Management Research Centre.

McGill is located in Montreal, a UNESCO City of Design since 2006. Montreal offers a true joie de vivre, boasting an experience between North America and Europe. It is a bilingual city with a vibrant restaurant scene, diverse and dynamic cultural offerings, numerous leisure and recreational activities, and country getaways within a short driving distance. Housing costs, government-funded health care, subsidized day care and free public primary and secondary education help make living in Montreal more affordable. It is also family-friendly and deemed the 4th best city in North America for quality of life in the 2018 Mercer survey.

More information about the Desautels Faculty of Management and the Information Systems Area can be found at:

Compensation levels, teaching load, research funding, and travel support are competitive and commensurate with experience.

Application process and deadline

These materials must be submitted through Workday:

cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of current and prospective research interests, and a sample research paper (all in the same section as you submit your CV)

We are not requesting reference letters at this point; reference check is a secondary step which may follow.

All application materials should be submitted electronically by October 15, 2023. Only complete, electronic submissions are accepted.

Any questions about the position or receipt of materials should be addressed to The cover letter in the application may be addressed to:

Animesh, Area Coordinator Desautels Faculty of Management McGill University 1001 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1G5

Review of materials will begin shortly after the due date above and will continue until the position is filled or the search is terminated. Short-listed candidates invited to meet with members of the Faculty should expect to interview either virtually or in-person as of November 2023.

McGill University is committed to equity and diversity within its community and values academic rigour and excellence. We welcome and encourage applications from racialized persons/visible minorities, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities.

At McGill, research that reflects diverse intellectual traditions, methodologies, and modes of dissemination and translation is valued and encouraged. Candidates are invited to demonstrate their research impact both within and across academic disciplines and in other sectors, such as government, communities, or industry.

McGill further recognizes and fairly considers the impact of leaves (e.g., family care or health- related) that may contribute to career interruptions or slowdowns. Candidates are encouraged to signal any leave that affected productivity, or that may have had an effect on their career path. This information will be considered to ensure the equitable assessment of the candidate’s record.

McGill implements an employment equity program and encourages members of designated equity groups to self-identify. It further seeks to ensure the equitable treatment and full inclusion of persons with disabilities by striving for the implementation of universal design principles transversally, across all facets of the University community, and through accommodation policies and proceduresPersons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations for any part of the application process may contact, in confidence,

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Quebec Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-15 McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management invites applications for Open Rank (Assistant, Associate, or Full) positions in the Inf...View more

Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

The Faculty of Education offers two cohort-based graduate-level counselling psychology programs which are in high demand and are approved programs with the College of Alberta Psychologists. This includes the blended-delivery Master of Counselling (MC) program as well as an on-campus Master of Education (MEd) Counselling Psychology program (which is currently undergoing a significant revision to meet and exceed registration requirements in all Canadian jurisdictions). Details about our graduate Counselling Psychology programs may be found at

The Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge seeks to fill a full-time Tenure Track position in Counselling Psychology at the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointment carries the following key expectations:

  • Engage in scholarly or creative work.
  • Contribute to the graduate program, including teaching graduate courses and supervising graduate student research.
  • Engage in service work, across the campus and within the community (local to international).

Qualifications include a doctorate in Counselling, School, or Clinical Psychology. Applicants must be eligible for registration with the College of Alberta Psychologists.

The successful candidate must have:

(a) skill and experience in Formal Assessment, Psychopathology and Diagnosis (across the lifespan), and have the ability and interest to teach courses in these areas, and

(b) possess the ability to teach in and contribute to both  our MC and MEd programs. The ability to teach in online, face-to-face, and blended formats, and the ability to integrate innovative technology into teaching will be an asset for this position.

The University of Lethbridge was established in 1967 with a student population of 638. It has grown to a current population of nearly 9,000 full-time and part-time students, with approximately 766 graduate students and 600 international students from more than 90 countries. Two campuses (Calgary and Lethbridge) and 18 research centres and institutes make up our university community. There are more than 48,000 University of Lethbridge alumni worldwide.

The University’s main campus is situated on over 550 acres of traditional Blackfoot territory in west Lethbridge. In the 2022 Maclean’s University Rankings, the University of Lethbridge ranked first in the Medical/Science Grants category and second in the Student Satisfaction Rankings of Experiential Learning Opportunities category, and fifth in Canada in total research dollars (primarily undergraduate classification).

The City of Lethbridge: Where the Rocky Mountains meet the Prairies. Lethbridge is known for its bright sunshine (more than 320 days per year), warm summers, and mild winters thanks to our semi-arid climate and Chinook winds. The Oldman River divides the north and south sides from the west side. The river valley's coulees are home to one of North America's largest urban park systems. With over 240km of trails, enjoy walks, runs and bike rides throughout the city. Adventure is only a short drive away!

Information about Lethbridge can be found at

All applications must be submitted online, and should include a letter of application, a cover letter, curriculum-vitae, and contact information for at least two references.

To apply, click link:

The University of Lethbridge invites applications from all qualified candidates. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference.

The University of Lethbridge is committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, including through all aspects of the hiring process.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Alberta Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 The Faculty of Education offers two cohort-based graduate-level counselling psychology programs which are in high demand and are ...View more

نشرت سنة واحدة منذ

McMaster University - School of Social Work

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

McMaster University is located on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Mississauga Nations and within the lands protected by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement.

Position Description

McMaster University’s Faculty of Social Sciences invites applications for a teaching-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work, located on the main university campus, to begin on July 1, 2024.

The School of Social Work offers a generalist BSW program, an MSW program (with streams in Critical Analysis (CA), and Critical Leadership in Social Services and Communities (CL)), and a Ph.D. program in social work and social justice.

The successful candidate will contribute to teaching in the BSW and MSW CL programs and will have additional responsibilities associated with supporting the Field Education Program. In more general terms, we are seeking candidates whose work will expand the School’s commitment to understanding and challenging various forms and dynamics of inequity in a changing social world, and take leadership within the School in strengthening critical and justice-focused field education curriculum and pedagogy in collaboration with the field team. Specifically, we are seeking candidates with social work practice and teaching expertise with racialized groups and communities.

Eligible candidates will have: an MSW degree and substantial experience in social work practice; a proven teaching record in social work practice courses; a demonstrated capacity to support students’ integration of theory and practice; and experience in field instruction. A PhD or PhD near completion in a related discipline is an asset. The School is prioritizing self-identified membership and lived experience of individuals from racialized communities for this position.

McMaster University is a globally renowned institution of higher learning and a research community committed to advancing human and societal health and well-being. McMaster has a vision to achieve international distinction for creativity, innovation and excellence as a student-centred, research-intensive university.  McMaster’s Faculty of Social Sciences comprises over 130 faculty members advancing education and research in collaboration with one or more of the Faculty’s 13 schools, departments and program areas.  Its disciplines are preparing societal leaders to respond to economic, political and cultural shifts in Canada and abroad. Discover more about the Faculty of Social Sciences and the City of Hamilton.

Commitment to Inclusive Excellence

The diversity of our workforce is at the core of our innovation and creativity and strengthens our research and teaching excellence.  In keeping with its Statement on Building an Inclusive Community with a Shared Purpose, McMaster University strives to embody the values of respect, collaboration and diversity, and has a strong commitment to employment equity. The University seeks qualified candidates who share our commitment to equity and inclusion, who will contribute to the diversification of ideas and perspectives, and especially welcomes applications from First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, members of racialized communities (“visible minorities”), persons with disabilities, women, and persons who identify as 2SLGBTQ+.

We invite all applicants to complete a brief Diversity Survey as part of the application process.  It takes approximately two minutes to complete.  All questions are voluntary, with an option to decline to answer.  All information collected is confidential and will be used to support efforts to broaden the diversity of the applicant pool and to promote a fair, equitable and inclusive talent acquisition process.  Inquiries about the Diversity Survey may be directed to

Job applicants requiring accommodation to participate in the hiring process should contact the Office of the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences at 905-525-9140 ext. 26156 or to communicate accommodation needs.

How to Apply:

Please submit the following materials to Professor Saara Greene through the University’s electronic portal:  [Job Opening #57251] by October 20, 2023.

  • a letter of application together with a curriculum vitae describing the impact that career interruptions have had on social work employment, a social work practice statement including experience of formal and informal leadership, teaching/training and field supervision; and a teaching statement to include the applicant’s teaching interests and philosophy (including evidence of teaching effectiveness);
  • a brief statement describing any contributions you have made or planned in relation to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion or inclusive excellence in teaching and service within higher education, community-based or other settings professional or non-professional (2-page maximum);
  • the names of at least three referees; letters of reference are not required and will not be reviewed at the application stage; the Department will request letters of recommendation from referees at later stages of the search process.

Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. The effective date of appointment is negotiable, but July 1, 2024 is preferred.  All applicants will receive online confirmation of receipt of their application; however, only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.  To comply with the Government of Canada’s reporting requirements, the University gathers information about applicants’ status as either a permanent resident of Canada or Canadian citizens.  Applicants need not identify their country of origin or current citizenship; however, all applications must include one of the following statements:

Yes, I am a citizen or permanent resident of Canada No, I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada

Direct any inquiries about this position to Janice Chaplin, Associate Professor and Director of Field Education at:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

McMaster University – School of Social Work Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 McMaster University is located on the traditional territories of the Haudenosau...View more

Location: Nova Scotia
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

Posting Deadline: Posted until filled Department: Geology Type of Employment: Permanent, Full-Time Group Affiliation: SMUFU, Rank of Assistant Professor

The Department of Geology at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor with a preferred start date of July 1, 2024, in the general area of igneous and metamorphic petrology. At Saint Mary’s University, you will be surrounded by a talented, collegial, and dedicated team of professionals committed to accessibility, diversity, and the provision of a positive and supportive learning environment. We recognize the importance of each individual's contribution and growth to the University’s success.

The Department of Geology hosts seven research and teaching faculty (including a CRC II chair and senior lecturer), two full-time technicians, an administrative assistant as well as multiple professors emeriti, part-time faculty, adjunct professors, and postdoctoral fellows. We offer both undergraduate and graduate (MSc and PhD) degree programs, encouraging research initiatives and teaching pedagogies that enhance the diversity of opportunities, experiences, and learning outcomes for our students. To support excellence in teaching, our department hosts museum-quality sample collections, a thin section preparation/lapidary lab, two microscope labs, two general geoscience teaching labs, and industry grade software (e.g., Petrel, ArcGIS, Geochemists Workbench, Move Suite) within our own computer lab. Faculty members and research staff/students in the Department have access to start-of-the-art analytical infrastructure, including a field emission scanning electron microscope, a micro-XRF spectrometer, a confocal micro-Raman spectrometer, a microthermometry lab for fluid and melt inclusion analysis, a hot cathodoluminescence microscope, a two-dimensional gas chromatographic system (FID/qToFMS), ion chromatographic system, and a liquid chromatographic system (UPHLC/SFC-HPLC- qToFMS). Faculty within the Department demonstrate strong externally-funded research programs and have multidisciplinary fields of study that focus on both applied and blue skies research.

Job Information and Responsibilities

As Assistant Professor, the successful applicant will:

  • Create excellent and inclusive student learning experiences through development and delivery of undergraduate courses, primarily in the areas of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Applicants are encouraged to indicate other courses from our established catalogue (e.g., Optical Mineralogy, Sedimentary Petrology and Stratigraphy; see courses here) that they are able to teach and any new courses they would like to propose.
  • Develop and maintain an innovative, externally-funded research program in their field, with student involvement at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Contribute to the service activities, with willingness to help support the Department, the Faculty of Science, the University, and the geoscience community.

Experience and Education Requirements

To be the successful applicant you will have:

  • A demonstrated track record and commitment to excellence in university teaching.
  • PhD in Earth Sciences (or a closely related field) with research expertise in the field of petrology. Post- graduate experience at an academic or government institution, or in industry, is an asset.
  • A strong record of innovative, peer-reviewed research, and well-developed plan to establish an independent, externally funded research program.

Application Details

Send complete applications by email to: Tenure-Track Hiring Committee Department of Geology Saint Mary’s University Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3C3 Email: (cc/

Applicants should provide a single pdf file containing:

  1. Cover letter (which must include a clear statement of status as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident)
  2. Curriculum vitae.
  3. Teaching dossier, which must include: statement on teaching philosophy, listing of courses taught to date, evidence of teaching effectiveness, details on experiences training HQP, and approach to EDIA in teaching environments.
  4. Concise research proposal (5 pages max. for proposal + 2 pages for references, including a section on HQP training and EDIA considerations).
  5. Names and contact information for three individuals able to act as academic referees.
  6. Optional: Candidates may also include a statement detailing career interruptions or other special circumstances relevant to their applications (maximum two pages).

The Selection Committee will begin considering applications after January 8th, 2024. Applications are accepted until the position is filled. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted by the Selection Committee. No telephone calls please.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

At Saint Mary’s University, equity and diversity are integral to excellence and enrich our community. As an institution committed to fostering an environment of inclusion and respect, we welcome applications from women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons/visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity and others who might contribute to the growth and enrichment of our community. Applicants are encouraged to self-identify. If you require accommodations during the recruitment process, please contact

About Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University is one of Canada’s top primary undergraduate universities - known for its international collaborations, leadership in entrepreneurship, and research that benefits local and global communities. Our programs in Arts, Science, Graduate Studies, and the Sobey School of Business are among Canada’s best and feature professors who are committed to the success of their students. Saint Mary’s provides our 7,000 students with a place that fosters equal possibility, excellent research opportunities, and distinguished graduate and professional programs combined with a caring, vibrant community. Nestled in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s East Coast, Saint Mary’s University is marked by iconic buildings, green spaces, and fresh ocean air. The Saint Mary’s University community is committed to a prosperous future for the world - a world without limits.

Learn more about working at Saint Mary’s University here and follow us on LinkedInFacebookTwitter, and Instagram

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Nova Scotia Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 Posting Deadline: Posted until filled Department: Geology Type of Employment: Permanent, Full-Time Group Affiliation: SMU...View more

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

Applications are being sought for a full-time tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor with expertise in Asian Refugee Literatures and Cultures, to be housed in the Department of World Languages and Literatures with 50% dedicated workload in the Global Asia Program starting July 15, 2024.

Qualifications The successful candidate will possess a strong record of research in the literary, cinematic, and other cultural production of refugee subjects within and/or from Asia (defined broadly), with preference given to candidates with expertise in southeast, southwest, or south Asian refugee studies. They will have teaching interests and demonstrated experiences that are inclusive, interdisciplinary, and cross-border in approach; and work with two languages in addition to English. Ideally, they will also possess deep ties to one or more communities formed out of the experience of displacement.

The successful candidate must hold a PhD in Comparative Literature, Asian Studies, Middle East Studies, American Studies, or a closely related field by the employment start date. However, PhD candidates with solid indication of imminent completion may be hired at the rank of Instructor and will be promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor upon completion of the PhD. This is a junior faculty position. Only those eligible to be appointed or promoted to the rank will be considered.

Duties The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the University’s research excellence through a rigorous and collaborative research program. The candidate will be expected to teach courses in both the undergraduate and graduate program in areas such as refugee studies and Global Asian literary and cultural studies. Finally, it is expected that the successful candidate will contribute to the Department, Faculty, University and the academic community through service.

The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers a rigorous and innovative undergraduate program offering a Major, Minor, and Honours degree in the cross-cultural study of World Literature. The Global Asia Program is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program that brings together the study of Asian and Asian diasporic people, places, cultures, and societies. The normal teaching load for this position is four undergraduate courses per year, split between both units, taught in two of three terms with the third for research.

Applications will be treated in confidence and should include: a cover letter, a statement of research (no more than 2 pages); and teaching dossier (including a 1-2 page statement of teaching philosophy, sample course outlines, and evidence of teaching effectiveness); a curriculum vitae; 1 writing sample (no more than 30 pages); and 3 confidential letters of reference.

Applicants should arrange for letters of reference to be sent directly by email attachment to All materials should be sent as a single PDF document by email with the subject heading, 2023 Assistant Professor Application (Applicant Name). Questions about the position can be directed to Dr. Azadeh Yamini-Hamedani at and/or to Dr. Nadine Attewell at

Review of complete applications will begin on October 15, with preference given to applications received by then. The position will remain open until filled. Further course syllabi and a diversity and inclusion statement may be asked from short-listed candidates at a later date.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. SFU is an equity employer and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Indigenous Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the university. SFU recognizes that alternative career paths and/or career interruptions can impact research achievements and commits to ensuring that leaves are taken into careful consideration. Under the authority of the University Act, personal information that is required by the University for academic appointment competitions will be collected. For further information see:

Simon Fraser University is a public institution whose strength is based on our shared commitments to diversity, equity, inclusion, and decolonization. We acknowledge the Xʷməθkʷəy̓ əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), Sə ̓lilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Samiahmoo and Tsawassen peoples on whose unceded territories Simon Fraser University’s three campuses reside. In so doing, we acknowledge Indigenous stewardship both past and present. Our words of recognition indicate our aspiration to create a space for reconciliation through dialogue and decolonizing practices.

Simon Fraser University is an institution whose strength is based on our shared commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Diversity is an underlying principle of our Strategic Vision, which pledges SFU to “foster a culture of inclusion and mutual respect, celebrating the diversity reflected among its students, faculty, staff, and our community. SFU works to advance the interests of underrepresented members of the work force, specifically Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, racialized persons, and women; embrace gender and sexual diversity; ensure that equal opportunity is afforded to all who seek employment at the University; and treat all employees equitably. SFU has adopted the recommendations of the Aboriginal Reconciliation Council report and committed to the strategic hiring of Indigenous scholars across the University. Units across the institution are also actively engaged in the process of fulfilling a September 2021 Senate motion in support of the hiring of 15 Black scholars. Finally, SFU is committed to developing curricular programs that incorporate knowledges historically devalued by the university, such as the Global Asia Program and Indigenous Studies. SFU’s Black Caucus and Queer Faculty Network are two examples of faculty-led initiatives making safer scholarly spaces and uplifting the work of historically marginalized colleagues. The appointment committee enthusiastically welcomes applications from scholars belonging to underrepresented groups.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 Applications are being sought for a full-time tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor with expertise in...View more

Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-01

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University invites applications from outstanding investigators for a tenure-track position in the field of Statistics. The position, open as of August 1st, 2024, is targeted towards candidates with demonstrated expertise in the development of modern statistical theory and methods, or closely related aspects of data science, machine learning or artificial intelligence more broadly. Additional experience doing inter-disciplinary research is an asset. The Department welcomes applications at the Assistant Professor level, but more senior applicants will be considered.

Qualifications: Candidates should hold a doctoral degree in Statistics or a related field at the date of appointment and must demonstrate competitive research and publication records, substantial teaching experience, and a strong potential for collaborative research, program development, and contribution to the scholarly community in general. Candidates must have the necessary background to contribute substantively to teaching core courses among the statistics program degree offerings.

Salary: Salary will be negotiable and commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Application Procedure: Applications should be made through McGill’s Workday at Tenure-Track Position in Statistics-Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Please refer to the How to Apply for a Job (for External Candidates) for detailed instructions.

Required Documentation: A cover letter and curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, a research outline, a teaching statement which includes an account of teaching experience, and at least four letters of references, one of which specifically addressing the teaching record. Candidates are also encouraged to provide web links for up to five selected reprints or preprints.

Application Deadline: To ensure full consideration, complete applications should be received by October 20, 2023. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

McGill University is committed to equity and diversity within its community and values academic rigour and excellence. We welcome and encourage applications from racialized persons/visible minorities, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities.

At McGill, research that reflects diverse intellectual traditions, methodologies, and modes of dissemination and translation is valued and encouraged. Candidates are invited to demonstrate their research impact both within and across academic disciplines and in other sectors, such as government, communities, or industry.

McGill further recognizes and fairly considers the impact of leaves (e.g., family care or health-related) that may contribute to career interruptions or slowdowns. Candidates are encouraged to signal any leave that affected productivity, or that may have had an effect on their career path. This information will be considered to ensure the equitable assessment of the candidate’s record.

McGill implements an employment equity program and encourages members of designated equity groups to self-identify. It further seeks to ensure the equitable treatment and full inclusion of persons with disabilities by striving for the implementation of universal design principles transversally, across all facets of the University community, and through accommodation policies and procedures. Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations for any part of the application process may contact, in confidence,

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Quebec Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-01 The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University invites applications from outstanding investigators for a tenure...View more

University of Calgary

Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta. The City of Calgary is also home to Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III. 

The Department of Physiology and Pharmacology ( and the Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI; with the support of the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI; invite applications for an appointment with Tenure at the Professor level. The selected candidate will be nominated for a Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Tier I Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Brain Circuits. Further information about the Canada Research Chairs Program can be found on the Government of Canada’s CRC website ( including eligibility criteria. A competitive salary and an attractive start-up package will be available through the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM), the HBI and ACHRI.

Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent), be a Professor (or eligible for promotion to this rank) and have an outstanding record of research productivity with publications in high impact journals and demonstrated success in the acquisition of external research funding and awards. The applicant must also meet the requirements outlined for the Canada Research Chair at the Tier I level. Demonstrated leadership ability through research program development and implementation is essential. A documented series of progressively advancing contributions to trainee supervision, mentorship and teaching is expected. A proven ability to initiate partnerships and to work in multidisciplinary teams is essential. Candidates must show evidence of productive, externally funded research programs, and demonstrate a fit with at least one of the nine Brain and Mental Health Teams of the HBI (, or within ACHRI’s Child Brain and Mental Health Program (

The successful candidate will join an established, multidisciplinary, and cross-faculty group of scientists and clinician-scientists. They will develop a program in foundational or translational neuroscience. More specifically, we seek an individual with leading expertise in understanding the brain in health and disease. The successful candidate will be expected to work collaboratively with the team of basic scientists, clinician investigators and clinicians conducting a broad spectrum of research in the brain research environment, as well as other institutes and departments in the Cumming School of Medicine to develop a world-class research program.

The position provides 75% protected time for research with the expectation that the candidate establish a vigorous, sustainable, externally funded research program. The successful candidate will contribute to teaching and graduate student supervision within a dynamic and collaborative environment. The appointee will have access to state-of-the-art core infrastructure including key neurotechnologies located at the HBI advanced microscopy and CSM optogenetic facilities and strong pre-clinical and human neuroimaging, bioinformatics, genomics, non-invasive neuromodulation, and MR-guided focused ultrasound programs. These world-class facilities are partially supported through a recent $12M 5-year investment by the CSM through the Cumming Medical Research Fund. Outstanding opportunities for collaboration are also available with established research programs within the HBI and ACHRI.

Located in Canada’s most enterprising city, the traditional territory of the peoples of Treaty 7 and Region 3 of the Métis Nation of Alberta, the University of Calgary (UCalgary) is a global and innovative intellectual hub for teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and community engagement. UCalgary ranks fifth among Canada’s top research universities in Research Infosource Inc.’s Top 50 Research Universities list released on Jan. 25, 2022. UCalgary is the youngest university to have reached the top five.

UCalgary has more than 6,500 graduate students and 28,500 undergraduate students, more than 1,800 academic staff (continuing, contingent term or limited term appointment), more than 1,300 sessionals, and more than 3,200 non-academic staff, in 14 Faculties, across five campuses. The vibrant and research-intensive environment at UCalgary is home to 146 research chairs (75 Canada Research Chairs), and more than 50 research institutes and centres. UCalgary has the fastest growth rate in attracting research funding among the 10 largest universities in Canada.

The university’s new Framework for Growth establishes principles and focus areas for the University of Calgary over the coming decade. It will ignite our entrepreneurial spirit to turn challenges into opportunities to improve the world around us. It will help to meet our academic and research ambitions and strengthen our community engagement in one of Canada’s most diverse cities, whose exciting future is unfolding rapidly, and where scientific disciplines will play a major role. Built around three big ideas (transdisciplinary scholarship, integration with our community and future-focused program delivery), the Framework will distinguish the university and drive growth.

To learn more about this vision please see:

Calgary is one of the world’s cleanest cities and has been named one of the world’s most livable cities for years. Calgary is a city of leaders - in business, community, philanthropy and volunteerism. Calgarians benefit from a growing number of world-class dining and cultural events and enjoy more days of sunshine per year than any other major Canadian city. Calgary is less than an hour's drive from the majestic Rocky Mountains and boasts the most extensive urban pathway and bikeway network in North America.

The University of Calgary recognizes that candidates have varying career paths and that career interruptions can be part of an excellent academic record. Candidates are encouraged but not required to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions to allow for a fair assessment of their application. Selection committees have been instructed to give careful consideration to, and be sensitive to the impact of career interruptions, when assessing the candidate’s research productivity.

Interested individuals are encouraged to submit an application online via University of Calgary Careers webpage using the ‘Apply Now’ link.

Please be aware that the application process allows for a maximum of four attachments. Your four application attachments should be organized to contain the following (you are encouraged to merge documents to reduce the number of attachments):

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Research interest statement (not to exceed 2 pages)
  • Leadership statement including equity, diversity and inclusion considerations (not to exceed 2 pages)
  • The names and contact information for three (3) referees. Reference letters will not be required unless the applicant is short-listed for a visit/interview.

View full posting and apply:

For more information, please contact:

Robert Newton, PhD Head, Physiology and Pharmacology c/o Chloe Fowler (

Application deadline: October 31, 2023

To learn more about academic opportunities at the University of Calgary and all we have to offer, view our Academic Careers website (  For more information about the Cumming School of Medicine visit Careers in the Cumming School of Medicine (

The University of Calgary strongly recommends all faculty and staff are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

The University of Calgary has launched an institution-wide Indigenous Strategy in line with the foundational goals of Eyes High, committing to creating a rich, vibrant, and culturally competent campus that welcomes and supports Indigenous Peoples, encourages Indigenous community partnerships, is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives in all that we do.

As an equitable and inclusive employer, the University of Calgary recognizes that a diverse staff/faculty benefits and enriches the work, learning and research experiences of the entire campus and greater community. We are committed to removing barriers that have been historically encountered by some people in our society. We strive to recruit individuals who will further enhance our diversity and will support their academic and professional success while they are here. In particular, we encourage members of the designated groups (women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible/racialized minorities, and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) to apply. To ensure a fair and equitable assessment, we offer accommodation at any stage during the recruitment process to applicants with disabilities. Questions regarding [diversity] EDI at UCalgary can be sent to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion ( and requests for accommodations can be sent to Human Resources (

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. In this connection, at the time of your application, please answer the following question: Are you a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? (Yes/No)

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Calgary Location: Alberta Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the traditional territories of the people of the Trea...View more