Tag Archives: Santé

Corona Symptoms .. Your Complete Guide to 22 Signs of Illness

What are the symptoms of the emerging corona virus? What are the most common symptoms? What are the most dangerous symptoms that can indicate serious complications? The answer can be found in this comprehensive report. Here we are providing you with the latest medical data on the symptoms of the emerging coronavirus, “SARS …

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Can we eat food affected by a fly?

There are a number of things you can do when you see a fly on food. As an example, you can instantly throw in your tasty lunch. Fly on food: Some of us will continue to eat as if nothing had happened under the pretext that “it’s just a fly”. In fact, …

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Researchers have found a natural way to avoid type 2 diabetes

Before type 2 diabetes, there is prediabetes. Researchers believe they’ve found a natural way to keep blood sugar levels under control so that you don’t go on to type 2 diabetes. Find out what it is. 5 million French people suffer from type 2 diabetes. This disease is characterized by an excessively …

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The 10 worst epidemics in history that have reshaped the world

Do you panic about catching the Coronavirus and dying in terrible suffering? Rest assured: it will always be less serious than the bubonic plague or the Spanish flu. Black plague (1347-1352) Caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, black plague killed between 25 and 50 million people in Europe between 1347 and …

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Covid-19: Why the virus kills more men than women

With the progression of the epidemic linked to the coronavirus, one thing is becoming more and more obvious: the virus affects and kills more men than women. This was noticed in China and it is also the case in one of the most affected European countries, Italy. 60% of cases of Covid-19 …

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American dies after using chloroquine to prevent coronavirus

A sixty-year-old man died in Arizona, United States, after consuming a teaspoon of chloroquine phosphate, the American chain NBC News reported.  The couple had no symptoms of infection, but “we were afraid of getting sick,” said his wife, who also ingested the substance believed to cure the coronavirus. In about 20 …

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Beware of excessive use of disinfectants and sterilizers

The sterilizers and disinfectants market has seen a lot of activity recently with the spread of the Corona epidemic worldwide and the registration of thousands of deaths. People of all ages have used them excessively to avoid infections, but what is hidden from them is that there are side effects …

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No, do not wear gloves to protect yourself from Coronavirus

This solution is not welcome to combat the transmission of the disease. In order to protect themselves from the Covid-19, people prefer to wear rubber gloves when they are away from home. During the first round of municipal elections, the assessors also made this choice. However, it is not advisable to …

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40 questions about the Corona virus… our answers

Here we present 40 questions about the virus and its response, noting that the information below is taken from sources, including publications from the World Health Organization: 1- What is the Corona virus? Corona viruses are a large group of viruses that can cause disease in animals and humans. A number …

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