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Poste de doctorat entièrement financé au Conseil européen de la recherche (ERC) – Vieillissement, santé et société – Bruxelles , Belgique

1 – Travailler à la VUB Depuis plus de 50 ans, la Vrije Universiteit Brussel défend la liberté, l’égalité et la solidarité , et cela est très présent sur nos campus, tant auprès des étudiants que du personnel. À la VUB, vous trouverez une collection diversifiée de personnalités : des innovateurs purs et durs, …

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Junior Professor in Electrical Engineering: High Voltage Power Systems

Offer Description Research You develop a research program in high/medium voltage applications, developing and testing high voltage power electronics, asset condition monitoring techniques, sensors, materials and components, … The scale of these applications may vary from small stand-alone systems to large-scale grid-connected systems. Key elements in the research are conversion …

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Full-time assistant commercial and insolvency law

Research in the domain of commercial law, insolvency law or international commercial law. You conduct doctoral and other research, and also offer educational support in the domain. Offering educational support in Dutch is part of the assignment. Requirements Research Field Juridical sciences Education Level Master Degree or equivalent Languages DUTCH Level …

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PhD for EU-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network DurAMat

The partners in the EU-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network DurAMat are recruiting 11 motivated PhD students, with research and training starting in April 2024. DurAMat joins academia and industry, providing scientific and personal development to young researchers in the “Sustainable production, processing and modelling of durable additive manufactured materials for enhanced performance and long-term service …

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PhD student Optimization in transport and logistics

About the function As selected candidate, you will be guided in performing your research with the aim of obtaining a PhD. Your research topic is situated in the context of designing and applying operations research techniques for the optimization or simulation of decision-making problems in the context of transport and …

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WP on ERC project ASEA – the aftermath of slavery in East Africa – Geschiedenis (26150)

→   Apply before 21/09/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY) 23:59 (Brussels Time)    →   Faculty of Arts and Philosophy      →  Department: LW03 – Geschiedenis    →  Occupancy rate:100%    →  Number of positions: 1        →  Type of employment: Contract of limited duration     →  Term of assignment: 2 years     →  Wage scale:  PD1 to PD4 (doctoral degree)     →  Required diploma: PhD  ABOUT GHENT UNIVERSITY Gent University …

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Post-doctoral assistant – Department of Accounting, Corporate Finance and Taxation (26387)

  →   Apply until 03/10/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY) 23:59 (Brussels time)     →   Faculty of Economics and Business Administration     →   Department EB22 – Department of Accounting, Corporate Finance and Taxation     →   AAP temporary appointment – 80%     →   Number of openings: 1     →   Reference number: 202309/EB22/DA/021 ABOUT GHENT UNIVERSITY Ghent University is …

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Doctoral scholarship holders chemistry

Organisation/Company University of Antwerp Research Field Chemistry » Analytical chemistry Chemistry » Biochemistry Chemistry » Computational chemistry Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry Chemistry » Molecular chemistry Technology » Nanotechnology Chemistry » Inorganic chemistry Chemistry » Other Chemistry » Physical chemistry Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1) Country Belgium Application Deadline 11 …

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Projet de thèse conjoint Éthique et intégrité du sport

(réf. BAP-2023-605) Le projet de doctorat pour lequel un chercheur sera recruté fait partie du Réseau de Formation Doctorale en Ethique et Intégrité du Sport (DAiSI). DAiSI est un réseau conjoint de formation doctorale en éthique et intégrité du sport financé par l’UE (, pour lequel un total de 17 …

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Teaching assistant Department of Morphology, Imaging, Orthopedics, Rehabilitation and Nutrition (26368) – Ghent, Belgium

  →   Apply until 03/10/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY) 23:59 (Brussels time)     →   Faculty of Veterinary Medicine     →   Department DI11 – Morphology, Imaging, Orthopedics, Rehabilitation and Nutrition     →   AAP temporary appointment – 20%     →   Number of openings: 1     →   Reference number: 202309/DI11/PA/008 ABOUT GHENT UNIVERSITY Ghent University is a world of …

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