Junior Professor of Nutrition and Sports

Publié il y a 10 mois

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) is one of the largest universities in Germany. Thanks to its location in the Rhine-Main science region, the university can unfold to its full potential and showcase its innovative power and dynamism. Its status as a comprehensive university allows for multidisciplinary learning and teaching and has great potential for internationally renowned, interdisciplinary research. Almost all of its institutes are located on a single campus close to the Mainz city center – creating a lively academic culture for researchers, teaching staff, and students from every continent.

The Institute of Sports and Sports Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Media, and Sports invites applications for the position of
Junior Professor of Nutrition and Sports
beginning on April 1, 2024.
Salary grade W 1 LBesG | Civil servant with a fixed-term contract

Tasks and expectations:
We are looking for a candidate to represent nutrition research related to sports and movement exercises with regard to different aspects of performance, health and fitness.

The successful candidate is expected to teach  foundations and nutrition concepts in German and English in the context of the bachelor’s and master’s programs in Sports Science.

The willingness to participate in academic self-administration is expected, as is active involvement in the continuing education.


Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent

In addition to the general requirements according to public services law, applicants must meet the recruitment requirements stipulated in Section 54 of the University Act (Hochschulgesetz) of Rhineland-Palatinate.

We expect applicants to have a university degree and a PhD/doctorate in nutritional science, biology or sports science as well as experience in teaching and outstanding research potential illustrated by first publications.

The state of Rhineland-Palatinate and JGU are committed to the close personal mentoring of students and therefore expect teaching staff to have a strong presence at the university. Successful applicants should exhibit a cooperative, teamoriented and proactive work ethic, strong communication skills, and the willingness to assume responsibility – including further professional development in accordance with JGU’s leadership guidelines.

Junior professors are appointed as civil servants for a period of six years. In the fourth year, the junior professor’s performance level will be evaluated in order to provide orientation for the following years.


Additional Information


What we have to offer:
JGU firmly supports making family and career compatible and promotes its employees’ further professional development with an extensive range of human resources development opportunities.

JGU is diverse and welcomes qualified applications from people with varied backgrounds.

JGU aims to increase the number of women in research and teaching and therefore encourages female researchers to apply.
Candidates with severe disabilities and appropriate qualifications will be given priority.

Selection process

Please submit your application, including CV, references, diplomas and certificates, as well as a list of publications, a record of (independent) third-party funding acquired, current and future research projects/research proposals, previous teaching activity, teaching evaluations, etc. electronically as one PDF file by 26.10.2023 to the

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Media and Sports
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Daschmann
E-mail: geschaeftsfuehrungfb02@uni-mainz.de


Website for additional job details

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

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