PhD student opportunities in near-surface geophysics – Florida Atlantic University, United States

Publié il y a 3 mois

The Department of Geosciences at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) is looking for motivated graduate students to engage in current ongoing research using a variety of near-surface geophysical methods (i.e., electrical, electromagnetic and seismic techniques) for the subsurface characterization of the critical zone in several multidisciplinary projects. Geophysical research is merged with other disciplines such as biogeosciences, hydrology, or remote sensing to investigate a variety of environments including wetlands and karst environments. Previous experience with near-surface geophysical techniques is desired but not necessary. Opportunities for both research and teaching assistants are available.

This position involves submission of an application to the Doctor of Philosophy in Geosciences Program at FAU. More information about this program can be found at:

Any inquiries can be sent via email to Professor Xavier Comas at

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Catégorie emploiDoctorat

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