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Halton Foundation, une organisation caritative opérant sans limites géographiques

La Fondation Halton est une organisation caritative dont le but est d'améliorer la qualité de l'environnement intérieur. Les subventions sont généralement accordées à des organisations à but non lucratif qui recherchent des moyens d'améliorer le bien-être humain dans les environnements intérieurs. Des subventions peuvent également être demandées par des organisations qui développent des solutions visant une meilleure qualité de l'environnement intérieur.


La Fondation Halton se concentre sur la qualité de l'air intérieur, les conditions thermiques, les particules respirables et les maladies pouvant résulter d'une qualité de l'environnement intérieur inférieure aux normes.

La Fondation Halton a accordé des subventions au cours des six dernières années pour un montant total de plus de 165 000 euros. Des subventions ont été accordées dans plusieurs domaines, notamment l'aide aux enfants asthmatiques, le financement du projet Himalayas Stove et l'octroi de subventions aux universités qui étudient la qualité de l'environnement intérieur.

Qui peut postuler ?

Les subventions sont généralement accordées à des organisations à but non lucratif qui recherchent des moyens d'améliorer le bien-être humain dans les environnements intérieurs. Des subventions peuvent également être demandées par des organisations qui développent des solutions visant une meilleure qualité de l'environnement intérieur.

Quels types de subventions sont accordées ?

  • Subventions ponctuelles qui sont des subventions d'un an dans un but spécifique
  • Subventions pluriannuelles d’une durée maximale de trois ans
  • Subventions du programme de démarrage
Selon la portée et la nature du projet ou du programme, le montant de la subvention peut varier entre des milliers de dollars et des dizaines de milliers de dollars. Les subventions ne dépasseront pas 30 000 € par an.

Demander une subvention

Les subventions sont accordées sur la base des demandes de subvention. La période de candidature s'étend du 1 er juillet au 1 er septembre . Les demandes de subventions peuvent être faites en remplissant et en soumettant le formulaire de demande de subvention. La candidature doit être soumise par voie électronique avec toutes les pièces jointes répertoriées. Veuillez noter que la Fondation Halton n'autorisera que 10 % des coûts du projet à être alloués aux frais généraux et administratifs. Ceci n’est pas négociable et tous les candidats retenus doivent satisfaire à cette exigence.

Demander une subvention

Si votre organisation ou projet reflète ces priorités, vous pouvez soumettre une demande de subvention en utilisant notre formulaire en ligne. Appliquer maintenant

Propose a grant candidate

Si vous connaissez une organisation qui œuvre pour l'amélioration des conditions de l'environnement intérieur ainsi que de la santé et du bien-être des personnes, parlez-nous-en. Propose a candidate
La décision sur les subventions est prise avant le 1 er novembre . Le candidat retenu sera informé de l'attribution de la subvention et la décision de subvention sera annoncée sur le site Web de la Fondation. La Fondation Halton signera un accord de subvention avec l'organisation caritative qui reçoit les fonds. Le bénéficiaire de la subvention doit également fournir des informations sur l'utilisation des fonds aux fins prévues.

Subventions accordées

 La Société Internationale pour la Qualité de l’Air Intérieur et le Climat (ISIAQ)  

La Société internationale pour la qualité de l'air intérieur et le climat (ISIAQ) a reçu une subvention de 3 ans alors qu'elle travaille au développement d'une base de données sur les lignes directrices IEQ.
L'ISIAQ est un organisme international, indépendant, multidisciplinaire, scientifique et à but non lucratif dont le but est de soutenir la création d'environnements intérieurs sains, confortables et productifs. En tant que société, l’un de nos rôles est d’élaborer, d’adapter et de maintenir des lignes directrices pour l’amélioration de la qualité de l’air intérieur et du climat. Nous coopérons également avec le gouvernement et d’autres agences et sociétés ayant des intérêts dans l’environnement intérieur et le climat.
Pour plus d'informations sur l'ISIAQ, visitez :

Université de technologie de Varsovie (Pologne)

En 2016, la Fondation Halton a accordé une subvention de trois ans à l'Université de technologie de Varsovie en Pologne. La subvention a été accordée pour un projet de recherche qui crée des lignes directrices en matière d'environnement intérieur pour les chambres de patients dans les hôpitaux en Pologne. Le projet examine la répartition de l'air des pièces, les variables microclimatiques et les valeurs limites et explore des solutions technologiques rentables qui peuvent être utilisées pour la modernisation et l'amélioration des pièces. Le projet vise à créer un programme principal avec des recommandations pour un environnement cible spécifique. La subvention est versée progressivement, par étapes, à condition que les conditions de l'étape précédente soient remplies. Il s'agit de la quatrième subvention accordée par la Fondation. Pour plus d'informations, visitez :

Université de Reading et  Université de Chongqing 

La troisième subvention, d'une valeur de 29 500 dollars, a été accordée fin 2013 à l'Université de Reading pour un projet sur  l'environnement intérieur des écoles et les stratégies de contrôle de la ventilation pour la santé et le bien-être des enfants . Le but du projet est d'améliorer la santé et le bien-être des écoliers en étudiant les conditions environnementales intérieures et en développant des stratégies de contrôle pour atténuer le niveau de contamination des salles de classe situées dans les zones urbaines. Il s'agit d'un projet de recherche conjoint entre l'Université de Reading et l'Université de Chongqing en Chine. Pour plus d'informations, visitez :

Projet de poêle himalayen 

La deuxième subvention de la Fondation Halton a été accordée en 2012 à la Paul Basch Memorial Foundation pour l'aider dans son projet Himalayan Stove visant à améliorer la santé des habitants de la région trans-himalayenne. Le projet Himalayan Stove Project se consacre à l’amélioration de la santé des populations de la région transhimalayenne. L'organisation fournit gratuitement des cuisinières à combustion propre et très économes en carburant aux familles vivant dans l'Himalaya qui cuisinent désormais avec des cuisinières traditionnelles rudimentaires ou sur des foyers ouverts à l'intérieur de leurs maisons, consommant des quantités excessives de combustible précieux et polluant l'air intérieur. niveaux dangereusement malsains. Pour plus d’informations, visitez :

Centre pour enfants courageux 

La Fondation Halton a accordé sa première subvention au  Centre for Courageous Kids  situé à Scottsville, Kentucky. Le Centre est un camping médical qui propose des camps d'été et de week-end gratuits aux enfants gravement malades ou handicapés et à leurs familles. Le Centre a reçu une subvention unique de 30 000 dollars.

La subvention de la Fondation Halton permet au Centre for Courageous Kids d'organiser un camp d'été d'une semaine pour les enfants asthmatiques.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez : 


Halton Foundation is a charitable organization with the aim of improving indoor environmental quality. Grants are typically awarded to non-profit organizations researching how to improve human wellbeing in indoor environments. Grants may also be applied by organizations that develop solutions aiming for better indoor environmental quality.

Contact us

Halton Foundation focuses on indoor air quality, thermal conditions, breathable particulates, and illnesses that may result from sub-standard indoor environmental quality.

Halton Foundation has awarded grants in the past six years totaling over 165 000 Euros. Grants have been awarded in several areas including helping children with asthma, funding for the Himalayas Stove project, and providing grants to universities that research indoor environmental quality.

Who can apply?

Grants are typically awarded to non-profit organizations researching how to improve human wellbeing in indoor environments. Grants may also be applied by organizations that develop solutions aiming for better indoor environmental quality.

What kind of grants are awarded?

  • One time grants which are single-year grants for a specific purpose
  • Multi-year grants for no longer than three years
  • Start-up program grants
Depending on the scope and nature of the project or program, the amount of the grant may vary between thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of dollars. Grants shall not exceed 30 000 € per year.

Applying for a grant

Grants are awarded based on grant applications.  The application period is from July 1st to September 1st. Requests for grants may be made by filling out and submitting the grant application form. The application must be submitted electronically with all attachments listed. Please note that the Halton Foundation will only allow 10% of project costs to be allocated for overhead and administrative expenses. This is non-negotiable, and all successful applicants must meet this requirement.

Apply for a grant

If your organization or project reflects these priorities, you may submit a grant application using our online form. Apply Now

Propose a grant candidate

If you know an organization that works for improving indoor environment conditions and people’s health and wellbeing, please tell us about it. Propose a candidate
Decision on grants is made by November 1st. The successful applicant will be notified of the grant award and the grant decision will be announced in the Foundation website. Halton Foundation will sign a Grant Agreement with the charitable organization receiving the funds. The grant receiver must also provide information about the use of the funds for the purpose intended.

Grants Awarded

 The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)  

The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) was awarded a 3-year grant as they are working toward developing a database on IEQ guidelines.
ISIAQ is an international, independent, multidisciplinary, scientific, non-profit organization whose purpose is to support the creation of healthy, comfortable and productive indoor environments. As a Society, one of our roles it to develop, adapt and maintain guidelines for the improvement of indoor air quality and climate. We also cooperate with government and other agencies and societies with interests in the indoor environment and climate.
For more information on ISIAQ visit:

Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

In 2016, Halton Foundation awarded a three-year grant to Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. The grant was awarded for a research project that creates indoor environment guidelines for patient rooms in hospitals in Poland. The project looks at the rooms’ air distribution, microclimate variables, and limit values and explores cost-efficient technological solutions that can be utilized in the modernization and further improvement of the rooms. The project aims at creating a principle program with recommendations for a specific target environment. The grant is paid gradually in stages provided that the requirements of the previous stage are met. This was the fourth grant awarded by the Foundation. For more information visit:

University of Reading and Chongqing University 

The third grant, with the value of 29,500 dollars was awarded in the end of 2013 to the University of Reading for a project on School Indoor Environment & Ventilation Control Strategies for Children’s Health & Wellbeing. The purpose of the project is to improve health and wellbeing for school children by investigating the indoor environmental conditions and developing control strategies to mitigate the level of contaminations for the classroom located in the urban areas. It is a joint research project between the University of Reading, and Chongqing University in China. For more information visit:

Himalayan Stove Project 

Halton Foundation’s second grant was given in 2012 to the Paul Basch Memorial Foundation to help in its Himalayan Stove project in improving heath of people in trans-Himalayan region. The Himalayan Stove Project is dedicated to improving the health of the people in the trans-Himalayan region. The organisation provides free, clean-burning, highly fuel-efficient cook stoves to families living in the Himalayas who now cook with traditional, rudimentary stoves or over open fire pits inside their homes, consuming excessive amounts of precious fuel and polluting the indoor air to dangerously unhealthy levels. For more information visit:

Center for Courageous Kids 

Halton Foundation awarded its first grant to the Center for Courageous Kids located in Scottsville, Kentucky. The Center is a medical camping facility that provides cost-free summer and weekend camps for seriously ill and disabled children and their families. The Centre was awarded with a 30,000 dollar one time grant.

The grant from the Halton Foundation enables the Center for Courageous Kids to organise a one week summer camp for children with asthma.

For more information visit: 


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

Halton Foundation, une organisation caritative opérant sans limites géographiques La Fondation Halton est une organisation caritative dont le but est d’améliorer la qualité de l’enviro...View more

نشرت سنة واحدة منذ

The aim of the City of Mount Gambier Sport and Recreation Capital Works Program is to foster and assist in the development and/or capital renewal of sport and recreation infrastructure within the city.

Applications are now open for 2023/2024 with submissions closing on Monday, 4 September 2023. Please refer to the below Guidelines and Application Form for details.

As a general rule, applications should be for projects with a minimum total cost of $10,000 and a maximum total cost of $50,000. Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate a high incidence of self help as evidenced by matching funds or significant in-kind contributions by the organisation.

The applicant's contributions for this purpose may include cash from the organisation's own resources, grants or funds from sponsors or other sources or in-kind support in the form of labour or services. If the applicant's contribution includes a grant from another source, the applicant must provide evidence that the grant has been awarded or confirmed with an application under this program.

Please refer to the program guidelines for further information, including:

  • Types of projects eligible for funding under the program,
  • What is not eligible for funding under the program,
  • Who can apply for the funding, and
  • Payment conditions of grants.

For further information contact (08) 8721 2555 or email

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

The aim of the City of Mount Gambier Sport and Recreation Capital Works Program is to foster and assist in the development and/or capital renewal of sport and recreation infrastructure within the city...View more

نشرت سنة واحدة منذ

La CESAO lance le troisième cycle du  Prix du contenu arabe numérique pour le développement durable , en collaboration avec les  World Summit Awards  (WSA). Le prix récompense les meilleurs produits de contenu numérique arabe liés aux  objectifs de développement durable  (ODD).

Les candidatures pour le prix sont ouvertes aux  institutions et aux jeunes entrepreneurs  des pays arabes qui ont créé des applications ou des produits de contenu numérique arabe ayant un impact évident sur la société.

  • Les institutions  peuvent être publiques, privées, universitaires, de la société civile, non gouvernementales ou autres parties prenantes, avec des produits existants qui soutiennent la réalisation des ODD.
  • Les jeunes entrepreneurs  peuvent être des fondateurs de start-up, ou des équipes de jeunes ou des individus dont au moins un des fondateurs et la plupart des membres de l’équipe ont moins de 35 ans.

Les candidatures peuvent être effectuées via une plateforme dédiée jusqu'au 15 octobre 2023 . De plus amples informations sur les conditions de participation sont disponibles dans le règlement et les conditions du prix , qui ont été fixés par le comité directeur du prix. Les soumissions seront évaluées par un jury d'experts de la région arabe, et les produits lauréats seront annoncés lors du  Forum arabe annuel 2024 pour le développement durable . 

Liens connexes

Hashtag :  #DAC_Award


ESCWA is launching the third cycle of the ESCWA Digital Arabic Content Award for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the World Summit Awards (WSA). The Award recognizes the best digital Arabic content products that relate to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Applications for the Award are open to institutions and young entrepreneurs from Arab countries that have created digital Arabic content applications or products with a clear impact on society.

  • Institutions can be public, private, academic, civil society, non-governmental, or other stakeholders, with existing products that support the achievement of the SDGs.
  • Young entrepreneurs can be start-up founders, or teams of young people or individuals where at least one of the founders and most of the team are younger than 35 years old.

Submissions can be made through a dedicated platform until 15 October 2023. More information about the requirements for participation is available in the Award rules and conditions, which have been set by the Award steering committee. Submissions will be evaluated by a jury of experts from the Arab region, and the Award winner products will be announced during the 2024 annual Arab Forum for Sustainable Development.

Related links

Hashtag: #DAC_Award


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

La CESAO lance le troisième cycle du  Prix du contenu arabe numérique pour le développement durable , en collaboration avec les  World Summit Awards  (WSA). Le prix récompense les meilleur...View more

The Equitable Access in Child Nutrition Programs (EA-CN) Project Team is pleased to make up to $1.1 million in funding available through a Subgrant Request for Proposals (RFP). Individual subgrant awards will range from $100,000 to $250,000.

The purpose of the EA-CN Subgrant RFP is to support research activities that identify barriers to equitable access in the Child Nutrition Programs, as well as strategies to help overcome these barriers. 

Access the RFP here and apply online here. We strongly recommend submitting a Letter of Intent before starting the application process.

The deadline for proposals is October 3, 2023.

Informational Webinar

The EA-CN Project Team will host a webinar for interested applicants to provide additional details about the subgrant opportunity. The recording will be posted on this page. 

Date & Time
Slide Deck
Webinar: Overview of the EA-CN Subgrant
Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

This material is based upon work that is supported by the Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

The Equitable Access in Child Nutrition Programs (EA-CN) Project Team is pleased to make up to $1.1 million in funding available through a Subgrant Request for Proposals (RFP). Individual subgrant ...View more

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-08-28
Advertised until: 2023-10-27

School of Social Work, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

The School of Social Work in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly qualified applicants for an Assistant or Associate Professor position in Direct Practice. The successful candidate will have demonstrated experience practicing and/or teaching direct practice with individuals, families, and/or groups. This is a tenure-track appointment to the Professorial Stream to commence July 1, 2024.

The School of Social Work is committed to educating social workers in practices that further the goal of social justice. The successful candidate will demonstrate a substantive analysis of systemic oppression, and engagement with the mission statement of the School in their teaching and scholarship. The successful applicant must demonstrate excellence in scholarly research, teaching, and service and must be suitable for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Candidate Qualifications:

Degree: BSW and/or MSW and a PhD in Social Work or a related discipline are required.


  • A coherent and well-articulated program of research and specialization in critical social work.
  • A record or evident promise of generating innovative, substantive, rigorous, and as appropriate, externally funded research.
  • A record or evident promise of making influential contributions and demonstrating excellence in the field (e.g., journal articles, books, book chapters, presentations, innovative knowledge mobilization.


  • The School is seeking candidates to teach BSW- and MSW-level core courses from a critical perspective.
  • A record or evident promise of excellence in teaching and dedication to students (e.g., teaching accomplishments, pedagogical innovations, experiential education, course development.
  • Suitability for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, given that the position will involve graduate teaching and supervision.


  • The successful candidate will have demonstrated experience working with diverse and marginalized populations.
  • The successful candidate will have demonstrated experience practicing and/or teaching direct practice with individuals, families, and/or groups.

 Service: The successful candidate will also have a demonstrated strong record of service.

Hiring Policies:

  • Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
  • All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
  • York is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, in its community. Details of the AA Program, which applies to women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, can be found here or by contacting Christal Chapman, EDI Program Manager (; 416-736-5713).
  • York welcomes and employs scholars from all over the world. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples of Canada will be given priority.
  • York has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Applicants who require accommodation are invited to contact Interim Director Maurice Poon at

Application Process:

  • Due date for completed applications: November 1, 2023
  • Required materials: 1) current CV; 2) cover letter; 3) research and teaching statement; 4) teaching materials; 5) 3 writing samples. Three reference letters will later be requested from short-listed candidates.
  • Provide required information regarding your Canadian work status and optional self-identification for Affirmative Action purposes as part of the online application.
  • Direct questions about the position to Interim Director Maurice Poon at

 Submit materials at 

 Learn More About York:

York University acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations. The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Huron-Wendat. It is now home to many First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-08-28 Advertised until: 2023-10-27 School of Social Work, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies The School of Social Work in the Faculty of Liberal Art...View more

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-08-28
Advertised until: 2023-10-27

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering invites outstanding bilingual applicants to apply for two (2) tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level.  Due to rapid expansions of its program, the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at the University of Ottawa invites candidates with expertise in the general field of Chemical and Biological Engineering to apply; candidates with expertise in bioengineering, process control and analytical technologies including AI, sustainable industrial chemistry, point-of-care diagnosis and rapid detection sensors (POC), and sustainable materials processing are particularly encouraged to apply to complement the department’s strength and solidify its leadership in these areas.

Title of the position: Assistant Professor

Duties: The functions of a member of the academic staff include, in varying proportions: a) teaching activities; b) scholarly activities revealed by research, artistic or literary creation, or professional work; c) supervision of graduate students; d) academic and professional service activities. The candidate will be expected to develop and lead an active nationally and internationally recognized research program, attract external research funding, supervise graduate students, collaborate with other faculty members, and participate in educational and professional activities including administrative duties.

Salary: Regular tenure-track academic appointment in the Faculty of Engineering with a salary consistent with the collective agreement of the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa.

Benefits package: The University of Ottawa provides a complete compensation package, which includes long term disability, basic group life insurance, supplementary health insurance, University of Ottawa Pension Plan and optional life insurance.

Location of work:  Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Ottawa.

The University of Ottawa, located on the unceded territory of the Anishinabé-Algonquin people, in the heart of Canada’s capital, which provides world-class cultural and recreational opportunities. The University of Ottawa is one of Canada’s top-ten research intensive universities, and the world’s largest English/French bilingual university. The Faculty of Engineering provides a learning environment that promotes excellence and innovation, with a strong emphasis on entrepreneurial design. Excellence and diversity in research are built on strong collaboration with industry and government research institutions, many of which are located in the nation’s capital. Further information relating to the Department can be viewed on its web site

Contact information: Dr. Xudong Cao (, Chair, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5.

Skills requirements:

  • Education: Undergraduate degree and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering or related discipline.
  • Experience: A demonstrated excellent research or professional track record in related field of expertise; a commitment to teaching and graduate training; and a strong track record in and a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration. A commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level.
  • Other:  These are fully bilingual positions and candidates should be able to teach in English and French at the time of hiring. Thus, bilingualism (French/English) is required.  Registration as a Professional Engineer in Canada needs to be satisfied at the time of tenure and thereafter. Candidates must demonstrate a commitment to contributing to a culture that supports diversity and inclusion.

Application deadline: October 31, 2023.  The application material consists of a cover letter, a CV, a detailed teaching and research statement along with the contact information for three referees.

Applications should be submitted electronically through the University of Ottawa Academic Careers website.

The University of Ottawa is committed to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion in the scholarly and leadership environments of our students, staff, and faculty. Accordingly, we strongly encourage applications from Indigenous Peoples in Canada, visible minorities members (racialized persons), persons with disabilities, women, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with equitable, diverse and inclusive communities. Candidates who wish to be considered as a member of one or more designated groups are asked to complete the confidential Self-Identification Questionnaire, to be completed at the time of application.

According to government policy, all qualified candidates are invited to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadians and permanent residents. When submitting your application, please indicate if you are legally entitled to work in Canada.

The University of Ottawa provides accommodations for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process. If you are invited to proceed in the selection process, please notify us of any accommodations that you require by contacting the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations at Any information you send us will be handled respectfully and in complete confidence.

The University of Ottawa is proud of its more than 160-year tradition of bilingualism. Through its Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, the University provides training to staff members and to their spouses in their second official language.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-08-28 Advertised until: 2023-10-27 The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering invites outstanding bilingual applicants to apply for two (2) tenure-track...View more

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-08-28
Advertised until: 2023-10-27

The Department of Mechanical Engineering invites outstanding applicants to apply for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level with specialization in the field of thermofluids engineering with application to sustainable energy systems.  We seek candidates who have demonstrated excellence in fundamental research in thermofluids engineering, addressing the needs of society for clean energy sources and their resilient infrastructures.  The candidate is expected to strengthen the department’s activities in the fundamental studies of turbulent flows and in applications that include, but are not limited to, nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics, wind, wave and solar energy harvesting, wind/water tunnel testing and use of alternative fuels, while developing an independent world-class research program in the thermofluids of energy systems for a sustainable environment.

Title of the position: Assistant Professor

Duties: The functions of a member of the academic staff include, in varying proportions: a) teaching activities; b) scholarly activities revealed by research, artistic or literary creation, or professional work; c) supervision of graduate students; d) academic and professional service activities. The candidate will be expected to develop and lead an active nationally and internationally recognized research program, attract external research funding, supervise graduate students, collaborate with other faculty members, and participate in educational and professional activities including administrative duties.

Rank and salary: Regular tenure-track academic appointment in the Faculty of Engineering with a salary consistent with the collective agreement of the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa.

Benefits package: The University of Ottawa provides a complete compensation package, which includes long term disability, basic group life insurance, supplementary health insurance, University of Ottawa Pension Plan and optional life insurance.

Location of work: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario. 

The University of Ottawa, located on the unceded territory of the Anishinabé-Algonquin people, in the heart of Canada’s capital, which provides world-class cultural and recreational opportunities. The University of Ottawa is one of Canada’s top-ten research intensive universities, and the world’s largest English/French bilingual university. The Faculty of Engineering provides a learning environment that promotes excellence and innovation, with a strong emphasis on entrepreneurial design. Excellence and diversity in research are built on strong collaboration with industry and government research institutions, many of which are located in the nation’s capital.  The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) accredited undergraduate programs in mechanical and biomedical mechanical engineering.  The Department has a strong research program and offers graduate programs in mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, as well as advanced materials and manufacturing.  Further information relating to the Department can be viewed on its web site

Contact information: Dr. Natalie Baddour, Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5.  Telephone: 613-562-5800 (extension 2324).

Skills Requirements:

Education: Ph.D. or equivalent in mechanical engineering or related discipline.

Work experience: Candidates must demonstrate an excellent research track record with output in high quality academic journals and a strong teaching track record.

Other: A commitment to undergraduate and graduate education, a strong track record in and a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration are expected.  Excellent communication skills in either English or French are required. Since the University of Ottawa is Canada's premier bilingual university, preference will be given to candidates who are bilingual (French/English) and who are able to teach in both languages.  Passive knowledge of the other official language in Canada is a requirement for tenure.  Registration as a Professional Engineer in Canada needs to be satisfied at the time of tenure and thereafter.

Application deadline:  October 31, 2023. The application material consists of a CV, a detailed teaching and research statement along with the contact information for three references.

Applications should be submitted electronically through the University of Ottawa Academic Careers website.

The University of Ottawa is committed to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion in the scholarly and leadership environments of our students, staff, and faculty. Accordingly, we strongly encourage applications from Indigenous Peoples in Canada, visible minorities members (racialized persons), persons with disabilities, women, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with equitable, diverse and inclusive communities. Candidates who wish to be considered as a member of one or more designated groups are asked to complete the confidential Self-Identification Questionnaire, to be completed at the time of application.

According to government policy, all qualified candidates are invited to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadians and permanent residents. When submitting your application, please indicate if you are legally entitled to work in Canada.

The University of Ottawa provides accommodations for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process. If you are invited to proceed in the selection process, please notify us of any accommodations that you require by contacting the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations at Any information you send us will be handled respectfully and in complete confidence.

The University of Ottawa is proud of its more than 160-year tradition of bilingualism. Through its Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, the University provides training to staff members and to their spouses in their second official language.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-08-28 Advertised until: 2023-10-27 The Department of Mechanical Engineering invites outstanding applicants to apply for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assi...View more

نشرت سنة واحدة منذ


*** Pour confirmer votre candidature, veuillez remplir ce formulaire > *** En tant qu'ESC en Communication au sein du Erasmus Student Network, la plus grande organisation étudiante en Europe travaillant dans le domaine de la mobilité, vous participerez à toutes les tâches liées à la communication, telles que la mise en œuvre de la communication sur les réseaux sociaux et la planification stratégique pour promouvoir les opportunités de mobilité auprès des personnes à travers l'Europe ; Gérer et produire du contenu pour les réseaux sociaux d'ESN (principalement Instagram, TikTok et Twitter) ; Rédaction, conception du bulletin d'information, production d'articles d'actualité pour ; Travailler avec la photographie, la vidéo et la conception graphique pour la promotion numérique et imprimée dans le domaine de la promotion de la mobilité ; Contribuer aux publications de l'ESN sur le thème de la promotion de la mobilité, y compris notre rapport annuel ; Travailler avec les participants à la mobilité afin de recueillir des témoignages liés aux activités d'ESN.


Contrat de volontaire du Corps européen de solidarité d'une durée de 7,5 mois ; Le candidat retenu devra débuter en janvier 2024, idéalement le 15 ; Le logement à Bruxelles est proposé sur le marché privé avec l'aide de l'ESN et avec un loyer allant jusqu'à 450 EUR par mois payé par l'ESN ; Les frais de transport à Bruxelles sont pris en charge ; L'assurance est couverte ; Un argent de poche de 450 EUR par mois est prévu ; Les frais de voyage vers Bruxelles depuis le pays d'origine du volontaire et retour sont pris en charge


Vous apprendrez et améliorerez les compétences suivantes : conception graphique ; gestion des médias sociaux et marketing en ligne ; utilisation des logiciels Adobe (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator) et Canva ; travailler sur des projets; rédaction et production d'articles de presse; photographie et montage; réalisation de vidéos.


Anglais courant écrit et parlé ; Expérience en communication, médias, design graphique ou similaire ; Méthode de travail structurée et fiable ; Attitude très proactive. N'a pas peur de proposer des changements et de s'approprier les tâches déléguées ; Capacité de travailler en équipe ainsi que de manière autonome ; À l'aise de travailler dans un environnement multiculturel ; La connaissance du réseau des étudiants Erasmus est un plus.


 Un total de 32 semaine(s) sur la période du 15/01/2024 au 31/08/2024


Rue Joseph II 120, 1000 Bruxelles Belgique

 Volontariat individuel


Albanie, Arménie, Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Belgique, Bulgarie, Biélorussie, Chypre, République tchèque, Allemagne, Danemark, Algérie, Estonie, Égypte, Grèce, Espagne, Finlande, France, Géorgie, Croatie, Hongrie, Irlande, Israël , Islande, Italie, Jordanie, Liban, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Lettonie, Libye, Maroc, Moldavie (République de), Monténégro, Macédoine du Nord, Malte, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Pologne, Palestine, Portugal, Roumanie, Serbie, Suède, Slovénie, Slovaquie, République arabe syrienne, Tunisie, Turquie, Ukraine, Royaume-Uni, Kosovo * Résolution de l'ONU, Territoire britannique de l'Antarctique, Anguilla, Aruba, Saint-Barthélemy, Bermudes, Bonaire Saint-Eustache et Saba, Îles Canaries, Curaçao, Îles Falkland, Français Guyane, Groenland, Guadeloupe, Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien, îles Caïmans, Saint-Martin (partie française), Martinique, Montserrat,Nouvelle-Calédonie, Polynésie française, St Pierre et Miquelon, Pitcairn, Réunion, Sainte-Hélène, Sint Maarten (partie néerlandaise), îles Turques et Caïques, Terres australes et antarctiques françaises, îles Vierges britanniques, Wallis et Futuna


Créativité et culture


Date limite de candidature : 22/10/2023

appliquez ici :

ESC Volunteer in Communications at ESN's Headquarters

Erasmus Student Network

Brussels, Belgium


*** To confirm your application, please fill in this form > *** As an ESC in Communication at the Erasmus Student Network, the biggest student organisation in Europe working in the field of mobility, you will be assisting in all communication-related tasks, such as the implementation of social media communication & strategic planning to promote mobility opportunities to people across Europe; Managing and producing content for ESN’s social media channels (mainly Instagram, TikTok and Twitter); Doing copywriting, designing the newsletter, producing news articles for; Working with photography, video, and graphic design for digital and print promotion in the field of mobility promotion; Contributing to ESN publications on the topic of mobility promotion, including our Annual Report; Working with mobility participants in order to collect testimonials connected to ESN’s activities.


European Solidarity Corps volunteer contract for a duration of 7.5 months; The successful applicant should start in January 2024, ideally on the 15th; Accommodation in Brussels is provided on the private market with assistance from ESN and with the rent up to 450 EUR per month paid by ESN; Transport costs in Brussels are covered; Insurance is covered; Pocket money of 450 EUR per month is provided; Travel costs to Brussels from the volunteer's home country and back are covered


You will learn and improve the following skills: graphic design; social media management and online marketing; use of Adobe software (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator) and Canva; work on projects; copywriting and producing news articles; photography and editing; video-making.


Fluent in written and spoken English; Background in communication, media, graphic design or similar; Structured and reliable way of working; Highly proactive attitude. Not afraid of proposing changes and taking ownership of delegated tasks; Capacity of working in a team as well as independently; Comfortable working in a multicultural environment; Knowledge of the Erasmus Student Network is a plus.


 A total of 32 week(s) during the period 15/01/2024 to 31/08/2024


 Rue Joseph II 120, 1000 Brussels Belgium

 Individual volunteering


Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Belarus, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Algeria, Estonia, Egypt, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Georgia, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Iceland, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Libya, Morocco, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, North Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Anguilla, Aruba, Saint Barthélemy, Bermuda, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Greenland, Guadeloupe, British Indian Ocean Territory, Cayman Islands, Saint Martin (french part), Martinique, Montserrat, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Réunion, Saint Helena, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Turks and Caicos Islands, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis and Futuna


 Creativity and culture


 Application deadline: 22/10/2023


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةbénévolat

DESCRIPTION DE L’ACTIVITÉ *** Pour confirmer votre candidature, veuillez remplir ce formulaire > *** En tant qu’ESC en Communication au sein du Erasmus Student N...View more

University of Regina

Location: Saskatchewan
Date posted: 2023-08-28
Advertised until: 2023-10-02

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Regina invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Human-Computer Interaction or Human-Centred Computing, starting July 1, 2024.

To address gender inequity in the field of computer science and alleviate the under-representation of women in such positions, this position is targeted to candidates who self-declare as women. The successful candidate will join a vibrant department of highly motivated researchers and educators including several world-renowned experts and a group of recently recruited early career faculty members who are already making impacts in their respective fields.

Candidates are expected to hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related field by the time of appointment and be committed to excellence in the three pillars of academia: research, teaching, and service, which will be used as the criteria to evaluate and rank the applications. Details on these criteria are provided below.

We are seeking a candidate who has an exceptional early-career research record in Human-Computer Interaction or Human-Centred Computing. In particular, the successful candidate’s record will contain publications in leading international venues in their specific field. The successful candidate will initiate an independent research program, secure external funding to support this research, and recruit and supervise graduate students conducting research in their area of expertise. In their application, candidates are to provide a research plan that shows potential for future publications in leading international venues and for long-term external funding from NSERC; potential for funding through industry partnerships will be considered an additional asset.

Candidates are to provide a teaching philosophy and evidence of pedagogical excellence or potential. The successful candidate will demonstrate their ability to teach core computer science courses in our undergraduate programs, as well as courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels aligned with their primary research area. We are particularly interested in candidates who are able to teach courses within the curriculum of our professionally focused Master’s degree in Human-Centred Computing (

Candidates are to demonstrate collegiality and commitment to academic service through committee work, peer review activities, and the support of other academic work (e.g., conference or workshop organization, conducting academic skills seminars). The successful candidate will be a willing participant in academic service, both within the Department/University and within the broader academic community.

Applications must be submitted online at by October 2, 2023, and should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, names and contact details of three references, a description of the applicant’s most significant research contributions, a statement of research plans, and a statement of teaching philosophy that includes the applicant’s prior teaching experiences and future teaching plans/interests. In addition, applicants must arrange for three letters of reference to be sent by email to the chair of the search committee (Dr. Orland Hoeber, ideally by October 2, 2023, but no later than October 16, 2023.

The University of Regina main campus is situated on Treaty 4 territory, which is the traditional territory of the Anihšinābēk, Nêhiyawak,

Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota Peoples, and the original home of the Métis/Michif Nation.

More information on the Department of Computer Science can be found at If you have any questions about this position, feel free to contact the Chair of the Search Committee, Dr. Orland Hoeber (

Review of applications will begin: October 2, 2023

The University of Regina is committed to development of a diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the richness of the community that we serve. For this competition, the University welcomes applications from all individuals who self-declare as a woman and meet the requirements of the position, including those who identify as Indigenous, having disabilities, a visible minority, or being sexually diverse. Designating this position supports the University of Regina's efforts to improve equity, diversity, and inclusion within the academic community and honours our commitment to represent the community we serve.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Regina Location: Saskatchewan Date posted: 2023-08-28 Advertised until: 2023-10-02 The Department of Computer Science at the University of Regina invites applications for a tenure-track ...View more

Location: Saskatchewan
Date posted: 2023-08-28
Advertised until: 2023-10-02

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Regina invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Data Science, Machine Learning, or Artificial Intelligence, starting July 1, 2024.

The successful candidate will join a vibrant department of highly motivated researchers and educators including several world-renowned experts and a group of recently recruited early career faculty members who are already making impacts in their respective fields.

Candidates are expected to hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related field by the time of appointment and be committed to excellence in the three pillars of academia: research, teaching, and service, which will be used as the criteria to evaluate and rank the applications. Details on these criteria are provided below.

We are seeking a candidate who has an exceptional early-career research record in Data Science, Machine Learning, or Artificial Intelligence. In particular, the successful candidate’s record will contain publications in leading international venues in their specific field. The successful candidate will initiate an independent research program, secure external funding to support this research, and recruit and supervise graduate students conducting research in their area of expertise. In their application, candidates are to provide a research plan that shows potential for future publications in leading international venues and for long-term external funding from NSERC; potential for funding through industry partnerships will be considered an additional asset.

Candidates are to provide a teaching philosophy and evidence of pedagogical excellence or potential. The successful candidate will demonstrate their ability to teach core computer science courses in our undergraduate program, as well as courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels aligned with their primary research area. We are particularly interested in candidates who are able to teach courses within the curriculum of our professionally focused Master’s degree in Data Science (

Candidates are to demonstrate collegiality and commitment to academic service through committee work, peer review activities, and the support of other academic work (e.g., conference or workshop organization, conducting academic skills seminars). The successful candidate will be a willing participant in academic service, both within the Department/University and within the broader academic community.

Applications must be submitted online at by October 2, 2023, and should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, names and contact details of three references, a description of the applicant’s most significant research contributions, a statement of research plans, and a statement of teaching philosophy that includes the applicant’s prior teaching experiences and future teaching plans/interests. In addition, applicants must arrange for three letters of reference to be sent by email to the chair of the search committee (Dr. Orland Hoeber, ideally by October 2, 2023, but no later than October 16, 2023.

The University of Regina main campus is situated on Treaty 4 territory, which is the traditional territory of the Anihšinābēk, Nêhiyawak,

Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota Peoples, and the original home of the Métis/Michif Nation.

More information on the Department of Computer Science can be found at If you have any questions about this position, feel free to contact the Chair of the Search Committee, Dr. Orland Hoeber (

Review of applications will begin: October 2, 2023

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. The University of Regina is committed to an inclusive workplace that reflects the richness of the community that we serve. The University welcomes applications from all qualified individuals, including individuals within the University's employment equity categories of women, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, Indigenous persons, individuals of diverse gender and sexual orientation, and all groups protected by the Human Rights Code.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Saskatchewan Date posted: 2023-08-28 Advertised until: 2023-10-02 The Department of Computer Science at the University of Regina invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor i...View more


Lieu : Ethiopie, Ethiopie

Organisation : Union africaine

Informations sur l'organisation

Le Corps des jeunes volontaires de l'Union africaine (UA YVC), créé en 2010, est un programme continental phare de leadership de la jeunesse qui recrute, forme et déploie de jeunes professionnels africains des 55 États membres de l'UA pour servir comme volontaires professionnels pendant une période de 12 mois. Valeurs de l'UA   • Respect de la diversité et du travail d'équipe • Pensez à l'Afrique avant tout • Transparence et responsabilité • Intégrité et impartialité • Efficacité et professionnalisme • Partage d'informations et de connaissances

Objectif du Corps des Jeunes Volontaires de l’Union Africaine (AUYVC)

L'AUYVC promeut le volontariat pour renforcer le statut des jeunes en Afrique en tant qu'acteurs clés des cibles et objectifs de développement de l'Afrique, en renforçant leur participation aux politiques, programmes et initiatives en vue de la réalisation de l'Agenda 2063 de l'UA – « L'Afrique que nous voulons ». Il rassemble les gens pour partager leurs compétences, leurs connaissances, leur créativité et leur apprentissage afin de construire un continent plus intégré, plus prospère et plus pacifique, dirigé par ses citoyens. Le concept est conforme à la décision des chefs d'État et de gouvernement de l'UA dans Assembly/AU/Dec.274 (XVI) de janvier 2010, de mettre en place une initiative continentale de volontariat et de promouvoir le volontariat pour autonomiser les jeunes et accélérer le développement de l'Afrique.
Les candidats doivent répondre aux critères suivants : 1. Citoyen d'un État membre de l'UA vivant sur le continent ou dans la diaspora. 2. Âgé de 18 à 35 ans (doit avoir moins de 35 ans après avoir accompli 12 mois de service) 3. Avoir un ou plusieurs diplômes postsecondaires certifiés (EFTP, baccalauréat, maîtrise, etc.) 4. Disponible en 2023/24 pour consacrer 12 (douze) mois au service bénévole professionnel. 5. Disposé à vivre et travailler dans un autre État membre de l'UA. 6. Maîtriser au moins une langue de travail de l'UA (arabe, anglais, français, portugais, swahili, espagnol). 7. Possède au moins un an d'expérience de bénévolat vérifiable et un an d' expérience professionnelle.

Processus de demande

Pour soumettre votre candidature : 1. Visitez le site Web des carrières de l'UA ; carriè, cliquez sur le message AUYVC. je. Si vous êtes un utilisateur enregistré, connectez-vous ii. Si vous n'êtes pas un utilisateur enregistré, créez un compte 2. Remplissez vos informations personnelles et complétez le formulaire de candidature 3. Joignez les documents suivants : i. Votre CV professionnel mis à jour (pas plus de 3 pages) ii. Page bio de votre passeport ou carte d'identité nationale iii. Copie du certificat de votre qualification la plus élevée (les relevés de notes ne sont pas acceptables) iv. Joindre une lettre de recommandation (datant de moins de 2 ans) attestant de vos qualités de leadership (dans le dossier manifeste) 4. Joignez votre lettre de motivation. Dans votre lettre de présentation, veuillez répondre aux questions suivantes : i. Pourquoi souhaitez-vous devenir un jeune volontaire de l’Union africaine ? ii. Qu'est-ce qui fait de vous le meilleur candidat pour l'AUYVC ? iii. Quelles compétences apportez-vous à l’AUYVC et à votre organisation d’accueil ? 5. Examinez et soumettez votre candidature avant le :  mardi 19 septembre 2023 23h59 EAT . Attention : i. Les candidatures incomplètes ou tardives ne seront pas prises en compte. ii. Seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés . iii. Fournir des informations incomplètes ou incorrectes est un motif de disqualification immédiate *Avertissement : Veuillez noter que l'Union africaine ne facture ni ne demande de frais de facilitation pour traiter les candidatures. N.-B. ; vous informe que Les candidatures doivent être déposées au plus tard le mardi 19 septembre 2023 à 23h59 EAT.

Compétences requises

• Maîtrise des outils informatiques (MS Word, Excel et Power Point) • Maîtrise des applications de courrier électronique et Internet, • Bonnes compétences relationnelles • Capacité à communiquer oralement et par écrit • Maîtrise de l'une des langues de travail des fonctionnaires de l'UA (français, anglais , portugais, arabe, espagnol, kiswahili) et la maîtrise d'une ou plusieurs autres langues de l'UA est un avantage supplémentaire.

Les compétences de base

• Capacité à communiquer clairement • Capacité à écrire de manière claire et concise • Être engagé dans le travail • Capacité à travailler harmonieusement dans un environnement multiculturel • Posséder les normes les plus élevées de conduite morale et d'intégrité

Droits des bénévoles

La Commission de l'Union africaine et ses partenaires couvriront l'intégralité des coûts de la formation préalable au déploiement et du déploiement ultérieur des volontaires pour les candidats retenus. Les jeunes volontaires de l'Union africaine bénéficient des avantages et opportunités suivants : 1) Opportunité unique de s'engager au plus haut niveau dans les politiques et programmes continentaux de l'Union africaine 2) Réseauter avec de jeunes dirigeants africains de tout le continent 3) Billet aller-retour en classe économique jusqu'au lieu de déploiement 4) Une allocation mensuelle pour couvrir les frais de subsistance 5) Couverture d'assurance maladie 6) Passeport de service de l'UA 7) Indemnité de séparation en cas de réussite de douze mois de service 8) Possibilités de formation et de mentorat

Lieu : Ethiopie, Ethiopie

Organisation : Union africaine

Informations sur l'organisation

Le Corps des jeunes volontaires de l'Union africaine (UA YVC), créé en 2010, est un programme continental phare de leadership de la jeunesse qui recrute, forme et déploie de jeunes professionnels africains des 55 États membres de l'UA pour servir comme volontaires professionnels pendant une période de 12 mois.   Valeurs de l'UA               • Respect de la diversité et du travail d'équipe • Pensez à l'Afrique avant tout                                  • Transparence et responsabilité • Intégrité et impartialité                                    • Efficacité et professionnalisme • Partage d'informations et de connaissances

Objectif du Corps des Jeunes Volontaires de l’Union Africaine (AUYVC)

L'AUYVC promeut le volontariat pour renforcer le statut des jeunes en Afrique en tant qu'acteurs clés des cibles et objectifs de développement de l'Afrique, en renforçant leur participation aux politiques, programmes et initiatives en vue de la réalisation de l'Agenda 2063 de l'UA – « L'Afrique que nous voulons ». Il rassemble les gens pour partager leurs compétences, leurs connaissances, leur créativité et leur apprentissage afin de construire un continent plus intégré, plus prospère et plus pacifique, dirigé par ses citoyens. Le concept est conforme à la décision des chefs d'État et de gouvernement de l'UA dans Assembly/AU/Dec.274 (XVI) de janvier 2010, de mettre en place une initiative continentale de volontariat et de promouvoir le volontariat pour autonomiser les jeunes et accélérer le développement de l'Afrique.

Critère d'éligibilité

Les candidats doivent répondre aux critères suivants :  1. Citoyen d'un État membre de l'UA vivant sur le continent ou dans la diaspora. 2. Âgé de 18 à 35 ans (doit avoir moins de 35 ans après avoir accompli 12 mois de service) 3. Avoir un ou plusieurs diplômes postsecondaires certifiés (EFTP, baccalauréat, maîtrise, etc.)  4. Disponible en 2023/24 pour consacrer 12 (douze) mois au service bénévole professionnel. 5. Disposé à vivre et travailler dans un autre État membre de l'UA. 6. Maîtriser au moins une langue de travail de l'UA (arabe, anglais, français, portugais, swahili, espagnol). 7. Possède au moins un an d'expérience de bénévolat vérifiable et un an d'  expérience professionnelle.

Processus de demande

Pour soumettre votre candidature : 1. Visitez le site Web des carrières de l'UA ; carriè, cliquez sur le message AUYVC. je. Si vous êtes un utilisateur enregistré, connectez-vous ii. Si vous n'êtes pas un utilisateur enregistré, créez un compte  2. Remplissez vos informations personnelles et complétez le formulaire de candidature 3. Joignez les documents suivants : i. Votre CV professionnel mis à jour (pas plus de 3 pages) ii. Page bio de votre passeport ou carte d'identité nationale iii. Copie du certificat de votre qualification la plus élevée (les relevés de notes ne sont pas acceptables) iv. Joindre une lettre de recommandation (datant de moins de 2 ans) attestant de vos qualités de leadership (dans le dossier manifeste) 4. Joignez votre lettre de motivation. Dans votre lettre de présentation, veuillez répondre aux questions suivantes : i. Pourquoi souhaitez-vous devenir un jeune volontaire de l’Union africaine ? ii. Qu'est-ce qui fait de vous le meilleur candidat pour l'AUYVC ? iii. Quelles compétences apportez-vous à l’AUYVC et à votre organisation d’accueil ? 5. Examinez et soumettez votre candidature avant le :  mardi 19 septembre 2023 23h59 EAT  Attention :  i. Les candidatures incomplètes ou tardives ne seront pas prises en compte. ii. Seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés  . iii. Fournir des informations incomplètes ou incorrectes est un motif de disqualification immédiate *Avertissement : Veuillez noter que l'Union africaine ne facture ni ne demande de frais de facilitation pour traiter les candidatures. N.-B. ; Les candidatures doivent être déposées au plus tard le mardi 19 septembre 2023 à 23h59 EAT.    

Compétences requises

• Maîtrise des outils informatiques (MS Word, Excel et Power Point) • Maîtrise des applications de courrier électronique et Internet,  • Bonnes compétences relationnelles • Capacité à communiquer oralement et par écrit • Maîtrise de l'une des langues de travail des fonctionnaires de l'UA (français, anglais , portugais, arabe, espagnol, kiswahili) et la maîtrise d'une ou plusieurs autres langues de l'UA est un avantage supplémentaire.

Les compétences de base

• Capacité à communiquer clairement • Capacité à écrire de manière claire et concise • Être engagé dans le travail • Capacité à travailler harmonieusement dans un environnement multiculturel • Posséder les normes les plus élevées de conduite morale et d'intégrité

Droits des bénévoles

La Commission de l'Union africaine et ses partenaires couvriront l'intégralité des coûts de la formation préalable au déploiement et  du déploiement ultérieur des volontaires pour les candidats retenus.  Les jeunes volontaires de l'Union africaine bénéficient des avantages et opportunités suivants : 1) Opportunité unique de s'engager au plus haut niveau dans les politiques et programmes continentaux de l'Union africaine 2) Réseauter avec de jeunes dirigeants africains de tout le continent 3) Billet aller-retour en classe économique jusqu'au lieu de déploiement 4) Une allocation mensuelle pour couvrir les frais de subsistance  5) Couverture d'assurance maladie 6) Passeport de service de l'UA  7) Indemnité de séparation en cas de réussite de douze mois de service  8) Possibilités de formation et de mentorat


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةbénévolat

Lieu : Ethiopie, Ethiopie Organisation : Union africaine Informations sur l’organisation Le Corps des jeunes volontaires de l’Union africaine (UA YVC), créé en 2010, est un programme c...View more

نشرت سنة واحدة منذ

Les étudiants des programmes de licence et de master ou récemment diplômés intéressés à rejoindre le programme de doctorat de l'OIST peuvent entreprendre une activité éducative à l'OIST en tant que stagiaire de recherche. Un stage de recherche à l'OIST offre aux étudiants une expérience de travail dans un environnement de recherche sous la direction du corps professoral de l'OIST.

Les places de stagiaire de recherche sont attribuées deux fois par an sur une base compétitive. vous informe que La sélection est très compétitive et dépend de la pertinence de la recherche envisagée, de la formation universitaire, du financement disponible et de l'espace. Tous les postes disponibles ne seront pas nécessairement pourvus.

L'OIST s'efforce de créer et de maintenir un environnement inclusif, équitable et diversifié qui ne fait aucune discrimination en matière de genre, d'identité de genre, d'expression de genre, d'âge, d'orientation sexuelle, de handicap mental ou physique, de condition médicale, de race, d'appartenance ethnique, d'ascendance, de culture, d'origine nationale. , la religion ou l'état civil. Les candidatures de femmes et d’autres groupes sous-représentés sont fortement encouragées.

Procédure de demande

  1. Les candidatures au programme doivent être déposées via le formulaire en ligne .
  2. Vous ne pouvez soumettre votre candidature qu'après réception d'au moins une lettre de recommandation dans le système de candidature.
  3. Vous recevrez une notification automatique indiquant que votre candidature a été reçue. (Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres pour vous assurer que vous pouvez recevoir des e-mails du domaine
  4. Après la période de candidature, les candidatures seront examinées et la sélection sera complétée.
  5. L'annonce des résultats sera publiée sur votre plateforme de candidature 3 mois après la date limite de candidature. Vous recevrez une notification lorsque le résultat sera publié. (Dans certains cas, les services/paramètres de messagerie des candidats empêchent la réception de nos notifications. Veuillez confirmer que votre boîte de réception est capable de recevoir des e-mails du domaine
  6. Après la confirmation finale des offres de stage, toutes les dispositions nécessaires seront prises, en coopération avec les stagiaires. Votre coopération est requise pour terminer dans les délais les formalités logistiques nécessaires au début du stage, y compris les éventuels préparatifs pour l'obtention d'un visa et d'autres documents gouvernementaux japonais nécessaires.


Les personnes éligibles pour postuler au programme de stages de recherche de l'OIST comprennent d'excellents étudiants qui sont dans les 2 dernières années des programmes de premier cycle ou de maîtrise dans des universités, collèges, collèges et écoles professionnelles au Japon ou à l'étranger, ou les diplômés de ces institutions. Les étudiants actuellement inscrits doivent avoir l'approbation de leur établissement d'origine. La formation académique des candidats doit être adaptée à l’unité d’accueil souhaitée à l’OIST.

Les stagiaires de recherche appartenant à une université/institution japonaise doivent préparer et apporter leurs propres assurances lorsqu'ils sont acceptés dans le programme de stages de recherche de l'OIST. Les assurances acceptables sont la combinaison de Gakkensai et Gakkenbai , ou d'autres assurances offrant une couverture similaire.

Date limite d'inscription

Cycle de candidature

Date limite d'inscription

Annonce des résultats

Période de stage

Stage printemps 2024 15 octobre 2023, 23h59 (JST UTC+9) Fin décembre 2023 Entre le 1er avril 2024 et le 30 septembre 2024
Stage automne 2024 15 avril 2024, 23h59 (JST UTC+9) Fin juin 2024 Entre le 1er octobre 2024 et le 31 mars 2025

*La durée du stage doit être comprise entre 2 et 6 mois consécutifs. *Les résultats de la sélection pour le programme de stages de recherche seront annoncés via le système Navii. *En raison du COVID-19, les arrivées d'étudiants résidant en dehors du Japon sont soumises aux restrictions de voyage international et aux exigences de quarantaine au moment de l'arrivée. Comme la situation est susceptible de changer, même si l'OIST fournira le meilleur soutien possible, il existe des cas où les stages doivent être retardés, reportés ou même annulés.

Documents de candidature requis

Vous devrez ouvrir un compte pour postuler au programme. N'oubliez pas votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe. Vous pouvez remplir la demande en une seule fois ou en plusieurs sessions. Veuillez remplir et soumettre les documents suivants pour postuler au programme :

1) Déclaration d'intention

Le formulaire de déclaration d’intérêt est fourni sur le formulaire de candidature en ligne.

Veuillez rédiger une déclaration de 400 mots (2 500 caractères) comprenant les points suivants :

  • Comment l'OIST et vos unités de recherche souhaitées s'intègrent-elles à votre expertise et vos compétences actuelles ? Si vous êtes intéressé par plusieurs unités de recherche, veuillez expliquer brièvement votre intérêt et adapter chacune d'entre elles dans une seule déclaration.
  • Qu’espérez-vous accomplir à l’OIST ?
  • Comment un stage de recherche à l'OIST s'intègre-t-il dans vos projets/aspirations de carrière globaux ?

2) Relevé de notes et diplôme

Copies numérisées de votre relevé de notes actuel et de tout autre relevé de notes de votre diplôme antérieur (BSc, MSc, etc.)

Diplôme (BSc, MSc, etc.) en format PDF (le cas échéant)

  • Une numérisation d'un relevé de notes non officiel ou d'un autre relevé de notes peut être téléchargée sur le site Web de candidature.
  • Une explication en anglais est requise pour les relevés de notes qui ne sont pas rédigés en anglais.
  • Si vous n'êtes pas diplômé et n'avez pas encore de diplôme, veuillez télécharger une attestation d'inscription de votre établissement (qui indique de préférence la date prévue d'obtention de votre diplôme)

3) Lettre de recommandation

Une lettre de référence d'un universitaire ou d'un professionnel de la recherche familier avec votre travail est requise. Chaque candidat doit avoir au moins une et pas plus de trois lettres de recommandation émanant de recommandataires appropriés. Le système de candidature demandera directement la ou les lettres à vos recommandataires, en utilisant les coordonnées électroniques que vous fournissez dans le formulaire de candidature Web. Veuillez obtenir le consentement de votre filleul avant de soumettre ses coordonnées dans le formulaire. Nous n’acceptons aucune lettre par courrier électronique des candidats. Les candidats seront automatiquement informés dans le système de candidature lorsque l'OIST recevra une lettre de recommandation.

4) Photo d'identité

Téléchargez une photo récente, montrant votre visage de face dans l'orientation standard du passeport.

Une fois que vous avez obtenu/préparé tous les documents ci-dessus, veuillez postuler au programme via ce FORMULAIRE DE DEMANDE

Remarque : Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser un ordinateur lors de la préparation de la candidature en ligne. Si vous préférez utiliser un appareil mobile, assurez-vous de disposer du dernier système d'exploitation pour que l'application fonctionne correctement.


Research Intern places are awarded twice a year on a competitive basis. Selection is highly competitive, and depends on suitability of the intended research, academic background, available funding and space. Not all available positions will necessarily be filled.

OIST strives to create and maintain an inclusive, equitable, and diverse environment that does not discriminate against gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, medical condition, race, ethnicity, ancestry, culture, national origin, religion, or marital status. Applications from women and other underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged.

Application Procedure

  1. Applications to the program must be made through the online form.
  2. You can only submit your application after at least one recommendation letter is received in the application system.
  3. You will receive an auto-notification that your application has been received. (Please check your settings to ensure you can receive emails from domain.)
  4. Following the application period, applications will be screened and selection will be completed.
  5. The result announcement will be posted on your application platform 3 months after the application deadline. You will receive a notification when the result is posted. (In some cases, applicants' email services/settings prevent receipt of our notifications. Please confirm that your inbox is able to receive emails from domain.)
  6. Following final confirmation of internship offers, all necessary arrangements will be made, in cooperation with the interns. Your cooperation is required for timely completion of logistics to begin the internship, including possible visa preparations and other necessary Japanese government documentation.


Those eligible to apply for the OIST Research Internship Program include excellent students who are in the final 2 years of the undergraduate or Masters programs in universities, colleges, junior colleges, and vocational schools in Japan or overseas, or graduates of such institutions. Currently enrolled students must have approval from their home institution. Academic background of applicants should be appropriate to their desired host unit(s) at OIST.

Research Interns who belong to a Japanese university/institution are required to prepare and bring their own insurances when accepted to the OIST Research Internship program. Acceptable insurances are the combination of Gakkensai and Gakkenbai, or other insurances with similar coverage.

Application Deadline

Application Round

Application Deadline

Result Announcement

Period of internship

Spring 2024 Internship October 15th 2023, 23:59 (JST UTC+9) Late December 2023 Between April 1st 2024- September 30th 2024
Fall 2024 Internship April 15th 2024, 23:59 (JST UTC+9) Late June 2024 Between October 1st 2024 – March 31st 2025

*The period of the internship must be between 2 and 6 months consecutively. *Selection results for the Research Internship Program will be announced via the Navii system. *Due to COVID-19, arrivals of students residing outside of Japan is subjected to the international travel restrictions and quarantine requirement at the time of arrival. As situation is subjected to change, while OIST will provide the best support possible, there are cases where internships must be delayed, postponed or even cancelled.

Required Application Materials

You will need to open an account in order to apply to the program. Be sure to remember your username and password. You may complete the application all at once or in multiple sessions. Please fill out and submit the following materials to apply for the program:

1) Statement of purpose

The Statement of Interest form is provided on the online application form.

Please write a 400 words (2500 characters) statement including the following points:

  • How does OIST and your desired research unit(s) fit with your current expertise and skill set? If you are interested in multiple research units, please explain your interest and fit for each briefly within one single statement.
  • What do you hope to accomplish at OIST?
  • How does a research internship at OIST fit into your overall career plans/aspirations?

2) Academic Transcript and Diploma

Scanned copies of your current academic transcript and any other transcript from your past degree  (BSc, MSc, etc.)

Diploma (BSc, MSc, etc.) in PDF format (if applicable)

  • A scan of an unofficial transcript or other record of grades may be uploaded to the application website.
  • English explanation is required for transcripts that are not written in English.
  • If you have not graduated and do not have a diploma yet, please upload a certificate of enrolment from your institution (which preferably indicates your expected graduation date)

3) Recommendation Letter

A letter of reference from an academic or research professional familiar with your work is required. Each applicant is required to have at least one and no more than three letters of recommendation from appropriate recommenders. The application system will ask your recommenders directly for the letter(s), using the email contact details that you provide in the web application form. Please obtain the consent of your referee before submitting their details in the form. We do not accept any letters via email from applicants. Applicants will be automatically notified within the application system when OIST receives a recommendation letter.

4) ID Photo

Upload a recent photo, showing your face from the front in standard passport orientation.

Once you have obtained/ prepared all the documents above, please apply to the program through this APPLICATION FORM

Note: We recommend using a computer when preparing the online application. If you prefer using a mobile device, please make sure to have the latest operating system for the application to work properly.


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

Les étudiants des programmes de licence et de master ou récemment diplômés intéressés à rejoindre le programme de doctorat de l’OIST peuvent entreprendre une activité éducative à lR...View more

University of Alberta

Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2023-08-10
Advertised until: 2023-10-09

Competition No. - A100151662 Closing Date - Sep 08, 2023

This position is a part of the Association of the Academic Staff of the University of Alberta (AASUA).

In accordance with the Trust/Research Academic Staff Agreement this position has an approximate appointment of 2 years with a possibilty of renewal and offers a comprehensive benefits package found at Faculty & Staff Benefits and annual salary range of $75,010 to $93,778.

Location - North Campus Edmonton. This role is in-person.

Working for the University of Alberta The University of Alberta acknowledges that we are located on Treaty 6 territory, and respects the histories, languages and cultures of First Nations, Metis, Inuit and all First Peoples of Canada, whose presence continues to enrich our vibrant community.

The University of Alberta is teeming with change makers, community builders, and world shapers who lead with purpose each and every day. We are home to more than 40,000 students in 200+ undergraduate and 500+ graduate programs, over 13,000 faculty and staff, 260,000 alumni worldwide and have been recognized as one of Canada's Greenest Employers for over a decade.

Your work will have a meaningful influence on a fascinating cross section of people—from our students and stakeholders, to our renowned researchers and innovators who are quite literally curing diseases, making discoveries and generating solutions that make the world healthier, safer, stronger, and more just.

Working for the Department/Faculty The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta is a leading educational innovator. Its nine programs are accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) and consist of five departments. Currently, it has over 200 Faculty Members, 4,500 undergraduate students and 1,600 graduate students, which makes the Faculty of Engineering one of the largest graduate programs on campus, with student support levels exceeding $20M/year.

By size, this makes it within the top 5% of Engineering Faculties in North America and one of the largest Faculties at the University of Alberta (3rd largest by undergraduate students, 4th largest by FTE professoriate, largest by graduate students). The Faculty of Engineering is a leading educational innovator.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers graduate courses and provides research facilities for well qualified students of recognized universities who wish to pursue advanced studies leading to the MEng, MSc, and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering. In addition, the Department offers a program in Engineering Management to graduate engineers of any discipline, leading to the MEng, MSc, and PhD degrees in Engineering Management.

Welcome to Engineering at Alberta. Take a tour.

Position Reporting directly to the Principal Investigator, the Hydrogen Production Research Associate will provide engineering services in a laboratory environment including product development, technology research, testing, prototype production, project management, and development of new experiments and associated apparatuses. The individual in this position will consult with internal and external partners of current and prospective research projects to advise on design goals, project milestones, and project timelines. While most aspects of work require the employee to work independently, the employee is expected to be able to work as part of a team when necessary.

Major responsibilities of the employee include designing prototype devices, procurement of components and materials for prototypes and experimental apparatuses, development of experimental procedures, data analysis and mathematical modling, report writing, and communicating results to partners and the scientific community. The employee will manage the current project and ensure timely achievement of planned milestones. Additionally, the individual will maintain laboratory equipment as required.


  • Designs, builds and uses apparatuses for specialized studies of Hydrogen Production
  • Identifies specialized materials and their manufacturing limits for unique applications in prototypes Performs all required maintenance on experimental equipment and measurement devices
  • Conducts data analysis and interpretation, then positions results with observations made by others in peer- reviewed literature
  • Develops mathematical models to describe observed physical phenomena based on theory
  • Communicates results of experimental work to the academic community through peer-reviewed journal articles and conference presentations
  • Prepares data for related patent applications
  • Maintains a broad and current understanding of literature, especially as it pertains to Hydrogen Production Project Management
  • Schedules and implements project plans including construction of experimental apparatuses, experimental testing programs, and reporting timelines
  • Monitors completion of project plans and adjusts workflow to meet project deadlines
  • Communicates progress and results of experimental work on an ongoing basis to the Principal Investigator, prepares and presents monthly progress reports to clients through formal and informal channels

Minimum Qualifications:

  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field
  • Three years' experience working in a research laboratory, preferably in an engineering role with specialization in Hydrogen production
  • Expertise or experience conducting research experiments, including data acquisition, analysis, and reporting Demonstrated ability to design systems for experimental measurements with particular attention to measurement range, sensitivity, and repeatability
  • Proficiency with computers including Microsoft Office Suite, data analysis programs and computer-aided design software
  • Familiarity with current Hydrogen Production literature
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills


  • Experience with MATLAB and SolidWorks is an advantage
  • Training in WHMIS, chemical safety, and laboratory safety

As part of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program requirements, the university must conduct recruitment efforts to hire Canadians and permanent residents before offering a job to a temporary foreign worker. To ensure we remain in compliance with these regulations, please include the appropriate statement in your application "I am a Canadian Citizen/Permanent Resident" or "I am not a Canadian Citizen/Permanent Resident".

How to Apply

Apply Online

Note: Online applications are accepted until midnight MST of the closing date.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

The University of Alberta is committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from all qualified persons. We encourage women; First Nations, Metis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply.

To apply, please visit:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Alberta Location: Alberta Date posted: 2023-08-10 Advertised until: 2023-10-09 Competition No. – A100151662 Closing Date – Sep 08, 2023 This position is a part of the Associa...View more

McMaster University

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-08-10
Advertised until: 2023-09-09

McMaster University is located on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Mississauga Nations and, within the lands protected by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement.

Position Description The Department of Medicine invites applications for a three-year, renewable faculty appointment at the Assistant Professor rank in the contractually limited category.

McMaster is a highly ranked research-intensive university. Its Faculty of Health Sciences has a reputation for innovative programs, interdisciplinary cutting-edge research, leading faculty, and aspiring students.

We are seeking an early career investigator with expertise and interest in health human resources and health systems mapping and improvement. Those with a particular focus on advancing complex methodologies are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will bring an invigorating individual perspective that will drive exciting and innovative research and training.

The successful applicant will have a PhD in an area of Health Geography/or related field and five years research experience in the above area of research. The successful candidate should also have experience working with diverse research teams.  An excellent record of collegiality and collaboration are prerequisites for this position. Experience in student supervision is an asset.

The diversity of our workforce is at the core of our innovation and creativity and strengths our research and teaching excellence.  In keeping with its Statement on Building an Inclusive Community with a Shared Purpose, McMaster University strives to embody the values of respect, collaboration, and diversity, and has a strong commitment to employment equity. The University seeks qualified candidates who share our commitment to equity and inclusion, who will contribute to the diversification of ideas and perspectives, and especially welcomes applications from First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, members of racialized communities (“visible minorities”), persons with disabilities, women, and persons who identify as 2SLGBTQ+.

As part of McMaster’s commitment, all applicants are invited to complete a confidential Applicant Diversity Survey through the online application submission process. The Survey questionnaire requests voluntary self-identification in relation to equity-seeking groups that have historically faced and continue to face barriers in employment. Please refer to the Applicant Diversity Survey - Statement of Collection for additional information.

Job applicants requiring accommodation to participate in the hiring process should contact: Human Resources Service Centre at 905-525-9140 ext. 222-HR (22247), or Faculty of Health Sciences HR Office at ext. 22207, or School of Graduate Studies at ext. 23679 to communicate accommodation needs.

Applications must contain the following:

  • A letter of application together with a curriculum vitae describing the impact that career interruptions have had on research productivity (if applicable).
  • A research statement, including a selection of research publications, and a statement demonstrating how the applicant’s interests and experience will add to the existing expertise and goals of the Institute.
  • A statement on teaching interests and philosophy (including evidence of teaching effectiveness).
  • A brief statement describing the contributions you have made or plan to make to inclusive excellence in teaching, research, or service in academic, professional or community contexts (2-page maximum).
  • The names of at least three referees.  Please note that letters of reference are not required and will not be reviewed at the application stage.  The department(s) will request letters of recommendation from referees at later stages of the search process.

Please apply online to Job Opening 56314 via the McMaster Academic Careers website:

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

To comply with the Government of Canada’s reporting requirements, the University gathers information about applicants’ status as either a permanent resident of Canada or Canadian citizens. Applicants need not identify their country of origin or current citizenship; however, all applications must include one of the following statements:

  • “Yes, I am a citizen or permanent resident of Canada” or
  • “No, I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada”.

Vaccination Policy Statement The University is committed to providing and maintaining healthy and safe working and learning environments for all employees, students, volunteers and visitors. The University’s Vaccination Policy-COVID-19 Requirements for Employees and Students (the “Vaccination Policy”), requires all McMaster community members, including employees, accessing a McMaster campus or facility in person to be fully vaccinated or to have received an exemption from the University for a valid human rights ground. While the Policy will be currently paused, this Policy may resume quickly and on short notice, as informed by public health advice and direction. As a result, failure to achieve and maintain fully vaccinated status or an approved human rights-based exemption may result in termination of employment. This is a term and condition of employment. The University will continue to follow the guidance of public health organizations to define fully vaccinated status.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

McMaster University Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-08-10 Advertised until: 2023-09-09 McMaster University is located on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Mississauga Nations an...View more

Western University - London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph's Health Care

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-08-10
Advertised until: 2023-10-09

The Department of Ophthalmology at the Ivey Eye Institute of St. Joseph’s Health Care London and the  Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University invites applications for two full time clinical academic positions in Ophthalmology with a Glaucoma specialization.

The Ivey Eye Institute, which is the main referral center for eye disease in Southwestern Ontario, is committed to excellence in patient care, education and research. Its’ operating and minor procedure rooms, teaching facilities, urgent eye clinic, translational basic science and clinical trials research infrastructure, orthoptic service and diagnostic service provide a sound foundation for the Institute's excellent reputation. The specialists in the department are an integral part of the medical and surgical team, treating diseases and conditions of the eye for adults and children, and helping to diagnose general medical disorders.

Position Profile The successful candidates will hold a Full-Time Limited Term Clinical Academic appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, or a Continuing Clinical Academic appointment at the rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor, depending upon experience and qualifications at the time of appointment. Preference will be given to candidates with track records of academic performance especially in research. The Department of Ophthalmology is affiliated with London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care London and is presently comprised of 20 surgeons with busy clinical practices. The Department has a strong clinical research interest and is an accredited Royal College training program.

Academic and Clinical Expectations The positions involve all aspects of team-based patient care, including the evaluation, management, and treatment of adult patients. Some experience and willingness to assist in the management of pediatric patients would be favoured although this would not be the focus. The successful candidates must be interested in pursuing a strong academic career and will be expected to participate actively in the Department’s academic, research and education initiatives including teaching and supervision of undergraduate students and postgraduate trainees.

The positions involve at least 40%-time commitment to research, education and/or administrative service activities in the Department, Hospital and/or the University dependent upon the appointment category.

Preference will be given to candidates interested in developing and sustaining a research program. Applicants considered at the rank of Associate or Full Professor must have demonstrated the ability to publish in the highest quality academic and subspecialty outlets and be a recognized expert in their field of research.

Qualifications The successful candidates must have an MD or equivalent and have specialty certification in Ophthalmology by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, be eligible for licensure in the Province of Ontario, and have completed training in or developed a focus of expertise that would be complementary to the department’s academic environment. Specifically:

  1. Fellowship training in the medical and surgical management of
  2. Experience in treating complex secondary glaucomas including, but not limited to pseudoexfoliation, uveitic, lens-induced and neovascular
  3. Experience performing fistulizing surgery including trabeculectomy, and seton implants and minimally invasive bleb surgery (MIBS).
  4. Experience performing trabecular bypass procedures (MIGS) which could include some or all of istent, hydrus implant, Kahook blade and other trabecular
  5. Interest and experience with glaucoma testing modalities including visual fields and newer imaging modalities including anterior and posterior segment
  6. A strong interest in teaching and collaboration within the glaucoma pod to expand and enhance clinical teaching & develop a “glaucoma curriculum” that includes specific exposure to rare and uncommon conditions and procedures as well as “bread and butter” glaucoma
  7. A track record in research productivity with experience and success in peer-reviewed grant application and
  8. The ability to collaborate effectively with all other members of the health care team and department

Compensation Compensation for these positions will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and will be primarily composed of the following sources: Fee for service (OHIP billings) and Alternative Funding Plan.

The City The University campus is in London, with a metropolitan census of approximately 530,000, located midway between Toronto and Detroit. London boasts an international airport, galleries, theatre, music and sporting events and is located close to several lakes and facilities for outdoor activities ( Western’s Recruitment and Retention Office is available to assist in the transition of successful applicants and their families to the university and city.

The University Western University delivers an academic experience second to none. Western challenges the best and brightest faculty, staff and students to commit to the highest global standards. Our research excellence expands knowledge and drives discovery with real-world application. Western attracts individuals with a broad worldview, seeking to study, influence and lead in the international community. Since 1878, The Western Experience has combined academic excellence with life-long opportunities for intellectual, social and cultural growth in order to better serve our communities.

Western University is a research-intensive university with full-time enrolment of about 34,000 students with a full range of academic and professional programs. The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry provides an outstanding educational experience within a research-intensive environment where tomorrow's physicians, dentists and health researchers learn to be socially responsible leaders in the advancement of human health.

To Apply Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of applications will begin after September 11th, 2023 with an anticipated start to be negotiated. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest and statement of academic qualifications, curriculum vitae, the names and addresses of three references, and also complete, sign and include the form from the following link:

Please send application documents to:

Scott McKinnon MBA, DIFA Manager, Administration & Finance Department of Ophthalmology Western University St. Joseph’s Health Care London 268 Grosvenor Street, Room B2-051 London, ON N6A 4V2

Successful candidates will be required to comply with the policies and protocols of the applicable affiliated institutions.

For information regarding our Department and or the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, please visit our website:

Business Addresses Western University, 1151 Richmond Street, N., London, Ontario N6A 5B8, ; London Health Sciences Centre, 800 Commissioners Road E., London Ontario, N6A 5W9,; St. Joseph’s Health Care London, 268 Grosvenor Street, London Ontario, N6A 4V2,

Positions are subject to budget approval. Applicants should have fluent written and oral communication skills in English. The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Western is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, and persons of any gender identity or gender expression.

In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process. If you require accommodations for interviews or other meetings, please contact Scott McKinnon at: 

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Western University – London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-08-10 Advertised until: 2023-10-09 The Department of Ophthalmology at th...View more