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WiRe – Women in Research

WiRe is a fellowship programme for international female postdoctoral researchers collaboratively funded by the DFG(“Research in Germany” campaign) and the WWU’s Equal Opportunity Office [de]. Our WiRe fellowship pays respect to the special needs of women in research, focusing on female Postdocs and Professors. WiRe considers different aspects that are crucial for …

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Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program at Chongqing University (2018-2019)

In order to deepen the education cooperation with the“Belt and Road”countries and to cultivate professionals for these countries, the Ministry of Education P.R.C has set up the “Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program” since 2017. This scholarship program is provided to Chinese universities for recruiting the outstanding young students from “Belt …

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GJU Scholarships for B.A. “Translation: Arabic, English, German” Program in Jordan, 2018

The German Jordanian University (GJU) would like to announce that Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences is granting Scholarships for B.A. “Translation: Arabic, English, German” program out of funds provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The scholarships are granted per year but are usually extended for the whole course …

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Bourses d’études sur le changement climatique- MALTE

Le ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche scientifique est destinataire d’une offre de trois bourses d’études  de troisième cycle, au profit des ressortissants des Etats-parties au Protocole de Kyoto sur les changements climatiques émanant de ministère de l’environnement, du développement durable et du changement climatique de Malte au niveau de …

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Appel à recrutement de la fondation PRIMA, Barcelone

La fondation PRIMA pour la recherche et l’innovation dans la région méditerranéenne vient de prolonger les délais des  appels à candidature pour les postes vacants à pourvoir:   Juriste (Date limite de candidature :23 Mai 2018) Agent comptable et financier (Date limite de candidature :23 Mai 2018) Directeur de la comptabilité …

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