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Three Research Fellowships, KU Center for Advanved Studies “Dialogical Cultures”, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

The KU Center for Advanced Studies “Dialogical Cultures. Critical Reflection Spaces for Cultural Studies and Social Sciences” at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is advertising for summer 2022 (starting May 2022) three Research Fellowships (Junior/Senior/Henriette Herz for international young researchers) from one to four months. The Fellowships provide researchers with the opportunity …

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Scholarships for Master’s Students within the Cluster of Excellence “Quantum Universe”

Call for Applications – Scholarships for Master’s Students for Scientific Qualification within the Cluster of Excellence “Quantum Universe” The projects will be undertaken at the Department of Physics or Mathematics of Universität Hamburg or, where applicable, at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY). The scholarships start on 1 April 2022 and are endowed …

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Bourse de recherche en thérapie cellulaire et oligonucléotidique avec AstraZeneca (postdoc au Royaume-Uni)

Statut de l’opportunité :Ouvert Bailleurs de fonds :Conseil de recherches médicales (MRC) Co-financeurs :AstraZeneca Type de financement :Camaraderie Fonds total :4 000 000 £ Récompense maximale :500 000 £ Date de publication:1 décembre 2021 Date d’ouverture :1 décembre 2021 Date de clôture:8 mars 2022 16h00 heure du Royaume-Uni Dernière mise à jour : 7 janvier 2022 Démarrer l’application …

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CfA Fellowships and Working Groups at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS)

Are you studying the social, political, economic, media-related or cultural effects of digitalization? Do you want to concentrate exclusively on a project and are interested in interdisciplinary exchange? The Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) in Bochum, Germany, supports innovative projects that deal with the social opportunities and challenges of …

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UKRI / EPSRC PhD studentships in the Application of Artificial Intelligence to the study of Environmental Risks (AI4ER), United Kingdom

Embedded in the outstanding research environments of the University of Cambridge and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), the AI4ER Programme addresses problems that are relevant to building resilience to environmental hazards and managing environmental change. Students will apply leading edge computational approaches to address critical global environmental challenges by exploiting vast, diverse …

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Six Postdoctoral Fellowships (2 years) in Distributed Systems – Umea University

The Department of Computing Science seeks six postdoctoral fellows for an ambitious series of projects with the Autonomous Distributed Systems lab. The fellowships are for two years full-time studies, starting 1st May 2022 or by agreement. Department of Computing science The Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, is growing rapidly, characterized …

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Postdoctoral Fellowship (UK clinical neuroscience)

The Postdoctoral Fellowship from The Guarantors of Brain support UK-based neuroscience postdoctoral fellows working on projects that have a clinical neuroscience setting. Applicants must have completed their PhD within the past 6 years. The Fellowship provides up to 65,000 GBP/year in salary funding for 36 months. Applications open in January 2022 and close on …

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PhD Scholarships in the International Doctoral Program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”

The Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) hosts the international doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” (ERL). For admissions in October/November 2022, the program will award up to SIX MEMBERSHIPS AND DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS. The membership in the doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” offers a wide …

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PhD Scholarships DAAD-GSSP & HGGS Membership

The Heidelberg Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences at Heidelberg University (HGGS) invites applications for Graduate Membership. We are looking for highly motivated, excellent doctoral candidates with a strong interest in interdisciplinary research from the Faculty of Modern Languages, the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Theology, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies …

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