Scholarship in Europe

SINERGIA – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – International Training Networks (18 months available)

SINERGIA (Advanced technologieS for drug dIscovery and precisioN mEdicine: in vitRo modellinG human physiology and diseAse) project aims to provide breakthrough strategies for the implementation of new in vitro preclinical platforms in terms of innovative technologies, biological models and drug screening approaches in the effort of bridging the gap between …

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Postdoctoral scholarship in Thin Film Physics, Sweden

Linköping University (LiU) conducts world-leading, cross-disciplinary research in fields that include materials science, IT and life science technology. LiU is one of the largest universities in Sweden and today has 32000 students and 4000 employees. The students are among the most desirable in the labour market and international rankings consistently place LiU …

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PhD Fellowships in Physics at JGU Mainz, Germany

The MPA Fellowships for doctoral students are awarded exclusively on the basis of the scientific excellence of the applicants. The selected fellows receive an attractive salary of 2/3 of an E13 position as well as individual travel and research funding. Applicants must demonstrate outstanding performance in their studies and are …

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9 fully funded PhD positions in Inorganic materials and technology, 4- years study at FunGlass, Slovakia

What we offer: Unique opportunity to participate in the European project integrating significant international know-how and experience with access to up to 1-year internships with FunGlass international partners at their home sites in Germany, Italy or Spain under supervision of world leading scientists, individual training plans including not only scientific …

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The Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK is now inviting applications for Cardiff University’s Jameel Scholarship scheme.

The information on this page relates to the 2022/23 Jameel Scholarships scheme. The Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK is now inviting applications for Cardiff University’s Jameel Scholarship scheme. Founded in 2005, the Islam-UK Centre works towards the promotion of better understanding of Islam and the life of Muslims in Britain, …

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Scholarships will be awarded for the 2022-2023 academic year. Established with the IDEX funding of the 3rd Programme Investissements d’Avenir, and based on academic achievements, these scholarships are aimed at students admitted to a Master’s programme delivered by Université Paris-Saclay and provided by one of the following insitutions: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, …

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6 PhD positions in Molecular and Chemical Ecology and Evolution – Jena, Germany

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) “Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems” in Jena, Germany, invites applications for 6 PhD positions beginning in September 2022 – January 2023. The overarching research topic is the use of molecular, chemical and neurobiological techniques to experimentally explore ecological interactions under natural conditions. The main focus …

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POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS on Neurobiology of Overgrowth syndromes, Inserm-Université Paris Cité

Two Postdoctoral positions are available to study the molecular mechanisms controlling organismal hypergrowth in the context of rare genetic diseases (Nat. Cell Biol., 7, 286; Cell Metabolism, 5, 476; J. Exp.Med, 211, 2249; EMBO J., 36, 736, Nature Communications, 11, 3200). Research interests in signal transduction, neurobiology or molecular biology are required. The project is …

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