Scholarship in Europe


Sciences Po created the Emile-Boutmy scholarship, named after the founder of Sciences Po (1871), in order to welcome the very best international students from outside the European Union. The Emile Boutmy Scholarship is awarded to top students whose profiles match the admissions priorities of Sciences Po and individual course requirements. ELIGIBILITY …

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The MIAS invites researchers of all nationalities

The MIAS invites researchers of all nationalities. The MIAS regulations therefore require an open invitation for applications. Following acceptance through a strict selection process, residents are allowed full autonomy to pursue their research projects; albeit they are encouraged to interact with one another and with the scientific community locally, regionally and nationally. The …

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Labex DigiCosme Master Scholarships for International Students at University of Paris-Saclay in France

DigiCosme is an excellence laboratory center (labex) in the field of computer science and communication. He brings together 10 leading player : CEA, CNRS, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris Saclay, ENSTA ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, Inria, Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris Sud, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in research, education and innovation in this field, members ofNumber of scholarships awarded per master’s degree 2018 : 21 2017 : 17 …

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Milyon postdoctoral positions, France

The Excellence Laboratory Milyon recruits one or two postdoctoral researchers in Mathematics/Computer Science for the period 2019-2021.  The candidates will do their research in one of the following research units: Institut Camille Jordan (ICJ) Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP) Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (UMPA) Top level candidates are strongly encouraged …

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Aide à la mobilité « Recherche innovante en art contemporain » de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art

L’Institut français, en partenariat avec le Ministère de la culture et de la communication – Direction générale de la création artistique, et l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art s’associent pour l’attribution d’une aide à la mobilité internationale « Recherche innovante en art contemporain » à un chercheur français ou vivant en …

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Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté┋Mobilité entrante ou sortante (MOB)

L’objectif principal est l’accompagnement et le développement, à court et moyen terme, de la recherche publique vers l’excellence, en favorisant le transfert de technologies et de connaissances et la création d’activité sur le territoire Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. L’intervention régionale en soutien à la recherche publique se décline en 2 volets principaux : …

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The Centre Culturel Irlandais offers Fellowship bursaries

The Centre Culturel Irlandais offers Fellowship bursaries to encourage research on its Old Library and Historical Archives collections. The purpose of the Fellowships is to establish the intellectual and academic value of the holdings. View the previous fellows → The Old Library contains 8,000 volumes (from the 15th to the 19th century). …

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Junior IdEx Chair of Bordeaux’s laboratories

Applications are open to all scientific fields. However, IdEx université de Bordeaux is built on a number of scientific priorities and proposals in these areas or at the interfaces between them will be examined with particular attention. Candidates bringing new skills to develop emerging research areas and researchers with an …

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Bourses ICMAB Severo Ochoa pour étudiants internationaux en Espagne

L’institut de recherche ICMAB attribue jusqu’à quatre bourses de doctorat au programme de doctorat Severo Ochoa pour l’année universitaire 2018-2019. Les bourses sont disponibles pour les candidats internationaux. L’ICMAB-CSIC est un institut de recherche public de renommée internationale sur les matériaux fonctionnels avancés, intégré au Conseil national de la recherche d’Espagne …

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Call for applications is open until January 9th 2020 The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs. It gives opportunity to the future foreign …

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The Henri Lebesgue Center offers post-doc positions for researchers in mathematics.

Several post-doctoral positions in mathematics are offered in the Henri Lebesgue Center, in partnership with Région Bretagne and Région Pays de la Loire (DéfiMaths project) the ANR project MoHyCon the ANR project CCEM the ERC project Fanfare. The hired applicant will conduct his/her research in of the laboratories of the Henri Lebesgue Center: IRMAR in …

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