Scholarship in Europe

WiRe – Women in Research

WiRe is a fellowship programme for international female postdoctoral researchers collaboratively funded by the DFG(“Research in Germany” campaign) and the WWU’s Equal Opportunity Office [de]. Our WiRe fellowship pays respect to the special needs of women in research, focusing on female Postdocs and Professors. WiRe considers different aspects that are crucial for …

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Bourses d’études sur le changement climatique- MALTE

Le ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche scientifique est destinataire d’une offre de trois bourses d’études  de troisième cycle, au profit des ressortissants des Etats-parties au Protocole de Kyoto sur les changements climatiques émanant de ministère de l’environnement, du développement durable et du changement climatique de Malte au niveau de …

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Séjour de recherche et de production Le Fresnoy, France

Appel à projet à destination des doctorants et chercheurs scientifiques Date limite d’envoi des candidatures > 30 juin 2018 Appel à projet Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains lance un appel à candidatures à l’adresse des doctorants et des chercheurs scientifiques qui souhaiteraient développer un projet en rapport …

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Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Students at University of St.Gallen in Switzerland

The University offers two different Excellence Scholarships to Students Excellence Scholarships of the University of St.Gallen Excellence Scholarships are granted to foreign students enrolled in Bachelor studies at the University of St.Gallen on the basis of merit. These grants are awarded yearly to students in the Assessment Year, which will be paid out …

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UWE Bristol International scholarships, UK

The recipient of this scholarship will be required to undertake an internship working within the International Office or other departments, and will also be required to undertake ambassadorial activity for the University throughout the duration of the course. Following graduation, recipients will also be expected to be an active member …

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Research Fellowships at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna

IFK_Research Fellowships are intended for postdoctoral researchers who are at an early stage of their scientific careers. Qualified applications can be submitted regardless of the nationality and institutional or professional affiliation of the applicant. Austrian applicants with comparable qualifications are given preference. Length and funding: Research fellowships are awarded for …

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