Blog Archives

PostDoc position in AI-based Drug Discovery – Basel, Switzerland

The Division of Computational Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, is offering a PostDoc position to develop and apply cutting-edge computational methodology integrating physicochemical knowledge into deep neural network algorithms for drug discovery applications. The project will focus on the efficient and accurate sampling of protein-ligand conformational states, i.e. protein-ligand co-folding. …

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2 Doctoral Positions in Agricultural Economics

We are looking for two PhD students for a joint project of our diversity-embracing groups, Food Systems Economics and Policy (FSEP, led by Prof. Eva-Marie Meemken) and Agricultural Economics and Policy (AECP, led by Prof. Robert Finger). Project background The new collaborative project focuses on the socioeconomic implications of environmentally …

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Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology (open-rank)

The Medical Faculty of the University of Basel invites applications to fill the position of Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology A professorship in Anatomy and Cell Biology will become vacant in August 2024. The professorship is integrated into the Department of Biomedicine of the University of Basel, uniting basic and translational laboratory …

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PhD position in the field of next level OLEDs (a)

Materials science and technology are our passion. With our cutting-edge research, Empa’s around 1,100 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society for a future worth living. Empa is a research institution of the ETH Domain. Our Laboratory for Functional Polymers offers a PhD position in the field of Plasmonic nanoparticle-enhanced …

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PhD Student in plant macroevolution and -ecology 100%

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is part of the ETH Domain. Approximately 600 people work on the sustainable use and protection of the environment and on the handling of natural hazards. The research group Dynamic Macroecology of Dr. Niklaus E. Zimmermann studies questions related to …

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Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Microscale Robots

The Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems based at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is a joint laboratory between the ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute, which is the largest research centre for the natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. The current research focus is the investigation of novel magnetic systems …

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PhD student position in AI-based Drug Discovery

The Division of Computational Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, is offering a PhD student position to develop and apply cutting-edge computational methodology integrating physicochemical knowledge into deep neural network algorithms for drug discovery applications. Computational methods have become an important pillar in structure-based drug design for accelerated identification and optimization …

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Postdoc or Scientist on Modelling of Digital building twins (a)

Materials science and technology are our passion. With our cutting-edge research, Empa’s around 1,100 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society for a future worth living. Empa is a research institution of the ETH Domain. The Urban Energy Systems Laboratory develops methods and tools to model, design and …

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Postes de doctorat et de post-doctorat en technologies quantiques à ions moléculaires pour la spectroscopie de précision à l’Université de Bâle (Suisse)

Des postes de doctorat et de postdoc sont disponibles dans le groupe du professeur Stefan Willitsch à l’Université de Bâle (Suisse) sur le développement de technologies quantiques pour les ions moléculaires piégés uniques et leur application en spectroscopie de précision. Description du projet Ces dernières années, des progrès impressionnants dans …

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Chefs de groupe en début de carrière pour l’Institut de biologie humaine (IHB)

L’  Institut de biologie humaine (IHB)  est un nouveau centre de recherche situé à Bâle, en Suisse, dédié à l’avancement de la biologie humaine et à l’utilisation de systèmes de modèles humains pour la recherche translationnelle. Notre environnement de recherche interdisciplinaire et hautement interactif relie la recherche universitaire et pharmaceutique, reliant les biologistes, …

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Doctorat (4 ans) au sein du Département de Chimie – Bâle , Suisse

Un poste de doctorat est disponible en chimie inorganique dans le groupe de recherche du professeur Jonathan De Roo Vous pouvez commencer dès que possible après le 01.10.2023 . Thème de recherche « Développer la synthèse de nanocristaux basée sur la compréhension mécaniste. » Les matériaux ciblés sont des nanocristaux biocompatibles de TiO2, ZrO2 et HfO2. Nous …

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Chercheurs dans le domaine des algorithmes – Lugano , Suisse

L’Université des sciences appliquées et des arts de la Suisse méridionale (SUPSI) a ouvert deux postes à temps plein (100%) pour les doctorants. Chercheurs dans le domaine des algorithmes  du Département des technologies innovantes (DTI), situé sur le campus USI-SUPSI à Lugano-Viganello, au sein de l’  Institut Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) . Le contrat …

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