Yearly Archives: 2019

Karlstad University Global Scholarship Program, Sweden

The Karlstad University Global Scholarship Program targets the best university students from countries outside the European Union / European Economic Area (and Switzerland) who must pay tuition fees for their studies. The Karlstad University Global Scholarship offers scholarships covering part or all of the tuition fees. The scholarship application will be taken …

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Education grants of US $ 21,000 per year for sustainable energy development (ESED), Sweden

Our researchers are exceptional students from developing countries who are studying sustainable energy development. Today, the need for global practitioners and researchers is growing rapidly. Our unique scholarship program fosters the next generation of energy, climate and electricity specialists who are ready to meet the challenges of the future. The GSEP has …

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Fully funded doctorate in biosciences Copenhagen Denmark

The Copenhagen PhD program in bioscience annually recruits up to 16 motivated international students to launch their careers in the dynamic scientific environment of the research centers of the Novo Nordisk Foundation in Copenhagen. For registrations in September 2020, applications will be open from November 12, 2019.  The registration deadline is January 9, …

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Lyle Spencer Research Award to Transform Education

The Lyle Spencer Fellowship Program supports intellectually ambitious research projects that aspire to transform education with budgets between $ 525,000 and $ 1 million and project durations of up to five years. We accept applications for this signing program once a year. A clearly expressed commitment to sustainable improvement sets the …

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Fully funded Harding Distinguished scholarships for the most talented doctoral students worldwide

The Harding Postgraduate Scholarship Program aims to support exceptional doctoral students in all disciplines. At least 25 doctoral students will receive a prestigious Harding Distinguished postgraduate scholarship each year, creating a cohort of the strongest doctoral students of a given year in a wide range of fields. A significant proportion of Harding’s …

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NOSTER & Science Microbiome Prize

No one walks alone. Each human being is enveloped and contains billions of microorganisms. Research over the past decade has revealed the essential nature of relationships with these other organisms for healthy development and adult life. Research on the microbiome has flourished thanks to technological advances in genomics and bioinformatics. Already, many surprising discoveries …

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7 foods that accelerate skin aging and 7 protect it

In her report published by the Russian site “FBI Re”, the author Julia Lubach presented a list of the 10 worst foods that negatively affect our skin and cause us to age quickly, so we must be careful when consuming it: 1- Sugar The author said that sugar is responsible …

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Algerian researchers create event in Malaysian universities

Many Algerian talents active in Malaysian universities have been able to obtain international and regional scientific prizes in various fields. In the field of engineering, the professor emerged, helped Mkhlif of the University of Malaya by obtaining more than 25 local and international scientific prizes and certificates, as well as obtaining …

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Facebook launches anti-deepfake technology contest

“Deepfake” techniques, which present realistic AI-generated videos of real people doing and saying fictional things, have important implications for determining the legitimacy of information presented online. However, the industry does not have a large dataset or benchmark to detect it. We want to catalyze more research and development in this area and …

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Some major reasons to drink more water

Although water is so important for the body, there is not much scientific research devoted to learning more about water and how it affects human health. This is because water is very cheap for most developed countries. The health benefits of water do not increase the profitability of the giant pharmaceutical companies …

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L’Algérie exclue des bourses de stages des étudiants français

Le ministère français des Affaires étrangères a exclu l’ambassade d’Alger des bourses de stages accordées chaque année aux étudiants français. En effet, le ministère stipule dans les courriels envoyés aux candidats aux stages que l’Algérie ne fait pas partie des choix possibles. Cette décision a surpris les étudiants qui ont …

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Appel à candidatures : la Région Normandie offre des stages intensifs d’anglais à ses lycéens

Lycéens de Normandie, à vous de jouer. Cette année encore, la Région propose aux élèves de bénéficier d’un stage intensif en langue anglaise, en juin 2020. Le dispositif Normandie Langue est entièrement gratuit et n’a qu’une vocation : « développer la pratique orale » des lycéens de seconde, appelés à candidater via une plateforme numérique ouverte …

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