Yearly Archives: 2019

European Commission paid traineeships, for 1,300 trainees

Twice a year, the European Commission offers  1,800  paid administrative or translation internships , lasting  5 months . The internships start  on 1 st  March or 1 st  October , allow students to gain practical experience in the development of EU policies in a multicultural environment.  General questions What the work? Internships are offered throughout the European Commission. The nature of the tasks …

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Humber College International Entrance Scholarships, Canada

Humber offers partial renewable tuition scholarships for NEW international undergraduate students beginning classes in September 2019 and January 2020. Host Institution(s): Humber College in Toronto, Canada Field of study: Elibible undergraduate programmes offered at the College Target group: International Students Scholarship value/duration: Seven (7) $5,000 scholarship and two (2) $3,000 scholarships are available in …

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Global Teacher Prize are now open!

Help us find one exceptional educator who deserves to be recognized around the world. The Global Teacher Prize is a US $1million dollar award, presented annually to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession. The Varkey Foundation established the prize in 2014, to recognise and …

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UAL UK/EU Postgraduate Scholarships

150 scholarships of £5,000 are available as fee waivers to applicants meeting the eligibility criteria. A scholarship provides a £5,000 fee waiver for a full-time taught Masters course (an M ARCH, MA, MFA, MRes or MSc qualification) at one of UAL’s six Colleges starting in the academic year of 2019/20. …

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The Master of Science students can benefit from financial support from ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation and partners. All our scholarships are for the two years of the MSc and cover full tuitions fees (except for the TSAE) and part of living expenses.To apply for our scholarships, you need to make first an application on the Master of Science …

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UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science

UNESCO invites Members States in consultation with their National Commissions, non-governmental organizations in official partnership with UNESCO, various professional, academic and non-governmental organizations active in the field of ethics of science and technology, members of relevant UNESCO’s expert bodies and UNESCO’s partners, to propose candidates for the UNESCO Avicenna Prize …

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Research Grants for art historians from Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, Latin America and South East Asia

The Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) in Paris is a public research institute and a public research library specifically dedicated to art history. For 2020, the INHA launches its call for three 3-months grants for art historians from the following regions: Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, Latin America and …

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Postdoctoral Fellowship study within the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale in USA .

The quality, significance, and focus of the work fellows propose to try to to throughout the residency area unit of predominant importance within the choice method. every fellow can undertake a substantive and original project that relates to the mission of the Institute. this might be original scholarship, associate degree exposition, a opus, or work of artistic writing, etc. school of thought Fellows may match in an exceedingly sort of educational and inventive disciplines, as well as however not restricted to social science, design, arts, composition, artistic writing, ethnomusicology, film …

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Appel à candidatures : L’IFT recrute un(e) assistant(e) au service culturel

L’Institut français de Tunisie recrute un(e) assistant(e) à l’Attachée culturelle pour le service d’action culturelle, sur un poste à temps complet en contrat à durée déterminée d’un an renouvelable. La prise de fonction est fixé au 15 septembre 2019. Contexte Le Service de coopération et d’action culturelle de l’Institut français …

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L’Université Franco-Tunisienne pour l’Afrique et la Méditerranée (UFTAM) recrute

L’Université Franco-Tunisienne pour l’Afrique et la Méditerranée (UFTAM) ouvre ses portes à la rentrée 2019  L’UFTAM recrute pour le 1er septembre trois responsables et trois assistants  Un(e) responsable administratif et financier  Un(e) assistant(e) du responsable administratif et financier et du / de la directeur(trice) exécutif(ive)  Un(e) responsable pédagogique et de la …

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