Yearly Archives: 2020

Bourse De Doctorat – Spectroscopie Pour L’intensification Et L’optimisation Des Processus à Université de Nottingham

Nous cherchons à recruter des étudiants très motivés et désireux de travailler dans une équipe multidisciplinaire impliquant des mathématiciens, des chimistes, des physiciens et des ingénieurs pour développer des processus de fabrication photochimiques et électrochimiques à flux multi-étapes entièrement automatisés. Cet objectif est important car la fabrication de produits chimiques …

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Faculté des sciences et l’Institut de biologie de Leiden sont à la recherche d’un professeur adjoint, associé ou titulaire Dans le domaine des sciences végétales

La Faculté des sciences et l’Institut de biologie de Leiden sont à la recherche d’un professeur adjoint, associé ou titulaire Scientifique végétal  dans le vaste domaine de la science expérimentale des plantes Principales responsabilités Dans le domaine des sciences végétales, notre mission est de contribuer à la production durable de cultures, …

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PhD candidate on the Maritime-Cultural Landscape of the Early Modern Netherlands

The PhD candidate will carry out research within the framework of the research programme ‘The Scheurrak SO1 shipwreck in the maritime-cultural landscape of the early modern Netherlands, 1550-1650’. This interdisciplinary programme contains two PhD projects, and is a cooperation between the Institute for History (Faculty of Humanities) and the Faculty of Archaeology. …

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Tampere University : Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry)

Successful candidate is responsible for daily operation and support of nanoflow LC-MS system in the lab. Daily duties include design, development and implementation of mass spectrometry proteomics workflows as well as handling of related software for protein identification and quantification. Requirements At least MSc degree in chemistry/analytical chemistry or related …

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Offres d’emploi de l’Université du Luxembourg

Offres d’emploi de l’Université du Luxembourg. L’Université du Luxembourg est une université de recherche multilingue et internationale. L’Université du Luxembourg invite les candidatures pour les postes vacants suivants Intitulé de l’offre Type de contrat Associate Professor in Mathematics (promotion track) – Area of Statistics and Machine Learning Contrat à durée …

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The Leiden Institute of Biology (IBL) recruits Assistant, Associate and Full Professors in the major fields of microbial, plant and animal biology

The Leiden Institute of Biology (IBL) studies and teaches microbial, plant and animal sciences with a broad research scope, from molecular and cellular levels to levels of organisms and populations. The IBL has a collaborative atmosphere that is supported by solid expertise focused on four research themes: bioactive molecules, host-microbe interactions, …

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bumblekite Machine learning summer school in healthcare and biosciences

bumblekite Machine learning summer school in healthcare and biosciences 19th July – 28th July 2020 ETH Zürich, Switzerland APPLY NOW we are looking for you You are… interested in learning about applications of machine learning in healthcare and biosciences, motivated to acquire the skills necessary to translate theoretical knowledge into …

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Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Mass Spectrometry

The post-doctoral position will be located in the research group of Prof. Kruve and associated with the project ”Quantitative non-targeted screening for understanding mixture toxicity”. The project aims to develop novel machine learning approaches for quantitative non-targeted LC/HRMS screening. Main responsibilities The position involves research machine learning algorithms for LC/HRMS. …

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Associate Professor In Mental Health Care

Two permanent vacancies are available for associate professors (førsteamanuensis or førstelektor) in mental health care in the Department of Nursing and Health Promotion at the Faculty of Health Sciences from mid-August. We are looking for someone with the ability and willingness to help to strengthen the professional and educational work …

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Postdoctoral Researcher in Chemistry in University of Jyväskylä

The main strength areas of the department are structural and synthetic chemistry, computational chemistry and spectroscopy, renewable natural resources and chemistry of living environment, and education in chemistry. Moreover, the department is a member of the Nanoscience Center of University of Jyväskylä, which promotes interdisciplinary research projects in nanoscience. The …

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